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':5 ! _i......_-.t.�..nZ_ S -_;iS'.,-t'/"` <br /> V_.- i�:'' - �: .�i� f'-- -� � I �,.Y. � _�'[ i5 �� `;'f r <br /> '. <br /> _ — _ib, t t .� -__:t_ �_ _ - <br /> � . �y. t <br /> y ��. � ` � �� ° ., ���Q'Jr��� .�n - . . <br /> { � -� <br /> , .. .� .. . . . . <br /> . ,. . _ . -_ _ .• _ . .. , � :. . . .. ." . . _ : _ <br /> ' . . . � ' . . _ _ . _ . ..- . � `.i-. <br /> � ,: t!: ASSt4AIIHEN'F UF.�i'�t'Bt..AP,potN19HP,PY1' 09 R�C�IV6R� 6EN11Eli 1N PUSSA.BSIOA. . <br /> Bortnwd�9bsolufely and uncondiqohally essigtu and tromfen to I.enda e111ho mt1W end ievenuc�("Kenie'ry af � <br /> the P(opetry, regazdiqe ot to whom tha Renu ot�Ae Propeny nrp payebia Bortower nuthodua Lender oe . <br /> � {.ender'4 e8enro ta cotfea the Rrnte.ead egtxs�hat tach tenant ot tho Propaty�hall pey eqo Renu to I.tnder or_. . . <br /> - LcndePd egmte;Howevu,IIorcower�hall reoelvo the RenN untll(I)I.ender he�given Bortower no�ice ot defautt � _- <br /> - P4�ant to parag�syh 2I of tite 8eNdw Inswment and(fi)Lender ha�glven notico to�ho tenont(s)that tho Rems ". <br /> ara�o be 9eld to Lender or I.endcr'e agent. 7Lia essignment ot Rema wnatitutee en abso�uro asetgnment and not <br /> an aulgnment for eEdittonel seadly oniy. <br /> if I.ender glv�noqce ot brtach to Bortower:(i)ell Renta realved by Bortowor shail ba hetd by Bortower <br /> es uustee for che 6eaefit ot I.ender only,ro 6e applied�o the wma caured by tNe Securtry Inatmment:(iq I.eMer <br /> sfia116e emiqed ro collea end reoeivo all of the Rmte otthe Properry:(ilp Bortower egreea ihat eeeh tt�mt ot the <br /> Proyerty aM1�tl pay dl Renu due imd unpaid to Lendu or Gendu'i egente upon I.endePe wrltten demand to the <br /> ttaent:(iv)unlea�applfcebto lew provida ahenvise,all Renls collected by Lendor or I.endcr's�gcnte chall be <br /> _- npplied flnt to the oosts of tnking.control of end managing tho Property and colleaing tha Renta.Ineluding,but <br /> not Iimftad ro, atlomey'9 fcea, reoeivuY foea, premfums on recetvu'e bond�, repair end maiNenance eosb� <br /> insmence premtume.taxa,ssuumente end other chargea on the Properry.end then to the wm+ccared by�ho <br /> Saurtry Tnspument:(v)Lender,l.ender'�agente or eny Judiclally nppotnted rcaiver�hnll be liable to acoount far <br /> only chom Rcnce accually rca(ved; and (vp Lender iholl be enqtl�d ro Aave a rcaivcr nppolnttd �o �alco - <br /> posseulon of and menego�he Propeny and mllea tho Rcmi ond protiu derived from the Propcny wlthou�ony <br /> ehowing m io Iho Inadequery of�ho Dropercy a+�ecurity. <br /> If tho Rcnla ot the Propcny aro not �ufllcicn� �o wvcr �ho msu of�alcing mnlrol of ond mm�oging tho <br /> Property und of mlloning�Ao Rema eny fund�oxpcndcd by LeMlcr for�uch purpoxa�hall b000mc Indebtcdneu <br /> of Bortower la Lerdcr iccurcd by dm 9ccudty huwmem punuanl�o Uniform Cavenam 7. <br /> Oortower rcpreaenu end�varmnb thnt Borrowcr Iwe no�oxccutM uny prlor os+ignmcni of the Rcnu¢nd Iw <br /> no�md wlll nol pcdorm eny nn thot aould prcvcm Lendcr fmm cxcrclsing In righta undcr thie paregreph. — <br /> Lcndcr, or LcndcrY egenu or o Judlcially oppointed recciver, shall not bo rcqulrcd to cnicr upon, leke <br /> control of or maimein Ihe Propeny 6eforo or alter giving no�ice ot defaule to Borrower. Ho�vever, Lender,or <br /> l.ender's egenu or e Judlcielly eppolnted receiver,moy da so ot any tima when e default aocun. Any appllcetion <br /> o!P.t�she!!r.ot sure or wnlw nny M_t�lt cr Invsllde!e any eihcr right er rema!y of LrN1sr.7'h�.�,IannYm ot =. <br /> Renu of tho Pmpeny ahall terminate when ell the sum+secured by the Security Inserunxnt arc pald in full. <br /> L CRO3.4-DEFAULT PROVISION. Oonower'a default ar bmach under eny note or egreement in which - <br /> Lender bs+on intereat:hall be a brcach under the Secudry Inatrument and Lender muy invoke any of�he remedia - <br /> permitted by the Saurity Instrumem. _ <br /> 6Y SIONINa HE[AW, [iovower accep�s end egrces ro the termx and provislons mmained In �his I-0 i;-- <br /> Pamity Ridee �'` <br /> ,/ — f... <br /> ,�.�o'�li /d /.t/ (SeaU _ <br /> GEC�QE H WASSIPX�Efl -�armrer ;': <br />- i��-��¢i1-/! "^'"R2.v� (Seal) ��� <br /> LOIS ANN WASSIN6ER -a���« <br /> cScaU ' <br /> O��mner <br /> (Scap ° <br /> �IMrtnna F�� <br /> i;' <br />' form 3170 9/80 � • <br /> • �� <br /> • <br /> �> >..t�` s. ' .r - . . - _ - -`_ •--'T--- . . s-�--�-r•'r . - °. • <br /> i ' `r ` . �_.e��-1 .- . - <br /> t z:c �. ';s - ti- . <br /> .'../,�, .-� ' � .' ` a_ . <br /> e , . . <br /> v . - _ ""' <br /> � _... , . . ^ .. . � �. <br /> : <br /> i .. .. .. .__ �: .�_. - i. '. _ .: -.. . _ '._." <br /> i _ � . ,�. _- _ -.., — _ _. - __ .._ <br /> r <br /> S }t A;N - .. �a �J / <br /> �� l � - .�� ._ y � - . - <br /> \ r � � tit �kf -- �� r� � - i . <br /> r . � r i i�r � . � � - <br /> -f -- -' $ '- ri � � , < -- - -:, <br /> ,i i - r r- tr `+I6{;�n�T ` -��lAtyrt t � . ��, , . .- . : <br /> ,'let A �fevu�a, ! ,S!> z� t /�, ✓l` r <� ., � - " � / - , <br /> � ' � l i ��;t7t�1 x �r - .�� ! . �i-v{ (k(3a.. 1` ° f . <br /> �'�.1(t�t 5� �t '�vT, . - s i��y�.Y�r? 5 -1�{�,t �r is/ - <br /> -! 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