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:�. <br /> �, ' . . _ <br /> �s;f � _.. : -. -. .. , .' ;� � l�sx h _ <br /> , <br /> — —— ,. . , .::; . � <br /> _ , : ' ; --- <br /> . . .. ., <br /> o-('(� �-(� I� _. . <br /> _ . �� .... _ ' " ' "' ' VVr,- /iV���LI� .. ^./�.t,-. <br /> �t-; <br /> : ... ....... ... <br /> _,—<' , � -. . .. ...... .. <br />_= - - 1-4 FAMILY ItID�R .. - <br /> ASSignmeat of Rente 0020028818 <br /> THI91-4 I+AMILY RIDBR Is mede�hia Q�8T dey o! MAY g3 <br /> ° - ' end b incorporeted into and shdl be deemcd to amend end wpplemuu�he Mongage.Dced of 7Yutt or Savrity � - -- <br /> Dad Qhe "&adry WhumenC') ot tAa same date gfven by the undenigned (IFA "Bortower") to �ecuro <br /> ' BorrowerY Note to <br /> __ The Equitabte Building and Loan Aesociation of arand Island, <br /> _. .�.� Nebraskfl, A Federal SaWngs Bank phe"t.endu") <br />._-.--- of the mme dete end avcring NaProperty desaibcd in tho 3ccurity iruhument and located�c ._ . _. <br /> ���•xtn 1812 N ORAND 2SLAND AVE, QHAND ISLAND, NEBqASKA 88803 <br /> :tr-a:�kv <br />..:`(i!� <br />-_-.r;s!� Ip,upem naarwt <br /> ,•.-.t:vaw <br /> - �v:� <br />' `'�:L�;� 1-A FAMILY COVENANiS.In additlon to the covenenu end agramems madc in�he Seadry Inst�ument. <br /> w3Ftz�; Horrower end Lender funher covenam and egra ai Pollowa: °---�-- <br /> r %:� A. ADDTfIONAL PROPSRTY SUBJL+CI' TO TIIB SECUAI7'Y INSTAUMENf. In addldon �o the <br /> :�•-.(F'��:�1 <br /> �-��'t'y�;:': Property described in�he Sxurity Imtrument,the followtng itema are edded ro the Praperty desMptlon,and nhall <br />-,,;�;�e.�-�� elso constllute the Propercy covered by the Secudty Insuument:building mntedala,epplia�roea and gooda ot every <br /> ="vY�;' naturo whauoever now or hereaRer laratod in, on, or uscd. or imended ro bc uud in connectlon wlth the <br /> :t,t��u;., <br />-,_.��.,g;,}. Propeny, Mcluding, but not Iimitcd to, choso far �hc purposcs of mpplying or di:uibutlng heaqng, 000ling, <br /> ---;��°� electricity, gea, water, alr and IIgh6 8rc provemion end exiln&�lahing apparawi, cecudty and�oces� mntrol <br /> '�� epparetw, plumbing, bath u�b�, waun c�atere, wntcr closcte, dnka, rengcs, arova, rcPogemton, dishwashen. <br /> '� , ;� dicposel�,washen, dryen. ewninga. �tomi window►, etomi doon, acrecn+, bllndi. �hada, cuneim and aurtafn <br /> , 1 i� rode,at�od�ed mirtura,ca6ineu,panclling nnd uuachcd Iloor mvcring�now or hercaRcr ntuched io�Ao Propcny, <br />��;*!+"`.:��F`� ell of which, Including rcplaamenu and additiom �here�o, shall be deemed to be and rcmain e pan of �ho <br /> , , ``'�° Prok-ty .a-ve�.d ty �t�:;..--uritq la:n:nxnt. A!I ot ih: fcr:going tcgci.".:r:::ih tk:Pro�:,.rtq d�r!!xd In the -.--... <br /> _,.-��`��' Secudty Instrumen[(or ihe I��schold ca�aic if the Sccudty Insuumcnt is on�leasehold)are referted to in ihl� I-4 <br />'-''"`�+.�,°' Pamily Rlder aM�hc Security Imtrument a+thc"Propcny." <br />.:�„��.t;�7:, <br />:�:�,g�;t D. USE OF PROPSRTYS COMPI.IANCE WITH 4AW. Borrowcr shall not seek. egrce to or meko e __--- <br />.:,x:"v:tT t =�.e-- <br /> ��-a•:•,,,, chenge in the ux of the Propeny or iu mning elassification,unless Lender haz agrad in wdtina�o�he change. _, <br />:..,:;U. + ;.:. <br /> f Borrower chell comply wi�h all laws, ordinunccs, rcgulations and rcquircmems a( nny govemmental bady �` I � <br /> ��t;� appliceblewtheProprny. � � <br /> � <br /> .u-��; C.SUBORDINATE L[ENS.Gxcept as permiucd by fcdefel law,aorrower shall not dlow tny Iien Infedor y�y ` -_ <br /> ,�-97•�" ro�he Savrit Inslrw�xnt ro hc rkaed n ams��he Pm n wi�huw I.cndcr s nor written rmisslon. 3�� <br /> u-G Y P� S � P� Y P� Pe }; - <br /> 'k?S$`.-a D.RENT LOSS INSURANCF,.Borrower shali maimuin inxumncc against rcnt loss in eddition m the o�her Fy��'vt-:� <br /> t���'� helards for which insunnce is rcyuired by Unifomi Covena�rt 5. wi+ '� ': <br /> � "�-1 �^ F.."BORROWER'S R[GHT TO REIN57'A7'E"DF.LF:'1'ED.Unifnmi Covennnt 18 is dde�td. �` „a ':: <br /> - ?•���� R. BORROWF.R'S OCCUPANCY. Unleu Lender and Bnrnnrcr nthenvisc agrec in writing, the fint F����-,t�.:: <br />--�t'�`�;=�% i7�-.;�:, <br />_;�F;Y�.,, untenee in Uniform Covenant 6 mnceming &�rrower'x nccupancy of �he Propeny i. ddeted. All remaining ;'_ 'r <br /> p::5,._-! <br />'-:�?(,`�;,f mvenams and agreements xt(nnh in Unifomi Cnvenant 6 sheli remain in eRect. •�!�`•�-:�':" <br /> ,_�•:�, <br /> N ; G.ASSIGNMfNT OF I.F.AtiFti. Upon l.ender's rcyucs�. &�rmwcr ahail uuign ta Lender all leaxes of thc r',:' <br /> -`;•-�.;'T Propeny ond ail ucurny depniis nude in counectinn aith Icaas of�he Prnpeny. Upm �he assignment.Lender 5�.,,!L•:: <br /> --r�: shall have the righ�to m�dify,cx�eiM nr Iennina�e ihe cxi+�ing Icax.a�xl �a e�ttmr new,in Lender's mle ' ''+'��� <br /> T{ <br /> --� ' dixrction.As used in Ihi+paragraph Q �hc worJ"Ir�.u"+hall meun"w61r.i•c"if�he Sc.urity Instrumrnt is on .'� <br /> - /���.' u icaschold. ' <br /> ?;.;�.�, .,:,-_, <br /> �u <br /> � �� IY.ULTISTATE 1>FAMIIY ftIDE11�fannY Meeffmddle Mac UNfam Inatrvment Fo�m 37)0 8/80 ';�.����, <br /> '..,�_�i ,'1 r.y,." <br /> .:°j:.:.- __.S s.'.!-_ <br /> �9B%OIOJ. Wo4W�rf.A41�0eM5 .]p�]An�W .�OO.nTp9� t1 _ <br /> t , � <br /> ! <br /> I <br /> 1�_1 � - .. <br /> � <br /> ' i'♦ ' <br /> . . <br />. .i.'::��. <br /> .• .- _.n-� - .�. <br /> {. c>m:r.^-T....�,.�._._......... .. .. . . . _ . . . ,...._,.. _ .. __..._:_.......- <br /> ',a,:;-.ty ._ _ � _ <br />. ib_S(' - _ ... - <br /> . . . -_ _ _ _ _ . . . . <br /> - :° ' -a-._ _ . . <br /> •[r•ayf:t„yy� . . .. _ _ <br /> J tl - _ <br /> l�1 <br /> ,�p n:- <br /> _;:'��',`� `�'4"�ai7" � . <br /> �-::i.+l::SSF" <br /> t - l� . <br /> v} '. � �rt . ._ _ <br /> �, 4 J ti <br /> c <- - <br /> �^i�,�ct���_.. '""�:L� � -. , � , . � . <br /> r_ .. ' i i .. . _ <br /> 7 � . ' <br /> u �{_ t . _ _ � � . <br /> . � r <br /> u � .. <br /> lflt . � � -+� ' - � � .- � <br /> ' t • } <br /> _ ) ' . <br /> 1ra.: .t. . : -.. -i_. .. .,_.t .i ;...- � ..:_ . _. . ... . _ ..t1.c4".' -. . <br />