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� �- T.�— . . ,. . . .. . , _ _. <br /> . <br /> :. _ <br /> �� �3� �oqx�a : - <br /> � p. Haprd or ProycM1y It�sunnce. Borrower rhall kup tho Improvemente now cxiadng m�creattet eroptW on the <br /> - Properry Insurtd egdnst low by flro,hazard�Included wlttda[ho tcrm'oxtcndcd eoverage'end any other harard�, Ineluding <br /> ---- <br /> noaa�o�nooai�,for whleh Lendcr rcQuirw insurenoo.Tiile insuranca�hell be melntalned In�ho armunro and(or the pertaU <br /> ihet Lcnder roqulra.71�0 6uuraneo rarricr provlding�he Insuranoo cMll bo choun by Borro�vu subJoa ro I.ender'e approv ° �- <br /> wAlch tliall not bo unreasonably wi�hheld. It Bottowcr fafl�lo malnteln avcrege dcscribed�Iavo.lendu I.ender'e <br /> _:__ opdon,obt�n oovenye[o protcct l.ender'e rlghu(n�ha Property in aocordanco wieh paregreph 7. ^�— <br /> All imurenco polidea md renewale�hoil Ae noocpieble to l.endcr end�hall lncludo e�tendard mongego clause. Lendcr <br /> �.. <br /> �hall Aavo�ho right�o hotd tAO poltcie�aM rcnoeinl�.It Lendcr rcqufrca.Horto�ver�hell promptly give to Lender all realpw ot <br /> -- � puld premlume and renewal notlas.N�ho ovem ot lase,Oortowu shall givo prompt norice to t�e imuronce cartier an ea ' -�'-` - - �� �� - � <br /> Lendcr may mako proot of lox+it na made prompdy by Bonowcr. <br /> Unlesa I.endcr end Bortower othenvlaa�gtee In�vdting,insurence prooeede shall be applicd to restoretlon or ropalr ot tha <br /> Propmty damagcd,lt tha rcslomtlon or ropalr la crnnomieally kasiNe end Lender'�socurity la not lessened.If tho rcstomdon or <br /> __ rcpalr Is not uonomlcally katibla or LenderY security would bo tesxned.�ho insurena procada shell be epplied to�he wm� _ <br /> ----- scwrcd by thla 3eadty [nswment,whNher or not then due, with eny excesf paid to Borrower. If Bortower abandoro Ide <br /> --- <br />-_-°..__��; Property, or daes no[enswer withln 30 da}n a notla from Lender thet the insurance cxrrier haa offered ro uttlo a claim,Ihm �_ .,_�--....__,_ -__ - <br />_:..a_� I.ender may oollect�he inwrence proaed�. I.endu mey uso the prooeoda a repalr or ratoro the Propeny or ro pey sums <br />._��;g� sxurcd by thio Searity InstNmcnt,whether or not�hen due.l7ie 30-day period will begin when�he notice b given. _ <br /> -•;^`�^°�• Unlw Lender and Hortowar othernise egrce in writing. any applicatlon of procetda to principai �hnll not extend or -- <br />_�i�r� pos�pone Ne duo dne of the monthly paymenu mferted to In pemgrepAs 1 and 2 or change the emount o[�he paymenu. [t ! <br /> ` undu pareareph 21�the Propeny Is eoqulred by Lendu,Botrower'e rigAt to eny insuranx polkia and procceda rcsulting trom <br /> '� .-_"�. demage to�ha Property pdor to the uyulnftlon ehall pav ro Lc�cr ro Ne extent ot the aum+aavrcd by th(�Securfty lnauument _ _ _ <br /> {[JN �� <br /> U `� Immediatefy pdor ro the acquisiHon. __- <br /> qy�� 6.Occupancy,Preserntlon, Melntenence and Pi»tectfon ot the Propertyi QorrowePa Lon�AppUcflttoni l.easeholds. T <br />„� •��'•` PY. P«7' P P Y Y i'�f�a� <br />'--J��+-;,� Borrower chall occu esrebliah,and use the Pro as Bortower's Anci al residence within sixt da a a4er�he execution of <br /> tiff�' �his Sauriry Inurument a�d ahatl rnntinuo�o occupy the Property es Bortower's principal reaidence for at leest one year niter . - <br /> `�'r the date of occupanry,unless Lender othereiu egras in wdtlng, which rnnsent ihall not be unreasonably wilhheld, or unlesa �s :� <br /> o'Ta{��- eztenuatlng circumsunces exist which arc beyond Borrower'a control. IIorrower ahall not destmy, demage or Impalr �he � G �= - <br /> _�,��.}4;� Propeny, allow[he Propeny to deteriorete,or commit waate on the Prope�ty. Iiortower xhetl be in defeull if any forfciture F� -�;+r_,_, <br /> ;��,5 E 5 , <br /> �s ac�ion or proceeiling,whuher civil or crlmin�l, is begun thet in LendePs good feith Judgnxnt muld result in forfcimrc of�he t _ :. <br /> �L� Propeny orothenvitt matedelly impair the Ikn crcated by thia Security Inauumem or Lender'a axurity intercst.Borrower may ;� _;_ <br /> { fi cure such e defeuit end pmvided in perag�aph 18,by ceusing�he ecUon or procecding to 6e dismisud wfth a rulfng f.�tt.�.;�- <br />",�`•S<.'•,"•: tha�, in Lender a good�tai�h dctcrmin�[ion, prccludes Porfciturc of 1h¢Borrowcr's intcrest in�he Property or ather meteriel �;t�7;t:�,? <br /> �" Impairmem of thc Iien crce�ed by �his Secvriry Guwment or Lcndcr's ucudty intcreat. 12orrowor shall atco bc in d¢feult if '�� --- � <br /> ������{� Bortower,durins the laan epplication process,gave melerially felse or inaaumte informetlon ar retem¢nts ro Lender(or failed ��'�(�'�; <br /> ,�' i to provide Lender wi�h eny materiel infomia�ioN im m�nectinn�vith�he loan evidenad by the Note,including,but not limited �..T��i4� <br /> -- <,€-- , to,rcprcumetinns mnceming Rormx�er's ocavpancy of�he P�operty ac a principal residenm. If this Saurity Inswment is on a ,,�-��,�'tl;4.,1... ' - <br /> �t-;` leasehold, tiortower shell mmply �vi�h nll �he provisians ot the lease. If Borro�vcr ecquires fet tide to thc Propeny, the +LQi iTj�g 's"'— ` <br /> , ��, i .!�-ui — <br /> r IeeseLold and the ta title ahall not nurgc unless Lcndcr agrees m thc mcrgcr in�vriting. s i�Ft,(s <br /> _i'c=;.- 7.ProfecUon of Lender's Rlghls In the Property.If Borrower(uils to per(nmi the mvenant�and egrcemen�s conteined in °t�i�F�'�'' � - <br /> �� �hif Savrity Instmment, ar therc ix a Iegul prat�eding�hat may significnntly a(fec� Lender's rights in�he Propeny(such as e 4,' . f14t{a <br /> ���, praceeding in bankmp�cy.pmbaee, for cofMemnutian or forfeimrc or ta enform Inws or reguletk�ns),ihen Lender mny do end �r��ri °`E� r _ <br /> +, for�vhatever is neces tn ro�at the value o(the Pm n anJ I.ender's ri h�s in the Pro rt . Lender's ac�ions ma 4` ` -fj i�,7f k� � <br /> ...,i� PAY �Y P P� Y 8 P� Y Y � . <br /> _:;•,.;%x- <br />",::.rj�,{; include paying any wms ucund 6y n lien which haa priori�y over �his Securiiy Inurument. nppcnring iu coun. Peyins �,�i•t-�'f �„!�'v�,��^. <br /> --,ry- reawnable attorneys'(eea ond emcring on thc Prnpeny�a mukc mpairs.Althuugh LenJcr may take action under this pamgraph i ; .;PS. {j�+�+ � <br /> {}p; 7.Lender does m�have ta do so. q._ j t � i�"� <br /> ; �„ Any emoums disburuJ by Lendcr undcr thi, panpmph 7 shall hcam�c additinnal dcM of Dnrrowcr sccurcd 6y lhis i}I�YFji �R+, � - <br /> K� --�J Sccurily Insirument. Unlcss Bormwcr and 1.enJcr ugrce�o othcr lcmu nf paymcm,ihcsc umnum. �hull bcar inlercsl from thc �+ i��,�Z�";F'�` � t ,- <br /> �;� date o(disbursemcm at thc Note oue nnJ shall bc �:�yaMe, with intcrcti�, umm noti�r from l.cnder tn Borrower reyuestinS �r���i��� ��F�y;,.•� <br /> _ .'�?� paymcnt. - };..= d", t��.�a-: <br /> - -1K'd S.Illorl�egc Insurnntt. If I.cnJcr rcyuind mangagc inwran�r n,a a,ndition nf making�hc I�ran.ttvnd by thi.Sccurity `*�. � ; r�� �Y{�:- <br /> �e� <br /> ` - - Instmnun6 Borro��er shull pay thc prcmium, rcyuiml�o maimain �hc mong:�gc iu.urana in cffcci. IL for nny rcaxnn. �hc t�cr =_ �� � ; <br /> -' Sj` mongagc irtcur�ncc mrcngc rcyuirN Ay fanJcr lap.�.��r iratiti to I+c in cffat. @,rm��cr.hail pay Ihc prcmiums rcyuiral to i �`,_�:�y�i ` � <br /> ' :. nb�ain covera e suhs�antiali c uivalcm to�he mnri a a in.ur�u.a rumu�l m eRert. .n a arnt.uh.�amiall � ui��lem ta the '�s1 Ct -'. <br />.:.a•. �� F Y 4 F"b' P '` >" � >"4 �..� ..::.'��:o;:�:,o:� — <br /> ' °'�; eosl io Ik�tm���cr o(Ihc mm�}agc imur:mar prcvinml�� m c1�acL Irnm an al�cma�c mnn�agc mwrcr apprnvcJ hy Lcndcr. If �^••:•,.�,_.��•.}.-; <br /> > <br /> .>>� .ubstantially equivalcnl mang�gc in.uranrc amragc i.�xn .n:nlaMc. linrtoacr.hall pa� In IcnJcr ra.h mnmh a mm cyual to � ' ('1�� <br /> - anc-nvcl(Ih of Ihe ytad)• nnrlga�!c in.urancc prcnuwn IwmE p;nJ h�- [iorrni�cr ehen thc m.ur.mcc cuecragc lapxd nr aea.�d to , <br /> K '.. ' � <br /> .�. <br /> n����rr�a.��«�;u�...��.�.���,� «�����w�.��:�.��km..�. :�i��., rcwnr in i�cu al mnngaEC IIISUf011K. IP�� rncrce � <br /> .. +�_. ,.�,..... Form 3028 O180 � • •. <br /> '_.'i�,ti+ _ <br /> r.. ' . <br /> ".t;5°: t <br /> � <br />--:.---..e—�r+�`^��—.�r— � . ��eT: ' -' � .. . . i <br /> - .S. � ... .-.. <br /> .. �_.l�:i.l�"..:�.��� . _ �: .. .- - . . . - . " . �- . r _ <br /> ...1�-1.. _ . . . .. <br />" �..'i..f%-"'��•.- J " " <br />'_-�,,.1.:,_,�.:�... . <br /> { r� � <br /> i bt�f .. i- . <br /> SSJS,St .f: . <br /> •.1L,, t . ,.�(,-'_ _ . <br /> � � <br /> 5 � . . <br /> :. #`i� ..� : � . . . <br />�- �::%r'1t:.:.��t;,°r�-'- _ • - _ <br /> -�. ��y� , .: _ <br /> .�Q��';. . _r - " . . . . <br /> � � � <br /> 5 . <br /> . . <br /> f ,��� � • > �.'� - � �- �� - - - . .. . .. �� _. <br /> _ � . . r -..- : . . - . . <br /> k �i ' . . J 'i . � � . . . "- _ . . _ <br /> t � � : <br /> e . <br /> � <br /> i -: ' _ �. . _-r c -.� • -.. fi.• ' ` ._ . <br /> . � ` <br /> .. � , _ . .. ., .. . .a. .... .. . . . . . ..!' _ ,..- . . _ . <br />