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_ ____ __ _ . �, . _ ._ . . <br /> ' _ <br /> . _ __ _ - . _. ..: : - i �����e � „ __ <br /> - .T04S1`fIBR.5�7'Hatltdvlmprovemtntenowor5er6ARuuaudontheproper��anJeUeu��,�•,n■ ¢ppunsa�la.�Q `�: _ <br /> f�itutea now ar horcaRer s part of the yrop.rty..Ni replaoemenca eM adpiAoro stisll atco bo qovercA �y thle 6wvdry, :. , <br /> InstNrucnt,All otthe toregoing la rokRCd ro in tp4 SuyNty Gutmment e��ho'Propeny.' <br /> BORROWBA t70V8NAN7'8 tha48orrowu U tawNlty celsed ot Ne atete hucDyaonroycd and ha�tho dght to gtontAd�. •• . . <br /> aonvey the Propcny and tha�tho Property f�unenamberc0,exoept Por enoumb�anaa ot rerord. Bortowe►ivurnnro en0 wllI <br /> defcM gewally the tlfle eo the Property ageinst alt claim�end danand�.wbJa►ro eny enwmbrenow ot[dcord. <br /> TFII9 BgCUAtTY IN37'1tUMBNf combinea unito�m covenenro tor nallonel uao end non•unitnmi oovenmte wlth Ilmtted <br /> variatlona by Jurl�dtalon to oonsUtme a uNform uadty Inspument covMng nel property. <br /> UNIPOAM OOVBNANI'8.Bortowet end I.ender covenant and�g2e d+tollowa: <br /> 1. Paymmt ot Prf¢ctp�l end Iateceaq Prepqyment and iato Clurgn. Bortowu ehell prompUy p•ry when duo the " <br /> principal ot and iaarcac on ihe de6t ovidenoed by eho Nato end any DrcDaymen�end�at9 chu8e+due under�ha Noto. <br /> 7.Wnd�far Texea end Insurence. bLbJea ro applicable law or to a wrtt�en xreivu by Lendu, Oortower sdall pay ta <br /> l.ender on the day montNy paymenu aro due under th¢Note,until the Note fa peid In PoII,e sum('Funde')Por:(a)yearly texa <br /> md easasmemn�vhich may auein prloriry over ehia Secu�iry Inswment e��Ilen an t�e Propeny;N)YwrlY leasehold paymente <br /> ar ground rcnu on the Property,if any;(o)yeazly hazard or propeny Inwmnce prcmluma:(d)yearly Flood Insuranoo premlum�, . <br /> if any;(e)yeariy mortgago Insurence any:and(�eny wms payabic by Borrowu to Lcnder. in eocordma wl�h .---..-=.. <br /> Ne provlelon+of paragnph B,in Iiw of the payment ot mortgaga insurence premlum�.77iaa fum�ero ealled'Escrow IIems.' <br /> Lender muy, at eny tlme,colloct end hold Funda in en amount not to exceed tha meximum amount a lendm Por a fidwelly <br /> roieted mongage loan may rcquiro tor Borrowu'o escrow eaount under the kderal Real Hs�ate 8ettlemene Proadurw AM ot <br /> l97A ea emended from tlme ro Ume, 12 U.S.C. 3ectlon 260I st req.('AHSPA'),unless nnother law tA�t appliea to the Punda <br /> uta a lesser amount. if w, I.ender may, at eny Hme, allat nnd hold Fund�in an emount not to exoced the Icsser emount. <br /> Lendu mey esflmate the amount ot Punda dua on�he basia of current deu end rcawneble esdmaces of ezpendtwres of futuro ___. . <br /> Burow Items or othenviae In ecoordence with appliceble law. <br /> 71w Fund� chell be hdd in nn institution whose de�rosiu ere insured by e fedewl agency, inummentelity. or entiry <br /> pncluding I.endsr,if 4nder i�such en instimtion)or in eny Pcderel Home Loan Bank.Lender ahall epply the Funda to pay�Ae <br /> &crow Items.Lender may not charge Borrower for holding end epplying�he Funda,annuelly analyz(ng the curow ecoount,or <br /> ver(fytng the Cscro�v Item�,unless I.ender paya Borrower interat on the Funds end epplicabla lew permiu Lender ro m�ka weh <br /> a chergc.Ho�vever, I.ender mey rcquirc Borrower to pay a one•time eherge for an independent real esiete tnx reportfng wrvlce <br /> used by Le�der im m�nallon with this Imn, unlese epplicabte law provfdes otherwise. Unteas en egreemen[ ie meda or -- <br /> epplfable In�v rcquirca intcrcst to be peid. [.ender shall not be rcquircd ro pay Bofrower any interest or earninge on�hc Funde. = <br /> Borrower and Lcnder mey egree in writlng,however, thet intercst shall be paid on thc Funde. I.ender stull give to F3ortower, <br /> wi�hout cherge, an ennwl eccounting of�he Punds,ahowing crcdita and debiis�o the Funda and the purpox for whieh each <br /> de6it m the Funds was made.The Funds ere pledacd ea additlonal securiry for all sums securod bp�his Saudry Instrumrnt. _ ___ <br /> If�he Funda heid by Lender excad the omounis permitted to be held by upplicabla lew,Lender:hell acmunt to Borro�ver ____. <br /> for the excess Punda in accordence�viih�he rcquiremenu of opplicable law. It the emount of the Funds Aeld by Lender et any <br /> �ime is not iufflctent to p�y�he Escrow Itenu when due,l.ender may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in such cate Borrower ,;:�- <br /> chell pay�o[.ender�he amount necessery to make np the deficiency. Bormwer shell make up the de6ciency in no morc �hen a�;.`.��`° <br /> twelve momhly paymenu,et l.ender s sole discreQon. F � <br /> Ik,:"'�r <br /> Upon payment in full ot ell eunu xccurcd by this Saurity Incmiment. Lender ahall prompdy rcPond io Bortower any t f:•:-. <br /> Funds held by Lendec If,under paragraph 21,Lender shell acquirc or ull�he Propeny,Lender,pdor to the atqui:itlon or sale �{:-t:'_Y. <br /> of the Propeny,shell epply eny Funds hcid by Lcndcr at�hc time of ecquisitian ar sule at a crcdit ageinst thc wme aavred by ° <br /> thia Securiiy Inswment. yk� : <br /> 3.Appllcation of Pqymentn.Unlccc npplicablc Inw providcs mhcrniu.ell paymems racivcd by Lender under paregrepha <br /> 1 and 2 sheil be applicd: Rnt,to any prcpayment chnrges due under�he Note: second.�a amoums payable under paregreph 2: S�; <br /> third,to imcreat duc:faunh,ro principal duc:end lest,to eny lure cherges duc undv�hc No�a �;,'„`?� <br /> 4.Charse+; Uenv.Bormwer xhall pay all texes,ascessmems, charges. fincs and Imposi�ionc oaribmnble ro ihe Property =',,�Lj+'_ <br /> �vhich mey anein priority over this Securi�y Inswment. und Ieauhold payments or ground rems, if ony. Borto�ver shall pay �%f���:-'. <br /> .��•., <br /> �heae obligetions in the mm�ner provided in pamgreph 2,ur i(not paid in�hat manncr.13nrrnwcr shall pay�hem on time dircetly .S;i}.;, <br /> Pe P Y P P Y W P 8 P '.'��:- . <br /> �o the rwn owed a ment.Borm�vcr xhnll mm tl furnish�o Lendcr ull no�im nf amountx�o M1c id undcr this are rn h. �:-,.:.- <br /> �_;,�,.-.: <br /> If 6orrowcr maka these paymems dirmly. 9arro��cr shall pmmptly Pomi.h to Lcndcr`cceipt.cvidencing thc paymems. ,.��_z:;: <br /> Borto��er shall promp�ly dixharge uny licn which ha,priority o��cr thi.Security In+trument unless Burro�ver.(u)agrces in �f2zr.`_` <br /> writin tu�Ae mem uf the o61i mion+eavred b ihe licn in a manner ucce tabic to I.enJer.(67 comests in ad faith�he lien F�'��'-'` <br /> 8 PaY 8 Y P S r,,,..:_ <br /> by, or deknds against cnforcemem of ihe licn in, icgal prMenlings which in thc LcnJcr'. opinion npera�c lo prcvenl Ihe -B`�':����� <br /> enforccmem of the lien:or(c)xwrcs frnm�hc hoWcr nf thr licn:m agrcemcnt u�i+faanrp�o(AnJcr w1+orJinating�hc licn lo ;:'•`�:" <br /> Ihis Securily lnsnumem. If I.ender determinea tha�any pm af�he Propeny i..uM1j�tt�o a li¢n��hich nwy auain priori�y.rver �''l=:s;�. <br /> Ihis Saurity Inxirumem. Lender nuy givr Ikirrox.r a nn�i.c iJemi(ying�h.licn. Oarra��cr.hall vti,fy Ihc lien nr taA.anc or :ie':?��- <br /> morc o(the actions xt tnnh ahrvc within 10 Ihc gn ing a1 notica � ' <br /> Form 3028 9�80 it.�'.i-;,''-' <br /> .y.:..r u 1'„- <br /> 1 �: �•- <br /> �"-` <br /> --a,Al.— ,:'r- �.: '->:.—":ivP�I:.��•�F.': -���-....- .-...r•.:'r`Z9t'�ii`�.--,`,n� - °:c:—., � _ S:�TZ'1'V -T-. . <br /> r i - _ •,i . _ - _' " _ . _ <br /> �__ y�� ;� � - : . . - . - _ • ' ,_ <br /> _�-1--`� -- --'-- '_` ----._ ---� - -- � ` . .- � _ ,-. ^ - . .' - ' <br /> . .- -� - - - -- -- -- -- -- <br /> . - �. . . -. - — - _ . - - . <br /> -. si-. �: ,� s. -. 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