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.. . -. _' . . ._ � - . . . , 'o-,i. . ... _ . . _;i _ ..i.f �'- ;'. —_ <br /> ..�. .. � ..- .� .. . . _ <br /> -.�_ ... .. ..�. ... .� .- . . . . , . _. . ., i: � c.;a.:-- <br /> . <br /> ._ <br /> . . . ._ � .,...r, ...�i� <br /> ,. <br /> . _ .. . .... .... -.. . . <br /> ,. . . 19g• .' ��sil�°1B — - <br /> p�ymtnte,ivAich aro rofcmd to in aaregrepb 2 or�fiu�e the eimunt ot tuch p menu,.My exas.+p�oo�ed�ovee�p� � <br /> aamuntfe4uited�o pay ell outstending IndrMednrss unqenho Note and Wb 3ecud�jr Lislnuncnl ahell be pald to�o�tity , T. n _ <br /> Iegtlip tntfqedlhereta .� ° � <br /> e, p�p,�armayoollatlea�anAchargeaeuthorl:edDythobecretary. <br /> 9 iiropadttorAoateralloanfDebt� � - <br /> (�)Uehult. l.ender mey,oxwp�m Um1tW by rcgplation�Issued Dy tlie Sarctary In the eeso of payment Aetauite, <br /> rtaul�olmmediataWy mentlnNUatallwm�ueurcd6ydil�Saudrytnswmen�lf: <br /> p)Bomower defeulu by faqing�o pry in Nll eny mon6�ly payment rcquhed by tdL Suwlty InstNmrnt prior <br /> rooronchaduedataotthanoxtmonWypaym�t or � - - <br /> (ily Oorrower dotaulu by feillng,for a perlad of�Iny dxy�,ro perfoim any a0wr obilgapon�contalned N thfe <br /> Secwiry Insuumen� <br /> (D)BWe W(t0out G}edlt Appmvd, l.ender eh�l,lt pmmitted by appllcebla lew md wlth tho prtor epproval ottho <br /> 8ectttery�requl�e Immediate paymen�In NII ot�l tha�ume seared by thb Secudry Inawment IC <br /> p)Ail or pnrt ot�he Property,or a benoflclel�nterost in�uust owning ail a pen of tho Propeny.i:sold or <br /> whenvlse uansferred(other�hm by devlse or desecnq by the Bortower,and <br /> (iI)7Le Property le not ocoupkd Dy tAe purc6uer or grontee u hb or her piinclpel rcsldenoe.or tAa purcAaser .. .. . .-- . <br /> ' orgren ta does so occupy tdo Properey but hie or her credit has na been epproved In eaordmro <br /> wlth tha rcquLemenu of�he Secrewry. <br /> (c)No Walrer. Itctrcwwences aar�hat would pertnit Lender ro rcquim tmmediete peymen�in PoII,�ut I.ender <br /> daes not ulro suchpaymenu.Lender daa not wetva iu dghu wi�h rtspect to wbsequent avenu. <br /> (d)Reaul�om otHUD 8ecrctary. In many circumatancea rcguladonsiuued by�ha Secrotery w1U Iim(t LenderL <br /> dghu.ln tho cate of payment detaul��torcq dro tmmediete payment(n PoII md forcclose lf notpsId. 7Lb <br /> Sxmiry Inat�umert doea not authorlm aocelewdon or forcelasuro if not permitted by�eguiedom of the 3ecretery. <br /> (e)M1iortgage Not Insured. Boirower egrcc.a�Mt:hould thta 3ecwiry Instrumem and the note securcd theroby not _------------ <br /> 6e oligible for inaurence under the Na�tonel Houaing Act wiUdn 8 montha fmm�he .ti._•-� <br /> dete hereof,l.ender may,et in opHon end notwithetendNg enything in Peragraph 9,rcquiro iRmediaie payuxnt in - _. <br /> [ull of dl aums secured by thii Sceuriry Inawmen�. A wdtten eta�ement of eny�u�hoduA egent ot�Iw Senstery �`'-' <br /> �.�--_ <br /> deted subuquent to 8 moDtha from�M1e dete hercof,declining ro Inauro thi�Secudry -- <br /> Inswment and�he nore«curcd thereby,�hell be deemW wnctusivu proof of such Ineligibilfty. Notwlthstending ::::-: <br /> tho tottgoing,�hle opHon may not be exercised by Lendcr when tha unevailabiiity of insuranco 1�wlely dua�o _ <br /> I.enderY teilure�o rcmit amortgage inaurance prcmium�o the Secrctary. - ���-� <br /> 10. Rtlostatement. Bortowcr has a right io bo rcfns�eted it[.ender has rcquired immediatc payment in full Ixcause -__ <br /> of Bortowerl fdluro ro pay an amount due under the�Noie or�hls Secwity Inswmen� Thi� dgnt appliee even atler =_ <br /> torahtsure proccedingi ere ins�imted. 7b reinstete Ihe Secudry Insimment. Borrower ihail tender in a lump sum dl —_ <br /> emounta requ6ed to bring Borrowerh eecount eumnt includ(ng,ro�he extrnt they are obtigatio�n of Bortower under Nia _--_ <br />- Sa.cdty lasxurt�i,tar-bsu�rsu sA reaaa�able arA cu:ic:n�r�:.t:.r.�ys'!and:x�n:�:p:e,:.rl;s�iued W!!h --�--------� <br /> Ihe foreclosure proceWing. Upon rcinsletement by Borto�ver,�his Security Tnsttument md the obligndom�het it secute <br /> chell rcmein in effect n If Lender hed notrequGed Immedia�e payment in full. However,Lender ie not rcquired�opermlt --- <br /> ttlnstetement IL• p)Lender ha+ueepted rcinsutement after�he commencament of farcclosure praceedinga wiihin two --- <br /> yeeu immedietely preceding �he commenttment of a curtent Porecl�urc prncaeding,(iU rcinxteremem wfll przclude =_ ___. . . <br /> fotalosuro on ditfertnt ground�in ihe fuwm,or pii)reimmtement will adveracly effect�he pdority uf the Iien created by =_--__-- <br /> NiaSecudt ImwmeN. � '=._ <br /> 11. �orro�rer Not Releaudi �rbeerance by Lender Not e Wetver. Eztemion of the time of pa mcnt or <br /> modiflcetion of amoNzetian of�he Rum.secured by�hii Securi� Instmment gnmed by Lender w any successor 1n intettst �`'��- <br /> ot Oortower+hatl na o nte ro rclesu�he liabilit of�he ori Inol Borrower or Borcowerh successor in inlerest. Lendu ;;;''�`'''"-� <br /> shell not bareq utrcd lo commence prucecdings agninst any successor in imerat or rcfuse to extend�ime for paym ent or 3 si;i f,e.'-�� <br /> othemise modif amortimtion of the sumx ucurcd b �h�s Securit Insirumen[b rcnwn of en demand made b �he -��`�+�'���+%-`- <br /> od Inal Borrower or 6orrowerk wceesmn in imercst.An for6eamnce b L.ender�n exereisin en ri ht or rcmed ahell �r!'��-'^" <br /> 8 Y Y B Y 8 Y Ct�,+.m�:-=. <br /> not be e weiver of or preclude thc excrcise of nny right ar rcmedy. -:'+�;:t���;.'F'�� <br /> l2. Suecason end Assign+Bound:lolnt enJ&verel 4lubilfty:Co•Slgnere. 7LC�rovenanu anJ agrcemems of ;}'.t�+,�;y:o;r.;�- <br /> this Securit Instrument ahall bind und 6enefit the successon und acYi nt u(Lender anJ�ortower,sub' t ro the rovision� '"���-•t'���`.'; <br /> Y 8 Ja P, +:{a=�. <br /> of Paregreph 9.6. Bortowerk mrenm�s und ngreemen�s ehuil be joint and severnl. Any Uorto�rer who casigna �his i;�+;{��'�l���;'-?__ <br /> Security Inswment bm das no�execme�he No�e: (n)u co-signing this Secumy InurumeN only ro mongage,gmnt and ��.`����;;Y;: <br /> convey thet Bofmwer�intercst in�he Propeny under the tcmis nf�his Sceamy Ina�mmcm:161 is nnt personolly o6lismed�o ra{�,N�� � ._ <br /> pay�he sums uwmd by ihis Security In+uumene and(c)ngrces�hu�Lender und my o�her Darrower mey agrce to exiend, jy�„ � ._ <br /> moddy,forbear or mnke any ncavmmodations�ri�h rega�d�o the tenns o(Ihi+Secumy Inummem or Ihe No1e without that [h.�.;.p�?:��- <br /> BonowcrhrnnsenL ,��7---� ;` <br /> 13. Notices Any notice m Bonower proviJed far in this Secumy In+lrument .hnll be giren by dclivering it or by �ir �p-_ <br /> mniling it by(rst cl¢ss mail unless apPlicn6le law at anather methaf. The na�iac+hall 6e direc�ed ro tM �,���v..�,�.-_: <br /> Propeny Addrcss or any o�her addmss 6aROwer dnignac,by wtice w Lendec Any naiice m Lender.hail M given Ay , !��'�'�.�.-- <br /> fin�cla4 mail lo Lcnder�s�ddrcxc .mlcJ hcmin or any addre.� Lcndcr Jc�ignalc+ by nalicc lo Bartowcr. Any notiae �Sh�i:f;..-a-.• <br /> Providcd for in ihis Sccurity biummcm.ha116c Jcemcd w ha��c luen civcn�0 13nm�wct nr Lender whcn giren as pmvided °:�;:: . <br /> m this paregraph �.%'.�"`.�-.=. <br /> 10. Gortming Lo�v;Sererebilhy. "fhi,Stturilv Irt.lrumcnt.hall M gnrcmcJ b��fideral la�v and lhe I;�w o(Ihr ;=r�..__' _ <br /> jurisdiction in�vAich�he Pro�n� i+4x:ncJ. In�hc cecnl ilwt any prnvf.inn nr dau+e af�hf.Security In.lrument ar Ihe - - �:� <br /> Nolt conflicLS wilh npplicahie hu�, wch conflicl.6all m+t a(fe.�nther Ihi.Securily Imwment or Ihe Nule '"�' � <br /> which cnn be given effecl ivilhnm�he cnnllicting prm•f.inn. lA�hn end�he prmnimm�f�hi.Securily Imwmem and Ihr —�i�,}....' � <br /> NalceredeclaredlaMk�xruhlc. .�.�..�;�_; � <br /> IS. Darroner'e Cop�r. d��rtmvcr.hall lx gircn onc con�i.nncd anp)nf thi.S�•curiry�In.trumcnl. '?" __ _ <br /> Ib. Assignment oi ReNx. Bartan¢r nncnnJivonall��a..�gn.:md�ran.fen m LenJcr all Ihc renn and re��enuc+uf�Ac :1 " �.� <br /> 1'raperty. Barrower��mhnme.Lender ur LenJer:�gent.m culk:t tl�e r:nh anA re.�enne.anJ herchy Jirccb each tenum o( ((�:�-.. <br /> �he I4opcny m p�y� �ht renh lu IwnJer or LcnJcri ag�•m.. Hm�c�cr.pnor��+I cndcr�nnurc�n Barra��xr n(8nrta��cri G - ' _ <br /> brcnch of any covcnmm�r agrecmrnt in thc Sttumr InNmmcnL Hnm�ecr�hall c.�Ilrc�and mrcrcc ail mnn anA rc��cnun nl '1''��_ �. - <br /> thc Pmpeny a+iru.lcc fnr Ihc hcncfil��t LcnJCr anJ Bunu��er i'hn a..�gnmem n(rcm.ann.utme�an ab�nlmr a.��}nmcnt ��'�-. <br /> and nol an atsignmenl tar addiUnnal�ecuri�y nnlr. <br /> 1(Lcndcr give+nali.r of h¢ach lo Iinrtm�ce cu all rtnl.rt:cieed h� Bartm�.r diall t+n c�ld h� Brnroatt:n w,rcc � �' �. <br /> �__�'__c. _r�__�____i� '.-. .n u�.�.::_a._.�_. .__` ...._._��.. .�. __'_.._ _`_.__6�.�. __�__.t_n�.C::�::.'�.:: �s -. <br /> mllecl and teceive ali of Ihe ren1.n(Ihe�Pmpem:m�d tn eaah Icnam.f Ihe 1'mpcm��hall pay all rcnl.Jue anJ unpaiJ lo <br /> Lender ar Lcndert agem nn Lc1Mer:wriltrn JcmanJ ta ihc IcnauL �; <br /> Iiortoirer ha� nd cxecutcJ an�� pnor a•.igmnenl af ihe rem.anJ ha. noi :od �cill nn� �dnmi :ma ar� �hal wauW � <br /> prcvem Lender(mm exerci�ing ii•righl•mder�hn Paragraph Ih. `� <br /> LenAcr shall not bc myuirtd lo cmer upnn.IaAc annlnd of�,r maimain the Pn,perN lefort nr af�cr Fnmg noliac�d <br /> bmach to Bortosrcr. Huxcver.Lcndcr or a juJfaall�uppnnlcJ rtccivcr mat Jn.o al an)' limc Ihcrc i.a hmaah. Am � <br /> appliealion o(rcm<.hall nm eurcor�v�irc an)�defaul�m maa6J+�c am�nher rigM nr nmcdr of LcnJer. llu.:n•i}mm�n � <br /> o(renls o(Ihc Pmperiy shall Icrniin.�lc��hai IBc dchl.rcuml hr Ihc ticcurin (mlrumcnl n�uiJ in full. � <br /> i <br /> .ryc�J.y Jrymv L <br /> ! _• _ <br /> ��'.�,` _�.. .. <br />