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� � .: . . .. . <br /> :. . <br /> �r '-;, _-• .. . . . ..,:. , <br /> , , __ <br /> . ,. � -t ; <br /> , .. ': � .;. <br /> :.: ` : _ ___ <br /> - � � -83-� so4��+s' <br /> � l. P�►roenlodi*legtpil�IOtE�ttl�bCl�i�OC+tAY�C� Qortowor�heUpaywhenduatl�aptJA�tDa�ot,dn0lnte�eston� . <br /> " dti1 6tcy Quxsd Y erv0�9�1st�c6argti8oanrvkrthallota . <br /> ___ <br /> . � MontRly psy�eq(a of Texq,tu�unnoe'nd Otder CpuBer� 8oirower eheillnotuAe In SacA montldy wyminR <br /> tog 'r wiil�1he principa ena ta[ecrst m ea fonh in Ow Note m0 eny late ehugw,pn Irmtaltment ot a�y a)[axw a�d — <br /> syec1el asseisinenie lovled or�o qo Iovlod ageinst tlw Ptoperty�N)leasedold yaymenu or ground rcnu oa�ho rhh+� <br /> o()premium�forWmenaorequircdby�pAA� <br /> Fuh montNy Installmsnt tor ilems n),(DY Md(o)ehdi equal one-twe1M o!�he ennuel emount�,ae rcs+onably <br /> estimated 6y Lender� ptue en amount eu dent to malntatn en eQdlilonal batanM oi not moro than one�alxd� ot the <br /> esdnute0 emounte, 7Ua�uU ennual smeunt tor each itan ehdl bo aceumuleted Dy l,ender within a pedod ending ono , _. , - <br /> man�betoro m Item wou d 6xome delinqucnt. Lendar�hell hold cAe�mowu collected in wat ro pay Uems ph(D)and <br /> (c)be oro�hey beoome dotinquent. <br /> 1t n eny Ilme Uro to�el ot�hop�m enu held by Lendu for iteme(a),N)end(o�toguher with�he Nturo monthly <br /> paymenu for euch Iteme payeblo m Lender prlor to Uie duo datw ot mch Itertu, oxaeda by mo�o�han onaslxN tM <br /> ostlmated amwm ot psymcnts rtquircd ro pay�ud�iiertu when duo,end Itpsymmte on the Nota ero wmnt.�Aen I.enEa <br /> �haU eiQ�er rctund�he exoes�ovor one-aixth of tho wtimated p�ymentn or cre0lt�he exceaa ovu onc•aix�ot tha estimatcd <br /> p�mm a to subaeqaent paymenro by Dortower,at�he opNon o[Borsower. It�he rotal ot tAe paymenu made by Borrower , _ ,. _ <br /> ori item(a),@) or(o)ia insutflcien[to pay iheltan when dua��BaROwer shdl pay to Lender eny ertwwt nceea�ary lo <br /> make up Iho de{iciency on or6ePoro�ho date�he item 6ecome�due. <br /> - Ae uwd in thia 3ecudty Instn�men6"3cerctary"meens tha 3eerotuy of HowNg and U�Mn Davetopment or hta or het <br /> desi ee. In any yesr In which the I.endor mustpey a mongage insurence prcmium to ehe Sxrcrary,eech monthly payment <br /> shd�alm Include ehher. p) nn In:�ellment oE the ennual mongage inaurmce premium to bs patd by I.ender to �he <br /> � See[etery,or pq i monNly ehergo fnatead of a mortgxge tnsumnce prcmium If thie Secudry fnansr.rnt le deW by Ihe <br /> gatttary. Hech monthly instellment ottho mortgago insumnce ptemlum�haU be In nn amount wHirssa ro accumulato Ne <br /> fult annual mortgege insurence pranium with l.ender one month dor to tho data rhe full ennual mortgege Inaurance <br /> --- <br /> peemtum L due ro�he Seeretery:or if thb Saurity Instrument is hel by tho Secretery.each momhly charge nhell be in en <br /> unonnt equel ro one-nvelfth of one�helf percent of tha autsyending prfncipel b�lenco due on the Nore. <br /> If Bortower�enden to l.ender the futl payment of ail:uma ucurcd by thi�Secudty Inan�menr,BorrowerY nccount <br /> �hall bo crcdited with U�o belence rcmeining tor all ins�ellmem�tor iteme(e),@) and(c)end pny mongage insuranee <br /> prcmtum Ina�dlmm[thnt Lender has not become obligeted to pay to�he Secretery,and Lender ehall promptly rcfund eny <br /> oxase funda to Hortower. Immedlateiy prior to a forcclosure wla of�he Property or iu acquisition by Lender,Bortowerb <br /> axount ihdl be eredhed witM1 any belecee remaining tor x1I ins�aliments for items(e),@)and(c). <br /> 3. A Itcation ot Paymente. All payments under Peregrnphs 1 and 2 ahell be epplfed by Lender m followr. _, _ <br />� p�ro the mortgege insumnce prcmium to be pald by I.ender to�he Scerc�ery or to the monttJy chugo by�he _�_._ <br />° 3ecrc� instead of the monthly mortgege insurenee premium; �:�� <br /> 10 gny texea,epecial ecussmenis,leesehold psymente or ground rcnu,and firc,flood and other heurd �,�-_ <br />., urence prcmiuma,m rcqutrcA; �Z'=�_=- <br />- THIRQ,to intetest due under 1he Note; a`'"'"�_ <br />. �,to emortimdon of the p�incipa1 ot the Note, f,a,. `; - <br />-- �(�,�o le�e char�es due nnder the Noie. ,r > , <br /> 4. I+(-re,Fload and OtAer Hazerd Inwranca Borrower shdl i�uurc ell improvementa on the Prapaty,whether now .; 1� - <br />-= in oxi�ence or sub�uendy erecteA,ageinst eny hnzard+.cusualties,and continaencfa,including firo,for which Lender �tir?�.'�.�;- <br /> ttqulres insuranca This insurence shall be mninwmed m ihe emounts and for�he pedads�hat Lendu�equircs. Dortower . ,; � . <br />- chall eiw inwro ell improvementa on the Propeny,whe�her no�v in existence or subuquently erecteA,againu loz+by Floods :y .���k�;=- <br />= m the extent rcquircd by�ha Secretery. All irmurantt ahall 6c eerried with companies epproved by Lender. 'Rie inaurena i�4a..=w:_';-. <br />; poticics end any rcnawals shall be heid by Lender and shall include loss payebl¢ cieuses in tavor of,and in a form i✓�T;;5;:=-_- <br />= exeptableto,Lendcr. ..��-""'.. <br />= In�hc evcnt of loss,Uortowcr aholl give Lender immediarc notice by mail. Lender may meke prdof of losa if not �'±`���'�'"•{-' <br />'_ mede prompdy by Bortower. Eech insurence compsny concemed ix hemby au�horized end directW ro meke payment for ���� .` <br />= auch lass dircctly ro Lender,inateed of ro Bortower end to LenderjoinHy. All or eny paR ot the Insurance proceeds may be r U��:ti` � :� <br />_ �ppliW by I.ender,at its optlon,eilher(a)to�he reduction oF the indebtedness under the Note end�hfa Setudty Instrument, -�Vi P s;._a! <br /> first�o eny delinqucnt emwnis epplied in �hc ordcr in Parngraph 3,md then ro prepaymcnt ot principal, or(b) �o�he 1_' <br />- rcstoretion or repair o(the damaged propeny. Any epplica�ion o(�he proceeds to iM principal shell not extend or postpone t_�� : <br /> Ihe dut dete of�he monthly payments wh�ch erc rcferted to in Pamgraph 2,ar change ihe amount of sucA paymentn. Any ti r� �rzr ,; <br /> � excese insumnce roceeds over en amount mryittd to pay nll omstandine inde6ledness under�Ae Note end this Security ��� '}r�.,_: <br /> - Inswment sholl be pald�o ihe emit Iegally emitled ihcrcto. 'ki�5�`�`.�?" '�� <br /> ;�.s�,;cr'-�-- <br /> - In the event of Porcclosum o thi:Security Insuument or mhv�nnxter at iitle ro ihe Ropeny that extinguishea the ,,j;��,J,:.-. <br />� indebtedneu,ell right,title end imercst of Bonower in nnd to insurance policics in fome shall pau ro the pmchaser. {, ,. . <br />�- S. Occupancy, Preaervatlon, Motntenance end Profectlon af the Properh; Qarrawer'a luan Applicn�lon: ���t{'�-'�-- <br />-� Leauholds. Bortower shall occupp,estebliah,nnd use�he Pro n ss Borto�rcrt rinci al residena�vithin six� da s "'�`�"=5.- <br /> P� Y P P Y Y '�--i';:��':' <br />