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.;:_ : :�: , �:. . ... .., .r , <br /> . . _ . . . . , . _ _.. � ; . _ . n . .:''t /; .r.z- --._. . <br /> A •..�.. . : ' <br /> q �QM�}Y� . ' .- ... . ___"..._. <br /> em�4it�e'q�co pey ei outstnndinPg(ndeMW�nd�.�i u�i1d88 dw�N o���tMs 3�xu�cliy lastuumen[sh II be�psl��ihe enttty <br /> Iegeitp antltitdthereta <br /> & Feed l,tMcrm#yailkMfuaendchargpeutttorludb7rtAoSamtary. <br /> • 9. (iroondefo�AoateradonofDeDG <br /> (�Detnuit. I.ender may,aayt a�Iimltcd by cegulatlwu iesued by tlw 3arctary N�ha caso of payment defaulu. <br /> ctqulrelmmeQintepaymentNtUUotellaumscec�ued6ytM1le9midrytnawmentiC <br /> (p Bo�rower defaulte by failing ro pay N fuU eny monthly peyment rcqulred by�hie Securtry Inauument pdor <br /> to oron U�e due dato ot�ho next montdly paymen6 a ' � - ' � -�- - <br /> i(I)Bomower deteulro by tafling,tor a pedod ot thley da�n,to perfortn my othu obllgedoni conWned In We <br /> 3e�udry Insuument. <br /> N)9ale FYlthout Cred(t Approval. Lcnder�hatl,it pemilned by epplica6le law and wNh tAe pdor epproval of the <br /> Secre�ary�ttqulra immedieie payment In PoII of a11�ho�uma ueurcdby thh Savriry insnument 10 <br /> (p All or part ot�ha Prope�ry,or a benoflclal Inurut In t nu:t owning ell or part ot�Ao Propeny,h wld or <br /> othcrnise trensfrned(other�hen by doviae or dcacuu)by�ho Bortower,end <br /> (tp 7fie Propeny is not ocoupled by tAe purcheaat a gwuw ns hb or her prtnelp�l rc�ldrnce.or We purchnser . <br /> orgron ico doca w acupy tho Propeny bm hl� or Aer credit hm not bcen approved In uaardmco <br /> whh the requircmenta of�ho 8ecrc�ery. <br /> (c)No Walrer. If elrcumatmce+occur tha�vrould permit LenEer to requirc Immedie�o pnyR�eat in tull.Aut Lender <br /> daa not utre euchpuymenta,Lender dae�not w¢IveW righu w(th rcapai m nubsequen�oveNx <br /> (d)ReguIa ons of HUD&ereturn In mmy clrcumsuncos rcguln�lans Issued by�he Secrcwry wlll Ilmit Lenderl <br /> righu, In �M1e ease of payment dcfeuiu, �o �uiro Immcdiae paymcnt In full ad Porccloso If not oaid. 7fib <br /> Saurity Inttmment doea not au�ho�iu ecoekmt an or facclomro If not pwmined by rcguletions of�ho 9aretnry. <br /> (e)Morlgage Nol lnw►ed. Bortower egrcca�hat chould[hl�Secudty Inswment��he nao�ecured thercby not ° - -� <br /> bo ellgiblo for Insurence undcr the Natlond Housing Act wl�hin 8 moDths trom tho <br /> date hercof,Lender may,et i�s option and notwltAs��ndfng enphing in Perepeph 9,rcquiro immedinto payment in <br /> PoII ot all sums securcd b �his S udty Instrumem. A writtrn atatement of eny emhodzed agent of the Secretary <br /> deted�ubsequent ro � @�n�e Gom the date hercof,decl(ning�a imure thb 3ecudty <br /> Inswment and the no�e secured�hercby,shall ba deem�d coceluaive proof of auch ineligibility. Notwithstendtng <br /> tha foregoing,this opion may not be exercised by Leoder when Ihe umveikbiliry of insmana is solely due Io <br /> I.endert feiluro ro remi[e mortgage insurance premium io the Secro�uy. - - --- <br /> 10. Retastetement. Bortower ha�e right�o be re[nstoad it Lender hm requtrcd immediete payment In fuil because <br /> o[Borto�verh feiiurc to pay en amount due under the•Note or thie Security Instrvment. 71i1a dght applles eren aRer <br /> forecbsuro proceedings ere institmed. 7b reinsiate �he Security InstrumenL Barower shall tender in a lump�um ell _ <br /> amounn«quired tobdng BoROwerh eccoum curtem inciudfn�,to�he eztent they ue obliga4ona o(Bortower under thia __.. <br /> Seeudry InsuumenG torcclosure casu anA reazonaDie end cus�omary�rtomeya feu+nd expenses pmperiy wiiR ���� --- — —�- <br /> tho forcciosurc procecding. Upon rcinstatemrnt by Borrower,this Saurity Imuument and�he obligetiom thet it eccurn !�°Pa.�'- <br /> ahell remein in etfat m If Lendcr hed`rot r uircd immedie�e payment in full. Howevcr,Lendcr i:not rcquircd rope�mlt '"'°"" :. <br /> �I C�''?'�=`•=— <br /> reinsutement if: (p Lender has aaepud remstetement ener�he cammenttment of foreclozure proceedinga wilhfn two �'` ���_� <br /> R `+71'.:— . <br /> yean immediamly prcceding Ihe mmmemromem of a curtent foralosurc procuding, (fU reinstatement wlll prcclude s: -' �.. <br /> tomclwurc on differcnt gmu�x in�he Nmre,or(iii)reins�amment will ndvenely etfcet the priomy of�he licn ereaud by ,4„���g(r,�„_,__.:� <br /> �his Saudty Instrument. <��.i��' A' <br /> Il. 6orroner Not Rdeased; Porbearann bY Ixnder Not e Walrer. Exicnsion of the �ime of payment or , >;• � �; <br /> modi(icetion of amortisntion of the sums secured by this SecuritY Inatmmem gmmed 6y Lender to any successor in interest '< ��a �a� <br /> o!Bortower nhall not opemte lo rclease the linbiliry of Ihe ari�nnl Oormwer or Oortower6:uccessor in inleresL I.ender �1.�,1��:,s'�.,�^i'r � <br /> shall not be rt9uircd to commenct proccedings age�nsl onY sucretisor in interest or rcfuxe la exlend time tor payment or �,-/i?� Y�4 ��- � <br /> odgin I Dorrower or Uortoaerk uttesmrssinF in erca byAny(ofbeamnce by Lenderin exercisinp nnya ight or remedy aheil �'���!I��41�.'���4;:'.: <br /> no�be a waiver of or prcclude�hc excrcixe of any right ar rcmedp. ,��1',� <br /> 12. 3uceeswn and Asigna Bound;.lolnt end Several I.Inbillly: Co•Slgnen. "flm covenems md egrccmenta of �r(f�4�'E r�$ ` _ <br /> �his Security Instrument ahall binA and 6enefii�he succes+on and n.xi6m of lsnder onJ Bortower,subject io the provisions -�r�z:=;����r,c,r::::.,_�. <br /> ot Pamgreph 9.b. Uortowert covenams ond agrcemems sh�ll be joint nnd serenl. Any Unrtower�rho co•iigns Ihis �"f {'s� - <br /> Security Instrumem but daes no1 aecum�he Nrnr (u)is cuoiEninp�hi.Securi�y Irtummem only In mortguge,tmnt und tt-t����4� ,, - <br /> convey�hxt BonawerS imcrcat in�he Propeny undcr the nrnuuf thia Scwriiy In.immenr.(M1)is nnt personally ab igeted to �!;�f}�a Jyv7'��?"�r�,�`_� <br /> pny the xums securcd by�hi�S.curiry Im�mmenL nnd(c)a@no�hm I.ender:md:my mher Iiurroacr may egrce lo extend. 1�t�g�{�„ S,`� -=,•t•::-.. <br /> maddy,tor6ear or mnke ony accamnadu�inns wi�h mgurJ Io tlk�emn nf�hi�Se.nri�y Im�mmem ar the Note wi�haut thae jiz f7�� ��y. , <br /> 6orrowerkcomm�t. F Y4"} ��� a <br /> 13. NoNtta. Any noiice lo&�rtmrer provideJ(nr in Ihi�Sccurity hum�mcm.h:�ll k given hy dclivcring it or by - '/,� �� <br /> mailing i�by firsl mail uNcss applicablc laa� rcyuinw u.e af anntlur me�hnl. 7T�c noucc+hail bc dircaed Iu Ihc ��:`- %�•-�'-=fis�'::>�� <br /> Pro n Address or nn alhtt nddm.13nrtm�er de�i mnc,h�nnliir�o LcnJer. Tm� nnli�y In Lender+hall 6e rvcn h :� 5�,�, �'`:` <br /> P� Y Y F ) F Y a i •-. <br /> firsi datis mail lo Lcndcrl addr¢>c xtulcJ hcrein�+r any addra�.• I.amdcr dr.iEnalr�hr nnlice u+Hortoorr. Any noticc t t ; <br /> provided for in Ihis Securily Imirumcm.hall ix ditmcJ m haa fken Fircn m Burmi�er nr I.rnder�vhen given a�pmvidcd ��:�-:�::.;�.: <br /> in Ihis parzgraph ��'��,-�u%i�r.:. <br /> 14. Gorernfng I.ex:tie��erabilll,v. 'fhi.Sn'urilr hWmmcni.haii h•EorcmcA br fider.J Iaw anJ IBc law of Ihe .. <br /> Juri�diction in which�hc Ropcn��i.I.ka�id. In ih.crcm iha�+ny �uari+inn ur.lauv uf�hi.Scn�ril�h�.lrumem or Ihc <br /> Nott cnnllieN ai�h applitahlc I:nc..uch mnllie�.hall nm:d4v uiher prnri•inm af ihi>Snvrify In.uumcnl or�hr Nnlc � <br /> which can hc given cf(��a���i�hnui Ihc rnnll�aGnE prm f.�an. ln�h�.rnd tl�c pru�nmm af�hi+Scaunlp Imwmcnt cmd Ihc - <br /> Nate are declareJ W he+c�erahlc. - - - <br /> IS. Uorro�ver'sCop�. Bnrtaxcr.h.dllrgncnnnraonlnnncda,pcnith�.S«unq Imwmcm. �,�� � ���,����,!��.,`�'".��. <br /> I6. AssiRnmeN af RenLs. Rnrtuoi•r nnmmh�um:Jh a..�En.:md tr.m.Ir�.m I rnder all lhc renh:md rcrc�mc.ol Ihc v. - <br /> Pmperty. Bnrtn�rcr authariia Lcndcr nr Ltndcr:a}�•�� Iln rcN.and rc�annc.:mJ hcreh�dim�.caah�cn:ml ol f <br /> �hc Ih�pC�ly lo pay Ihe renh In LenJcr m I.rndcr:.µ•cnn. Iln..c�c�.�n�o���� L�•nden noum In i)urto��er r.: Hnrtawtr\ � <br /> hreuhnf:myco�cnanl.rtagmcnxnnn�hetii•auunln.IrmnrnLlinrtm�.•r.hall.�dl.cianJrc�.nrallrrnl.anJmcnur.of � <br /> IM1C ROpCM�'l�IN�IK IOI IIIC FY'11fG1 OI Lb1�Il'f.III�I NuRat\ff. ��11�bH�I11TC111 VI ICOI�i UIFIIIOII'�dil dM1.ohnr a.v}nmcnl � <br /> and nnt an r.�ignmcm for}unh. <br /> If LenJrr gire.noiim nl hreuh In N��rtnwe� �nl:dl rcnl.ti�ca•ntd M Hort�mcnh:dl h h<I.1 M Nnma�et a�Innitc <br /> fur Mnc��n(Lendcr onl��.In Fx applirJ m .CC11rcJ h� uu•X.nrn� IIM1INIpCtll:IPI LPlltlCf QIJII fk CIIIIIiI'U to <br />� cnilm�and rcccivc all�,f�hc nnt.��i�hc Ihn�rn)..nW tci ca�h icn:m��d Ihr 1}i���m.h:Jl pe� all rcm.duc and unpa�d tn ' <br /> LenJer or Lendcr�agem an Lendcr...nnrn drm+nd n.thr�rnam. : <br /> Bortoxcr ha�nol cceculrJ am prinr a.•ignmcnl ol Ihr renh .mA ha.nnl and o�ll nnt�w•r�nnn�m aat Ihal onuld <br /> prcvent Lender(mm e< in nghh undcr tln.I ara�raph Ih. <br /> Lendcr.hall no� hc mymnJ tn cnlcr urym.�aAc.�nnud�d uf III.IIIIIJIII III<No�rm h•Imc.n ai�cr�n mg roni.c ol <br /> brcach to Borto�rec Hoxcrcr. Lcnd¢r or+ IuJ�ncdh :q,pmm�l rc.cnrr ma� dn m a� am mnr�hcr.n a hrt�ch. .\m _ <br /> applir.rtiun of rcnt.+h�ll nnt cun o�x:ncc m� del.mli or m�ahJalr am uthcr n}hi m rcmd�nl I.cndcr. Ih�.+.vgmnrm <br /> af rcnb of 1he Pro�n)�hall lcmunac ahrn�h:Jcht,r.u::.l h�tL': Sicuntc In.immcnl n pnJ m Iu1L <br />._ q.i<,qqJn.a... <br />_ I <br /> !�____ "_ _—__. <br />