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� J� ' <br /> : <br /> YJ�L. _ _ .__ . .� . . . . . � . _ ISa4 FY �ti _12) _ __..._. <br /> �-.. � �.1 .. � . . ._'. � ;�_ .. . •��-'- (. <br /> 1 <br /> ' � � #i <br /> .. ._ . .. - . . - . ` .. . .- � 1I ._ : . <br /> ' . . '. . ':. � Y : ._ / <br /> �. , . . �3- �D��t�s � ' r.: <br /> t� IW�t�c���D���Tate�at�Ad�itsC�,8 ww�TultQ�wAenduotlwp�Cipd9f,en0lnta�xwnt y <br /> ' �Iw¢eMov�.n, a4bY�aNapondl�teehaigWduoiwd�"theN� °— <br /> b 1Hoet6tp qteot'I�ut�Iaaunctebad�t�e►Cde►a�. Bonowuchsillndu�eHeacbmon01y paymbnr, _ <br /> —� wgWxr�vlUt 4y ecd in�rs.s es Stt tonA in tha Note enSany 1q(a chyEe�,an�naullment ot my(a�faxtb and <br /> sp�Wc eueasmen a lnvle0 or to bo Ievie4 agavw�ho Propeny.(b)teesetwtdyaymenta orgroun0 rcnW oq thE Praperiy:mid <br /> (c)�rcmtwuforinsumncoroqulrcdbyVara yh4. <br /> 8ech mmd�ty,instellment tor Ium� N,@)end(o)�daU equal onFCwe1M ot.Aa asmuel roasonaoly <br /> eatimated by l.endcr.yIw en amount su olent to malnmin an eddttlone] 6aiauca o►not moro than ohaa(act4 of tAb <br /> ` qtimitW amoonu. 'iTa t�U anaual nmoun[tor each item�ha11 be attumulatcd by Leader withtn a.pqllqG ding one <br /> month betoro en Item wou1J buome deliaquenw Lendu sha11 hotd the amowu eoAectW In wa�tBp�itaMe(�@)And <br /> (0?DelmnTheybecomedelinquenw ` • <br /> It�t eny tlme the totei ot Iho paymenu Aeld by Landa tor itema(a),(b)end(c),toge�hu iNfi the turom monthly <br /> ' ta for nuh iteme pnyaple to I.ender pdor ro tha due daiw of�ueh item�,exaeds by moro Ihaa om.sktd iUe <br />� � �� �metW amount ot paymenu requlred topay wch t[ema wlroa dua end if pa menro on ba Note aro ar[ent,IhCnl.ender - <br /> s�ail eithu retund the exow over onastxth otthe at(mated payments or�t iAo oxaa ovu ona-aixth of�ho aNmated <br /> ' pqymen�e to cubsequrnt paymenu by Borsowu at Uw opdon of Hortower. If the atal of�he paymeaw mado 6y Hortower _ <br /> of r i�em(a).@),or(c)la insufficirnt to pay�he5rem when due,�hen Bortower iA�l pay w Lender any amowt necauery to <br /> -- mako op the defletency on or betoro tho dete the icem bxomesdua <br /> Aa uced in thia Saudty instrumcnt, 3arctnr�l'means tlw 3ecrctary of Housing and Urban Developmrnt or hb or txr <br /> desl�ea. In eny year In whlch the Lender muupa e mortgege insuranoe prcmlum to NaSecretery,cach monthly peyment <br /> _� sMll tlao Includo eiNer. 0) an Insteilment of�o umuel mongage Insurance premiwn m be pald by I.endu ro the <br /> Sant�ry,or(ti)a momhty chergo instcad of a mortaago Insurtrrca prcmium it�his 8aurt�y Instrummt b held by the <br /> --"� Secrctuy. BecA moNhly Ina�aUment oi tho mongego In�uronce prcmium�hall be In an amoum wtticicnt ro accumuiazo the <br />�;rr:,:ca: full unua� mo0gege Inwronce prcmlum with Lcnder ona month prlor�o thc deto Uro Wll ennual mortgego tnaurance �-- <br />-_;�;LP' premlum b due�o the Secrc�ery;or If�hla Saudty Insuumem la held by tho 8ecrciery.exh monthly ahargo�hell bo In an <br />' s�i;:� emoum equal�o ono•twolllh oTOno•haltperccm oT the ouu�ending principel bulence duo m tha Nae. <br />>;-„�-„ If Bortower trnden ta Lcndcr tho NII peYment ot all mm�rccurcA by thB 3ecu�iry Insimmen4 Bortowerb�aoune <br />.';,f ,, ehall bo crcdiccd w1�A�ha balmce rcmalNng for all Inatellmcnu for icema (a),@)nnd(c) md my mortgage insuranw <br /> ,;.�c, prcmlum Instellmrnt�hat Lcndor he�not 6aomo obligetW w pny ro�ha 3ecrcury,end Lender�hell promptly rcfund en <br />�;irx,�,';, exau fund�to Oorrower. Immedieioly pdor�o e torcelosu�e�ala of the I'ropeny or lu�q uisitlon by Lendu,Bortower� <br /> � �:+F, ucount shall bo crcdltcd wl�h any b�lanco rcmdning tor all instalimcnte tor ltem�(a).(b)and(c� <br />��%;�n�-, 3�,�Ap�ticatloa of Paymente� Ail paymenu undcr PeragwPhs 1 end 2 shdl bo npp11M by l.ender m followc <br /> �q (�J$�,lo tho mortgage insurence premlum ro be paid by I.ender ro the Secretary ono the monthly chergo by tM __ <br /> ` ,fi.�� Secrct fnstead of the momhly mong�go inaurenea prcmium; <br /> to any Wce�,�peclol auessmenu,lcasehold prymems or ground rcnp,and flre�Flood and o�her hazerd <br /> r ry�� naurence prcm(um�,os rcquircd; <br /> �`�� D to intettst du�uMcr�hr Note: - <br /> y,N;y;� �to emonimtion of the p�incipal of the Note; <br /> 5 a� �,�o lete ehar�ea duc under tho Nou. _ <br /> �j�,f� 0.F re,Rlood e n dOther Hnrard Insuronce. Borrower shall insurc all improvementa on�he P ropeny.w hct h e r now <br /> - in existence or subscquentiy erected,egainst eny harards,�acuahies,end contingendes,fncluding ftrc,for which Lender �� ^°� <br /> --`'�''�`, rcquUe�insuronc¢. 77da inwrenca chall be mdntnined in Ihe emounta and for Ihe peria&that Lender requirca. Bortower �"�3 • <br />--,-�.i�;'y� :heil dao Wurc all improvemente on theProperty whciher m�v in exiatence or mbxquauly eraied,egeinst loss by floods �_, ._ <br /> �; to t h e earent rcqu i rc d by�he Sarc iery. A l l i n s urence shall be cartied wiih mm pmies approved b y Lender. The insurena !�,,__: <br /> E r "-'� polleia and eny rcnawal� thall he hetd by Lender and ahell includc lau payeble c l auaea in fevor of, and in a tortn k ,.. . <br /> ` - �x exeptable to.l.ender. '' :: <br /> � � In ihe event ot losa, Bortower shall give Lendcr immediatc notia by mail. Lender may mnke proof of lox+if not ��� ; <br /> �a: made promptly by Borrower. Eech insurance mmpany conremed is hercby nmhorized md directtd ro meke pa ent for � � <br /> F � e cuch loss dira�ly lo Lender,insteed af�o Botrower and ro 4enderjointiy. All or eny Pan of the insurance proc�may be A�.._ <br /> - r"""- n Iled b Lender,et iu o �lon,either(n)ro�he reduclion of Ihe indebtedness under the Note and ihia Secudry Insuumem. �i,,:__:: <br /> t; PP Y P <br /> � i,'�r,% first�o any delin�uem emounts nppliW in�he order in Wregraph 3,and thrn to prep�yment of pdncipal, or(b)ro the � ,y--. <br /> - ti�,)� rcarontion or rcpa r of�he demaged pmpeny. Any applicniion of�he procceds�o ihe prinnpnl ahall not amnd or postpone �' �f <br /> -"'�-" ' Ihe due dete ot the monthly payments wh�ch ue refrmd�o in Pnmgraph 2.or change ihe nmount of such paymenu. Any +:�1oi::: <br />�`?z�,4�i? exces+Insurence proceed+over on emount rcquircd to pay all amstanding mdeMednes under the No�e and�his Saurity -•:;' <br /> . Instrvment ahdl be paid�o�he emity Icgxlly emiiled�hereta c'�'�-� <br /> ;j� In the event of forcclacure o(thie Security Inxtmmem or mher tnnsfer of�i�le to�he Propeny that exlinguishes�he r� � <br /> � n! indeb�edneu,all righ6 tiNe end imercse af Bortower in nnd io imuronce policies in forec sMll puz to the purchaar. <br /> ..i���� S. Oaupancy, Preservetlon, MaiMenance end Proteclion ot Ihe Property;6orro�rer'a Loan Appifmtlon; R <br /> i, :� t.eesehotds. Bortower ahall cecupy,a�ablixh.end uce the Property as 6orto�rer:s pnncipal Rsidence wi�hin six�X days : : <br /> ;4;.��: efter�he execmion ot thia Secumy Insvumem end.twll caminue ia accupy t6e Propeny as Borrooxrk principal res�dence „�. <br /> ��'°'4;�.' for at Ieaat one year aRer the da�e o(occupancy.unles+the Secm�ary deteiminex�his myuircment will cause undue hardship "i`<�-� <br /> ��'<': for Bortower, or unless exienue�ing circunis�ances exixt which am Myond Bormwu's cumrol. 6ortower shell notify , <br />- �,:i'.' Lenden of any extenueling cireumstnnces. [iommer shall mn mmmi�w��te m�y,dnmage or suh+taniially chmge <br /> �.''�'+�..+' ihe Propeny or allow ihe Propeny ro deteiiare�e.rca�rnmble�vear and tcar excepted. Lender may mspen�he Propeny i(the <br /> - -��-'1 Property is vacent or abandoned nr the Inan is in de(au11. I.ender may�ake rcz•onable x�ion io pmmc�and preserve cuch <br /> !�=�7=j; vecenl or abmdoned Ropeny. Borto�ver+hall alui M1c in deGmll il Uotrower.during ihc liun applic.�lion praccss,gave - <br /> --�,�, meterially fdu or inaccuram intortnation or .�memem. tn I.ender lor (ailed �o quvide Lender wi�h any materiol -- <br /> :-:�� intormation)in connalion�vith Ihe loan evidrnceJ hy�hr Noic,including, bm mt limimd to,rep'exmations conttming <br /> ^�S.s.f Borrowerh occupancy of�he Propeny a.a principnl rnidenoe. It Ihi+Scavrity In+uumem i.on a Ieaaehold.Aotrower shall � <br />-rs��=,;,,�, eomply with�he pruv�s�ons o(ihe leax. If Bortawer ecyuirc�fee litle Io�he Pmpeny.�he Ieamhold and fee lille�hall nol <br /> bc metged unlesc Lender agfen 10 Ihc mcrecr in writing. <br /> - � 6. Chergee�o Borrouer and ProtMion ut Lender's Rl�hls In Ihe Vroperl�. 13mroucr.hall�w��all go�•emmrntal � <br /> �" or municipal charges.fines and impnti�ioro ihat are no� included in H�r�graph 2. Ilnrtauer shail pay thex ohhga�inns on - <br /> ,??t�,''' time directiy w Ihe rn�ily �vhich i.oaeJ Ihe paymem. If failum la pa� W nu1J�dvenelp a(!ea Lender i inlere.l in the � <br /> Propeny,upon Lenderk myuetil Bartoxcr•hall pnnnptl)•(umich tn Lendcr reccipl•cridaa�ng Ihc.c parmenl+. � <br /> -- - - If Bortower(eils lo make Ihe.c paymcnn or�hc p�ymenl. mymrnf M1y Paragr:�ph?. nr fafh �o pedo�m any o�her _ <br /> covenants and ngrecmmts contained in Ihi�Securny Imlrument,nr Ihere i.a Icgal praxndmF Ihal mar�ignific:m�lr a!(eci ( <br /> �- ��...I.A d.A�. :...b 0.nn.nv ru��h a. n wrd:no in R�nkmnlve. fnr[nndem�laGon nr to enfnlle 10�vs or ICCUlalioNl. <br />._.�'�_�._-- �..�.....o.._....._.._�_..� .___.._ _^P.C__.__o ' ' - <br /> ;:,tF,:. then Lender mey do md pay wham.�cr is necas�q•m pm�a��he valuc af�he Propen�and LenJer.righ��m�he Pmpert��. }- <br /> ;r�,+1� ineluding paymem of iaxes,ha�ard inwmnce md niAcr uem.memioned in Paregr�ph_. ! <br /> - �i? My emounts disbursed by Lender under this Patagmph.hall l+ecome un addiuonal deM of Bnrtm�er:md 6e�ecureJ � <br /> ������� by thu Security lnswment. "fhese amounls.hall bcar inlc¢+t (mm Ihc�tc of di+M1Unemem,a�Ihc Nolc fa�c.and al Ihc <br /> �" opiion of Lender,ahall bc immedialtly duc and payahla �_ <br /> -.'?�?-�=; 7. Condetnnallon. The pmceeds o(any award nr ciaim(nr Jamage�.dirtal or corteyucmial,in annnecUnn�.i1h�ny � <br /> _`-:1�;^ condemnetion or oiher laking o(any part of the Raperty.or for rnnveyance in plam of�ondemnalion,am hemb)�z..igned <br /> - �'';>s nnd shell be id to Lcnder lo Ihc ulenl of Ihe(ull amoum o(lhe indcAlednct�Ihai mmains unpaiJ undcr lhc Nole and Ihi• <br /> y� 4 .�_ � <br />:�.-`e=¢:.,: Security Insuumeni. Lender+hill apply such praceeds Ie ihe reduclion of�he indeM1lednne unJer the Nole and�hi+Stturilr � <br /> "- Inswmenl, firsi to any delinquenl amoums applitd in Ihe order provided in P�rngroph 3,anJ lhen la prtpaymem nf � <br /> I.��,;�s���:i� principal. Any applicelion af the proceeJs lo Ihe principal shail not exlend nr�xntpnne Ihe Jue dale of Ihe �wmhlr � <br /> ' Y Y� � <br /> --':3; �r�c�1,1+r+�m� <br /> `_�2}�. <br />. .._.1,`•� . . __ - _ _— _. _ . ��. ._ <br />