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.l" x :1 e,::[•39�a�,_..uli=;..��._:�:._...=i'._:_'t'+�._ , r.���':=m..�- ;z� . . <br /> ' (�.-..i�'.i-'�' ' -l ��'�5 `ri•_'4 - � "'� . r�'�E�d _'_"—_ �_ '� v -}i _'.b�"�� .-_. <br /> '�� ..z t� �'.�'� fd- s4i�t- .,J___.5.�=.�� r.,. ' ��L'�'� ...n.. —_ <br /> .� _ae-- . _ . . <br /> �;:_. +-=__r__. _ <br /> �= <br /> �.�;�� - r• �- �- — <br /> __�.- I� �v. _. _ <br /> ^ 'lt�r: 90� ZO4�12a� ' ° �'- <br /> � � rr. <br /> � �,c� : ����sipnor herebv oovenaMe anC wanante to Na Analpnee Nat (e)Aesipnor hee not exeauted any pdor ��r �� <br /> , g Le809 or ol Ite dghf,011e and Intereal ihereln or the rentals to eccmB thereunder,@)Asslynor�as not ,S. , <br /> ��c<c? edenyeotoroxeCUtedanY fneWmentwhlohmlghtprevanttheASalgneatromoparatlngundaranyoltNet&maend <br /> �� - E� c�ondltlonohereof,orwhlohwouldilmlttheAsalgneelneuchoperatlon•(o)ASSIgno�haenotacoeDtedreMUndertheLeatato► f}';�„ <br /> 5 4r ,311 enY rlo0eu0 uenttolheaunentpadod(o�rRitohrerthesalrsa�ybacomadueendQSyeb�o'(dltherel�nodefflultnow � <br /> Sr ��,'�� exisingunderth�eae,and(e)AealflnorhasnotexecutedmgrentadenymodiaoaUonmamondmeMwhatevarolNeLeane � f;,� <br /> elther orely or in wdtlng axcept ea set tonh In Bchedule B,end thel the Leaea Is In Ntl force end ettecL ��{�i5�j�t:iiL v .�E <br /> ir yr��� <br /> -`t =F B. R IS MUTUALIV AOREEp WITH RESPECT TO FJ1CM LEA8E TNAT: it t)E` k T'�^'2 �`�:r� <br /> ( j St' y F�5lM�4 - .. <br />'' ''i �� 1. AeslgneeherebygmntepermlealontoAsalgnortocollectupon,butnotDdortoaoaruel,ellrente,leaueadeposite �%��,��ry;�p�� <br /> t� andprofitafromiheealdPremiseaendtoretaln,endueeenyenjoytheeame,6utreserveatherlphttorevokeeuchparm�ea�on Y t } , , ,�• <br />�y� <i� -; etenyUme,wlNOrwllhoutceusabynoticelnwrWngtoAasignorbyceNfledmellsenitoNeaddreasherelnafterpresarl6edfor 'r`�'"ri���`�a�Yri.`�� <br /> , �a,, sending notloea In eny even4 such permlaslon to Assignor ehall be autome8oalty revokad upon delaul4 by Aasignor In Ih0 i� ;t` �� ' : <br /> paymentofenYofthe0bilgetlonaeecuredherebyorinthepeAormanoeotanyobtlga8on,covenanLa9reementherein.ineaid �L�s`,���+�ra�r'f� ; <br /> �,� moRpage or dead of iruat,in Ihe Lease or in eny ol the OWlgadona securetl hareby,w In ony socuring Qxumant given In ,�; s �,`, <br /> �,,.',,`.,;; �pertniaslonorefierlhe�8occurrenceof�e�Delaul�U�9�ASai nee,ma etllsoYp�UOneBerootiflcetlo toAsa'gi nor,byceNl�le�dmallto k'�?��'vt '=+�r�' %. <br /> � • 9 9 < �i�� fi�� �s;�� <br /> ' theeddreasherelnefterpreacdbedforsendingnoticeadirectany orelloflhetenantsofthePremisestopaytoASalgneeJts � . _ �s +;` j� -y ,. <br /> �' egente or Ite ettomeye, such renta, lasuea profite, ravenuea,tlepoaita rlghta and beneflls ea may now b9 due or ehatl --; _ { 4 ,,;.,. <br /> r ,, . <br /> YS�����3; herelnetterbeoomedue endAselgneemaycollecithesame.Theemdevitoiwrittena�etementolnnolficer,egent orettomey yti ; ,� „fi�,,4�,��.y�;. <br /> �..��t otAsalgnoaslatlngthetthereheabeenaDefaultahellconalituteconcluslveeddenceNereof,endanYtenanttootherperaons p�,•�ifs " r�r!..-; <br /> �,' �,��t! Iaeuthorizedanddireatedtoretythereon.TheAasignorNrlheragreeathatintheevemthepDeormisaiontouseendreteinthe r�` �F�; � ��.��;; � <br /> �� ��� �` toAe�slngn��thedmeandin heman e�rrehueat db Aeaignee,elle�ecuhl deposlWOroth e rmon�ead poeitedhy,lesseea r �C+��3 , SI tyt =_�� <br /> q y �y 5, . � � �re n•. <br /> � ,�} of the Premisea In accordance wi�h the provislona of the Leeses. c+Y�--7 �� �j+,��,�:=. <br /> 4 �, <br /> 1~i{'�r� hefBlf1860&1heAee�ga BB.Ht%eOptlOfl�f119Y d CIe Br9110bIIgatlonsaecuredhe�bylmmedlelelydueendPeyetblB, ne dmeya ' ���;�� �'3f4k;f��-- <br /> iir,�i�?,}•_;' 0s option,wilhout no0ce,and if eny euch OblignUona be eecurad by deed of trust IrceepeotM1re of whelner e daoleretion of ��,; ,�,�.�y)��;: <br /> defauttunderseiddeedoftruatheabeendeliveredtoTruffieethereunder,exerciaeelldgMeendremedleawnteinedlneald �;�•�-^� � �t �e'..-` <br /> %'�� . morlgepeordeedoiWatendwilhoutregardlortheadequaoyofeecuriryfatheObligetionsherebyeeared,el�herin reon ,'��`� �, �,,�'=.`, <br /> :.,.:; i�f . � ,a,..,}..:,,;.r. , <br /> ;4�, or by ogentwith or wilhout bdnginp en�ection or prxeeding,or by e receiver to be eppo�nted by e cou4 enter upon,ieke �� 3 fv b'H±:. <br /> � po saeaslon ot manage and operate ea d Premises or eny paAthereof,meke,enforce,maAly,and accept 1he sunende�of s �- <br />�� ,'�� Leasea.obleinandevlotlenente,tixormodByreMe.end0oanyaclewhlchtheASalgneedeemapropertopro[eotthesecudry ��t�t' T ��1^'" <br /> �-� hereoLand8ilherwllhorwilhoudakingposaeealonofthePremisas,initaownname,suefororotherwiaewllectendreoeive 7(l,.z' �1��� '- _. <br /> enrem&ISweaendprofib,inctudin9fhosepaetduuun�un�iuid,unyap'yiy111o6fln ib"a5GOM3:id8Xp3tiC2oO�UFBl8110R911d -�� ��;, 51 A`: --- <br /> ,r � � rqllection,including,but not Ilmitetl to,paymenta for wagea and payroll tezes,compensatlon of inenaging a�eM and other r, 1 S, t ...,:� <br /> t menagement ooata and expenaea,real ostete tezes end asseasmenia water,sewar,and simiter oharpoa nauranca end �R .,�; -' '��y�� <br /> �� workerswmpensaUOnOremlume,groundrents,cuatomaryrealestetecommisalon,endreasonableaflomey'sleesendcourt •�^,a,?'„, ;,•• <br /> � cosla,uponenyObllgatloneeacuredhareby,andinauchorderestheAasigneameydaterminaThoontaringuponendteking �� :;. � �- �� .. $��- - <br /> ' - posaea8lon oHhe Premlaea the collec�on of such rente,isauea end profite and theaDP���aGOn thereotas etoresaid,sha11 nat r�: � - <br /> cureorwalvaflnydelaultorwalve,modiy,ora8ectnoticeofdetaullunderaeitlmortgageordeedoftrustorinvalidateanyact - � ,s_. ; _. <br /> . - donep ursuentlosuchnollce.AsaiynorherabyreleasesanyandellcleimawhichithasormighthaveugalnstASalgneeadsing - ' i 1- �'( <br /> � -- '�� out of auch collection,management oDeretton and melntenence,exceDNng the Ilabillry of Asaignee lo accounttor amounta �.�` "�jf-' <br /> - �'��� collected ena expended by it � _ 1 -- �'t � <br /> a The Aaslgnee ahall not be obligeled to pedorm or diSCherAe, nor doea it here by un de rt a ke to e A Or m o r �� . - ��'� ;- <br /> - diacharge,enyobllgalion,duy or Ilabiliry under the Lease,or underor by reason of thie Aasignmenl Assignor shsPand does { -.�_� <br /> � � herebyegreetointlemnifylheAasigneeegeinstendholdithermlesatromenyendellllablliry,lossordamagewhlchitmayor � �;-•�?;� <br /> .:��.. :.�: •':..�;;�::. <br /> might Incur under the Lease or under or by reason ot this Asaignment nnd of end 1rom eny and ell claims and tlemend ;: -� ,., <br /> whatsoeverwhichmaybeaasertedagelnstitbyreasonofeny allegeUObllgallonorundertekingonitapa rttopeAormo�lnthe �- <br /> - dlscha�ge of any of ihe term&covenanle,o�agreemenla contelneA in the Lease;ahould the Asalgneo Inar eny such Ilabiliry. �'� - <br /> losa or damage under the Laese or under or by reason ol thie Aesignment or in the defense egeinat eny auch claims or � - <br /> �- � - � demande,Iheamountthereof,indudingcosla.expensesandreasonableattome�/afeea,togelherwllhintereatthereonetthe ` -- ; •• - <br /> � higheat rete aetforth In an�ot fhe Obligatlone secureC nereby,ahell be secured 6e�eby end by tha ea�d mortgage or deed of � .' "r '" <br />- - truaLendAasignorshallremDUreetheASaigneeNerelorimmediatetyupondemand.enduponlhofeiluraotAsa(gnoraotodo �'���-- � -�� <br /> � �' the Asalgnee may declere all Obligetione secured hereby Immedietely dae and peyable. � -j- : <br /> " ' C. IT IS FURTHER MUTUALLY A6REED THAT: � <br /> t t. UntiltheObliOaGOnasecuredherebyahallhevebeenpaidi�tull.ASSignorcovenanteandegreeatokeepleasad <br /> at e pood end eutticient rantel the Premisea end upon demand to tranafor and esaign to the Asaignee any nnd ell aubsequent <br /> Leasea upon all or any pert o1 such Premisea upon tho seme or substemially the seme terma and condflions aa ere herein - <br /> conleineA,endto make,execute,and delive�tothe Assignee,upon Aemantl.any and ell inatrumeMa that may be neceesary or <br /> deeireble therefor,but the terms and provisions of this Assignment shell appty to any such subaequent Leasa or Leases <br /> who�her or not ao easigned end venaterred. <br /> 2. Asaignorshall,uponrequestofAsaignee,lum�ahitecompletelistaaolthedalooHhorequestolallLeasesend <br /> other tenanciea of the Premises m auch reasonabio deteil as may be requesled by Assignea Furlher,il requeatod.Assignor — <br /> ahall deliver to A9signea executed or cenilied copiea of all Leases end olher wrinen agreemems,correspondence.and — <br /> memorende belweenASaignor enC Lesseea and olhertenants sening lorlh fie contractual arrangements between them Such _ <br /> � <br /> requeate may be ma0e et eny reasonable time. _� <br /> __ _ � 3. Theteiluretoliatanysp8CilicLeasesunderScheduleBhereto.shailnotinvali0ateoreflectinanymanner,the ._. <br /> i general asslgnment oi rems end�eases provided Sor nerein. <br /> , 4. Upon ihe payment in tull ot ell Obligations sewred eviAenced�the recor0ing or filing of en <br /> inslrument ol saflaieclion or full release ot seid moKgage or Aeed of IrusL unleas there aha 1 heve been recorded another <br /> morlgage ordaed oltru811n tevor o1 theASSi9nee covering Ihe whole or eny part olt�e leased Premises.lhis Assignment ahell <br /> - become nall enA vold end of no effec� <br /> ccsro vee r <br /> � <br />