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,, .. . . .,. .:_.. �;�r.5� <br /> � ... .. . � --__ <br /> �ti �, _ . . _ <br /> ,, �.� ,. - _ <br /> �F�t �J�� . . -- . ._ _._.. <br /> X� , �. A881QN�IBNT OP 6EA�F.B AND REt�T� ,��■ �(1�1�a �._.._.__,. ._ -- <br /> ;�, s �� <br /> � z� <br /> ��t�'�� THISABSIiiNM@NT�msd�thla 1]eh daYO� May 18 93 � E. �v � -- <br /> � <br /> d��",�' "� ; .. <br /> ' DaviC L. BahafYar end Prenoae P. eohatter, huebnna nna eite � �r sY � <br /> Sl M 'tl t � �i� �,n4 4_ <br /> rs� � _x 820 wast 2nd arnnd ieland. NB 68801 *�i� y�,� ,�_. �V_ <br /> residing et or havinp en o/Nce at • <br /> ryltl'_ �_' twi� v4��"� � <br /> f if r-': Firellur Benk Natlonel AeaoaleNon,Omehe,Nebraske havinp i'�`p�, 2 1 y� <br /> J 1 ; merein called"ASeI9nof lo "t,r J'h r y. . r , <br /> at�� ',u ' ita pAnolpal omce at Oma�a,Nebreska(harein called"Aesignee'�, ;,s�,c�, f�i�;' ' , <br /> 5 �5 Y tF� t� J <br /> � � y i� i WITNE88kTH: ' ` " �' - <br /> t�., �i�.y� '' -ia" <br /> s. <br /> , ' FORVAWERECENED,Asal9norhereby grenla,lraneferaendaesignalotheAsslgnseatlotfhorlpht,Ntlaend : nl �� _ <br /> i'x i;-�-:' IntereStolA&Rlgnorinendtoerryendeilleasesandolhertenanoleenoworhereafl8rmadeonorwllhrespeottoNetealeaffite �y� ty ,;�.,� . <br /> � t, S",._� �ti�i� sN�:J.,;:_. <br /> s�t} ,� '�t��� 8a11 County� Nebsaeka end more p9N6Ul8dy d68dlbBd ��' t .. <br /> InBeheduleAhareof,whichrealeateteahellberefertedtohereinakerea"Premlaea",Including,bulnotlimltedtothatcertein scSz3p.�r� _ <br /> 4•. �,L <br /> LeaseorthosecertelnLeasas,wi�hmodillce9ona Iteny,describedin8ohedule0hereo},coveAngthoPremiaes;to8etharwiN .. s � <br /> 4 ; <br /> , �'_`- <br />��, ' 's, ; (t)eny end ell extenslona or renewale thereof,(�2I eny and all auaranteas of the Lesee'e obligatlona under any mereot end s% r a <br /> � � - under any and ell exlenalona or reneu+als of anythereot end(3)ell rente,Isauea Proflte,revenuea deposlta eameat money K'3', , ____ <br /> `, . `�sr`}';" paymente,dghts end benafite now or hereaftar arlsing trom such lease and tenencies or tor the use an0 occu�ency of the c�=r t � ._, <br />_ ,:_;f,.;:,.{ PremiseaendenyandallextenslonsandrenewelathereotBaldleasesendtenenciesorotherusaofthePremsestogelhe� qti, �v�: <br /> ' -�--,r;,.$ vdlhenZandallgueranlee8,modilicatlon&extenalone,endrenawelslhereolshellbesomotimeahereinaflerrefertedtoeethe j;�},,:;7;;r_ry, <br /> "��c+;;-;:it+";, "LOase or"Leases'; '`4:yf;:'�::: <br /> a x. ..-� '°°fN J c :•_ <br /> ` '"� FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURINO: A'`+��� . ` <br /> .. ,t -- : °(° 1i� . <br /> �S { �,• ONE Payment end peAormance of each end every debt Ilability and obligatlon W everylype and deacd Uon `--"r`,5 1, ,,,,��,_- <br /> " j�� which Asslgnor m¢y now or any11m0 hereafler owe to Aeaignee,Including,but not Iimltad to,the In�deY tle Zneas�Ot�nOr r_ , � f���=_ <br /> secured by that certnin mortgege w deed o}wat mude by the Asaognor to the Asalgneo dated �_,2�x <br /> endrecortledortoberecwrdedatorpriortotherecordingofthlsAssignmenLorenyolhermortgegeordeedofWSthereaflOt ;�.t „ � 3x°_: -- <br /> - '� covedngthewholeoranypartolthaPremiaea,(wheMereuchdebt��eblllty,orobligationnowexieteorlehereefleroreatedor t,_f��e}n �rs; -� . <br /> „ 7 � - � incurred and whether It Is or mey be direot or indtrect tlue or�o bacoma dua e6s�tuto c wrengant Pdmar�or:xondar� - -, �---- <br /> {/t�11-1 i-�}�1b a Y� ry .. <br /> •.c�,l,�,,,..,�' Iiquldeted or unliquldated, or Joint aeverel,or jo1M and aevere�all auch debt&Ilabit8lea end obt geUone being here n i rs �,s t . <br /> „�,,��� '�_ conectivey retened to eometlmes ea the"OWigationa'�;end " t *� �}�4��� <br /> �'�t'y��f-�f- �x�s4A� -.'. <br /> ".` 1W0: PeAOrmance end discharge ot each end every obllgetion, covenant end egreement of Aesignor t;f �; �ya � <br /> - contained herein or in any euch mortgege ordeed ot trual or any nota or bond secured thereby,or In eny obligatlon or any � t'��-- <br /> �� secudng document given In connaction wlth any ol the Obligetions secured hereby. ���! � } --� <br /> , .j - � � . ;�n.., <br /> �.. <br /> ��� A TO PROTECT THE SECURITY OF THIS ASSIONMEN7 ASSIONOH AQREE8,WITH RESPECT TO EACH �� r ��:iYt,��� <br /> � LEASE : "f`�:� �-: <br /> y E �: <br /> 1lv � ' <br /> ' t. Tofatthlullyebideby.pedormenddischergeeachendeve�obligatlon,covenentendflgreementoflheLeasa � i--r�i's.r�' <br /> byLeesortobepeAOrmed,toglvepromptnoticetotheASalgneaofenynotceoldetaultoMheDaAOfASaignorwilhreapectlo _ . <br /> NeLeasereceivadtromLesseeorguarenror,toge�herwlNeneccurateandcompletecopyofenyauchnoiice;etthesolecost . '! - -," 4 : <br /> end expense of Asaignor,to eNorce or secure t�e peAormance of each end every obligallon, covenent conditton end Y.' - ���, <br /> -� � agreementoflheLeesebytheLeasaetobapeAormed;no[romodityorinanyweyallerthetermeoftheLease;notroterminate - . � -•� -- <br /> IhetermoftheLeaseendnottoeceeptesurrenderoftherentethereunderwtowaive.excusa,condoneorinanymanner j>. - -�?"','. �r'�?� <br /> � ieleaseo�dischargetheLeaseethareundertromtheobllgetiona.covenants.condillonsandegreemenlsbylheLesseetobe t,-,. �' 'i;':::-.:.;.:-�-. <br /> - partormed,including the obligatlon to pey ihe rental called for thereunder in the manner and et the place end tlme apecilted - h,;�-�', ,. <br />- -- � Iherein,end Assignor does by Nese presenta expresaly reloaso,relinquiah end aunender unto the AaMgnee all Asaignora _ _ .i s•:-,:,.�.. <br /> dghLpowerandauthodlytomadityorinenywayallerthetermaorprovislonaoftheLease.onoterminatethetermoreccepte it5--�.� <br /> surrender thereof,end eny attempt on the part of the Assignor to exercise eny such right without the written authodty end . <br /> � he�elneiter,en911ng�flth �gnee to de9c ere'alasums aecured hereby mmed etely dueeand peyable�hereot,as defined , , <br /> 2. A1 Asaignor a aola cost and expense to appear in and delend any ecfion or proceeding erising under,growing <br /> oW oi or in any manner conneded wilh the Lease or the obligetions,duties or Ilabilitiea of Lessor,Leasee or guarantor <br /> Ihereunder,end to pay all cosb nnd exDenses ot tha Assignee,including anorney a faee ln a reasonabia aum,in eny auch <br /> action or prceeeding in which the Asaignee may eppeac — <br /> 3. Thnt should Aasignor fail to make eny payment or to do any ect as herein provided,then ihe Asaignee,but <br /> withoul obligeUOn ao lo do enA wdhoul notice to or demand on Assi9nor,and wilhout releasing Aaaignortrom any obltgation <br /> hereof,may make or do the same in such mnnner end lo euch extem as tho Asalgnee may daem necessary to protect the ` <br /> securdy hereol,inclvding apecif+cally,without IimNng i1s general powers,the right to appeer in end dalend eny acUOn or <br /> proceeding purporting to flfleclihe security hereot or Iherighla or powers of ihe Aasignee,end fllsothe right bu[notthe duryto <br /> peAOrm and discharge each anC every obligalion, cwenent and agreement ol Leasor in the Lease Conleined;end in _ <br /> exerciaing any such powe.s to pay necessery costs end expenses.employ wunsel pnd ine�r end pay reasonable atlorney's <br /> feea <br /> 1 4. Topayimmediatelyupondemandallsumsexpen0etlbylheAasi9neeundertheauthorityhereof.togetherwitn <br /> � interest Ihereon at lhe highesl rate set lorth in any oi the Obligetions secured hereby,end the eame ahalt be added to Ihe <br /> � ObIlgeNOna end shell be secured heroby and by ihe seid mortgage or deed ol iruat <br /> j <br /> 5. ThatASSignorwiiinottrensleroiconveytotheLessee�heleelitletothedemisedPremisea.oranyparithereol. _ <br /> � � unlessiheLebseeassumesinwritingandegreestopaythedebtsecuredherebyinaccordancewiththeterms.tovenanl9and <br /> condiGons ol Ihe said note or bond secured by seid mongage or deed ot trust <br /> � � ., ,,.. _M , <br /> 9 � <br /> i <br /> i <br />