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, �..,'�----..r � � , ; <br /> t <br /> ,U �t ... �- - ., � `ei, -J-_ .. ; -�. . ,�_' r -. a't .. __ �~ ._. <br /> _� - .-.. - , . . � .. /y� " <br /> �.•. .�Y� � .�_ t �' x _____ _. -- .. . . <br /> ,. <br /> , _� _ ' _' � /`� ;�-+, J _ <br /> " . �„RSKINMBNFQP/IENTdRID@R °, '� <br /> ° " '''TH18A�$IfiNM6N10FREN�BRIDEplem4deandexqputeCfhin ��deyol �Y - :1B��Mi# , ` <br /> � Ieoorpontedlntonndehetihedlame0toamb�dlndedpDl4ma�it�e Od9a0eorpeedolTrual,herolna(terrqfefr toeefh� ' - <br /> ��3owrity Inetrument";of the'd�me dete piven by Ihe unaamlpne0,naroln�fter retarW to�a fne^�orrowa!",.ro nou�e <br /> � BoRqw�P4��4aDletlneee,Aerelnafte�retorradtonet�e"Noto",toHOMBF80ERAL8AVINaBANDl0ANA88UCIAT10�lOP <br /> - ORANDI8I.AND,hefalnalterreiertedtoaethe"Lendar",offheeamedalesndeovadnptB86ropbrtYdrt�aorlbed�rf�eSaaurity <br /> ="��� Inntn�mant ana looatatl et: <br /> �ca,, ' 4�19 MA�Qy 11UE GNIIND ISLBN�. NE9flA8K 8880� <br /> '_-; <br /> - �P�ooenr Aaoroael • - ` -. ". .."._- <br />`T,;x„� WITNESSETH: -_ <br /> '�1''i _ <br /> +�h�ka WNEREAB, Borrowor end Lentlor havo aproed that eny renta antl D�otlte ethlbutable to the property ehould aonetituta <br /> a�.;.� sAdlllon8l aeoutlty to i�9 LenAer to�lha paymant of the Note; <br /> � K <br /> "!�-+=- NOW,THEREFORE,Itlaegreedthett�e8eoutllylnetrumentahe116eamentledhorebyanddeemedtolnoluCethefollowiny — <br />--:';,r.:�:M1.�' pr6vielon9: °---.._ _.,_._ . <br /> ' �;nri.� <br /> .v,j���t;` <br /> -� ,y,s.f 1, As<IenmantofAen�endLanAarReMe1CO11oeflon.RiaMe.BOrrowerherabyepeolutelyandunCOnAltlonelly8881pnball �. <br /> 5t,';,E�� ranta, lenue� and prot8e ot the Droperiy to Banefiolery. Landor e�all hnvo the dpht, powor and eut�oriry Ouring the --- <br /> wntinuance of IAe Beaurlry I�atrument to colloet the ronte,leauea en0 profile of tno proparh anA ot eny poraonal property ' — <br /> °�":•'--`.-��."'- looetotl tAereon wlth or w7Shaut takln9 possaesion of t�e Droporty atteateA�oreby.LenOer,however,�ereby ooneents to ��;,_� <br /> `'���;�� BonowaN600lleotlon enA reteMion ot such rante,Iseuee enA proflts ea t�ey eooruo and Decomo payablo,ao lonp es Borrower Q _ <br /> _. <br /> '-c-�C le not,al8uch tlma,In Oelault wit�reapec[to payment of any indabtednase eaoar6C hereby,or In ihe pertormenea of any L� �;-„----- � <br /> __ �j�, epreementhereunder. rtist`�-. <br /> .. � s� p, �p�Qlatment of Recelver.II eny evant of Aofault In reapect to the SecuAty Inehument e�ell�eve occurred end bo '�, -'!, ._ <br /> - ""''v wMinulnp,Lender,es a matter of dght nnd w8hout notloe lo Bonowor or anyona Uelminp unCer Borrower,and wit�oul j��(i.� � <br /> �_ <br /> ?�A� re08r0 to the volua of the Wet aetete m the Intereet of t�9 Borrower inarein.ahall have the flpht to aDG�Y to nny oourt havinp ,<<"�t . <br /> � . � �urlatliotlon to eppolnl a recalver of tha proDerty. t�F� g>ji =. <br /> ;r3.t�. 9. Bleht fo Poaneselon In oeee Of default In tha peymant of the selU prinGDel Note or intoreet,or eny part thareof,ea It a�- �,� , <br /> Tri� anAllmetuta,otinthecaseo}talluretoKaBpo�DOdormenyotlhe0ov8nenteoregreamentecontaln8dintha60outitylneha '�i�`�,;�;` ,. <br /> ment, Men the lander, 8e succeasore or easigne,ehall be and le �areby aut�aized and empowered to teke Immedlate �t �s� cs „i� <br /> y,3�''`• Doeaeaelon of the eaW pramlaea t�ereln Cesodbed antl ro colleot t�e renta theretrom,end to eDP�Y 1he prxeede t�eraotto the !t �f A f'� -- <br /> } f'' t �5:. <br /> r ;��� payment of t�e Nota �s�r �5Yr _ _ <br /> '-� 4. A��flaa:ICnatRax>irsussar�Y:cflt«AI!ranfscollecledbyLn4erorlh�!e�!!ve�?h?ueaapplledllrettopaymant "`$�� !��.ortx _ <br /> + s n�� oltheaoete0fmane0emenloft�eproperlyanACO11ec11onofrente,Innluding,burootlMlteOto,recalvePSleea,premlumeon r�F��, �r1t ,q��. <br /> - „ _ rocolver'e bonda and reaeoneble ettomey'8 feea,an0 t�en to lhe euma eeCUrotl by tha Socutlty Inatmment Lendar and the �, ., r� <br /> t t ,;, receirer shall bB I IeGe to ecCaunt only far ihoae reme actually recalved. s�;;��T ° <br /> _ N' � �J LS}tY"2� <br /> �4y��;.,. 0. natr cllonalProvlalona.EachoNheprov�sionaconlainedlnthlsAaelgnmentofRanlnRiderendt�e800utltylnatr�• j7ty�,,��trxvL15,_ <br /> -�Y�j�'�.i ment Bhatl,unles8 olhe�wlee eDedficalry reqWretl,be conelrueA in eccord8nca wlth Nebranka law,and In the event any �7�}'y's', � d,,�- <br /> ,,fn�,G,�75, p�odelon herelnor thoreln eontelned e�ell be Aetermined by e coun of competent�udeAlctlonto be unanforoeaCle,t�e eame �>..;�r ai��. ,,.�- <br /> ,r,,,�; aha�l De conetruad ae t�ouyh eueh unenforceable praielon were not e Dart hereof or thereof. i if�-di;,+�,{�„��i;. <br /> 3fF Fl�!; 6. Etteot of Rltlor.Exwpt ea epecilically motlllled by or inconalstent with thia Asalgnment of Rente Rltlar or by eny olher �i? ��H }i � <br /> !�g���t' appli0abl9 dder,al I of the terme entl provlslone conteined in the Secutlty Inalrument e�all eoMinue In tull fo�ce en0 efteot. l ���f� k'1 ��',- <br /> n�;�'l� � �, >t y� <br /> _ � .� IN WITNE88 WHEPEOF,Borrower haa exewtetl thie Ae ment o� t 10 � n dele fi t noted aDOVe. tri-, �� �1trf ,� <br /> � ,�e� r'�t - <br /> ')„-: � �t., s-��;tr a� <br /> ��,, ., � ,r a . <br /> 3 7� ,� ���I. CHR �or �� -4,f4 V� <br /> ,. a i � . ; y� .r <br /> �+t �� �L �� (i�-_ �t �{v{� ; <br /> s i �.--' t er <br /> 2<;a �r <br /> - � SHIRIEY A. SCH �S�R � .wy J.�` <br /> r � � � <br /> ^4� 1�� vy' 9TATE OF NEBflASKA) � � � '• f y+�i� t r:- <br /> Yt -- (aa: + ` �% � <br /> TM,-}j, COUNTY OF HALL ) 'r ��� �a�S{� <br /> 4 • '� O n t h l e �OTH E a y o� mpY t g 93 b e t o r e m e t h e u n d er ai ned,a Nota ry Pubue tlul commisaloneA end -- � d`#� t . <br /> - � T'. [)ONRLD f. SLHRO�DEH RND S�iIRLEY A. SCHROEDE�t, HU5 8AND ` - � ' - <br /> - quelifleC for 88id County,pewonally came <br /> - -- RND WIFE .lo be�he IdeM�cel pason(a)whose neme(s)lelare su0suibeG �' . <br /> -=�#t�c;',�:' to t�e fOtepolnp inalmment,antl he/ehelthoy acknowletlge f�e exeeutlon thereol to De h(alDerltheir roluntary aet an0 tleeG. i ' -• -r <br /> .�,�. <br /> ��' J'�J- GBPND ISLIIND, NEBRpSKR • -��!i""`�• <br /> - -t��:= Wltne88 my Ifentl entl Notarlal Sea1 et -- --- - — ---- . <br /> � n�� '' �,�� in sa�e coymy.m�aa�ea�o�aseia. - - <br />:_..�#'SN.,o'.,q� . <br />•_i;�iF��r KNtlffIWDM(tM . �'- ,�-� �!/:�/�- . <br />'�i_,-:x;::r�:. NYdnaG0.0d1Q1996• o�a�u� . <br /> i�Sii'.'..:, i <br /> ;.l:�,t:`_.. <br /> -'"'��c�' My Commleelon exarea: -- <br /> �.1.:� <br /> � <br /> f � . <br /> t <br /> .s"i.??j!;."�� ... �.""_ <br /> �:12� <br /> .,�����`i���;J <br /> 'C� � <br /> i�.'-.{ �:` <br /> -V:'�� " <br /> `y�%%j <br /> .!)i.�.: <br />.�.,'..[ <br /> � <br /> �tt . <br /> I ' <br /> Jl f � <br />