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_ �_ _ _ --- _ <br /> �3- $o���� �:- _: ___- <br /> ofwle anQihetete,lndudingthapaprrtentottA�7FuMa'eheiactuall�Incurtea,no�toaxcecA 3.0 %of <br /> Ihe pr�ncipu pmoant of the not�of Ise tlme of Ih�dn9uration ct deteult.and reosonabta uttorneyn'feea mp�rmitted _ <br />' D9��wl tb)to�fl wm��tturcd Dy tA�Bceurlty Imlrument;aod(e)anr exoes�ro the pencan or penons legal�y entl�led ^— � <br /> ro it. �_— <br /> �. �. <br /> 31. RFCBlviyants. Upan paymatt of all :ums saurcd by thfi&ceurfty Instiument,I.endu shai! rcquut 7tuslee to —�;-.„_- ��--- <br /> raconvoy�M Propeny and�hall mrrcnder IM�Saudry inswment end ell nole�evidencing deht�ecumA 6y thie 3ecudry n�'�-t�?:---- <br /> In+tmmCnt ro 7tustee. 7tusteo�hail rcconvcy�ho Property wlthout wartenry end wiehout chargo to�he person or pacon� �'-•S�"������ <br /> togaily enUiled to It. Such ponon or person�nhail p�y ony rceordailon msu. �„r� <br /> 23. 8ubstltute 7Fustee� Lsnder,nt Ih opNon,muy trom�Ime to time rcmore 7tusta end appoint a successor tnu�ec ro <br /> e�y 7tuNeo�ppolnted hereunder by m Instmmom rccordW In tho coumy In which ihl�Secudty Instrument is recorded. � .-F <br /> NlthOUt convoyenco of ihe Ptope�ty,tha cucasaor tmata ahail mecot�d m all �he litla power and dutles cont¢rred upon �• _ <br /> 'Ih�sleo hcreln and by appIlcabie Inw. �,�tr�s � ' <br /> 1A. Requeht for Noticea. Dorrowor ruryeate tha�copies ot�ho notices of detault and aule bo cent ro Bortower§eddross :- w� �j�a. : <br /> whkh161hePropertyAddrast. .,s���a{,. �...,::�.. <br /> 7S. Ridero to tA0 9ecurity Instrumonl. If one or mnro ddoro em excomcd 6Y Bortowur and rccorded togetha with ;,r,::;;r_`„�._'±'*�;,_',:--_ <br /> Ihfs Secudty InsWmem,the covenanu and ngreomente oteach such dder shell ha mcoryomted into end shall emend and �-=}�„ --�+�-°�-�� <br /> wpplement tlw avenanu and egreementa of thb Securiry Inswment as if�ho rider(s)woro a part of thii Sceurity Inctrumont. _ ����.::.�..� <br /> (Q�ak applicable box(a)1 :,?�;i_,;:,;..,�:;,.-. <br /> _.t,.l i_�;=?..,. <br /> e>3ir.::7In:';'n:".:-�. <br /> 9'�'y J4e,_�ic.s:. <br /> �AdJuate6lo Rete Rida �Condominlum Rlder �I�i Pomily Rfdcr �;�,t:.,,.,.._,r�,..-- <br /> n.� r+ - <br /> �Ondueted Payment Rider �Planned UMt Development Rider �Biwatly Payment Rider �a:�i.s <br /> ""-- <br /> iz <br /> �Balloon Rider �Rue Improvement Rider �Second Home Ridor ,(tf2;4 � — <br /> 24�)'.`4^�,;;R-- <br /> �ahu(s)Im�fYl :u•: �.`�:+:'=:' <br /> pCKNOW.EDGmENT. 11SSIGNmENT OF RENTS ;,;1¢i.;^•��;y?•. <br /> OY SI6NtNO BEIAW.Bortower acceqe end egrca lo the terms and covenams con�alned in thle Security InstNment f qr L�"i�2�-� <br /> and in any riderta)eaavrcd by Bortower end reeordtd with it. 't�St�CS a� -:. <br /> .yyii a..,��ra;:.�._; <br /> r,t�y�' 5,�' - <br /> �VfIfIWCl: 1� tt YS i <br /> !$���t���� <br /> : �$[al) � f[<"/�,'t { -_.. <br /> :ni �. �N E�,. -- J <br /> SoclalSecurityNumber 391-30-3151 -�•� f�r'fs i�;�r._:: <br /> n � (� � ��9�`�7J7.+ -- <br /> .nYei1. ,Y�eV�nnQceOAi (Scap �� 'if.�cr,�c ._. <br /> SHIRLEY A. SCHROEOER •n«m.e. -r'rr,�ifr;�xr ' <br /> Social Sauriry Num(xir 393-36-2314 ,��;^y�.:y�2y._��. <br /> sr�.;..,.:--. <br /> dj`f:y:utb .-•-.-- <br /> STp78 OP NIIBRASKA, HRLL County es: e.�"`;'��``s';t���?r <br /> �j�i`a ��t� '�_ <br /> On�hii 10TH dny of MpY 1993 ,betore me,ihe undersigned,a No�ary Public � '� F�� °� <br /> F,.. �i <br /> duly rnmmiaioned and qualified foruid counry,personallycame DOMIILD 7. SCHROEOER AND SHIRLEY ll. ``'�`l:m•.'..h',;:":'. <br /> SCHROEDER, HUSBAND IIND WIFE ,to me kno�vn to 6e the ""-i, l��'; <br /> Idemical peraons(e)whox name(s)ue substtibed�o the forcgoing innmment and eckno�vledged the execwion �herwt to �,?t�q'��i5-�T;_.� <br /> be THEIR voluntaryutanddeed. , "'?�"?`-:�z:'t>%.2._ �� <br /> Wimcse my henA end notarial uil at G NEBRIISKA � ' aaid county,the `:��-''-'=°`q'1,�`��it`` <br /> deieeforeseid. �lOiIAYSUIeelNd+u _ ;•.'�-�°:�i^��:j.�Ler=• . <br /> MyCommissioncxpires: KIaK�oa�N���'� c� { ; st� <br /> -�^�� � F�, , <br /> kjpppa6R No1�ryPYblic `��•t+�.3� '. <br /> REQUFSTFORRECONVEYANCE �: � .- <br /> TOTRUSTEE: �?E:��L.r'<;�+,.,,_z� <br /> The undenigned is Ihe holdcr of�he no�e or naes savred by this Deed o(ltust. Said nom or notes,�ogether wiih all ;�'?:`,�',?;c �,•.- <br /> other indebtedness securcd b �his Dad of TFus6 heve 6ecn aid in full. You ere hercb dirccted ta cancel said no�e ar notes `"- - � `'���" <br /> Y P Y �:;.Z:�'i<i.'.�.:.:�i;__.. <br /> and Ihis Deed o('hust,which ue delirered hereby,and to rcconvey,wi�hout wartanry,ail�he esiam now held by you ander - - - <br /> Ihla Dced of'Ruat�o the pcoon or persons Iegally emitled ihercto. '�''T�;;.�-_� <br /> e:frl <br /> �elt: _ '^t✓�. � . <br /> '}=':,�ii'd.?°.�::.:": <br /> Fo�m]OIE f90 �Mteba/6NRnl '7. ..:'�/r� - <br /> � '.15�'�r� . <br /> i -a�h'� L- K�(N� :!r '1?) i . _ 'e�. 'fL' njvi}J>�r:�ti��i}in�''� f�i nLG���Y'�jP%S�4E"C re�. ..+ . � , <br /> ��.+�` t�'Itt rh . -1{ � . . - .. -r T+� �< < �i,��Rtt`i� � "!,'.: <br /> -Y�'' t - ,-__ ��:- _ '.t� , ,F��,7y}r'h {_ sr f1 t .j + t .. <br /> 5 �7_ T ,._ - .if'u . � . L . . <br /> '.r �i _ _ '"t �_-Vi�F r _ 1 r 7 '��c: <br /> -y�, _ _ _ i . __— _ ' _ ' <br /> �x. t � <br /> < < s � > <br /> � v -:i n . . . _ - ' . � - . . <br /> l:. .�Se ' ;a -. . . .` r._. � _ . _ <br /> � � i 'i <br /> , , <br /> n : <br /> i_- �1t4 - - _ .��- � .. <br /> i: <br /> - -m's-t ' �� rq ' . <br /> O 1 �.� y / _ kl F i . _ - . <br /> 4 1 ( { I�l� ' : 1 y - " . <br /> W` . i L j •� .i 5 _ -f. - e . <br /> l � :.} 51.1? - _ ! : � " <br /> j I t \ .VM�( � . . <br /> - �� � �'v f -. . Y. <br /> }, -! f ` . i_ `� 1 , � L � '1 , � � - �{� . t . . � . <br /> / • <br /> l . ,1 . � t � _j ' - � � � �-.l�l - �{' <br /> ri., .. ���t +. i. #�.. . . �li�., . . � : 4 �T�� .. . ._ �...`� �,�'�-. + . . ��.i� . .r . - :�<.L .. .. _ <br />