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. . <br /> proounmenloflnewmo�orthe�ymenlof�sxo�orotnarllamoraharpae6yUnaanneltnotCaswWHOtUnOeY�AyMW <br /> eeaelarate the metudry ot�4e IndebtaQneaa secured Dy�hls Dead of tFuet _ <br /> (�p�e�w�s�nd ANipn�Bound;JNM�n0 8�vxa11loDNNyi GD�Tho covenenle�n0 apreemen4 hetelno�m __ <br /> talneA�hUl bind,end Me rlynb hereunder Mall Inure to,Ne reouec�Ne 6ucoe�eora end ansipn�ol LertCer an0 ihnU,�IW <br /> oovanan4ind.�9reemenlsolTrvriorshellbeldntendwvare6TheaeDtloneandheadlnqsofl�eDerayroph�ofNqOevlol _ <br /> TN�t ue tor convenlence on end ere not to be ueed to Interprat o�define No provlelons�ereof. <br /> (e)RpwfttallotlaN.�hep�NeahereCyrequeatthetecopyofenynoticaofdelauknareunAe�endscopyolanynoBoe <br /> ol sate heraunGer be mallod to e�h PanY�o Ihla Deed of 7Fuat et the flAdiau net toM eDave In Ne manna premod6e0 6y ____._ _ <br /> eppliaebte law.FxCeDt for any oNer noUee raqWrad under aDW�ble lew to CegIvan In anolhar menner,any noUCS DroAOed =___ <br /> tOrinlhie00ed01TruLtahLll6epNenbymelilnyeuahnOtloeby ceNlleOmalledtlrasledtoN00NerplNef,elNOtQ�esbiM __ <br /> toM ebova My notico Drovid9d 1oJap.1�JRPe ot Truat ennll bo elfaoura upon maltlng tn Ne manne�aeslymbA Mr@n.H q-, <br /> TNttO�U f�0�0ItILn 0110 pOpORinOB�lf ��OdtelO 60t fOM ObOVB 6h9i1 DB OOtlCB IO WI BUCh pBreOn0. � <br /> @ hnp�pyon,LenCer may�AIktA)� meda reoeoneEla antrlea upon and InepooWne attlw Property.provbed _ <br /> that Lander thell plva Tnntoi notlop p/1➢k1Q�A� �Inapactlon epoclying reeeonebla muee therofm ralatetl to LendNe __ <br /> Interett In ihs Property. . . ..^-•---�...,� <br /> (g) p�caw��anc�.Uponps/�nantolell�umesecured6yWe0eaAO�TruetLOnderehellrequentTrueteaWreeomeyE�e __ <br /> PropenyenAehaleunendarwi9UaedofTmelendellnoteaevldanoinglnAaDteCno�asacuredbyNlaDOOdolTrwttoTruatee. � - <br /> Truetee ehell raconvay tha Propay wlNOUI werrany end wiNOUt oharge to tha parson or pereone fepaly anBtleG NereW. _ _. <br /> Tivator ehell pay ell ooale of reoade�on,II any. <br /> (1�) FMOMI VroD�MY�8��1'AyrNm�n6 Ae addlllonel eacudly lor Ne payment of Na No19,T�ustor heraby p�MID =-_ <br /> �aw�y��y�g�yUn���rmcommorolelCadeesecvrlHlntarastina1111zturea,e4uiD�nen4andolherpereonalpropeny _____�: <br /> ueed In oonnecllon wRh Ne real eNaia or Impraremen(e IooetaAthereon,end notoNa�wlaaAeoierea o�tleamea to beapmioi <br /> Ne reel oalete 68cured hareby.TNf Inatrument ehall be eoneWed as a Beourlry Agraement under ealA Code,enA Iha Len00r �;,.,- <br /> M811havea1111�edghlsendremedleaolawouredDertyundoreaidCoAelnflGGilionWNedghteandremedieacreeledun6ar a V : <br /> endeocoNedNaLenderWrouandolhle0eetlotTrunCprovldotlthntLenderedghleandrameEiesunderNisperagraphthall �y:;'_;,;,_. <br /> ba oumuktive wlth,entl In no waya Iimitetlon on.Lentlefe nghb anG remeaiee undar any other aecurny egreomonl eiyned by ��,��_,:.�. <br /> BorrowarorTrustor. , < ��-° <br /> pJLNn��nJEnoum6nnu�.TruatorherabywarrenWandrepwaanleNatNereisnoAeleuttunderNeD�6lonsWeny �:•�_�=�- <br /> ,{rs:.t�;-�. <br /> mon9ege,deed of truat lease or puroheeo conVeot deacdbiny all or eny pert ol tha Properly,or oNar conlract Inatrumentor _ -.: <br /> agr8ement oonatiluUng n Ilen orencumbwnce agalnat ell or any pan ol Ne Properly(eolleoUVety."IJene'1,exlntlnp ee ol0a r��,��;i,';�-: <br /> 0�10 Of It118 UBBtl Ot TNBC Bnd N8t 0Oy E�E ell BzI8tl09 IJ6118 fBm0�0 unf110dI110O ezCBpt 88 CItC109Bd t0 L6110B110 TNlIOr! �{�f:i::-: <br /> wdttan tlleclosure ot Iiens enA encumbrencee provlded tor herala Truebr ahell Nmey DoAOrm all of Truator'a oblipatlon0. t��:tl.-� <br /> r�y._: <br /> covenantr,roD�BSenteflonaendwmrant�eaunAeranyendenoxleNngenAlutureLlenashallpromptylorwarGWLendarcoqaa Rt��f��.. <br /> ol e11 noticea oi Celault eent in conneotion with eny end ell exlatinp or fulure Uona end Mall nol wilhout LenASIe prlor wAtlen �:..'.t�;. <br /> coneant In eny menner motlly Ne provielons ol or allow any lulure edvance6 unEer eny exlntlnp or IuNro Liens. S-��:"; <br /> Q)Appllutlon of PaYmeM�.Unlesa oNerwiee requlrotl by lew,eume pa�d�o Lenderheraunder,IncluAinB wlllwut limitatlon ����°=;,;_� <br /> peym9nb ol DdnCipul 9nd InterOtt Ineurence proCeetlA ConOOmnfltlon prpeeede Bnd renl!en0 p�oflt0,ehell be epptilE Dy sti•�::;;�J: <br /> LendartoNeemounteAUenndowing/romTmalorendBOrrowerineuchmEereaLenEerinilseoledieerotlondeomsdealroWa ;Fi;?::: <br /> unenlorC68Ybleeel�o0n11iat ot irnelidlly thaDll no efleot t�9 olhe p ovlsone o't thlaeDeed of Ttuat'or ih9 Not9 w�IC 0ln�b9 ';;�:>.'� <br /> plven811BCiwithouttheconilietlnpprovlsiM.aMtoNleendtheprovUloneoliMSDeedolTruBlanOtheNOleBredeclaredbEa h'°5-:�.:`��. <br /> eevewWa ��'s'��" <br /> (q Txmf.ThB terme"7rualoP antl"BOrrowef'a�ell inclutle boN einqular end plure�,end whan Ihe Truebr end Bortower t`�,,-;_,, <br /> ere ihe Beme pBroon(6).Nose terme ea ufBC In t�le Deed of Truat ahall De inlorchengeebl6. °-• �' <br />- (m)�owminp IAw.Thi6 DeaE o1 TNbt eha�l be yov0��otl by N818we of the Stete of Nebreake. �:t;_'�_�;. ; <br /> TNator h9e exeCUtetl 1h�s Daed of Tnnt ee ol Ne Eate wrillen ebove.., f?;�_;?'7. <br /> ��������� z.,._: <br /> Dennis P. DeWald Trust huabaad '�-�'`�- <br /> - <br />. ��r' --ld-� ' n�a._.:<.i - � -- <br /> iNB�Of <br /> Patricia Bartels-DeHald wife °.�;;i,;-. <br />� �._ p.�yxyr .. _. . . , _ . <br /> � � 7p'pAf WF}�f�+��� ' <br /> ��a[flYSW @1^19.1�Xt��^�F*�; ! � - <br />_ ` - <br /> `i <br /> A:a:. <br />