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, . . . . _ .. . .. .__ ___ . <br /> ''j <br /> :,.; • .. <br /> , -�..s • <br /> -- :: : . . . _ 93. s��aio <br /> _ _ <br /> �, . _ . <br /> ��i+��l�iolakenorMm�pa0,lenCtrahtllh�wN�opUon,Inlbwl��n0�ti�oM�CI�4rNlO�hto� UlWohihaaskk <br /> n E��Mhomatlea�tiNd�up�nNfinaurrWby0lnconnwUOnwlth�uonQraoeq Au�penYn n _ IptlONeNCUr1d <br /> �� �r�DyUS InwOhdtdNUt�nAe�m�yGfltrmtn�,ato�DYN�il�uohProuM�,�Mr�uohdi0u�don� a�7arawrnono+da <br /> -- VF�p�rupon�uo�eonAldon�uLendumryAU4rmIn�M rpDllaUOnofProoeW�tolndiOt�Cn»u��InDqxWnOpr DPA_�QM <br /> �.::r;.;� ��du�d�nm.ny�ymw5uwsae�artaaorwroenr�:lautttnereunderorhereuno�r.�u+yun�ypnWmna�tlWip�wrow �_. ._. <br /> Truttor. <br /> *�—_ g,/M9onnrnNe ylxidx,Upon N�owurnnce o1�n hYaM ol WtavUhar�undv,or II�ny�at b l�km or 1Iys1 prootadlnp <br /> a� n� aommmaAwhlaDmit�Aa1N�R�ob1.�nGer'�InumtlnM�Propxy,t�nM�maylnlbowndlwrWo4DUtwIMONObtlwtlonlo0o <br /> �� pO�apAv/i11�0u1nOtlataordMyfenduponTNStoreOdwiNOUt�lICtllnpT�uttOrtl0�710ny0Ell �UOM1E06�y�01wtdCh`hu�MraM1sy� <br />-- ' upond�indNer�orbyLenOai p aytoUn e d��,ro,i�in0exp�nfi��lnoumdi dwm��xpi dWb�y LNW�mW"n Ntlaiwltli � -- <br />�� ?��" thoaxerolae�Len0erolfhePorepolnp rIOMd,topeNerwlthlnterettNereonalNedefwltreteprovlAe0lnN�Not6whloU1h111N <br />���`7'?`�7r`�� �ddsd to M� nQ�Etednew�ewred fiaroby.Lentlar eheil not inwr any I1a6111ry beoewe ol enyNing It mny do a omR Vi do -- <br /> #,.;' <br /> � n_ 118fOWQR. <br /> t ; 0.H�2Nd0Y�M�tNNl6 T�uatq�he11 koBp NB PtOpartY In COmPIlence wIN 911 Bp�lloade law�,orAlnance�and rspulaUOn� <br /> ���'� relatln0 to IndusUlal�y0ieno or emlronm8n�al Proleotlon(wllectNery relerted to�ere n ea"EnWronmenW lawr�.Trusto�rhtll c :� <br />.n,�,;,,' kaepMeProperqlreefromatlwbalnnca�deamedloDehazerQOUeorwulaunEOranyEmlronmeMNlewe(oolqolWeNrelerredb __ ';,... . <br /> u ��� heroln ns"H�mrdow Materlalt�.Tmator�ereDy wananu and rapreeenU to lenEer Netlhere ers no Heurdou�M�terlW oe or � <br /> r��� � under�heProperty.Tnwtor�arebyepreeafolndemnlyenAhotd�ermieaaLander,IbGlrectoraomoer�,emptoyeeanndapentAana � ._- <br /> � ' eny euueacon to Lendare In�areat Irom end epalnri eny entl an Ueime,dema9e�,loaaei en0 IIa611111ea edalnp In connectlon xIN 4 �.; <br /> ' J�� �� No pre6anc0,use,tllapoeal a trenaport ol eny Ha�rEOUS Meterlale on,under,hom or aDOUt Ne ProperH.THE FORE�OINO ��,1 `� <br /> °-'�� WAAHANTIEBANDREPPEBENTATIONB.ANOTRUSTOH'808LIOATIONBPUHSUANTTOTHEFONE�OINOINDEMNITV,BFUU. �; ,�-��� <br /> �i�+�}. SUflVNE REOONVEYANCE OF TM8 PEED OF TflU8L v ' <br /> Jf;f .::, 10.AplpnmMt 01 R�ntwTru+lo��erBby asalpns to Le�Mer the ren18,bsuea 0n0 prollk ol N9 PropBrl),Drovided NalTruilO� -- <br /> �„ • � lhBl4untllthaoCOUrtenceofenEvEnlolDe(dutthereuntlei,havatlwrinhtWC011ectenAreteln6uohrentLluueeanAprofibaetl�ey - <br /> �i�� Oeooma dua and payable.Upon tha oocurrenoe ol en Event ol Daleul4 LenAer mey,alNe�In perwn or by eyen6 wllh a wlNOU� y, <br />'-"�S«;" bdnging eny aotlon orprooeeding,or Dy a recalver appolntatl by a court enE wllhout regarA to tha edequeoy ot Ite eeamHY�en�er '_ <br /> a�fl• uponandtekapoaeeselonolOeProparry,orenypertt�ereof.InRfownnameorinlhanemooftheTruetea.endGOanyeoNwhklNt r�'y,�,-- <br /> �'�-'�e O08mnI16C6S48ry0�deltr0bl6bp�B3BrvBlhevelU&meAtB19DI11tyo��BM9b111y01NBPropOrty�010nyp8rtN6�6010tInt8�97t�he�01n. � . t,'{_��� <br /> ;--}�j:L� �: se.*._. <br /> - aJ y��C Inoreae0 the Income therefram or Droteot tne eacuAty horeol and,wllh or wil�out takinp posneaelon of Ne ProDBM,eue la or <br /> y�� oNerwlee colleot Ne ranta,Iuuea end proMe thereof.InGuAlny Noea panl due antl unpaid,anC appty Na eema,loan coab erM � F;. �- <br /> --.�a expeneas of oporetlon end cdleotlon IncluUing allornaye'feee,upon eny Indabtednee�eeovred�aroCy ell In 6uch ordera�LenAe� �i_ <br /> r rv� maY detarmina The antedng upon anA teMng poeeeealon of fha Property,tha collanUOn ol evoh ronls,leeue�and profib and Na ;t Kty�r,. <br /> .�ift:i app1109tlon IhBr001 ee elorObeld,6he11 not cure or welve eny d0lautt or nollce ol deteuN hBrOUndar or invelldato 9ny eU done In t�n �-: <br /> reapaneetosuohdalaultorpureuantroeuehno�loeolEelaultand,nonWlhs�andingNacontlnuenoeinpoeneeslonolNePropeR/or fs,_t_ <br /> ���� the collactlon,recelpt anA epplloeYOn ol renta�esuee or proNa enA Truatae and lander c�ell be en8tlatl to exerolae every riphl L�1 f,F,x;� ,_ <br />.:,a.�y�;,�sF.- provldotllorinanyofthaLOenlnaWmonUOrbylawuponoccurrenceolenyEvantolDaleulLlnGutlin9wilhoutllmNetlon�heripht � t�r, .�: <br /> 1,^,„;pGeelhgpewero!eaW_Funhor,�enAer'edghteaMreme0leeunderlhlapare8raphshallbeeumulelhowith,andinnowayn �+�-{ � ; <br /> ^��"� IImH0tl000n.1.0ndBfedgMSandfBm0d187undefeny06l10nmentOtle88BeendrenUr6COrAetleg8ln3iNBPrOpBrtyLender,Truibe 3� cf . <br /> t(`'���� and Ne recelve�ehell ba IIaWe to auount onty lor Ihose renU ocNeity recalvaA. �y '��` � <br /> ��1 s' 11. Er�nb ol D�huH.Tl�o following sheil wnafitule en Erant ol Defaull unCer Nls Deetl ol Truet � t !;������ <br /> ���1�= (e) FaiWre b pay eny In6mllment oi pdnci0el or intereat of eny olher 6um eeCUred hereDy wh9n Aua. 'c,�¢�'� - <br /> /���}� @)AbreachoforEel�ultuntleranyprovielonconteinedinlheNole.tNeDeedolTmeteiryottheLOenlnetrumente,oreny y� ,r�_ : <br /> other Ilen or ancumDrante upon the Properly. 1�'ry,� .. <br /> ��• (o) Awrllolaxecullanorattao�mentoreny6imilerproeeasanellbeonrorotlagainatTruslorwhichahallbecomeallonon <br /> _�tY)f-.� Ne PropBtly or erry PoNOn thereof or interest thereln; f .�s%'_' <br /> ' -'•'��'�� (�There nhall be Notl by or egelnat Truator or Borrower en ac�on unCer eny preaont or tuture fetlerei,stete or olher _,t.r -t,: <br />�-.�rn�;w;�;; -9{,. -. <br /> �� �'f e191ute,law or roguletlOn reletlnp to benkruptCy,insolveney or ONer rallef lo�debWre:ot ihero shell be eDPOlntBd eny Vualee, :^i;;_��;".'._� <br /> � �`i,j <br /> - °i`..�- r9eelverorliQUiAntorolTmetOrorBOrrowerorotellorenypertoNheProperlyorlherenit.ISSVeaOrprofileth0rgof,orTrvsW� �� i._�^_. <br /> u � Of 0orrowar aI1B11 meka eny gonerel eati8nment for Ne benefit of creCibre; .; _- <br /> � . - �� (e) tha aele,ireneler,lae6B,aDe�gnmant,eonveyanCe or IuM9�eneumbrancB ol all or eny pert ol or eny Intemst in N9 <br /> �•:4;;.�� PropBrty,eiNer voluntetlly or Involumerily,wilhout t�e exOreas wrllten conaent ol Lender,providetl Ihat 7rostor shall be ,t5i,_}`-;:'� <br />..•"n;"�.: p P ��,.;4�+':': <br />-�.�,�r:.�. permltledtoexxutealeeseolthePropertyNatdoeanotconteineno11on10 urcheseendt�etermolwhiehtloelrotexCeeA <br /> �}_: <br /> 7�`..', oneQeAbantlonmontolNeProPerly.or �;';;,: <br /> �`��'• (g) IlTrualorianotanindwi0ual.tneiwvance,eale.trannler.essignmentconveyaneeoreneumDreneeolmorelhaneblel , <br /> ;:.�:�::; :''"i:.-��: <br /> '..�J�._,. .;��.r.+�..�: <br /> � �"-. ol pereent ol N a eorporelion)ue luuetl enA omelenAing alock or(If a perinurehip)a tolel oi pereent of �;.. <br /> ° pflrinershl0 InlBresW Audng 1�e petloG ihle Deotl o�Trust remairo a Ilen on Ihe Properry. _-i,,�_�-. <br /> "'.�:���� 72. R�m�dler,ACCSIeroWnUponDelaulf.InlneeventolenyEventolDefaultLendermey.wit�outnolleeexeop�esreQUtredby .,.._,;- <br /> lew,declare all InEeb�ednesf searad hereby to be due enO payeDle end fhe eame she�l thereupon beeome 0ue aM payaDle "i,.(�;,:::,;:- <br /> _ i �.� wllhoN eny presenlment demend.proleit or notlee ol any kintl.Theroatler Lentler maY -t`,•".� <br /> �- (e) Demantl ihet Trustee exereiee the POWEN Of SALE gmnted herein.antl irustee sAall the�eafler ceuae Truswr'e - _.;.�� <br />�-�:{•�` ",y��` inlereat in the Prope�ty m 6e ao�d antl Ihe pwceeOe to be O�s���buled.e�l in tne menne�p�ovided in the Ne6raeke Tus1 Deede -::-�;�-_ <br /> ,t <br /> • � v• . AeL <br />_���;y�,.��`�.-�: (D) Exerei6e eny ontl a11 tl8hie O�ovlCetl for ln any o11he Loan InevumenU or by law upon otwrrenee o1 en/EvOni of � ._. <br /> �r � ;�• Defeult end <br /> , . .;�j (c) Commeneea�ectlonbtoreUOSalhlaDeetlolTnislefemonyape.aDPOinlarece�ver.orape�callyeMOrceenyo�the (_' <br /> .,.��...J) COVe08n18 her001. f. ' . <br />".`!�����;c� No remody hureln conterred upon or reaerve0 to Tmatee ar Lentler is intendetl to Oe exclu6lve ol eny oNer remedy here�n,in the <br /> -�����Yfi,;, loen Inatmmenfa or by�aw D�ovlOed or pe�mitlo0.but oach s�an be cumuletne.sheli be in eOtlWOn to every other remetly phren � <br /> ,::��,,, herou�AOr,in Ihe Lonn Inahumenls or now or hereeNar exiating et law or m eQUiry or Oy ewtule.a�C mey be exeroi8e0 conturrBnUy, �• ° <br /> `,;_P:Pp• <br /> ,_ ,.,. iiMeponCOntty or euccese�vey. <br /> "�'�`� �' 73. TruNoo.T�e Trusfee mey resign et eny time wnhout cause.and Lender mny at eny time nnd wMOUt eau6e appoinl a <br /> � ' �;��'- BuCCeeaororau6e1l1utoTruslee.Tmatoe6hellnotEeliaDletoenyperty.mcluAmgwithoWllmdedonLenGer.BOrrower.Tmaloro�eny <br /> �-`�,`y'ti:U '. purcheeerol�heProperly.�o�anyloseordemageunleslAUetorecktessorw�111ulmiaconCuct.andsho11no1D0rBqulreCtot9kebny . <br /> Bction in conneclion with Iho onbrtamenl Of Inia DeBC of Trmt unleaa w��all cos�a.compenaa6on o� <br /> expensee w�ich may bo assainted therewiln.ln aEOihon.Tma�ee may beeome e purchase�af any fale ol ihe Properry GuAiUal or <br />�� ��?=_=- under Ue powo�o�eaie g�a�led�oreiM:pos�pme t�e se�e ol en or ony portion of Ine DrmiEOtl by�aw,or ae��the <br />- ` � PropeM aa e whole,or in aeparele pe¢eia or�ou a�Yrus�oe s mecrenon. <br /> � ..+�3 74. Feo�end Expinao6�n Ne event Truetee aelle IhP Property Dy exerclae ol powe�ol sale.Tmelee a�all be en1111Bd to eDD�Y <br /> eny tele Oroeeetl!firet to payment o1 ail cobls entl eaponaea ol eiarcising power ol aeie,ineluamp all Tr�steeb�eea.an0 LenOer'a <br /> - anCTmstee'satlorneyetem.ectuatlylncu�reEfoextomoermitteAbyepO���eielaw.tntneevent[iorroweror7rusforo:ercisefeny <br />- - dght 0��'�4�M'Iew to curo an Event ol DeleWl LenEOr a�ell be entitlgtl to recwer 1rom Tmator elI cosU an0 eapensef flcweliy <br /> - IncurreC 96 a reaull ol Trufbr'9 AeleulL Inciutling wiNOUI Iim110tion all Trusto0n and etlorney'! iho e�anl p8tmI11BE by <br /> aOD���ble lew. <br /> � � 16. Futuro Advaneos.UDOn requeit ol Borrower.Lende� Ito oD��on.meke addl0onai BnC luture eAvencef en0 re- <br /> •'=5����- aAvaneeato8orrowec8ue�edvencesendreedveneea,wilhlnlereeltnereoasna�IDaeocaretlbytniaDOeOOITrusLA[noNmeana�l <br /> a�.y, thoD��cipelemountoltho��CeDletlnesaaeeureAbythiaOeaOOlTruat.noUntluCingsomeaCvaneetlloprotecllhesew�iryolIDia <br /> ' �.--(� DoeO ol Truet,ezceod the Mpinei principel amount elaletl nerein.or S —whk�ever�e greater. <br /> _���• <br /> .c. � <br /> t.� <br />