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i� } . , .. . .. . =r;. { <br /> � -�_l�. ' � _ � . � . . - i� �. <br /> . , . . <br /> . � . . ; . .. . - ,�.��.�. <br />.—____..- , - -,_� '-y .. . � —'. __ _ . ._ <br /> � r ,.r,.... . _ . . . . . , 9�- �o�i� <br /> . . .. .. . .,�... . <br /> ,,.. . . .., <br /> , `-� <br /> �a.p��� ����EMep;lonolN�Ym�farp►ymentmmodlBatlonotuno�Ii�tlonotVi�wm�waurq6�"(O���N " <br /> _ p;;A�i� py {qen eusceuorinlnursNO/8onoweWllnotoper�t��OrNMN�In�nYminn�r,tlqi�DBNy, <br /> o�tl»ortyln�l rtowaendeortqw�Iiwcoee»nlnmter»tunAe�enlnno�wraqu�reowoanmenaprodNdinp��I ia� <br /> �ycpwcoN�orar�N�}W�xtendYmeforW ymentorotl�awl�smodlyunoNUUOnofNS�um�wouredEyNloONdaiVutl <br /> by ro�wn ot any demenC+m�de by Ne orlylnU Bortower�n0 BOrrowN�woeNfon N InMrHt <br /> -,-.-_-, (D)tMMW�iowxa 1Rlihou�eNectlny Ne IlaDlllry o1 eny other qreon Ikbfe tor th��yment ol nny oDlqeUOn herNn <br /> �� - mentlonpd,andwiUioWaHeoUnpNellenorct�upeofMWO�ndW7NStupon�nYPO�ano1 a�roportyqOtUiwiorifwrototoro - -----�---��- <br /> rNaauaeeeeoudyforbeNllamounlolall unpUd oEllpatlons,Lendomq.tromtlmetotlmeendwltnoulnotla@rNalmamy <br /> -- pGRO00011aDIqQ0exlandNem6Ndrymell6�NlyofNOtamii0leny�uohoDllpiOOna,@9prcMOthNlndulpaiG60NrN�ue _ <br /> or raaomay,a oeuee to be releaeed or reeonveYed at airy tlme at LenQer'�oDtlon ary p�roel.po�tlan or NI ol Ne Ptopery. <br /> -°°--° (J�teke o�release eny oNer nr sdEltlonal aeoumy fo�eny oMIOnUOn hareln menlloned,a(vq make compolltlon�m ob�r <br /> ._= errenpemanta wllh dobtore In relstlon thnreta <br /> (o) Forb�uinc�6y Lsndx Na1�W�hx•My forbearanee Dy Lende�In exeralelnp eny Aqht or reme0y hereunder,or <br /> �� -- oNerwl�e allorded by epD���abla lew:ehql nol 0e e walvar W or ocludo Iho oxerclae ol any euoh dyht or rem _ -The �_.., ..—.._-_ . . <br /> _ <br /> _:�� <br />�� procuremamollnnwanceorNepaymentolrexeaorofhar0anaoro mpeibyLanderehannotbaewaNerofLenderer hqo <br /> �,�k,� eocelerale Ne maNHly ol tl�e Indebtednoea eearaC by MI�Oead ol Trual <br /> ;,��-� (�BuecMwn�nd MNyn�BounQ;Joint md 6�r�nl WEI111yi Captlom�T�e oovenanls and apreomanU hereln oon- <br /> --_m;; IElned ehall bin0.and Ne dp�te hereunder Mell Inure lo,be respeaWe suaaenaors and easipna of lender entl Trupor.AI1 <br />�-,i.�{.-;+'� oov6nente an0 eyeamenle o1 Truelor 8heI1 Ee�olnt end eemrel.Tha oepllons antl haadinya oflhe AereqrflpM o1 thb Da00 W <br />.r:�:�� TNl18�B tOt OOM'81118froB OOIy end ere�ot b DO WBtl t0 IntOry�Bt Or dOflne ihe piovl6bn!he�001. <br /> 1-� '� (e) RpuNllallotlen.Tl�epeNeaherebyra�ueenhataoopyolanynollceolGalaultharaundarenaeoopyote�rnoUea <br /> -j�^�° of eale hereundar ba metletl to eaoh pahy ro Nio Oaad of ttuat at Na adOreea eaf taN ebove In tlre manne�preaalbo0 6y � .,. -- <br /> "��t���..]' epD���bla law.ExeBpt(or any olhor notloe raqulred undar appllaable lew to be piven In anoMOr manner,erty notica ptovt0e0 <br />"���'�+ Ialnt4bDeedolTruats�etlbOpNenbyme0ingeuohnoticabycaNBedmail9ddresaedtotheotherpeNea,enh9eddroaseet <br /> ;^���i�-;-• <br />�;'_?����s�Y_ brfh abOVa My noBCB proviA6d for 1n Uile DeBd of ttuat c�ell b9 eNeoliv9 upOn maiMg In Ih0 m9nnei Aaelgnet9d h9reln If <br /> ;� Trualor N more Nan ona Poreon,no8ce eant to Na addreee eet toM ebove ehell Ce no�ce to eli eueh parsona. <br />:��;(�;F�"�j.; (q Inlpwlbn.LenOar mey meke or oauao to ha meAe waaonabla enYlea upon end Inepacliona olNe Vroyerty,DrovWW <br />-..'.�:.r.',':�} that Lendar ehall pive TrunWr notlea pflor to any sueh Inapeollon epaeitying reeeoneDle oauae Iherolor ralatod to lsndePs <br /> � "?�� Inlereat In Iha PropeTly. <br /><'_r'E'��.4;" (9) R�conv� �nci.UponpaymentofellaumssecuretlbythleDeadoihusLl.eoGarehallrequeatTrueteatoraoonvaylKe <br />-r;Y.:,..c,-_:'. <br /> - ,,��-- ProparryendnhalaurrandanhlaDeedof7ruetxndallnoteaevldenc�ngindebtednaae�eoureAbyfilaDeedofTruattoTruales. <br />�-:"�iP.,.��, Trualee bhall reconvey t�e Propary wlthout warrenry and wiNOUt charpe M fhe pereon or peraon�lepalry anlitlad Ihereta _ <br />..,.r.7n.o- --_ <br /> �� �.:.; hu0tor ehell pey NI co91e of recPMallon,If any. _-_ <br /> � (h) FNSOn�I P(op�rlyi B�ourlty AprNminl.Ae adtlilbnel oeCUrily lor NO pflyment of fhe No19,TruaWr h8reby prMtn <br /> Y}'� Frr. <br /> 77 CenAdPii�ddfCi8R6LtdCk3UnIYJrm4'4IMIClCl91GOd089°!'Udfyln�?rg}tinatl/ixhrten,6qulpmentelldoNBtDBl60091PfOplro ._.__ __...--. __ <br /> �' ea� ueedlnconn0otlonwlthlhereelealaleorlmprovemenUloeatetlfhareon,andnototherwlsedeelaredorEOemedtobaepertof <br /> t Ls�+ fhe real astete eeoured hereby.Thle InaWment ehall Ce conaWed ee e Becu�lry Agreement under ea10 Cotl&antl Ne Lentlar <br /> ';�: +� l�Ellhflve911thedghllenAtemBdle801Be0avredparryunde�eeldCoCOlnaddltlOnlothBtlghllBnArem6dlelG69t6dundet ___ <br /> _. „_ . <br /> �-'i'�- enAflcrArd9ANelenderDUrluen�tOMleDe¢dOfTruetPiov�dedthatL9ndertrlghteendtemBdlBeunCetthllpetaprep�! I <br /> �i'�J'�?. be cumuletive wllh,nnd In no way e Ilmlletlon on,Lenaer'e rl9hta entl remodlea untlei arry otha�saoudy egreement algnetl by . __ -- �-- �� <br /> ,£: BOROWBf0�TN610t. Y�ss [i.._ __ <br /> _'{;v',„i,, (1) LUnf�nd EnOURibqncu.huetor hereby wertente and repreSenW thet Nere I!no defeult undet th6 ptm1610�!ol B�ry yt���,,_:�_�: <br /> �i'L;� mortyape,de9A ol tm6t leese or purohaae wntraot AeaCtlbing all Or eny pErl ot the Properry.or other conVao4ln6trument or y �r � -, <br /> egreement aonatlNtlnB e Ilen a enoumbrence egalnat all or any part ol the Property(col�eolNeb,"Uena'1,extallnD aa olthe �.��c;{Yr�i„d.�.. <br /> -- �i�"= tlflta ol Nla DeeC ot TrueL enA Net eny anE ell exleUng I.Iene remaln unmodlllod exeept ea CleeloaeE to Lander In Tmriore � ,,.;ti� rr .ar, : <br /> ;:r,P{ wdtlan Oleoloaure of Ilene end encumEraneee D��Ded for horela hu6lor ehatl tlmaty pertorm all of Truelore obllpatlone. �� �` ,�y. <br /> . `S.%� covenante,reprasanmtlonsanA wmrannea unAeranyenA a11 axialtlng end luture IJena,shen promptlylorvrarA b Lendercoplea �;�.. �+ :_ <br /> .. r,.e.i= <br />-_,r ,� of ell noACet of AofaWt eent In conneetlon wIN eny anA all exln�ing o�Mure Llena aM ehell not wl�hout LenOere prbr wtltlen e� ei,sF � V__� <br /> `-,.��.: C00lent In efry 1118011B�rtl0tllly NB O�OYIBbf18 0�0�LIIOW lfly NWt9 eAvBnCBf Undef Eny BXI6GnQ O11UNlB LI6110. '�'._js s;�i t y __ <br /> _,., ..,xi�a�_�`9 <br /> i �' U)AOP�����olPaymmb.UnloaaoNerwlneroqulredbylaw.cumepe101oLanderhereunAar.Includingwllhoutllmltetlon ��_ x � � <br /> '' It- . peymenb ol pHnClpel and Intereal.IMUrance proeeede,eontl9mnellon Droeeede end rente end proNe,ehall b0 epplled by - - ��� ��{4 � _. <br /> � -° -�- LonderWlheamOUnUCUennOOwln9lromTrualorendBOrrowerinauchuderanLend9riniteeoleAlscreUOndeemstleslreblo. ���fy+ -�.( �'� _� <br /> .� -;- (q Bavuab0lty 11 any provinlon ol thla Doed at 7ruat con111cW wIN eppllCable lew or la declared InvallA or oNarwlie .��1�-��_ b ��}„ _; _ <br /> � unentoreeeble,wCh eonMlct or Invelldlry e�all not aHect Ne olhar DroWeOna ol Nle Deetl ol Tmst o�tho Nota whlch ean be ,y.i�,;,i;;�:i, .:=�.��>�• <br /> plveneflectwlNOUttheeonllleBngprovlsion,endtoNleendlheproMaloneoRhleDeodolTmMendNaNOtee�edeclaredtoba , .,{� s �-` <br /> � f� eBVBreble. 1 ,+ � �� <br /> - (q T�rms.Tlie terma"Tmalof entl"Borrowef'ehell Include boN 6lnyvler fln0 pWml.entl wnen Ne Tmabr flnA Borrower Tf «ta��+f <br /> . ;_,-^��'� are Ne eem0 person(e),those lerme ee ueed In thls Deed ol Truet ehflll be InterMangeable. ,, 3 ru <br /> � - m OovemN Lew.Thla DeeC ol husl shell be povemed by tlie lawa o11he Stete ol NeOreske. � <br /> --- ( ) 7 .4j ��t � . <br /> " 7rustor hes oxxuteU ihle Deed ol Truat ea ol Ne dete wnnen abwe. /� ,> ,� <br /> ! _ ,' ���� �7Ji-!R�l�G.� � . �`? ' ` f.. <br /> i <br /> i-, Char ae E. Baa/e/ch Truator huaband � .�;� �: - <br /> r : l 7� ��,! � r�. �, ./-_ <br /> `?� Tmator Wife - - <br /> ,-.� J !ce K. Daaech '. -_ <br />. �:_.. ��. . <br /> i <br /> f. ` d - <br /> _ �-..�ift� . -,� <br /> ":tq;; �. <br /> _;'�iY��: i . .- . <br /> .�(i:�L�:` � . <br /> ;.�,y�:q <br /> •�3:1 � . <br /> �.��.'1 y�.-.;� , <br /> �� t <br /> � (' <br /> � LL" <br /> '�. <br /> � <br /> ,'�Lif <br /> y��t���.. <br /> " nV'14: <br />..A:��f?�C <br /> �K.�/J <br /> 3: <br /> J - .- <br /> �J <br /> { <br /> t � <br />� 'ni•'l'.Y:i . _ — .... _._. . - <br />