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.. __ .. ... . <br /> � ; . ---_ <br /> , . ;:;. -- <br /> ..-.-: _��:_. :_ .:. .. . .... .. : . .. g3. �q�3.�9 .: ,-` ° _ <br /> . a , . ,,: . , . . ,;,.�•.�,::�^� : <br /> MWVrpp�I��ouk�rtoiE�m�p�d 4tnQ.fnh�i(pyy�died�DUoroiblawrrand�aid�i,�ai�cr p1�to �Ylilliroli?T' <br /> i;,itd� ifiiyys�:(ramallcasya�de�!d�tntwn�doyltl6cone6otlonwlthwchProceed�Q�l��! ._ . � <br /> Mt�dlll/IM1i0fdfl�ltMdOm�jr66GMi1�1.OH0�p(llydiWC11Pt00�6dA�RN1uC116�dYCtlOf1FWIMf . .q..���M <br /> Vl uponauo�aoiiQlqon��rUnp��m��yMtermineMVapWk�IbnolProoaed�tpind�Dtadnqe�ohtllnotwctMq tp6sipale <br /> Nk]yehe e! �ua�o <br /> eh�d O�Uo�anypeyqiMbundvfh�NOq9touro�n Qr'�.uitG�:r-.unC�artFroun6=r.RnyunsDD� C _ <br /> lW�tpr. <br /> p��OyMrtdxy nm�aournneeofinEwntof06hultTereunQeRatlmyaotpWanq(1 proaeWinp <br /> dommen wl�lohm�te{IIINt�l�lenEbY�lh1lrestinN�Ptoyxry,ll�derrtiayNlf�qwliAlg�o��90n.bU►N7th obllQpY?�itOtlO <br /> °�°�'r«�ae��nniuioco:a rydio�nt YoNVio tdwm�n�a�uryloDOteclthes wrlryaherao6Trusrorvrnhlo l medlre��wy ., -, ..-- - . .- <br /> uponA�mindpyNarotorbylender,p� toLEhderMlcoateenEexpemeatncurr9dandwm�explpndM!b0y Is�CNIndOMIC1t01f�411h <br /> aQdatl t0 Ms ItHW/adnlat�teou�red�Rewby i.e�d i enan noi InW�am��aoi!ti e'eoeu�ea�ol anyNlnp� B meY'��IOmIt to do <br /> hxeundn. - <br /> g HWMpy�6htH11N,Tru010r 6�e11 keap Ihe ProDerty In comDnence wIN en apD�lcabte lawe,ordlnaneea and reputetlona __ <br /> rotetln to Induatdal hygiano or anWronmgnml profeWan(wlieaurey retened to hereln�f'Endronmonlet IarN7•mator Mdl _ <br /> keoO�eProperrylroefromallwbatanceedeamedtobehaurdoueortoxlounAmmyEnNronmen�eltewa(oollaotiveNreferrsdW - � � � � <br />� heroln ea'HUZerEOUa Materlale"}ttuetor herQDyWnrrank anA repsaenW w Lender tha�9�ere are no Hezardouf M�fed�Ti on 0� <br /> unCerNePropary.Truetorherebyagreaatolndemnlyentlhold�armloSaLandar,IbGlrecloro,oNleeraem loyaeeend�p6ntl,an0 <br /> U�Mo paue�n�ua�e,Giepoaal or Vans6p�pmr10 eo�Haieroous Me�lar�ieia on e nu tlerlromo r e oN A�auProp��p�r�ry iTHE FORE�OINO _ <br /> BUflV1V8RECONVEYAN EOFTTHISD6EDOfTRUBLR'80BLI(iATION8PUR8UANTTOTNEFORE001N61NDEMMTKBHALI = <br />� 10.Aulgnm�nl al RMh.Tru6lor hereDy aeei0na W Lander Ne rentr,kwee witl ProfiW of Ne Property.Drm'Idad Nat 7ruetor __ <br /> 7 6h811,u11tlIU100C0urtB11C00fenEvB�t01DBt9UIltlBteunC0t,t18Y81tIBdghtPoCOhBCtelldf0�N08Y0hfBOtAI88UBS011dpt01fbW1110y =-__�---°-°-- <br />- becoma due end payable.Upon the ocovrrance of en Event ol0elault,Under miy,elber In peraon or by e9ent�N or wlNOUt �*�::^�°- <br />-° bdnging nny a¢tlon or proceadin9,or by e reaeNer eppolntoA by e court end without repuA to Na adaQUaoy ol lte socutlry,enter ��;;°-� <br /> upOn6nd�ekepoawsalonotMePropery,OtenypIIrtthO�eof.lnlllownnemeOflnlhOnamBOfthBTruSIBO.e�AdOeOyfiCIBwNChlt ��-�°-- <br />= aa6menecoae9ryor6oalreUlatoproearvethevaluo.merketablllHorrentedllryofthePropeny,orairypartiheraolalnlarelttheralq �r.:`�-.Y-=.�� <br />�- inwaaae Na Inaoma Neretrom or protoot the sacudry horeof and,with or wlMOUt teking Doeaea�lon of the Proparry,6ue lor or �.,;�,_. <br />= olherw160 colleot Ne rante,Iesuea end proflte thareol,inoludinp Noae pest due mA unpeld,antl apply 1he eame,laae eo81e 8oA �;,.:_,hn._ <br />= exponeeeoloperotlonandaollec�onlnWUtllnBnttomeya'Ieaa,uponanylndebtedneaseeeuratlherebyelllneuehorGarealender .,;a-:..:�:; <br />= mny d0termine.The enlorin8 upon end taking poaseaelon ol Ne Proparty Ihe wlleotlon ol suoh renU,isavai end prol�e enG tho 3j^�a%�rv.:, <br /> eDP���non thareol ea aforceaid,ehell not nvre or walvo eny Aeleult or notice of delaull haraunEar oi Invalkete any ect Aona In _^_1. <br />- reeponeetOeuchdelaulto�purauanttoeuo�nollceoldeleuttand,nalwithelendingthacontlnuaneeinpoaseaebnolNaPropartYa :;�:=:�u-- <br /> the colleoUon,receiDt and eDP���UOn ol ronte,�sevea or prolik en0 Trupee and Lender ehell be entl�ad to exarcite every dght �;r�.e;-��-- <br />- provldatl/orinenyolthBLoanlnaWmenteorbylawuponoccurranceolenyHventotOeltult.Includln8wllhoullim118tlonMatlght �;,.�p���;__ . <br /> toaxeroiaeihepowardealuFulier,LSr,darsrlghCar.dremetl:�urMttNisp_sepraph!!�!!�haaumu�allvewiN.andlnnowaye -__. ___..___ __ <br /> - IlmileUOnon,Lender'sNghleandremetlleaunderanyeeal8ementolleeaeaenArenbrecordedegelnattheProparN.Lender,Truatea [ �.3v <br /> - end Ihe reeeiver ahall 6e IIaNe to accowt onty Por Ihoaa renla aGUelry received. f, t= __ <br />= 11. EWnU ol D�fau1L Tha(ollowing ehell coneHNle en Event ol Deleult under thls De6d of hus[ _ _ <br /> _ (e) FeiNre to pay uny Inetaliment ol princlpel or Intereat ol eny oNB�sum 6acured hereEy when Ou& P*_.'j.c.. _^___ <br /> ' @) AbreaoholordefaultunEerenyprovlelonwntelnedinlheNWO.N�sOaeCOfTruaLenyottnelonnlnntmmente.oram -�a��•_�-_�_--�-- <br />= olher Ilen or onCUmbrenee upon N8 Ptoperty, �i-�`p1 t ''��` <br />_ (e) Awrltofexecutlonorettachmento�enyelmi�erproeeaehallbeantereAagauatTrualorvihlchshellbecomeallenon ,�f�/�:�� S ,._ <br /> ' the PropeM or any poNOn meroot or intereat Ihereirc *.aA--��;,- <br /> - (� There ehell b0 filotl by or egairmt Tmelor or Borrower fln ecilon under eny Oreeent or tuNre lederal,6fete or othei :j;•j,�e��:<•�'=��,=�_: - <br /> = ateWte.lawOnBgulellonreleUngtobankruplcy.InsoNencyorolherrgllefbrdebto�e:orth8re6�a11be80W�^�odenytruatee. �_Fl:i�„���l�.�;;=�:E, <br /> roc6lverorllquitlatoroR�u6loror8ortowerorolallo�anypertolth9ProDerty,orlherente.�aaueaOrproR�e�hBtBO1,OrTNltor {-':L�:!���`f;Y <br /> ° or Borrower�hall meke eny 9enerol easlgnment tor the benefit ol crodirore; ., ' � - <br /> - (e)The eale,tranalar,leeae,asaignment,eonveyance or NMer encumOrance ol ell or eny pen o1 or eny Intereat in Iho ,�`-:;}�'i';��9..,, <br /> �� Proparty,elNer volunlerlly or Involunledty,wlthoW Ihe expwas wAlten eoneent ol LenEer,proWded Net Tru6lor e�ell bo .V,��1�' �1� ;.i .._ <br /> - permltledroezeeuleelaeseollhePropeM�hetCOeanoteonqinenoD�ontopurcheeoendthetermotwMehdoaenotexcoed r-;r`� ��`�}S�v_.,. <br />.' one yeer, rB�;n.�� ` :<..- <br /> ; (q)A�ruetormenote In0ldduel uie�ie�vence,eale.treneler.esa� nmenCCOnv eeorencumbranceo�moreNanelotel '�`}'';ti�i"p�'.��"iS�'=.-_�� <br /> Y 9Y!^ `>:��4,f'e,i'���yr}.,�j'!, <br /> � ' <br />�_� ot percent ot(11 a corDOratlon)ile IesueE and oulslendin8 arock or(il a paMersNp)e totel ol pereent ol ' i��t1's, L? '� <br /> perinerehip Inlereate dutlng ihe perlod tNa Dbed ol Truat remeins e Ilen on Ne PropoAy. �` - <br /> 12. B�madlq;AeeelewtlonUponOetautt.InlheavenlofenyEventolOefaNtlenOermey,wiNOWnoticee:eepteeroQWredby .-,:.:,?�,2�sr'-y' +;;� <br /> few,declere all I�Webtetlneee eecured harob/to be due end peyable enA the seme ehall thereuDOn become due end peyeDlo �;�:;'.i�;,,_�;.v2�ji;.':a,��., <br /> wiNOUI etry presenlmenL tlemend,proteat or nolice of eny kinA.Tliereal�er LenGer mey. -��� = -��--�1 -;os.. -. <br /> _ (8) DBmenC ihel huelee exerdae Ne POWEfl OF$ALE grenled hereln.en0 Uu9tee ahell iheree�ler Ceuie Trusloft �:�;.;�,�-�:r��•��+-�;�•- <br /> Inte�eat in NB ProDOrry to be eoltl and ihe proeeedb lo be Aisuibute0.ell in the manner providetl in 0e Nebreeke TruBt DeeAa � �j��'�-�:-�r.� <br /> . i.z.:` <br /> - A�t .�:=1`�:•';�'....•;�.: <br /> - @) Eaercise eny end eli riBnU proNded�or in eny ol Ne Loan InslmmenW or Ey lew upon occurrenoe ol eny Event ol - '-f���i,�f'`,7`;'( <br /> �•T •_;i1;n:..iCi'.,`l: <br /> - DelOUlk enA � . `- <br />-' (e) CommeneennectlonloloreeloseNieDeeAOl7rustasemohgege.eDDO�ntareeeivor.orepecl11ee11yen1orceenyoH�e .�;.c,(;t-`,:�_-•,-.�, _._ <br /> = corenanla�ereol. %l�17 `����-'' <br />°` No remOdy horein eonlerred upon or reaerv0d b Trvntee or Lender I9 ImenAetl to De excluaive ol any oltler remedy hereiM1 in t�e .. � . <br /> = Loan Inelrumente or by law provideC or permllted.Dut each s�all 0e be In a0tll�ion�o every other remedy given <br /> - hereunder,in t�e Loen Inatmmenle or now or nereaRer ezlating at law or in equiryor by eteNte.end may Oe e+ereised concurreNly. �- �; <br /> IndBPBOtlBOily Of iUCC8591vB1y. _ � � ,������� � - <br /> � 73.TNiloo.The Truslee may resign et any tlme witnout eeuse, eM La�Eer mey el eny Gme anE wiNOUt eause Appoinl e - � . _ <br /> - BuctOSEOrorbuW��IWeTrv6lBe.Truelel6h811nOtDelieElO�oenyDanY.mCluOmgwil�ou111miteli0nL8nCet.Bortower,TmalOrorB�ry <br />� purcheseroH�ePropefly.�o�enyloDEOrEamageunleasCuelorecklessorwililulmisconducf,ends�a���otDerequireOtofekea�y : � <br /> eeilon In ConneCllOn wllh Ne enbrcement ol ihi6 DeeC ol Tmst unlebf� wriling.lor 611 co34.eompBneeGOn or 1 —. <br /> = expen6ee whleh mey be associated lherewlU.ln addilion.Tmelee mey become e pureha�er at airy aele ol tl�e Propery Guaielal or , . <br /> �_ ....w_...�....We..a mm.,.anme nnremt ooeinone Ne sale ol all or em oortlon of lhe Prope' Orovided by�ew.or eell tho <br /> �= Propefty 9e 9 whoie,or in eoperale pe�cele o��oU al Truetee e diseretlon. <br />`--= tA. Fao�end E:penoot.ln Ne event Tmslee nel4 Na PropeM by oxorcise ol power of aelo,Tmatee ahall be en4YOd to eppy <br /> = eny eelo prxeo0a Iirol�o peyment ol ell cosfe and expenae6 0l eaercisln0 powe�o�sale.i�clutlin8 ell Trustee e�eea,en0 LenOer e � <br /> and Tfualee'9 eflorney'a lee0.aelually IneYrrBO to exlent permllletl Ey epp��Ceble IIw-In llN evenl BOrfower or 7rusfor exercise9 any <br /> ' rlght proWAeA by law to curo en Event ol Delault Lender eneli be entiue0 fo recorer Irom Truslor eii coate end expenwa actueiy <br /> = Ineurretl ee e re6Wt of Truator'e CefeWl��UuAing wiNOUt Iimiletlon ail Tmsfeee anA enomo�'��eea,to t�e e�ent permil�eC Ey <br /> - epP���DIe lew. <br /> 16. Futuro Advaneos.UpOn reque6t ol BOrrower.LenCer mey,et II!optbn.meke eAAl6onel en0 IuWre eArenCOa enA re- <br /> -�i ativeneeatoBOrtowecSuc�aManceaenUrea6vencee.rdlhlnlero6tt�e�eon,ehellEeseouredEyNiaDeeAOlhustAtnotlmeahell � <br />'•:� Ne princi0al emount of t�e IndebteEneaa neeurod by Wa Deed olTmet�ol incluEing eume fldvaneed to prolecl the aowriryol Uda <br /> - Dootl ol Truat exeoed No orlyinel principsl emount tle�etl he�e�a or S whkhever la g�ee�er. <br /> _ <br /> . .t <br /> �. <br />