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c a}� �it- ..' 2. , _ --. _ x i�� ,� �L:s, . .- ; " at ^' t.�jt r'�_Y+. -- -------.. <br /> , < i P 3-� .- i x }:.-. h - -�;� �'�7a�'r' . <br /> � � - . ., - ' -t -. v � r ` '6.- • �� 1 �� r)+ :TM ia ,y r:' __ <br /> -;' � -. . . .-..� . � .. � .. � 3(� � ' `- r�� � � " <br /> . � ���� �.'I: ;},y <br /> .�- py,merts,ahtc�terenfe�d tuidp��4i0lsaunSotha�unQY� :o(�tc14��}SMAth !� x �+9 r4.+ __. <br /> . . : �tnaui�F�q"uf�edto +1114uttta�W�AY�{Qelite3n�t�wld�+.thoHo����11SeCYJi41_tneiNtRn �►l�D� dtolhmF4Q�> � ,-,�< <br /> ` • Ie�ll snqticdthe tpr' , . �.}���y , p����� . <br /> . .-J�. . ,. .. ��' i. 6R,fi1d�9�'+1�E{ifiE��l{ �i6iYt�iOi��pY�Y`^'er"'1 - .:'. _ - i..) .:'�C} t ( _ ` ... .. . <br /> 9:��dstoPA kr�doncllk�: ;, <br /> (a)ikt�niGGa►�rmay;exapCaal{�I�addYmut oA�luusdpy Q�oBeqx�p.�y InlhbCiueqlp�ymedtEofautis., ' �.� <br /> . rap�iroitninMletepspmenetntGllotWlu�a�ed�tDfl�ocUff fit <br /> ii)HottBwer Qot@ulu by taUtr,$tppay l eoy mdn{h,ypqymen�t«qa�ircd Dy We Buaq{ry Uu{�tgent prior r '� <br /> .. , toornndwdpepatpoftjienp�tt tmu�lYPaymenr or .,. _. -r. :: _ . ., . <br /> (i13BOrsowudetaulubylaqtng,�foreG�!�odoJtfitiqrdW'�:�oP�►f9��YA�robll$iiiohsqo�4!(nbd'Lifhb �- <br /> SeCudty Nattumpnt: `- <br /> @)8alb{YltLout�t1ADP�a��• �dershnll.ttpmilhtedby, �ioablataifuldwl0it11Ao[fOtpppmvap}dro ' s '; <br /> Sarctary aqutreimr�edta�epaymentioNllotdttheiums�yabu&oud�q]tiatrvmen�if <br /> (i)A�l or part ot die Pmper�r,or a 6eneHeiol lnestrs�inp tharAVmiaa ali otp�rt ptt(�e YmpEny,v aold oY � <br /> otha�wlsehenafeRed(oq�umanby0eviseotdosoent)by,SAaBatowErinA <br /> , (ii)7Lo RopenY le not.00c�le�by tho�ascror grdpka mEts o��ta prinetpat lf+� ,� _ _ ___ <br /> orgren ue.daea,ed•oaasVY +� �oP�PY Iwt Aid m';h� srotlit�hm.nn) 6uN a�rpmvea tn ��ssc� " <br /> wltbU�e�yaireinenuofth6SecrNery. ._ !( . r - . i �iv x�i;�"yy _ <br /> ''�' (c)NoWatvetcltcircumntsnuaoccart�a�wwiapem�s�.e�aorro�egu�elmiar,dialepqyti)E�k,ip�atl;ti8ll.en�ef � � ` - " <br /> �"� doq notrc�ul�e wch�yh�bnu,Leiidor oob iVot aaive i�+dglitd wNArcs"yea ro eubsE�uedt eventa. • <br /> ;�.ai (Gl ReguIatlone ot HtJD Bea�wary. In many Nrwmataria�regulWonaluuW by c4e 3aretary�f41lmlt I.endw1 <br /> dghu,in the case of payment defeulu, torcqufre immediaro pnyment In full end torcelosp,If nbt naid :'Ifita .. ' <br /> "---- &cudry in:[mmone doa+not wthodzo nocolervtlon w torcelwure i(not pemiltted by rcguladona ot�h0 8lcrctuy. <br />, _,.,..� (o)Mortgoge Notlnnund. BoTrower�geeoe dw[shauld thi�8wmity lnawmenl md tho nole saUrcd ihe(eLy not . <br /> � bo e1Igi61e tor insurance under�ha Nailonal Houaing Act withln 8 m0Ath0 ��?� <br /> '��++•�3t— dero herwf.Lender mey,et In opdon and no�wlthsronding tn�hfng In Paragreph 9,roquiro immedlato ptymenl lo <br />'`-=��� NII of ap�um+eccurcA by thB 9eeudty In:tNme�t A arhun suumom of my amhodud�gcnt ot IUo$urctory <br />'_;nt;a"-� dated mbuquent to A montAe from Ae dato hercof,dallning to Insuro�hli Becudry <br /> -- ImtNmcm md tho noto Kcurcd ihorcby,�hull bo dcemed concluaiva proot of euch Inollglbllity. Notwllhstandina <br />'-'t;lj,"'?`� tho forogoing,�hb optlon may noi bo txcrclud by Londei whon ihe unenilabllhy ot In�uranca I�wlciy duo lo <br /> � .•-�^'?�.. ndetH feiluro�o rcmit o mongogo inaurcnco prcmlum to iho 8Cenury. <br />-'?`-"A�? 10.�dnslatemmt. Bortowor hw a dght a bo rcinstaeed It LenGOr Ae�requhcd Immedlnro payment In full bccauu <br />•��'���s,+ of Uorrowerl taltum to pay an omount duo undor tAo•Nao or�hB 3ecurlly InswmoN. 'R�la dght e{rplloe oren utter <br /> `' torcclosuro proccedlnee aro imtl�uted. 7b rcinateto �ho Sccudty Instru+nent, Bortowor�hu0 �endor In a tump�um ell <br /> 7,., , , <br /> . ''"-a_ amounte rtquircd to•bdng BorrowerY exoum currcot including,ro iho oxun[�hay ue oblig�dom o[Bortower wd¢r tNa <br /> } � -�ti�: Sceurity Inst�umen6 forecloaure cosu md rcasonablo md cuaromory anomeys�fcea end oxpenau ty mwcietcd wiin ---'�-�� <br /> j�f ,`� the fo�eelosurc proceeAing. Upon rcinau[emem by 6orrower,thi�3ecuriiy Inswment and tho Ilgetiona that It tecuree <br /> � ahall rcmdn in otta�n it Lender hed no�re�ulred Immcdia�o pnymcn�in NII. However,Lender ia not rcyuired Io oe�mit <br /> �f_ reinatatement if. (p Lender hw eaepicd rc nswtement attor the commenoement of forcciwurc procadfnge wi�hfn txro _ _ <br /> >+�,`�7 ytaro Immedieiely prcading the commencement of a currcnt Porcclosurc procading. (ii) reinstat¢ment wtll prcetude <br /> [oteclosuro on differcnt grounda in the Poturc,or(Iii)rcinsmtement wiil adre�sely effect Ihe p�iodry of�ha Ifon ereated by <br /> - "� �hie3avri�y Instrument. <br /> ��.a%��F}� ll. Borrower Not Releued; Fbrbcaronce by Lender Not a Khlver. Extenalon of thc dme of payment or -- <br /> r,y moditication of emorcizetion of ihe anms secured by thia Security Inswmem granted by Le�er w eny avaeasor in Inrcrcse _, <br /> ����,�Yr, of Bortower shxll not operate ro rcicrtu the I1o611ity of�hc odginnl Borrower or Barowerb auccessor in fntcreat. Lender : - <br /> aheil not be rcquircd�o commencc praeedings egainst any sucassor in imereat or rcfuse ro exiend tinx fa peymont or �iYj�,.:�_ <br /> .��j�'.�y� otherelae modlfy amotlizetlon ot�he sume secured by thfa Sewrrty Inswment br reason of eny demand moda by tla ,��,, -. <br /> ,..,.g,:..:3 <br /> +�p�r._ o�iginel Bottower or Oorto�verk iniercst. Any forbes�ance by Lender m exercising eny dght or remedy ahdl �� ..; .: <br /> ty��ri not be e wetver of or prccludc the exercise ot xny righ�or rcmedy. L c�:1-' <br /> «�il, 13. Succeason end Asgigna Bound:Jolnt and Several Llublliry:Co-Signen. 'ILe covennnta end ngreemenro of u;� <br /> �'�n�� thia Securiry Inawmrnt shal I bind end benefit�hc xuacawrx end¢ssigns of Lender md Bortower,aubJeet�o�he provislons �"�.��� �. <br /> ���q+� of Paregreph 9.b. Bortowcrh rnvenmm�nnd agrccmcmx aholl bc joint uid acvicel. Any Rorto�vcr wiw co•signs �his �1 r �{' ' <br /> ._ �F�(�!' Securiry Instrumem but dces no�ezecute ihe Notr. (e7 ia co•signing thix S�curity In�trument only ro mongnge.�t end a!fTt:� `" <br /> t �ti y?; canvey�hat 8ortower�intercit in ihe Propeny under�he�emis n(�hia Secumy Ins�rvmenC(b)is not personelly ob Igeted ro 1. �:�^�T <br /> _��? pny ihe sums ucurcd by this Securny Inxtrument;nnd fc)ngrecs ihat Lender und my other Bortower mey egree to extend. �+�4..,t <br /> ' - j� � madi(y.torbcar or mnke any eccummoda�ions wi�h rcgmd�o�he Iem�s of Ihix Sccunry Instrumem or Ihe Note without�hat � '% <br /> �t £•'� Borro�rerS consent. + <br /> zz.��� 13. Noticee. Any no�icc io Bovnwcr provided tnr in ihis Stturi�y Imtrumem ah:dl bc given by delivering it or by .z r�'�.�- }-: <br /> -....`.r,.,.;.: meiling it by firs�clns. mail unicss applicnhlc laiv rcquircs me o(another mcthad. Thc notice shnll be dirccud m the ;sp4;2f,t� -^ <br /> r�4.�i Pmperty Addrccs or nny o�her addrcs.Bom�wer de+ipna�ca hy no�ice to Lender. Any noiitt to Lender shnll 6e given by Y .,, _._ <br /> s f t �rst elnss mnil lo Lendcrl addrcss slalcd hcrcin or uny uddrc+.I.cnJcr dnig naln by nolicc m Borro�rcr. Any notieC a�.Y -� <br /> ' t�'� rovided for in this Sccurit In.wmcm.hail Ix JcemeJ to h:n.hen rven�o Idortnucr or I.endcr whcn rvcn as rovidcd • i�'�.. "�'- <br /> r� � : P Y F R P �t r, ru :- <br /> . { m�his puregrnph. � -�'h"'�'1 <br /> -�"3: t4. Gurernfng Lx�r:Se�erubilfl}. "fl�i.Sc�n�iy In.immem.hall h gurcmcd by fiJeral lau�and thc lax�uf Ihe -.� ` : <br /> -?i�ri%;.: urisdiction in which Ihc Ropcny i�Iaa1cJ. In Ihc rrcnl Ihat:m� provi�Mn nr claux o(Ihis Securiq-Insirumcnt nr Ihc � ��'` <br /> y-� r Naie conllicl+wi�h ap licahlc Imc.wch rnnllin+hali nnt al(crl mhcr prmi.ion+nf th�.Sccuriq� Imwmcm nr Ihc Nac ' ��'�,�:. <br /> which cun M Eivcn c�c1 wiihom�he conllicling pm��f•u+n. Ti��hn enJ iln prori�i�m�u(thi.Sccurit� In.lrumcnl and�he r - �-' _ <br /> Noie nm dn:lurcd�o hc�c��erahle. i -"�4 �, <br /> K� I5. Borrower's Cup,v. Hortnwcnhall fx givcn nn¢cunlom�cd cnp)nf ih�.tittunry�Imwmcm. r-.. �� -_ <br /> -':r IM1. Asdgnmen�uf Rentc. BnR�.�..•r nn�.,ndmon:dh .�..�}�,and vamirn m I rndrr.dl�hc rcnb:mJ rcrcnue•of�hc � �•�r . <br /> _ Propchy. Oorto�rcr authnroc�LcnJcr nr Lcndcr.nEcm.�o.ollr.nhr rcm.auJ re�cnuc.anJ hcrthv dfrc.h cach Icnam..f .. <br /> Ihc Pmpeny lo par�hc rcN.In I.endcr�rt I.rndcri agcnh. Ilu��e�cr. pnm Io IrnJer: nnu.r In Ilartnucr nf Iinnmrcr: - ." " � - <br />- M1machnfanycnvenanl..ragmrmcmmthctir.unqln.vmnrm.H�m�.��rnF.dl.�dL•a:mJm�cf�ca11rcn1.andre�cnur��d - <br /> �he Pmpeny a.tru.�ee I.�r ihe Ix•neln�d Laid.•r.mJ li�,rt�.wec "ILn.n.�gnmem.d rcm.aonanwe.:m ah.nlm.a..�Enmem . <br /> - - and not an a��ignmcnl fur.�Jdilmnal.aunn onl�. . ' -`- <br /> I(Lcndcr}nr�nobn nl hnxh m H�rtru��cr r.��.Jl n�m.rncnval h�Rnrtuxcr.hall lx heW h� Hnrtancr.n Im.�ev <br />. • = far hCnCfl nf LcnJCr.�i110.h� hf a�+�.l�ed lu Illc.uOn.ccUn'd In IOC 1CCUnh IptlrvnlCilL'Inl i.fntifr.^.tli ix fnI111CJ In =` - -- - <br /> � collecl anJ rccci�c all ul �hc rcm,.d�hc w�c.�J��o�am�d IM I}U�Xrt\J1JII�1J\ ell rcnh Juc anJ unpaiJ In , <br /> �: LenJer nr Lcndcr:agrnl un Lrndr�l��uurn JemauJ lo Ihc Icnam <br /> ,-, ):�,':: Bortowcr ha. nnl cxcculcd am prinr aaaignmcm ol Ihc mm.:mA hr nul :md w�Il nct �udom� :mr acl �hal unuld �. . <br /> :;_�,�..,.. pm��cnt Lcndcr Gom eccrci+inE n.righl,w�drr�hi,I'.irago�ph Ih. r <br /> - -�_a Lendcr+M1all nol M reymreJ t..rmcr u�wm.iaAr.umrol af ar m.unt.nn thr Ihryrn� hfurr.rt.�hcr gnmg nmier of ; <br /> �.. � breach Io Onrmwer. Hnur�'�•r.Lcndrr ar a Ndirr.Jh c�ppomlcd nacn cr may dn m al .�m untc Ihrrc��a hmad�. Am ' <br /> + .. r <br /> `i;'j('r�f applicalian af renls+hall na�anrr ar�.:nrc any ddanli nr m�aGJalc any o�Mr righ�nr renadr af i.cndrr. "Ihi.a..�gnmcm #� <br />. '—' ,� of mm.ol�I�r I'rtipc�q��hall�¢mnna�c ahcn�hr dcM�ccurcd hr thc Scrunn In.tmmnv i.p:nd in lull. � <br /> .��"S��C�.�� � <br /> l°�v <br /> �i�d'�7,a� r <br /> �-;�i t��y. ,p,.r r.q�„�v � 4 <br /> `4��i`�:. <br /> � 4 <br /> � Ef ���< <br />