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.. 1+�� t - (� �( -\1 1 �+ _` t✓/'i _ _i`� � . ..o+f' r� lt�Q �- XE �n <br /> _['�3-� - !'.;�- .P- .� �' .- 4 .� -n.._, .`r'� � A 'r ` � . y � {�� f� t _. _ _ <br /> „ , �. <br /> t , _ - =F ,� r ..�� <br /> ' � •�-1 -.� � - . .i � I[_" ' r _ .i n�t (�. �y � S <br /> , ��R Q�ia! � � <br /> _ _— neetot►ttesi�t[ �ttMimN���RM[oa��11111P�Y�4��P�_��r�fnieKdlq� ` + + <br /> �fie�t� �pofA �1D 1�N Y ., ;`— _ <br /> , ?..� IAtg df� �c�,�/ 4tbe� �� 8ar,�]I;InclJde ueh t6 : <br /> � ����������'����,�y����.'��"e�,,��;� t <br /> . t Itleue" n IevleQorto lovede I�haPropNty,t�)fptseAoWppymfnteor . tedt�ioo . . <br /> (a�promlum� oNtuUtmcer«N�M� Ph'�. . c _ ,. ., , <br /> B�fi mon uuuumenr r`o�r r�m+ .L(E�ana co>sn.u�p.t aw{wetn�or ua.nnwu M cwo�brr <br /> ,.. , estlmaud Dy�:Dim m amount n s(mt tn matn�al eC4luonal b�i�ae�o!hot mote�dnE�sixA of Iha�:� <br /> eidqutld imMata._7te tutt ennoal owt tor exh-Itsm•shtUba evwmotakd D�r��,p�p wi��In�ptrHfd e one <br /> mon0�6efomonl�emwbuldbeoome�elinqueee LeMereMtlhotd�heuiuwnfamlketeQinau�qbppyttemap��a0d : <br /> (o)6eton�n4y bocume detlnquenG ' <br /> It�t aoy 8me p�a totel ot the paymenu hold by I.ender for Iteme(sh(b)md(¢),together with the Poluro w ntdly . <br /> p�ymrnb tot tucA Iteme payabla to t.ender pdor to�he due datca of wch iteme,uxauia�Dy moro then onesix�U�e <br /> - -- estlmated amount otpaymente ttqulte4�o psy sueh Irome wLeo du0,en01lpqymenu on i6e Noto ere eaue�nt,men l.endar <br /> st�att eEtAer rttund the excess over onc sixih ot No eaWnatedpaymenta or ciedii me exoosf over onaskth of tGe fsUrtlatod <br /> --_-=�-° paymenta to iubsequent paymenn by Dortowu,at tha optton o!tiortowu. ll Qie wt+l otmop b mads Mf SwYO�:ror <br /> [or Itcm(e).@�or(a)Is ineuffident lo pay Uta item when du0.�en Bo�mNU sLell qey to Le�ider�iny emoun4neee.uary to <br /> mateaptheda cienc�yonorbe(oret4edataAel�embewmradue. <br /> As used In�hta 8ecudry LisaumenR"Sarctuy"meana tta$cceetnry of Hbwti�4 esidUrban Developmerttorkb ot ha : � <br /> - _,�,� d�n Fb. InanyyearinwN¢bthoLendermustp�y amortgagelnswancepnmlumtot3�eSeeretary,eeohm�tl�+psyineqt•� i <br /> ,a�� ehetf a1m inelude eithe.r. (i) an Insuilmcnt of the annual maRgago inswance pnmlum ro bo palQ 6y l.ep6z1 to the� ;:: <br /> Sarctary,or pq a monthty chnrge instexd of a mongege InaurQnoe premlum.3►tLis Seeutiry ketnimeM 1i I�etd by tqe <br /> � 3ecrelary. Hech monthty inatallment of tho mongqge inawapu premium ihaU be in an amoap�suffldentid pqwmulqto,�ho � <br /> - full annual mongeBe inwrana promium with Lender one monlh do�ro tho dete the fbtl Hmma1 mmlg elnimmnca ------�-- <br /> HW <br /> '•g�.v�A�� pmnium ia due to�he Secretery:or it this 9aud�y Instrument i�he1S by the Sarctary.ach monthly chargo e eU 6e In an <br /> ��+� �y� amwntequaltoonatwethhofone-halfpemnto[tLeoutatanAfngprincipa16n1anoedaeontheNole. <br /> If Dortowu tendere ro[.eader Ne full pzymene ot etl anm�cecumA by thu Suuriry Insuument,Bortowub exount <br /> �i'� �'-�' � ehdl be ercGited wlth the balenoo rcm�ining for all installmems for item�(a).@)end(o)and eny mottgage inewence <br />,:;?�f�r,;:ti., promtum Insteliment�hae Lender ha+not bxomo o�ligeted to pay ro the Sareury,end l.ender ehail promptly�ePond any <br /> �-•�• oxcaa Pondi to Dortower. Imme4letely prior to e forcclowrs salo of the Pmperq or itaacquislNon by Lendor,IIortowerl <br /> �±'��;���� eaount�hall bo crcdited tdth my balence rcmalning for aIl Insieltmcma for irom�(a).(A)md(o). <br /> yh „�,-..:S J�.A�QpIlcadon otPaymenta. All paymrnu under Peragnphs I md 2 ehall be applicd by Lcnder m lollovn: <br /> -�,;�:.�.;,�::},; P 1 R q T•ro�ho mongrgo insurence promium ro bo paid by I.ender eo�hc Sccrcmry or ro�ho monthly chargo by�he <br /> -�yxr�� Saro instced of the monthly monga6e imuranoo�rcmium; <br /> ��t , 5i�. �ro eny taxa,ipecial avasamenU,Icuehofd p+ymenro or ground rcnn,and firo,flaad end other haurd <br /> , At�.� ,g; nsuranco prcmluma.nsrcq uircd; <br /> y to intuat dc:um!-..�the Na�• �------- <br /> u <br /> `��'} ;=t ,to amonlzaflon of�ho pdncipaI of tho Note; <br /> �F� -�ry{; �oletochergaduounder�AoNoto. <br /> '.,';�`�.J��t}.;;_;, 0. re,Fiood end Other Haserd Inaurence. Bortowtt�hell(nsuro ell improvemente on tho Property,whe�hor nex� _-� <br /> _ ,`, �r, G�,w,,� in ulatencc or�up�ucmly crcctW,egainst eny hazud�,cewaltla,ond mntingrneics,ineluding tiro,tor which Lendor <br /> ,'.�,j:.,{.,.t�:.�� requlro�insurena. Tfile inwrenoe shell bo mdmainod in tho�mounn and Por the pedod+thet Lender roquirea. Bortower <br /> ,rn y �,/; ehall dsu inaurc elI improvemen�s on�he Propeny,�vhethcr now in ezistena or wbsequeiuly crcttW,agelnat lou by 1loads — <br /> ;�1 „y)�e--'j�r to Ih0 etlbnt rCqulmA by tho Scerelary. All Insumna shell be eertied wi�h compnntce appmvW by Lendcr. 7t�e Wmance �__ __ <br /> , >{�+�.f: policfos end my rcne�vala ahall be held by Lender nnd ahall Include loy pnyable clauses in fnvor ot,and in a fortn - <br /> �,v: ti*- '� nooeptable ro,l.ender. Y' <br /> a <br /> +#���'�yr� In ihe event of losa,Bortower sliall give Lendcr immediete noticc by moil. Lender may make proof of lav If na x n �- <br /> ', �' sp,i` medo prompily by Uortower. Eeeh insurena campany concemed ia hercby amhoriud end diraned w make pa ent tor �,,!�S <br /> such lov dircc�ly to Lender,in:iead of�o Bortower xnd io Lender jointly. All or eny Pan ot�he inaurmce pr may be rrgliv,�. <br /> , ��*K-. .: c ePplied by Lender,n ita op�ion,tither(e)to�he rcduction of the indebtedness under�he Note and thia Secudty tnswment, �fx ,_ <br /> '��s��� ��v`�. fint to eny delinquent emounLs applied in �he order in PeregtePh 3,and then ro prcpeyment of prinelpel,or @)to tho jtr, �; <br /> �Y � 't rca�omtion ot rcpav of the dxmeged propertp. Any epplica�ion of the praceeds�o the prmapal shall not eatend or postpone �•��-� - <br /> ��` -".��"�� the duo date af the monthly pnymems+vhich ue rcfermd to in Pamgmph 2,or change the emount of such paymenu. Any �-��'�' <br /> � ( .+fr-��';` excw insurence praceeds over an amount aquircd�o pay ell outstxnding indebudness under the Note nnd �hia Secudty +?`jLrF <br /> y�� �A/`�i Insuument ahall be paid to�he entity Iegel ly entitled�hemto. <br /> In ihe event of fomcloxurc af this Sewmy Inxtmment or othcr tmnx(er of ti�le to�hc Propeny ihet extinguishes the - :i� <br /> �jY<< �•�h indebtWness,nll righ6�iUe end imercst ot 6ofrower in and m insumnce policies in form.hallµus to�he purcheur. �; , - <br /> .+ � ---';s 5. Oaupancy, Prererrallon, Malntenence end ProtaUon of the Property: 6orro�rer'a Loen Appllcatlon; -:, <br /> � �� {:.y I.easeholda. Bortower shell acupy.atablish,and ux�he Prapeny ns Dorto��er\prinripal rcsidence wi�hin sixty daya ,- <br /> ._,t. atra the execution of�his Secumy Inswment and shall mminue io uccupy�he Roperty as Bonowers principal recidence 7�f°�� ' <br /> yr � <br /> � - ' for at least one yexr aRer�he dete of accupnncy.unless�he Sea�c�ary dclermine.�his rcyuircment wiil cauu undue hardship . j; <br /> Z� �`;-=��? for 6orrower, or unless extenua�ing circurtis�ances ui.� which un lxyrond Bo`rower�cantrol. Bortower shell notify - � � <br /> > �,I�.--"�--' Lenders of any ex�enua�ing cimums�ences. 6ortuwer chall nnt commit wa.�c or des�my,damage or subs�entially chwige - •� � - <br />.__z ri!;�j�'= the PropcRy or allow Ihe Propeny lo dcicriatale,rcawnable wwr and tcur cxcepled. LenJcr may inspect Ihc Properiy if thc ��; �:._- <br />---4 ��_M,-,;;�_i Propeny is vacant or abandoned or the loan ic in defaul�. LenJer may takc rcnwnnMc uc�ion�a pmtect md prcserve such �"�`ac` <br /> `�z :`�ec'- vncant or adv�doncd Ropeny. Bormwer shail alw lu m dc(aul� �!Hortowcr.Junng �hc Iwn upplico�ion praross.gmc -' ::.- <br />. __4':_:,�°:�;�� meleriall falss or inncwratc informa�ion nr .tatemem. �a I.cnJCr (or failnf tn prnridc Lcndcr with any mmcrial " ' -- <br /> ?' '.'i•'..,_'<i <br /> .Cr-�,r'�'�::';, infom�ahoN im m�ncc�ion wi�h thc loan cviJcnad hy�hc Na�c,induJing.hut nn�limi�cd tn.rcprcxntationx conccming U.�.;- - <br /> i•;j:: ::.;rr �•- '.'•y" <br /> .,i,. Bo��verk accupancy of Ihe Ropetty m a principal rceiJence. if Ihi.Securily In.vumenl i+on u leacehold.�ortuwer shnll <br /> ��;i�_;, cromply wi�h�hc provi.�om of the leuu. If Uortowcr acyuirc�fa�i�k In Ihe Pm(rn��. Ihc Ic¢uhald nnd kc lillc+hull not <br /> be merged unlex Lendcr agrcc�lo�he mcrgcr in x�riling. <br /> 6. Charges to 6orro�ver und Prolecllon of Ixnder i HiRhls fn the Proprrq. Hnmm�cr.hali pay all gavemmenlni , . <br /> "l` ="r�';... or municipal charge�.finc.and impo>iuon.�hat am nui includcJ in H�ragraph ? Unrroxcr.hall pay�hc�c nhliga�ians nn _ <br /> . .`.�" time dimetly to lhe enliy�which ia m�ed Ihe paynum. If failurc m pay xnulJ aJrenely a(fect Lender\inlerc�l in Iht - �� <br /> .' ;f�' Propeny,upon Lendcr i�eyuc.l Barraxxr shall pramplly fum�.h�o LcnJ.r ratcipN c��iJcncmg Ihe.e�uymenl.. > .. . <br /> - -' �r-�; If Bortower faik w makc thae paymcnl+nr Ihc p:rvmcm. rcymrcd hy PoraFnph?,ur lafh t��perfumi any uthcr � �. <br /> ` �`' ° covenanK end agreemems comnined in Ihi.Secudry�In.ImmrnL nr Iherc i•a Icgal pnrceding Iha1 m:�y vgnificinlly affec� � - <br /> �L.� .L..6....� ..1. w.ln .6..nLn G.. vul.. v In nf r la u19�iMC1 �.L <br /> . ..�'' ui��iii i i ^�•�•�� ••• •�n�� �n�� •�1�.� mnal��v� • n r' Wi n�f!a <br /> . ...: ..- e...e::.... ...,�....� ._...�_r...__,_...�...._...�._,....c_.__.. .."' _.____ . <br /> " � Ihen Lender mey do and pay whaiever u neceswp�lo protecl lhe raiuc o!Ihe R�yany aml L.nJer�righn m the Pmpett). � <br /> :.° ,•f including payment o(laxes,havarJ inwrance and nther i1<m�menuanrd in Paragfaph?. � <br /> Any nmounis disbuned by Lcndct undet this Pdragraph.hall bcmme an addiliunul debt o(6ortoucr anJ 0.xcurcd <br /> t s'� � --7� by Ihis Security Inx[mmcni. 7Lc.e amnunla xhall hcar imemu Gom Ihc dale o(ditbunemcnl,al Ihc Nn�c mte,and ut�he -� <br /> T� -`�'` oplion o(Lender,shall M iimncJia�cly due and payahla - <br /> �� - J;:,'.r- 7. Condemnatlon. 'Ihe proccede of any a�vard ur claim(or damogce,direc�orcomcyucntial,in cnnnection wilh an)� <br /> °!, �•.r;t�',9; eondemnetion or other teking of nny pan of Ihe Propeny,or for cunveyance in piace nf irondemnaL•on,are hereby a•signed <br />- '•"���tj.,`::fe: and chall be paid to Lender�o the extem of thc full amaum o(�hc indebtcdnes>thal rcmain.unpaid undcr the No�e and Ihi. <br />-�„i?{�:,%.c;:'• Sewri�y lnswment. Lender xhall epply auch proceeds m�he rcductinn of�he indeb�edne.,under�he Nu�e and Ihis Securiq� F <br /> �5;?�G,<::;;!� 1nsWment, first to any delinqurnt amounls applied in the oNer pmvided in Paragraph 3, and Ihcn Io prepaymem o( <br /> �;��;yy%��,^��.Yi'.. principal. Any application of Ihe proceedx Io Ihe principal shall nol exlenJ nr�n+tpme the Jue Ja�e o(�he momhly <br /> ,.r�d�v�s.� <br /> ,' ';r r:5�r't': <br /> '".i c't'-: .:�: �Nfr:.�J�uXr.� <br /> '�_.l:i..•� . <br /> ,'rst. <br /> i:`. ' <br />