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<br /> � ��� �1�'° �.ni��.�� -�-`
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<br /> +r ' rt ..�. , - , .. _ �.r.t '�.-
<br /> ��..�.. , .__.�'i:;:-
<br /> Jli��.l'aV�nN�t'.� . . --- -
<br /> � .-�.�..iY� ' ��._�.. - __
<br /> � ��':� , 1F lez�dcr re�t�ir�d �noreg,�;,lns��nnc�ns n�im�iitloii ot�akin�the lo�n secu�cd Dy th19.Securily t��Qrume�t� . . ._ . _
<br /> .... �cc�unti)such tinic n��h�re �iecme�i Pc�rrEltw ��
<br /> '--= -� �nrroiver shulE pny Ihe t+remlt►ms req��i�:d to mniutc+�n tl;e fnsuinnca in ef� - - --
<br /> ___ _ ._.^_� ln61�raacc tcrminates in uccuidance���ith Qn�rower's cnd Lender's writtcn a�r..m..nt or��ppllc�blc Inw. �----.�-- —
<br /> .-_.,_._�_,._:::. � 8� In�ncctlun. Len�1c�or itr�c►rcnt moy o�ako rras�»abt�cntrics upon und i�is�nitio�s cf thc�'ro�ny. lwsid�s _ .. . -.- _. .-_.
<br /> #N. , , ;�.. . ehc�ll give Dorrr.�vcr nnticc ut tlic time uf i�r{�Fia�to un insprclion speciiyin�rcns�r.iable cuuse fur the I�spcctiun.
<br />='___ ;.._.��_� , 9. Condemnattan, Ttzc pr���cta•uP�ny awa�d or clnim Por dnmagrs,direct ar cunsequen�inl,i�cannc�Um�wlth �
<br /> :-.._:.._.
<br /> .
<br /> ,. °.
<br />-'$ � any condcmnn�ion or athcr tnkine ol'ian}� ��rt ot Ihe Property�UC lUl' WIiYCyiilleti il KCQ UF Ct11IL°5111181In11� �rc erc y . __.
<br /> �--.• , QSy1Q114YI�Il(I 5I111II hS�AItI IO I.Cl1�IL'�.
<br /> In the evcnt af n tntnl takinp oP tht� P�;�periy. the ��racceds sholl bc applicd to the sums sccurcd hy thiw Security ,
<br /> .. .
<br /> �'-° � � ' lnstr�►mcnt, tivhethcr or nat�I�cn due,wlth any exccss paid to Dorrower.ln the evcnt of n parti�il caking uP ll►c Praperty,
<br /> . . �:.-.....
<br />,�.:_-:_:�-:=_:=--- u:.t�;s:�ttic;aw;r an3 Lc7��:a::i:r•:•is:�grr^in���rittng,the sums�eeured by this Sctiurity lnstru�rent shall be re�ucecl by ,- ,.,,.
<br /> � . � ' the amount of the proccecls m�dtiplicd b�� tho following Iructta�i:�n)inc iai��i iui�ou��t�rT ttt�sums ttcurcd imr>>c���t_�y �____________:_ ___ _-_
<br /> ti • ' beforc ehe takin6,dividcd by(h)Ilsr.fui�mnrket vnlue oP the Aropeny immediately befare the�uking.Any balunce shnll be �
<br /> �.� "Y pflid to Norrowcr.
<br /> �� ,,, ,' IP th�:!'�•o�*:rty is abanclaiuxl by Rcrrrower,or if,ofter notice by Lender to aorrower thut the cvndcmnar oQers to
<br /> �,� � �� moke nn fl��ard�R ser,tic n claim for damn�e��,�urrotver fnils to respond to Lender within 30 dnys afte�the date�he noticc i9
<br /> --: � �. given,Lcnde�is atanh;�ized to colle��and spply the procceds,ut its option,either to restnration or repAir oP the Prop+:rly or
<br /> ';+ . �''� to the samc s�tiaora'�b this Sccurit�L�st�•umcnt,�vhcthcr or n�et thcn dur.
<br /> i,,... , Y !
<br /> "- ` t��;;t"�' 6lnlc�l.ender nnd Aorrou��:s othcrovise aaree in wriGr;,;,.:.r±v npplication uPprucecds to principal shAll not extend or
<br /> �:;`�;r�;�;'iti,'.}.,�E`�'���� post�cv,�n�tha d��c d�te oP�hc monthly pi�ymcnts�cfcrred ta i•:P:.�;,r,ephs 1 and 2 or changc Ihc umount oP such p�ymcnt�.
<br /> �.,�,,,.Yl'
<br />:�;t�r�,,'�!�� � 10, �r�xroxcr Nat Rc44n.;calt i'�rOcar�ncc t3y Lcndc:r ti�;�a 1Ypivcr. Extcnsion of chc timc Pc�r payment or
<br />:,'��t�;�;��;;,���.�, �, . m�diflcation uC;�rnorti�.�tian af the suma secured by this Seci�.rcy a��sstnament g�anted by Lender to�ny successor in
<br /> �^ �,,.��,i�� intcrest of Bormu•�r shull nnt oper��tr.to relcuse thc linbflity o`!'�e arigin,r.t�arro�ver or Borrower's successnrs i�interest.
<br /> ' • Lender shi�U not be required to commwncc procecdings .�1:�st uny succe��sar in interest or refuse tn extend tima fa�r
<br /> payment�►r othcr�visc maclify�►ma`tisAtiiin uf the sums seca+r�;1 by this Security lnstrument by reason aPany demand n.,r.:s
<br /> . � , by thc arigini�l�orsawcr or parrmv�rr's spccessors in interc�c.:�1ny fbrbearancc by l.ender in exercisin�nay right ur rcir..r:y
<br /> -� ' sh�ll nat be a�vniot�r oPor prccludc tha exercisc�f any right ar�+:mcdy. _
<br /> ��� _ 11, Suece.SSare and Asulgnu Runnd;Jviae u��3evrral Liabllity;Co•yigners. The covenunts and a�recmcti��a vi' •
<br /> x�
<br /> � this Security Instrument sh�ll bind and bensflt the s��rcesst�TS am�t�.�sic�s o�Lender und Borro�ver,subject to the pru�isi�,n�s ��
<br /> � .,,;,�,;.
<br /> „', ,,.,,r.r Q�' zrn,►a h 17,tlorro�ver's r,r.��;ntt�nnd ngceemcnts�h:��!he inint nnd se��erAl.Any Horro�ver�vha ca•signs this Scr��zit� �
<br />' ' `., �u,.,,i.l... �' ' e {f
<br /> ' �.'c•��:'�•' 1��slsiir�ent but docs not�:ec�etc¢he N��tc:(a)is co•signin;e thi.S�curi�y Instrument ��rt� �o mangA�c,grnnt and rvrzvey �
<br /> `�.;����}• - '` tn�i�a�i n��rc'i'S�ilic'�c'Lt tii i�i�IDra�ert?:a::t�er she tesm��'q�;s 4,��!�i�v Ic2t!rument:(�T:;not personullY obligated tuPay - - ;-
<br />, ___ __---- -
<br />� • thc su�as sccured b� this Security Inxtrianicnt; nnd(c)agrec��hat Ler_der.�r.d any atAer Rorrawe�mny agrcc to extcnd,
<br /> . rraa�i5j•,Porbcar nr mukc t+n��ucc��mmadutions wlth rcgard t,thc tcrrns rt this Sccurity lnstrumcm ar thc Notc withaut
<br /> ,_ _ _ _' tlhat I@orrowcr's cnnsent. • - -_ _ -
<br /> �.. _ � .. �... ._. :_�, r....... ...� . _ _ ^
<br /> ,.,. ]�. I.uAn rh�rF.��, If th1 lpwn accured by tn�s�•:cunty instrumen�is subjc�i�u a�aw wi'i�..��5ci5�nae:...it.•.�::»2: � . �:-
<br /> et�iuge�, nnd �hiu la�v is fini�Uy inU:rpreted so thnt the intrrest or other laa� charg�s callected or ta be coliected in - -
<br />� cannection wilh the loan ezczed tlic permitted l�mit>,then: la) any �uch lnan charge shall be reduced by the tttttoueU
<br /> • ne.cess�ry to reducc the ch�rae t��thc perrniuc�3 limit;�nd(b)nny sumti nlrc�dy collected from aor�uwer which excecded �
<br /> ,. • permitted limits will be rcfundai to Hc�rrower. l.ender muy chaose to make this refund by reducing the princip��)rnved ,
<br /> under thc Nrne ur by makin f u dir�:ct p�yrnent to 1)t�rmN��c If a rcfund reduces principul,thc reduction will bc trcuted t++n
<br /> partinl prepaymcnt«•i�hout an��prcpayment chc�rgc undcr thc Notc.
<br /> ' ' 13, l.cpislation AfTcttlop I.cnder's Riahta. It'cn�ctmcnt or expiration of ap��lic�blc la�vs has the cfi'e.t of
<br /> , rende�in�nny�prnvision ai�thc Ntn��nr thi�Securitv Instrumcnt unenforcei�ble according tc�its terms,Lender,ut its opti��n,
<br /> • ' m�y require imm�:dii��e payment in fuU oP nll tium� �ccurcd hy thiti Sccuruy lnstrument and muy invoke an�� rcmedies
<br />_ •.s permitted by pa9 a�rupl�1��.If I.ender exerci,e.r thi���piion,l.cnder shaU tnke the xteps speciflcd in the secand paragraph�f
<br /> ... _ -- parft�r;�ph 17. ,
<br /> � 14. NotJcey. Any natfoc to llorrn���cr prov�dcd for in thi�Security Instrumena�:1at1 he given by deliverii��ei r�-�>
<br /> �. �� mnilong it by first cluss mail unlc�s uppliciible law rcquires usc af anothcr mcthad. �'ye noiice�h�iU hc dircct�� :�=�'e
<br />' P�•aperty Addreys nr any other addn:�ti Horra�vcr designates by notire tu Lender.Anq no:�.e to Lcndcc sh�ll be�ttien 5} •
<br /> , �. fi�st clusy miiil tc�l.ender's nddresr.st�ucd hrr�:-�ur uny other addresti Lender designatc>b�nrncc cr L�,rrower.Any notire
<br /> � . . , prt+��id��d fs�r i�i this Sccurit��le+�c�•e!ment�h,�!!tx.1cen�ed���h.ivc hecn givcn io l3orrow�c•��r Lcnder»?;cn given a�prr�•idcd
<br /> . ' . in this paragraiph. . �
<br /> 19. Govcrnlnw l.n�v;��c��xi�biNty. 'P1iis Sccurity lmtrumcnt �hall hc����rr�=c�''• bp fcdcri�l lu�v and thc!:3» ��'t�he
<br /> . , jav�sdictio�i in�,•hi•:h the Pn,perty i.lociucd. !n thc event that uny provisiun i,r clau�e of thiti Secur�ty lntitrument cr alte i
<br />- Nae conflicta u�th applicable la��•,such cun0ict shall not ufiect uther prr•itiian�oP this Securiry Inslrument or�b�:Nu►�• ,
<br /> . . a•hicti can t�e Ga���m��tect ��•i�hou� Ihe cunfl�c�ing pn,visicm.Tu this rn��c'.,:prc�vi.iuns uf'thiti Secunty Instrument�.nd t?�c �
<br /> ,� . . 1�Io.e are dc�lurcd tu br�r.crat,4, �
<br /> 16. �3orrawcr's Cop}�. Harro���cr shnll bc givcn c�ne canibrmrd r��ry��f thc N��c and af thiti Scrurity Instr�;.�•r^� �
<br /> ��,. � 17, Teu�nsPrc u9 thr k'tuperly cu u tieneflcinl Insen:st in Borruwer, If ull r_ any piirt uf thc Yrupertv �.:�.'���
<br /> interest in i�i.�ri:!�•r tran�Rzrr�1(o�if a b�iirti�i�tl i��tcfest in Hc+rru�cer is�old ur tr.er,�F'v:red and tlor�uwcr is not a naiural
<br /> -___--�__- := p;:tsan)u•ish::::l�a��:r's prtus arilten_'„n�.�:,?.L�•�•t�rr mny,at i��uptiun. rruuire��.._..:v�ate pay7-�:;lIl�UII PP:III SUQ15
<br /> secured by thi, Scrurity Im�rumrru. H���+�e,er. Ihi� �,p��on ,h;�U nal he rxe�c���,i L-. L.n,�e� if excrc�sr i,prul�ibitrd hy "
<br /> • ficc�cral law as c�f�hc datc rf ihi�S�cunty Instrumcnt.
<br /> If'Lcndcr cxercisc�,thi.oplinn,l.cn�ler tihiill gn�e Rorr���se� nuucc uPacceleratic�� 7'hc n�,tic��hall pnwide u penod
<br /> � � c�f i:�Tc l�wti than�0 days fr„m 1hc d;ati��hc nunce�ti dcli�ered or muilcd within��•hich A�,rru��er mu��pay aU�umti secured by
<br /> , this Securi�y In•�trumcni. If I�c�rernver fail�i��pa�•Ihese`umti pn���ta the expir.atinn��I'th�.prnrd,Lrndcr may in���ke any
<br /> ' � rcmcdics permitted by�hi5 Secunty In.irument wuh��ut i'urthcr nuuce or demand on Horro��•er.
<br /> 18. Norro�cr's Ri(;hl tu Reinstnie. IP Hi�rro�ti•rr mcc��cena�n rondnii�nti, Hnrrowcr�liall ha��r the nght t��'ha�•c
<br /> cnfnrccmcnl uf ihiti ticcurily Instriuncni di,�untmurdal uny limr prior�o thccarh�r of:(a)S d:�y���„���U�n�,�n��r��,��.i a�
<br /> �rr���.�ni� la�� ntay�pcclt�y(cu ti��mlatrmcnl)hift�ri�alc aP Ihe 1'rupcny purru:uil tu any pu»rr�,�',al�cunl:unc�1 iu t hn
<br /> � Securny lns��umcni, or Ib)r�u� nf;►�udgmcnt cni'nrt�nE Ihn Sc.unty In,trumcnt. fh�„r rimdnu,n,ure thai HorruNCr
<br />: (a) pay� Lender all .rurnti wt�i.h then a•o►dd hc due un�cr ihiy Security Imtrumen� ;md thc Notr had nu acc�lcrau��n
<br /> occu�red; (b)currti any deG:uh af any �ther rewr.nants nr .+greemems; (c)pays:ill expemcti incurred m enf�uring thiti
<br /> 5ccurhy Imtrument, mclud�n�, bul nc�l lintitc�to. rcasonablc:i�torncy,' Pccti; and Id) t.�kcti,urh acunn ati Lcn�irr may
<br />" • reasonably rcqu�rc Ia as�ure �hat �hc lirn of lhis Sccurily Intilrun�cot, l.cndcr', ngh�.m thc Pruprrly und durruwrr'ti
<br />_ � obligatiun tu puy thc sumY sccu�cd by this Sccurity Imtrun►cnt �hall ennunur ur,chanFcd Up�m rcuntutcmcnt hy
<br /> Borrutirer,�his Security Instrumen�and Ihe obhgali�ns securcd hercby�hall remam i'ully cfiecuve as�f nu accelcration had
<br /> c�ecurred.However,thir righ� �n acinstale rhall n�H upply in the rarc af acceleratwn undcr paragraphti I z��r 17
<br />