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. y . . � ;; s :: , . : ;i;1�. ��.;;�: <br /> � �-: • . _—•_ . _-----�— -- --- -� -- .. . , � . . --�- - <br /> ..,. :. : . . . . - -�-- -- - -.- _• _ _ _ <br /> --��. <br /> ... . ..�._...._ ___ _- -- - <br /> .._..._..�.__.. __:__._.__..._.__..... • .. ..._.....__ ._ ---_ _. .__ ..._. . _. .. . _ . . .. ___ <br /> •--- _ <br /> - -�•---••--- .._. <br /> • „ �d• , ,. - _ ..:. . <br /> , . • . , <br /> ---..__._ -- .. __�.__ ___..�.._ , . - ' -- - �:;_ <br /> ., <br /> .. .... . <br /> !.%�._�:_.�,.__...� .._ _.._.._..___.._. _ ... . . - - <br /> _... . -- �--�__..:.� - <br /> �,�A..:��.�eJ��.�a .. ' `"`"�" <br /> ` UNIF'l1RM1!6�►VGtV!►Nt�. Llorrou�rt nntl l�cn�ter�avcn�»I dilil npr�:c nc,fntlntive: '_ :�,. ���{:; <br /> ' ��. 1. 6'syr,:�nt aY 9'eic.cfFal rnfl laterest�F'�e;��ymes�i s�td i,�t�CYhnrY,tcr. [lorro�ver Hhuil pr��n�ptly p�y�vhcu cluc ~ . <br />. , thc p�la�lpa)oPancf interc:,t an Ilic dcUl cv�dcnccd by thc Nntu on�!�ny prepnymcnt nnd Inte chn�E;c4 dur.�mdcr tl�c Notc, <br /> 2. 11:nd9 far`�exca nnd Ineurans�, SubJc�t ro np{ill��nhtu h��N or to e��vrlttcn�vnivcr by l.cmttr,Rm'�mvcr yhull pny :� � <br /> tu L.cndcr�►,��hc day mnnthly p:�ymcnts are du�undcr thc Nnt��,untll tha Nat�i��paid in full, c�sum t"��unii�")c�t�l17I (Q <br /> .. . �. one•t�vclilh af; (a) YcnrlY taxey and n5scs9mcnte wldch may nittolii priarily iivcr Ihis ."�r�:uriiy I�tx�r��n�cnt; Ih) yc�rly � , <br />__ - . -�- {ea�ehnld paymeata c�r Rruund rent9 �m thc {��•��}�crty, 11'any: (ti) ycnrly huri�rd intiur�ticc prcmiunu; tmQ ld) Y�.arly . . , � <br />_ , �. <br /> , mango�a insuranco p�cmiw��s,iimiv,'��st itc�►s arr.cailc:d"GiCtt1W NG'ill�.'�I.enckr n��y eatia�te thx i�unds duc an t �s F - - " - <br /> . . _— basis uicureco�i duia un�l�Casr�itiatt�wti�siztc's ctf#ltttttr.t�sF�1N il�mc. �.--°-----_-- --=---_---- - <br /> _ - ---- `i'ft��rtrntf�sr�dl!:�h�ld!n aa in°tilutlon 1he dcyx��lt!�or ar«nnp,,uP�vhich urc ingnrcd ar gunnantreti t►y�n fcdcrni c�r '. . .. <br /> ,,: .—:,- <br /> : ___ _ - - <br />.:. ;: . stnta o�cnoy{inGludu+g Lendcr IP I.cndcr is such on infiiltulimi).l.�adcr hhidl npply thc i�und�to�►.rp thc C•c�o�v uc�r�9. t� <br /> �� -- .--� l.endcr mnv not chnrqc tor halding n��d applyina thc I�unds,hnnlyFin�thc nccount or vcrifyfn�;ihr arsr�uw itca��, unles9 ,. <br /> Lender pnys parrave� Interesl on Ihe t�unds nnd u��pli�:Uhla iva� ��c:u��lis i•cnd::r tn snaue�ucl��r1�urFr Itorroa�er i�s�d _ __... `' <br /> Lendee mny npree in writio��hnt intcregl shnl) bc pa�id ao�hr. Fund�. Unlcss i�n ���rccmcnt i� mt:dr or n�plic:���le la+v , <br /> �cquires intcrest to bc pnid,�,cndcr xhuU not be rcquircd ta pr�y fla�rnwcr�my intcrcst or carnin��an the f'unds. Lcnd�:r , <br /> Fhnll�ive�o Har�a�ver,�vithout char�e,no anmml accountinp�if Uic rund!�chn�vinp cr�dits nml�lebi�����Qir T w�dti and�hc <br /> pi�rp.,�r fi�r�vhicli cnch dcbit ta thc Fundt�����s mnAi�."l��ll1 FUI11I51ifC�lI4Y�(44�)�5 iidilllflilllUl SCCqt11)'fl1l 1�lC 5U111�tiCCUI'C(I hy ' <br /> this Sccurity lnslrumcnt. - — <br /> lf�hc nmmmt af thc Funds helcl by Lend��r,�ngcthcr with�he Iliturc monthly payments��f Fands��.�yitblc prinr tv <br /> the due d+ues of Ihe esc���w items,�hnll excti�ed thc amount requ"trcd�a P��y ti�e escrmv itrmy when dun�he excc�s sh�ll he, <br /> ` nt Harro�ver's uption,either pramplly repuid 1ci F)m'rrn���r ar cratited ta Hcuro�+•cr��n munthly p.��•ntcalr��P Funds. lf the • <br /> nmaunt oPthe runds held by 4cnde�is m�t sutflcicnt ta pay the esero�v items whcn duw,��UffOWCf 5MIl1II�1:1Y lU I.CfIt�Cf Ofty <br /> � amounl ncccssary to mnkc up Ihc deticicnt:y in anc ar motc p�ymenta�us rc��airai by I.cndcr. , , <br /> Upon payment in full uf ull sums sccurr.d 6y this Sccu�ity Instruo��nt,Lendcr shull prc���p�ly refund to 13rr��,�er • <br /> any Funds held by l.ender.If under partiprnph Iq�hc Property is s�ilcl o�ttcquired Gy l.ender,l.endrr.hadl apply,nn L•iter . <br /> � Ihan immedintelp prior to the s�le��f the Araperty or itt�ncquisitian hy l.endcr,any t�'�mds hetd by l.cnder:�t Ihe time oP ; <br /> � npplicnlian ns n credit ngainst thc sumb sc�:urcd hy this Securily lnstrumwnt. ` <br /> 3. AppllcAdun af Poymentu. lJnl��s npplicablu luw pmvid��s oth��nvisc,nll paymcnt�re��i��cd by Lcndcr undcr ; <br /> ' pnrnRraphs I nnd 2 shnll be nppliedi fia�t,t�i lntc chflr��duc undur thc Natc;sccond,ll1�1�E�1:lymr��t�i►a�gcs duc uudcr the . ° <br /> � Notc;third,to nmauntti payablc undar poirngrnph 2;fiiurth,lo intcresl duc;und Inst,to principal dur. <br /> � 4, ChnrFes;I.Iens. Ucirrrnv�r shnll pwy uU ti�u�,assetismcnts, chnrgce, im}u�`itinn�tulribu�nl�le to the � <br /> Nroperty ���hich ma}� attnin prioril! ov�r this Sccurity Insn•um�nt, .ind Ici�schold payments or Fmund ren�r� if�iny. <br /> Borra�r•cr shnll pay thesc ot�ligtuic�na in�hc munncr prrnidcd in par:�nraph 2,or if nrn paid in tha�mt�nncr,Norrowcr�ht►ll ' <br /> ps►y them on time directly to�he per�an a��.�x1 payment.A<+rrawer tihaill promptly furnish to I.ender all n�ticeti of umoun►s <br /> ta bc paid�mdcr this puragruph, If fla�►rn��,:r m:ik�th��e peymcnts dicectly,Qc�rrawcr�hnll promptly furnish tu Lendcr I . <br /> �«c�r�s cvia������,c�n���yments. ` � <br /> ',`. Harrrnvcr+hull pmmp�ly discharG�any licn�+�hich hn�prio�ity c�vcr thiti Sccurity Ins�r►�m�nt unlcs�Eior�awcr. (i�) � � <br /> '`�� acrecs io writink ta the payairnt af thc obU�;Ation securcd by th��licn in u manner i►cceptablc ta Lendcr,(h1 coates�r in�aod � <br /> . ___ . . <br /> :.:., , - <br /> fuith thc flen hy,�r dePends,i�ainst cnfiirccment oT thc licn in�i��F,ni prncccc3inas�vi�ici�ii�tire�.eri�r's ofs's:sioit a1ixrat�!n `�;=- __ -- - - �' <br /> � prevent the enforcemcnt aP the lie�i ar li��'��iturc af any ptut of tl�c Praperty;ar(c)�ccures Yrcmm Ihr holder aP tt►e lien nn ; <br /> t�g�ecntent satisfact��ry ta 4cntler sul�ar�li�u�tinF;Ihe licn tn IHiti Security histrument. II'l.end:r detr.rmiucs tliat any part oP <br /> - ' - iac='iuj.ci2j�iL 5iia j:.: D:::;:3;ii::'�SS:�2 :12t'.y«!1!!1!'. r^*.'!nril�n�•rt tMi�SeCUCIIY Ins�rumcnt, I.Cltl��r rnay�;i�•r �l)1'1'PR'Cf A - -- - � <br /> m�ticc idenNtiing thc licn.Tia�rm+•r.r sh�ll�atiafy tii�Ue►�or tuke onc a�mare of the artions srt f��rlh nt+o�•��yiihin lo dags �- _ <br /> � p`t�lc givinF Of nOticc. I <br /> � 5. l9np.�rd Insurnnce. f3c,rrm�•�r shall kcep thc imprrn•emcnts n��w cxititin���n c�rcaf'ter erectcd on the 1'ruperty {-. <br /> insurcd agninst lo5s by firu,hururd�ii�clud�tit��•ithin�h�:tcrm"cxtcndcd co►�cra�r"nnd any o�hrr harnrd�far which Lcndcr E <br /> requi��w insur�ncc. 7'his inrurnnre sh�ll bc m:tiintninrct in thv:imow�ts and f„r thc pericxl, th,it Lendcr requires. Thc i <br /> � insurance cnrrier pnwidinf;Ihe in�urun�e sht�ll be choscn by Horrou�er suhjcct to Lcnder'�:r,p�m��al which shaU not be <br /> unrc�xanably withhcld. � <br /> � . All insurancc policics and renc«•als sht�ll be acccptnl�lu ta l.endcr and shull includr a s�2ndnrd martgagc clausc. i <br /> ; l.ender shall hr�vc thc right to h��ltt Ihe policics and renew�ls. If I.cndcr require�,H��rruwcr st�:ill promp:ly give to Lendcr � . <br /> �` ' nll receipts oP�mid prem�um�and rone����l n�,tires. In the e��cnt of lu.�,florroa•cr s�u�ll Fivc prnc�ij,�it��ice t��the ii�s��ra►»ce I <br /> ����"' ' � carrier nnd Lcnder.l.endcr muy make prooi'eif'lass if no�made prnmptly hy A��rrower. , , <br /> ;•,c:, . <br /> ;.;`,.��,,� Unlc.rti Lcndcr and Hu�rmvcr alher�vifc al,rce in���rilinf�,m�urancc prace.+�;�hall bc c�ppl�:.�to restor,itian c�r rcp�.ir <br />`;,i:�' c�f the Praperty damagcd,if tfie restc�ration ar repuir��cron��micf�lly fcasiblr an�i Y.endcr's ticrurn>' �s not lres�ned. It the ',� <br /> rrstoratinn or rcpair it nat ecanomically fe.�sible c�r I.ender'ti ticcuriiy would b.les�ened, the iusurence prc�.:eedy shall be ' • <br /> ', upplied to�'he sums�ccured hy�hi�Sccuriry Instrumen�,tvhether or n��t thr»duc, with any exccss paid�a Porrower. IP � <br /> • ' Has�ower abandons thc Property,or dc�c�nm ans�vcr�vithin �0 dt►}�s n nnti��c from I.ender that Ih�insun�nce curricr h�� i <br /> �;',;, • �flcred to set�le u clnim,then l.ender m��y colldrt ttie insuran��e procecds.Lender muy use the prnc«ds ta rc�a,:c�r ressor: , <br /> ;'� the Yropert�•or to puy suma s��curcd by Ihis Securily Instrument, ���hether oc n�t then dur.'fh•:�U�day{kriod�tiill bcgin <br /> when the nntire i.r given. . <br /> Unle:�Lendcr t►nd I3orrcn��r�uherw isr agrr.c mµ•riting,.,�,>�,,�•�t�4ni;�,�,,�rr����������,�'i»:ipal Sh;+U n�v extend i�r <br /> postponr thc dur da�c of thc mumhl� p�>�mcm�.refcrred ta in paracraphs 1 and Z or rhan�c tht..r�,un1 of Ihr�uymcnl..IP , . <br /> '��� under parugrf�ph 19 the Frop:rty is acquired hy l.c��dcr,f�c�rro���er's rirht to c�i�}•imur;encr p���a:�c�ond prozeed�resuUin� � .. <br /> Prom dAnu�ge tu�he Property prior ta the acquisition xh�ill pa�ti�o l.ender����he e�tem ot th;,��ms,�.u�c.l b� �hit Security ' <br /> lnstrumcnt immrdiatclp pi7n�ta thc acyuisitic,n. ; <br /> 6. Prescrvation�nd\4uiutcnancc nf Property;I.CASCIlOIII'�. 8+��m�i•cr.hall n��t d�:�sro�.:i::m:�c.rr�u�+�tant�all}• <br /> chanFc thc Proprrty, aUotv Ihc Nrr,perty to drtcri�rntc iu cc,mmnae��•asle. If eh�, Sert�nt� I�i�tru�+i:m i��u� a lcc�tichal.'I. <br /> _ Horrower shail a,mply a i�h�he prm ici<,ns of thc Irase,a�nd u t�orr���.�rr a.Nuerr.i'rr ti:ic io�i�:r(��f drt}.Ihe ICBSihnld 3r.:! . <br /> Pce ti�le shail not merge unlas Lcntter ugrccti t��Ihe mergcr m wriunF <br /> • 7. ProtecNan of I.ender's Ri�;ht�; iu the Pmpc►ty; �ti�rtE,a};c Ins��AnTC. IP Borr��r�rr fails to �rrfnnn thc i <br /> cuvenants and Agrecmcnts contz�ined iti ihis Sccurily Instrument,�,r thrrc i.a Ir�x`.r�rnrcedv�g tt,at ma�••��F.,.i�:antl�•a�'rri , — <br /> Lender's rights in Ihc Nri�perty (t.uch a5 a prnceedinF in hankruplry, pmhale, f��r conden�,3!E:�t� or u�rnf,�rc�: la�vti ur � <br /> regtilations),thcn l.cndcr may do anct pay far H�hatc�cr is ncrr��ary ta rrrncct thc�ahir of th�:F°r��,x�riy and l.rnd�r'�ri�hi� <br /> in thc Pr��perty. Lcndcr's arnons may' uich�de pttying any sums�crured h�• a licn �chuh ha. pcivni� o�•cr th��. Scci�n�> <br /> Lislrumcnl,uppcanng iu��inF; rcatunahle altarneys'fcc�and rnirrinF cm ihc I'n,�crt� In maMc rrpcurti. Al�huugh <br /> l.cndcr may t.ike arnim undcr Uuc patugruph 7,Lcndc�r dc,c�n�u ha�c tu do tic,. <br /> Any amnunts dishursed h��Lender undrr ttiis pnrngruph 7 slinll hecome additumal deht��f He�r�nwer+ecured hy �hi� <br /> Secunty Insl� I�orco�rrr unct Lcndcr uF;rce u�uthcr tcrm�of paymcnt.�hctir am��eints.hall hc,ir mt�_rc.t f'rum <br /> the datc of disbursement at �he Nt�tc rute and shall hc p,+yohlr. «•i1h intrrc��, upan n��h.e Prom l.cndrr tu Bi�rri��ti•er <br /> requeslin�pAyment. <br /> . j <br />. } <br />