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'_ 93- 20�(lEB2 _ <br /> � , � _ <br /> � �� ` , .�- - <br /> 1�•Dropr�b 1�1o4k�nmGlm[pe0, �ndar��n�t�evetheopVon,lnlbcpteo�1AnO�oMeLbereHOn,to�ppyUl�uohCraoxd6 <br /> ; dlkYQeQuoU M:tdhofiellob�be�n enpene�eleoune0qrl11noonneotlonwlfheuehFrooeedGUponmylnd�EiMnwreodrW -.^— <br /> Mr�byYnOt�j1�'D��ot0a��lMQV��yMtxmin0.or[o�ppyNl�uellOrocHQ6�R�rwohdiduatlanF�oth�rpbntlono}IM - <br /> '��'� �r6qpprupOneilohconEltlon�asLenAermeydet�rmlaRMy appllo�LOnotProoeW�to�adWtWnas���NnoteMenOOrpo7lpone <br /> _ _ �;r,�.-�� N�tlu�O��iofarprp+ymea�unGeriMNOt�,o�ouro�nyE�huilNUaunderoth�r0under.MyunapplleONnE��NtiE00�dW <br /> SYUttor, <br /> �s�,�,� a L�nQx.Upon Ne oaourrance ol en 6ven1 ot Oehulthenun0er,or II any tot le 4f1nn or lay�l proceylnp �=" - <br /> r �-�_� eominencWw0lc ma NbaM�obLendoV�IntereUlnlh�Prop�rty,Lenuerm�y iniuowntliwr�uon,butwllhouloWlW IbntoOo _ <br /> - eq enA wlMOUlno9csto or demanU u0on Truetor end wlNOUt rale�aing Truitor/rom arry obtlpaUOn,tlo eiry eot vrhlch 7Fu�Wi haa ec�.�,,,,__� _ <br /> �„���:� a9r8ad OLI Nl4tddo an0 m6y AIEO QO any ONarlOt It Aa0m0 neC00!!ry l0 0�01lOtN!6EOUriry�er001.TruBtOrohL11,immaGiateN -_.-� �_ .:�- <br /> � �-� upondemandNaietorDytei�de�,0�y�o�endereltco�uenCezpense�IncurtMen��um�exp�nde0byLenderinoonneoUOnwllh R ,_ ___,__ <br /> � �� �r� theexeroleebyLenderolNeloreyoln0 tlyhU,lopeNetwlNlntO�eatNOtlOn91NBA01iu1t�ufoptONdEdNNeNOtE,whlClfehallDe <br /> r` „ - °� 9ddal lo tlie InQlbtadneaf woured hereDy.Lende�e�ell not Inour eny I1e6111ty baoauae ol enyMlnp It may do or omlt lo do ,-t�.'�`��'- <br /> ', �ra } �ereunda�. ,. <br /> Sf ,� '��t B. IbivdoY�MN�t4M Trusbr ehatl kaop No Property In compllance wIN ell apD��Qable law0.orAinancee an0 repuletlone '�1(; y <br /> `1� }F� reteunp w intlueme�nypiene a errvtronmen�el protenllon(aollscWay relaned to neraln ee'ErnironmenlN Lnwe").TNStw ehNt 41��.�.�;,;� : <br /> f�,.�.��ys keepNePropeMfreefrometleubelanceaEeamedloba�ererdouaortoxlaundereiryEnWionmenlNtewe(colleollretyrefertadto -- � <br /> "r F�J, }`, haeln aa"HUarQOUa Meletlels'7•�atoi�ereby warranb end repreaanu a Lendar that thera are no Hasardouf Metetlata on or �a'�;- � <br /> � undarNeProparry•Truabr�erobyepreeatolndamniyanC�WAhermleasLOnder,IteElractore,oHlcar0.amWoYae5en0eyanl0.end _ F�.�r� , . <br /> Z!,��,r 'i;�y nny eucceaaoro b Landers Inlerant,Vom and egalnat any and ell clalma,damagea,ioaeee end Ilabllitlea erlalnp In conneotlon wM r��y, - . <br /> -.��\t ,�`� the prosence,uee,diapoael or hanep0rt ol any HazeMOUe Metedala on,under.lrom or about Na Proparry.THE fORE40IN0 S � . - <br /> �.�,yS _?}_ WAHRANTIEBANDREPflEBENTATI0N9,ANDTRUBTOR'808LIOATONBPURSUANTTOTHEFOREOOW�INDEMMTV,SHAU. }��,fa�;� <br /> 7i�+ BUPVNE RECONVEVANCE OF THIB DEED OF TRV8T. <br /> �{ f``;: 70.Auqnmmt o1 R�nU.Truebr�araby aael8n8 to Lender Ne wnlq i9avoa antl profils of the Proparly,DrovlCaO Net TrueWr d}�:Y{ . <br /> Si? � n�s' ehall,untllNe000urrenuolen6ventofDafauRhereunder,�evethar1pM Ioeollactendretalneuohrenle,lesueeeMproHtsasthey „�;., ; ---- <br /> , {g . r� b9rqm9 dua anA pByeDla Upon tha owurrance of an Event of Dataut4 Lender mey,eH�er In pareon or by egonL wIN o�wNhout °r�,�,yF. <br />--��.'�_�`r t� ' bdnging e�actlon or p�0006dl�g.0�Uy e�000MB�9pp01n190 Cy e covrt end wlihout reg9tA�0 thB 9dequEOy OI II!BBCUflH.antar _"_���p�,;. <br />'�:.i:�}�4Y^'.�i!`� u nendteka aaesalonoflhePw a y n"`.p.::,:`-... <br /> pu po p rry,orenypartthereoLiniteownnamaorinNenameotlhaTruatae.entlAOen lClewhlahll ,y.:Y_4__. <br /> it{��'_� deemaneoesBaryaAealrableloprafarvelhevelua,markefabiliryorrenle601ryoRheProperty,orenyparllhereolorintareatNare:n, ;' •Ij . - <br /> _! t'� t�' r' Increasa Ne Ineoma Naretrom or proteot the eecudly ho�eol and,wiN or wllhout teking poonsa�lon ot Ne Property,ava tor or ��}` - <br /> f}h'r`�Xsi' olherwle0 coll8ct Ne rente,laavea anA Drollb inereoL Induding thota past 0ue anA unpald,and appy tne eume,lese co61s end � %d;',� q�-`-� <br /> -��y� axp8nieeofoperatlonendcollootlonlncludinganomeye'Ieea,uponenylnAeblednefaeecureAharoby,elllneuohmAereBLendar [c-'(j <br /> �-��'.i�:�� mey delarmina.Tha eniedng upon anC taking posaesalon ol the PropeM�fhe coileclbn ol suoh rent�,leauae end protile and Na �` �- `�� <br /> :� �-���-+''ti j� eppiicetlon thereof ea eloreaeld,ahall not cure or walva en delault or notica of Gelault heraunder o�InvelWeta en ect done In h`+�� st ��.- <br /> � y Y n+ <br /> vy� �i^4j; reaponsatoauchdetaullorpurwemtosuchnoticaoldefaultand,nol+NmslendinglhecontlnuencelnpwsaselonollhePrapartyor �p3.s9si� , <br /> ,__.��1,->,a{�}iS the wlleotlon,reoeiD�and applicepon ot rente,leeuqe or pmNa fln0 T/untee enA Lender ahall be entltlod lo axerUao avary ripht i�,� Y -_; <br /> , provldodtorinenyotU{eloanlnelrumenborbylawuponoecurrenceolenyHventolDelaulCinoludlnpwllhoullimltatlontharipht -t�'-�r .. <br /> s'�"y �-- WExC7CI.CNGpOwMO!°.4!O.FulIhNl,Lrt�!Rr!dghtsnneramgNeaunAer101aoaregrflph�hellheCUmulellvewlth.endlnnoWeYB �1➢ � a�--- <br /> iG i � � +-�� Ilmlfe8onon.lander'srlgAteendremadleaunAereiryaeaignmentoflaeeeaanAranbrewrtledagainattheProperty.LenOer,Truatea F�=7�Y � <br /> f t, <br /> ls���� � ;y� enA Ne raceirar ehall be Ileble to eccount ony lor fhoea reMe actvelty reeeNed. [�i t�r'�,� �;--- <br /> n u� 11•Er�nG ol DNaNL Th8 following ehell wna8futa an Event ol DelauN under Nla Dead ol Truat �i �:'�� -;; <br /> (e) FelWre lo pey eiry InelellmeM o1 pHneipet or Interest ol eny oNer svm eeeured hereby whon tluo; f,y?�'-; <br /> ''��i+ t,��" (b)A breao�of or dolaWtuntlareny provialon conlalnetl In the Nole,thia Deatl of T/uaR e�ry o1 tne Loen InawmenW,or eny r f-,4) t�' <br /> ,� . --- '�� olher Ilen or eneumMance upon the Property. !,;?; , �` ' <br /> L;: , <br /> ;,,i;, t_ (o)AwrirofexecutionorellflohmentorenysimilarprocaeeMellDeenlerodegeinathuetorwhiMahallbecomaelienon •�yyy , .�� <br /> ;�;;.i�.,:i�•; Ne PrOperty oI 9ny poftlOn there0l of Intereet NBrein: ip_�;;��_i;�?;., <br /> , � ;�� (d)There ehell 60 flled by or aBeinec Tmafor or Borrowe�en ection unAer any preaent o�IuN�0leAerel,etete Ot oNer - �; �i ,�- <br /> ,.;i=atr effitul&Iaw or regukYOn rel8tlng lo bankruplcy.InaoWeney or oNer rellel lor Cebtore:or ihare ahell be eppoinlBd eny W eteo, - 1 � r-- <br /> -'�`- reCeirwwllqulAetorolTmetororBOrrowerorolellorenypertollheProperty.ortharenb.iDauesorp�o(Ilethoreol.orhuslor �'":��` ' �5�---�- <br /> - � �' a Borrowet�hall mek0 eny peneret 0eslgnment for Ne benofit ol ereCirora .-<<3 }�-- <br /> _ _ti}j_ �n,.y (e)The sele,tranaler,leaae,asllBnmenL�onveyancb or IuMer oncvmbrenee Of ell or eny pe�ol or eny iniereat in Ih9 �} '.,; <br /> ��.�`�t - PrOperty,elther voluntetlty or involuntetlly,wlthout Ne expresa wrNten conaent ol LenOOr,proMded IOat Truetor shell be '; �� �;;, <br /> ��� -Y: OrmNietlto0xeeuteeleaseollhaPropertylheldoeenoteonteinenopllontopmehesearullhate�mofw0lehEOesnot6xeeeA :p ' �p�� �.-� <br /> ,.L .F:.., P 1'.r�i�:��:- <br /> r --�:, OI10 y08f. :"iji t( t ._ <br /> y. -;�� (Q AbanCOnment ol lhe ProPery,or - ,.>.�q I.P;j.,.- <br /> -::�f'�ti:ii+,,;� (g) IlTruatorlenotanlnAMOUal.thelasuenee.eale,Vansler,efalqnmenl,wmeyaneeoreneum6ranceolmorethanetotel <br /> �+� ;: � >il Ze �-. <br /> �s,' i�; 01 porcent ol(11 e wrporallon)ita IeaueE antl ouleten0ing atock or pf e parinemhlp)a lolel ol percent o1 � �u ` a`.'. <br /> .,,-,?�..�,.-. partnerohip Inlerea�e AutlnB I�e petlotl thle DeeE o17�uaf remaNS e Oen on f�e Propefry. .-.,.: _y. • <br /> �ir � i-.., 12.RemWI��;AcalerallonUponDSPouIt.InlneeventolenyEventolDefaultLenCermay,wltnoutnoticeezeeptesreqWredby 4 ' 3.�' �. <br /> �� 18w,Aeelare ell InG8Dt80neaf aeeuroC hereby to bo 0ue and peyable an0 t�e eeme ahali lhemupon beeome due end peyable p • 5 "` e-: <br />;��jafis�;,`;i��: wiNOUt eiry preaentment deman0.proteat or notiee ol eny klnU.The�eafter Lantler may. 1 - -=��,�' <br /> (a) Demand ihal Trualee exereise t�e POWER OF SALE yraMeA nerein,entl Tmslee a�all thereaftm eauso Truatofe f <br /> ��� t 7 •�� intereal in Ne Propefly to be 6old enA Ihe prxeetla to Do OlstAbNed,all in t�e menner proviCeC m the Nebreake Truat Deetlf � <br /> .,.��'.;.:�:e_. Act l ' . - <br /> (b) Exerelse eny eM eil tlghte pwvidea br In any ol lha Loan Insirumenb or by lew upon xcurrenca ol eny Event of - - . <br /> -� �� ?'�"' � Deleult entl ' � - <br /> '�"�f'-��`--'�' (W CommeneeeneetionbloreebselNeDee0olTmntaeamohgape.aOPO�ntareeeiver.orapeclflcollyonlorceanyofNe . - <br /> '-f�:-;; covenanb hereof. - - <br /> `^���� � No remody�eroin confortetl upon or reServeA�o Tru6tee or LenOer�e�mendetl fo Ee excluerva ol any olher remeOy Ihe � <br /> �''` ''��', Loan InatNmenlB or by lew Orov1A0O or permlttBd,but e9eh shell be eumu�alrve.ahali be In atlCllion lo Overy oltler remeEy given <br /> "���j. "�����•,� hereunAer.InNeLOenlnstmmeMeornowor�e�eatlerex�sungatieworinequiryorbyelatWe.andmeybeexereiaedconeurrently, <br /> - in0epentlenity or nucceaSWe�y. <br /> 73.Truitoo.The huel8e mey�eaign at eny bme witnou[wuse.an0 LenEer may at any time an0 wMOU1 Ceu38 epDOlnl a <br /> 6uCCesSOr OtluDatltule TIU8f8B.TNSta06he11 nOt bB��able to any pelly,�nCludlnp wlNOUt IImItB110n LenC84 BOrfowBf.Tfualor or eny <br /> - � =+ �' purCheeBrolNOPwperry•IOranyloaeorGemeg8unt8s90u8breCkl855orwilllulmixonOuct.enOShalinolberBqulreAlotekeany <br /> � ,'� ������� aellon In eonnec�ion wiN t�e enbreemem ol iNS Deetl ol Trust unieas mdemm�ieG,in wriling.lor al�coafs.compente6on or <br />' �`4r ``=��Y`, expensea whie�may bo 6ea0UeteE t�erewilh.ln aEtl�tlo4 7mste6 may become a purotiESnr at any sele ol lhe Property UuAielal or <br /> -�+��"',� untler iho Dower ol 88ie GrB�ietl�O�B��):OoDiponO t�0 sele of ell or 6n portion ol t�e Pro <br /> y pBrty 98 pI0YlA0d Cy 18W:Of 6811 VIB <br /> ° Properry ae a w�ole.or in seDOVAe pereela or lots et Tmnee e Ei6ereYOn. <br /> 14. Foon onE Fr�pense9.ln ihe eva�t 7ruatee selle Ihe PropBrty Ey ezercibe ol powor of aele.Trualee atiell be en6U9d lo eppy <br /> . -. ti;;`;'� eny eele proeeeCS iirsl to payme�t ol ail cos�6 and eapensea ot axercising power of sale.�neiu0inp utl Tmatee e teea,and Lander'e <br />�...,:':�- r�� andTrustoe'eetlomoyelees.actuellyincurreAtoextenlpermitteObye00���b�elewJnttieeventBorrowerorTm6toreaero�eesany <br /> Hght prwldeC Dy low to cr�re en EreM ol Delauq LenCer ehall be on40etl to recover from Tmator all cosU end eapenaee actualty <br /> - -` �� IneurteC ee e result ot Tmatore defeull mclutling wilhoul iimitaf�on eti iruslee e enC atromey e fea7,lo Ilie eatent permitted by <br /> -�'.�� ePPllCeble law. <br />� '.; -;�,;�, 76. Future Advana�.Upon reQUeat ol Borrower.Lentler mey,et il!oDtlon.make eO011lonal antl lulure advaneea anA re- <br /> �= eOvOntBe to BOfrower.3uch fldvaneBD anA reaAvantea,wtlh Interesl NerBOn,eha��bo seCUreO bythle DOOtl ol TruaL At no tima e�all <br /> "},.. ", '1' Ih0 rinCl <br /> ' _;_.�,...,-y. p Dal flmount ol Ne indebledneaa aecuretl by t�ie Deed ol Trusl�ot jryc��gg�a aOvanceC�o prolecl No cecudry ol Nle <br /> 1;, 0000 0l TrueL oxc90d N0 oAqinBl prineipel nmount 61910C�e�e��.ot S _whithever ie O�eeter. <br />�_ ',r.,''._��; . ! <br /> r;i; tiy <br /> . .. .'..�,•.''., . - - . _ �- --- <br />