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�:�1�y .. , �- _ --—_ <br />-_--� dCFtFi�hh'�6@DO@�Jf�NT OP D@ED OF TflUBT 9�s 10AOf2 - ---- <br />-__ TflUBTOR READ iHlB BEFORB BIONINfk ,-.,.., .,.,_ <br /> 7YwtaunEx�unCiviatth�QOCUmmtNUYruaorleabowtoexeoutaNaDaedolTruatenQnolemoripeyeenANetNapawer ----- <br /> -- olwbprovldaOfOrinMODOWofTruNproNdaeeuCatan9alydiHerontdp�bandoMlpalloneloTruatorBmnemortGapelnM�wen1 =_ <br /> ° 6fod�73ultorbro-sChotobl! euonunde�NeDeeOOlTruetlnoludlnp,DUlnotllmlleOtqNelenAe/erlgMto�avathePrq»rrywld w __ <br /> 'c Dy ihe 1Wetee wIO�oW ury�uClolel D����np.Trvato�roDreaenta and wartanu Nef�hPo ecknrc+Aadpement wae exaONed Dy ---- _� <br />�`:�.� Tiu�ta6lfore9�eexeoWOnolNeOaedolTruet �;'-�-�}�+'�- <br /> '� J�/�.� I2'I.t[YlS-iM3 �� Tz __- <br /> V�r� 0 Xaah Trustor Sinplo Poraon � �. <br /> t*� �. , ' � � <br /> ^ �� Truator ��'P'(j". x F_: <br /> r�-:� i�` r��xr-c a. :. <br /> � DEED OF TflUBT WITH FUTUR6 ADVANCEB ,2, ,��� . : <br /> , ,t., <br /> . z=°• -^'. _ <br /> THI9 DHED Oi TRUBT,le mada ee ol Na�g�h--tley of Na .1833.,by end among {�QF"<N'1 °— .;_ <br /> -' 'Y� q,�tf7,.t��`sFj�y�i it;: �. <br /> �-; ihelFueWr. v n v A � ��oqle �e.nn . __ ' ��tJ �t,PKS� <br /> 309 Y 3rd St eia. �t,•g��,�"g�g4 1T� � <br /> 4,: whose malllnp eddre9a la (heroin'True r or moro), }�;�i�'t�(.; rs�.� <br /> ''S�� malru�rea Flx�-P�1M�-.p��4— BPLran4n_CniP•••••��en , 1���'r,�: �� <br /> ....�_r.,.:,: <br /> ��!t whoBB meiling aCdrB58 le�.^ °no 'S9i7 �'�nd Iel�nd 11S 68802 (harein'Ttu6t0e'a end �d��.J-fi�'� _= <br /> rR� += <br /> r�A'_ stc(' y?f``, - <br /> < .� me eenanoiay.—P• •• DMnN N�n4 • n���r !.� : <br /> +�ti• <br /> �';-� Wt10IIB111811111 9dAfBl818—'�a�R u YR_ fJIN.12-1!i017 t i 2 4 �i'!�'� _. <br /> g �_..�.r.8sa�dr�31-8r.and telaad, (harem^I.enaer"} , , <br />._-�:� �.i ,L ._. <br />�;�s}+� FOR VALVABLE CON8IDERATION,InCluCln Lendere extanalon o1 oreAB IAen1111ad herein to rl�^ a �>��.�c `„' <br /> g ,,,,�.?Y-.,i:'sCv'.:'i:;,� <br /> i�T, ���^w (hereln"8orrower",what�er one or more)anA the truffi hereln croete0, �'�! t�r tr t:� <br /> t Na�OCelpt OI xidOh la hOteby 9Cknowl9dged,Tmslor hereby Inevocably BraMa vanelera convaye entl eealgns to Truelae,IN � a1�r{�t t�:� ': <br /> ,;; TRUBLWRHPOWEHOFBALE,IOrthebanefitentl�ecurlryofLender,un0erendeub�ecttotliatarmaendconGilionehereinellereot j,s ysi �.� <br /> -� � torlh,Ne real Rroperty.Aascrlbetl aa followc <br /> ,�- 4 far Ls a! Ca:^..! tic.^. � (���� M'�° ' <br /> u88 �dQ6 y ^P {' � - <br /> �}�� �� ���$ <br /> � ��.7r��= <br /> _a �1L �'1 ?� ' " <br /> � --i Topelhe�wilh all bulldings,Improvemente,fizlurea,etree�e,aileys,Deatagawaye,eacemente,ri8M0.OrMlegee an0 appurle� 1 - � . � <br /> , ,;: �, �-,�::K. <br /> ;;.� euoh pareona propeny Nflt le a taohe0 to Iho�impraemanb no ea to cronatltule a Il��clunaeinclvdring�but ot Ilmlted to,neau�e e a �"���`ti?'.'i`•;'Or�="--� <br /> .,,: • <br /> �'�'y eoolln e ul mantanCt eNarwil�thehomenloedormedlelintereste,ifany,whiehlnlerenleereherebyreleaseCendwalved:all ,t;���"�%��'�t;,°� <br /> 9 Q P �8 � Itr...,yye . <br />��-�-�;�;� olwhlch.inclutlingreD�eeemanleentladditionaNereto,laherebyCecleredtobeepartoflherealesleleeecureAbyNe0enolNla �`*'-� -. Y1��:�`�" <br /> Deed ol TNat end all o11he foregoing 6eing refened to�erein ae the`Propert�'. ','' '�?%:�;:__ <br /> ���� Thle Deed ol Truet ahell eeeure(a)Ne peymenl of t�e pdnclpal Dum flnC Intereet BvideneeA by e promitaory nola o�credR '- t S,'t .�� <br /> _ .t.; __,ti_ t ,. <br /> ,�, epreement delad —��y..}g�ry--Fyg3----•heving e meturiry Aete ol Jy��•�998 —. ��' � �` <br /> i1!- <br />.,a�:: in the odginal prineipel amount ol S—��,�°G.@.0(IL .enA any and ell modificallona exlenalona enA renewale � - ���{ ,� <br /> �,.;(a� Ihereol or therelo end eny anA ell fuWre adveneoe enA rBativaneea to Borrower(or eny ol them II more Ihen one)�ereun0er ,.•;i:�-%^.. <br /> "�', puraaant to one or more promiasory notea or CreOn egreemenle(horein calletl"NOte'1:(D)t�e payment ol other auma edvaneetl Oy ���'i�,":"c;%'�'-; <br />.':�i);��; LendertoDroteettheaeeurlqollheNOro:(c)lhepodormaneeolallcovenentaenAegreemenWOlTmetoreetforthherein;and(�ell "�r"�`'`'y��-".. <br />-:aF?�F._ reeant end tulura InEebletlne6a end oDll etlone ol Borrowar(or an of Uem I1 more lhan one)lo Lender whet�er dIr6C�indir6ct Y'"� � <br /> P B Y Z �•�f ... <br /> , �h`' eb8olNO or contlngent end whelhnr eri91n8 by note.quareny,overdreft or otherw�ae.Tho Nole,ihis Oeed of Trust and any and ell - ii--: � c; <br /> OMerEOCUenUlhateeCU�Ot�eNOleorOlherwiseexecutedlnconneWOnthe�ewll�.inclutlingwlNOUtllmltfltlOnguBreMOee.eetutlly �-�!6.=�'``� <br /> �'`��• epreemenis antl aaaignmenla ol lea6ea entl reniti shall be relerred to�orein ae Ue"LOan InsWmenls". �_�f����:-,: <br />-�(G � . - r q _. <br /> -+-�,,,� Tru6lor cOVenente anA egie69 wllh lenaer ee tollows � "�a ,; <br />'"'"<'"j'. 1.POymBn1011nASbbdneN.All InAeDtednose 68CUred hereby ehall be peid when due- - - <br />. .i`.._.,�: r ' ' <br />�•-;t.•:. 2.THIe.Trualor is Ne owner ol ihe PropeM.ha6 the Nght entl au�horiry to eonvey Ihe Property.end warraMS ihet Ne Ilen . -� .� <br />" �' ' cree�ed hereby li a tirst end Drior tien On I�e PropB�ty,ezcept lor Ilen9 antl BncumDrOncea Set forN by Truelo�in writiny entl � . . <br /> ;'f�y'j� doliv8retltoLBnAerb8br88z8ea11onotihieDeeU0lTmaLenCiheexeeuGOnenCtlellveryoll�ifDeStlofTruetdo80noMO�eleeny _ ��� <br /> ;--_:5�,,� fAntreel Or oNer obOgutlon to which Trustor la 6ub�ett. " <br /> -•,v,�� 3.Taxoa, Dey bebre EeilnQuency en�axes,spedei aaseasmems ena an oUer cner8ee aga�nat the Pwpelry _ . <br /> - now or�erealler IeWetl. <br /> `�'`j 4. I7qu1fiM0.TOkeeplhePropBrtylnsuredape�n�tAemegebyfire.he=9r0lInWU08dwitNnNeterm"OxiBnOeEtwBreg0.9nd � <br />`�::�ky' 6UCII O�IIBf h828�EB Be L000B1Tlyl0aWlB.IO Om0unI8 0�tl Wi1h COmp9ni088cCBp18bIB IO LenABf,neming Le(10Bf fi!011 HddN000� ' <br />� name0 InwreA.wilh loaa Deyable to the Lontler.In eeae ol loea under eut�policiea.lne Lontle��s Buthodzed to eE]ust tolleol en0 � <br /> = COmpromise,ell cleima Ihereu�Aer en0 a�all�ave Ihe optlon ol app�Y��9 all or part ol t�e�nsure�te proCeBAS(p lo eny InAebteOness - <br /> eecurotl here0y enE in weh order ea LenAer mayAelermine.(11)to f�e Trus�or to be uaetl lo�I�e repau or resbretion ol�he Properry <br /> "'�y orQlQlorenyoNe�purpOSeorobJeCleatla�flctorytoLe�de�wilhouteXecfingl�e��enollhigDUetlolTrusUorthelWlamounfaetur94 <br />`�'�',;'7 hor¢by 081ofe auth peymenl evBr took pleCe.Mr e00����on ot Droceeds 10��deb�edne59 ihell nol exlen0 or pOEtpone��e Oue <br /> j d810 Of eny peymente un0er t�e Note.or Cure e�r defnull lhereunOer or hereunder. <br /> 6. EaerOw.Upon wtlflen Oemend by Lender,Trwtor y�all puy lo LenOer.In auch manne�rs Lentler may designele.sWficlent <br /> �1';5� eumaloenab�eLendertopayeaNeybecometlueoneo�mareoltnalollowing:(pe��lexea.a5sessmenqanAOtherchargesaga�ns� <br /> - NB PrOpBrty pQ t�le premium8 0�Ine prOpe�ly�^lu�en�e repmred nereunuer.end{iiij ine premiums on any morigaga inau�ance <br /> .,-�� reqWrod by Le�der. <br />- 8. Malntenanoo,Hepalr�and Compllnnca rrllh Lew�.imamr enan euep Ue PwDerry in good condtnon enA rBpflir,6�a11 <br /> - prompty repalr,or repleee eny improvemem which may be dame9eC or tlesuoye4 ehen not commtt or permil eny wesle m <br /> ;�'� Ootorloretlon ol Ne Proporly.6�e�i not romOVO.Aem0lleh or bubatentla�iy elter eny ol the improvemente on the Propery.a�eli not <br /> - cOmmlt6u1f8rorpBrmltenyeGltoDBEOne�notupOnitlePmpOrryinviolationolanylow.o�d��ance.orrepulaUOn:anCS�allpnyan0 <br /> ' OrompYy CI6C�ergB et Truslor s cost and expenbe all uena,oncumbrance!enA t�er9ea Ievietl.ImpOaed or ee80558d egeiml N8 <br /> }:_i Properry or ariy part Ihereol. <br /> - 7. Eminenl Domaln.Lender le�ereby aasipnetl flll compeneetlon.awerdf.demaQea antl ot�er payment6 or re�ie�(hereinaller <br /> ��'' 'Proeeede')IneonnectlonwlNwntlemnatfonoroNOrtolUnpolt�oPrope`tyorpartf�ereol.orloreonveyaneelnlieuolconAemne• <br />_ '`=I tlon.Lo�Mer ehell be BntitlBA at ite op�on to comme�ee.eppee�in enA prosecule�n Ite own nflmo eny ettion o�procaeCinpf.entl <br /> �.?'f thell also be en110oA to meke any eompromlao o«eNement in eonneenon w�th sueh teking or damege.ln�he event atry pomon ol <br />_-�^��'i MKilpMuuVaMVMD�e0�nf0�H . <br /> "f:�l� O19lOq4NV1liNtlCpsrW[�irW�M{I�'W�NNt4u�slwvNMW�N � - \• <br /> " . <br />' ..•: t . ... . <br />