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<br /> nppli4i�hlc law ��my sprcify t��r rclnstntem�ntl h;:fore siila��i'tit� Pr+�pc►ty purxunnl lu nny pu�var ut �i►lr cunti�inr�i in thi.r
<br />'%' cs,^�•��� �� SCCiII'If�Illtill'U111C111;ur(t►)cnity u�'a Jud�tmc�u coifarcin�;�hix Sccurity Insirnm�ut. 'I'tu�sc candltiun+ .ir���IuU Hmm��•cr; lul .
<br />`�,, .. :, pays Leuilcr all ,r•tnt�v whi�h Ihen �+rutdd be duc uadrr thiy Sccurity In��runtent ,md ihv Nutr nr if nn nc4��IrrnUon hnd .
<br /> = � urd�►nr.d;(h)�urev«ny defauh uf nny othcr cuv��qnn►w o�'i�grcrmcniv;(rl rays nll expen�eti in�►�rmd In enf�nY In�±�hls Scctuity -
<br /> + " Instnimcnl. incli�dt�nt, hut nut (lmftrd tu, r�nson�thlc ��it��rncy�'l��cs; and (d1 ��kcy tiv�h urU�n► ;�v i.rndcr n►ay ir,nunnhly • • � -• -
<br /> --_--:=.- - . _ �qcr'tre to n54urc+th:�t titr Ilr�i uf thie tiec�►i�lly I�titiiru�ti�+:n��Lc��ctct'!;d�;hGw ia dt�1'��u��cny wid Ut�m�w�r;ulYli�;ati��o t��pay ttic , ._ , • .
<br /> —� sums sccttrr�t hy ihlr Seci�rity Instr�►mt»s sN�+ll conimt!� ��nchun;;4d. UNuu ��{i►,talaii�cill h}' t..�rr���•.'cr, thi: !irrurit}. k~`�. _ .
<br /> - its•:tra�t�nt��N!slK����If�utla,�v�r�:wrd hcreby tihc►11 remufu Cully cl�fccUvc r�s if nu uFCrlcratiun 1►:11I 114111`Y4lI, Il���v��vcr,thi[, � - —
<br /> ,•_ � ° " �tgM tn rclnstntc sNidl not�pnly in�ha cusc��f accctcradun imdcr parm;rnph 17, - � . .-:,- -
<br /> ` ��� ' ' 14. 5ule vS Notei t'hpnge of I.o�n tiervlce�. 'IYic Notc ar a pnniai intcreyt fn U►c Ni�tc ltugethcr �rUh thia Sccuriry . .
<br /> .. . lasNumcnt�m�y bc sold onr. or marc Umcs �vUhout prlur nutica u► Hurrowcr, A si+lw nmy result In u rhimLtc iu thc cntity ..
<br /> . (knu�vn,�•Il�o'.t.u,in Sctvic�r"1 that c;��itccts nwn�hly nnymrnts dnc�mder�hc N��tc nnd thi� ticculitv Inr•t�umcnt. 'lltcrc ulsu .
<br /> _- ` mu}r t�c unc or u�urc cluui�Z�ts nf'thc l.aan Scrviccr unrilatcd to a ti�ilc uf thc Nut�. If th:rc is+►�hani;��ul'thc l.uim Scrvicc�. .
<br /> • � .��---- - I�Oi'i01Vi:i��itl th,fiir•rn writtc�►�taUce t►f thc chn��ge I����!•cor�l:mcc with parnurnph I�i utxwu nnd upplirnhtr I��w. '1'hc nuU�:c: ' , -
<br /> . . WIII 9111IC(Ill'Il�imc nnd�dJ�t:�s�f�hr ncw l.oan Scrviccr and t hc address tu�v l�ic ti p.�ymcn tz s hoi�l�l h�m;�d�. '1'I�c n u t i c c w i l l I . ...
<br /> ., nlsn conU►in+�ny oUi�r I�ifur�nnUun n y�drcd by�ippGcahla Inw. . �
<br /> 10. Hnt�ardouv Substnuccs. Horrowcr r;hull niu c:au�ur�+cnuii ihc�presencc,us:,itisp��sul,tit�,rugc,ur rcicu.c nl'unv
<br /> . Hn'r.:udaus Subsinuca.r• on nr in Ihe Prupeny. HaROwcr shall nut do, nor nllow nny�roc ul5c to du, +mything afl'ccdng �hc .
<br /> Pra�x:rry thut is in vi��ludun uf nny C?ttvim�imcntnl l.nw, 'llic��r�ccdin�;t�n+o srntrnccs sh;+ll nat cipply to thr prc�cnc��,u���.i�r
<br /> o „ . stora�,c on�hc F'roperty��f sm;d)yuantiticti of Hnrurd��us 5ubtitanccs tha�arc��cncrullv rcc���;nind to In apprup�'iutc to nurmal
<br /> resiQcndnl uscs c►nd to nu�intcnnncc uf thc F'rupcity,
<br /> � Bc�ROwcr shnll prump�ly�;ivc l.cndcr wriltcn�iuU��r��f uny invesUgatiun,cli�im,ac�»,�n�i,lawsuit w•othcr:►ctiun by uny
<br /> � • p�wcmmcninl��i�rcgulat��ry +►gcncy or priwuc party invalving thc Pr��perty und uny tli�riirduus Subst�mcu i�r I:I1VIrU111Y1CtIlIII
<br /> ' " � l.a�v of wtdch Borruwcr has actuul knnwledgc. If Horcowcr le�irns, ur �s nu�ificd by c�ny �uvcrnmcntal ur regulutury ,
<br /> , � awhuriry,tha�uny removnl or other rcmcdi;►tian��f i+ny Nnr.iird��us Substanrc;d'feclin�ttte Prnpany is necc��ury. H�+rruwcr ,
<br /> , ; shall prampUy tc+ke ull necctisary remedial actiuns in nca►rdanee whh Gnvir�,nmcntal Law,
<br /> '�� �; As uscd in thiy parn�;ra��h 20,"Hnrurduus Subs�iuir.es"urc ihosc substiuucs dcfincd iis tuxfc ur h:tiurduur+ub�innces by
<br /> Fnviroqmcntul Ln�v und�h< fullowi�g tiubstancc�: Nusulinc, kcruticne,�Iher Qammablc�.�r luxic�x�trolcum pruduct+, t��xic
<br /> ' ' ���ticides and herbtclJati, �•ulatile solvent,, m;ueriak cvmaining nshcstus or furiu;ddrhyde, and radivacli�•a matrriadx. As
<br /> . uscd in�hi5 parabr.�pli 211,"hnvircmmcntul l.u�v"mcam Ft�fcr.tl Ic�ws nnd luwti uf'thc jurisdiction�vherc:ihc F'�ap�:rty is locntcd
<br /> � ' th;�t rclntc to h.,�lth,si►fcry or envirunmcntal protcction.
<br /> ' " NON-UNl1'�ORM COV�NANTS, Hono�vcr nnd Lendcr f'urthcr r�wennnt and:tgr�C nr fulluwti:
<br /> . � Zl. An�clerollun; Remecliev. t.ender shall �ivK noti��e to Harruwer prlue to ncccleruiiam follo•aving Barrowc�'y �_
<br /> hrench oP nny cavennnt or a�reemcnt In thly S�tiurity instrument Ibu9 nul p�lm•to ucceleri�tion under purtigrtiph l7 � ,;
<br /> ' u�le�.y a�pplla��le luw provldev uthcrwl.,cl. The notiar.r•hiill speciPy; l�l the def;�tdtt Ib)the nctlon required tu cure the �.
<br /> dcPaulli(c)a aDatc.not Ic�Ihun 34�Ja��s fru�n ihc dnte Ihe notirc is�i�•c�t��Ho�ruwcr.hy wh!^•h the defaull must he '
<br /> curcd;And Id!t�►a1 Q�ilu�e ta rurc the de�x��lt on��r bePa•c the dt►te spccif7ed in lhe nutico m:�v r�wuit in iicccicratian uf • `t
<br /> -- -----=--,�� !!s°.�ts:�r;:.,;::�':3���'5�:�3 C°C!lrl�� IncEa�tct��n!��u�w�ie�f'thc 1�r:,perlv. 'Phc nolic4�tih►�11 fus•thc:r Infu�m {l���ro�vcr oP '
<br /> 1�e rltiht tu relnstnte u�er,ai�elertilitrn�n�0 Ghe ri�ht to 6rin�;a cuuet ucUan to�a��crt thc nom���cistence oi'u defi�uU ur --•
<br /> �any other defense uf Horra��ti•�r to :�ceelnTaiion t�nd�.�Ic, IP the defi�uU is nnl cur4�i un ur beWr�Ihe date spseci�led in �
<br /> tP��iiuti�r�l.ender i�t it���ptiu�ms�y reyuira immedititc puymcnt io full uP ull su►res sccured by ihiv tiecurit3•In�Irument
<br /> , ;
<br /> --- �- -�-- ..._ �.. ..a .... ��.. _.... t..� . ��o_ .
<br /> —_ ] wililoui iu�ihcr ticmund unci muy �U��mc Iltc �iiiii'vi ii��aw iin.. ....,`i :L=�°'. ""...'.'fl...: �'�'.!l�.._d ha a�nnlici�hlg �ll«'. '�.. .. ... . --- --�
<br /> Lender shidl be enlltlecl to cullert all c�pen�,es Incurred In porsuicr�; ihe �en�cdles piovlded in thts puri�tiroph �!, � -
<br /> � includi�F,hut not Iltnited lu,�ei�s�mi�ble uUur��eys'Pee��md c��yts a.�6 diC6e evldence.
<br /> IP ihe po�vor uP sule is Im•uketl,7Fuste�,�yhull n:cord a notice u�dei'nult In euch county In �vhich any purt uP the s
<br /> G'n�perty is lucnted nnd shuU���uil c��piey��P sucb nutice In the manner pr4sc�ibed by upplici�hle luw tu I1i►r�ower�md to
<br /> ' ohe uther penony pressrihcd by��ppUrable luw. AI'ler Ihc Ume�equired by tipplicublc li��v,'IhuYtce hhull give pubUc
<br /> � , � notic�oP�Ic to the persunti und i�the m�nncr prescribed hy upNllcablc It►w, 'IYuytec,withuut cicmund un Hurruwcr.
<br /> shull seU the�'roperly ut public��uctlu�a te�Ihe hl�hesl bidder ut t4hs e�rne und pliaco und under t�c terms desi�nuted lo
<br /> Ihe nattca af sule in one or muru purccis a�nci In uny order 7rustc�drs�crmines. 7hust�:e may pusopone��Ie of all or uny
<br /> . • purcel uP the Prv�perly b�� pwbltc unn��ui�cemenl ut ihe Ume nnd{�1a�4�oP unv preotously ticheduled s�de, A.e�ider ur its � �
<br /> ',. d4siAncA a�ay purah��tic tthP�'��+perlv at anv s��lc, � .
<br /> ,. . .. " Upon receipt nP p:nymaiv�! oP thc �rrice bid.'Irutitee shull deq�•Qr lu iPee�nura:h.�ser 7ruste�'s dced 4uia���ying 1he ,,�
<br />� , Pr��perty. 'I'hc.�recittds in�hc'll�utilc��'s dc�d shull bc prfma Piu�in rvidencc oi'the fruih uf U��+lutenunts ra�:��c thcrcin. I
<br /> 'll�ust�e shiill sapply ihe prnceeds ui'the�Ie In Ihe PuUu�r•io�;�►rder: lal tu rall c�►st!+a�nd�xpemey uP exe�cirin�;Che po«�er
<br /> , I ' . ,
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