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<br /> `` _: cun�Ienti�itUttu ur ulhrr I;it�hiz:ui'nny p;u1 u!'Ihc P�up4u��,ue i'o�'cunvcy;ntc�In Itcu nl'ci�ndcmnnlian,+nr h���ehy ur�l�!�icd und �?`j �. ` � � ��R-
<br /> ..�:}'.;�:=+ nhi+ll l�r�ald tu 4.cudcr. ;. �.,`-;:'
<br /> 1�1 th�� c�'�nt ui' n intnl Inkint: ui' Uic: Ika�wiiy, Ih� prtheed� shnll l� n��pilrtl In Ih� +wnti �rcurcd hy Ihl� �ecwily ���,':' �� �
<br /> =��'=�"�` Insi�untcnl,t�l�rtticr w�nul ihru d►�4. �vi1h auy crcr.r�paid tc► Il�irru��•cr. In thc cv��m ut'u �,ni�ini lutiln�� uf�lic Ihia�+crty in d . _
<br /> = «�hleh Ihe futr mwket valuc��f►hc 1'n�pert�immrdiaucly txfu�r dic U�l�h►Z;1,r�µ�al h►ar�:rc:�trr�hau d��;nnuum of�lir•uw� i. , . _
<br /> - wCtiR::t h�•thir;S.�utit� li�dt���n�,'�ri immcdintely I�f�ne tttc Iti�iU;;,unlu�ti Iliu'ru��cr iu�d L�uder iuhe��r•i•r;��!�r��iu ��ritin�:. �r' ,( `
<br /> —� itic�ums sr�urcd hy ihi+ Sc�urity in�tnm�cnt �ha11 t�: reducrYl by Htr antotm! nf�hc pruccuk mult�p��cd 1��• d��f�►Il���vin,y � `'�,,1, _' — -
<br /> - t'�.trt'satti: 1:�!lltc helu!am!?unt t+t'�!n•�um,scca�i�iiumetil�tcty tscft�t:�cc takitt�.divld�,�1 hv �h►th� t:dr inaihet vnlu4 nf lh¢ �t� �,
<br /> f�t��
<br /> • � - ' 1'n�{n`rtS intm�dintcly hci�n•� Ih� Ittking, Any h;dunC� tih;dl hr pald lu Horru��cr.� In Ilie���•�'ul ut u paiti:�i �u�in4��f ii�r ` �--,--...-.--
<br /> Prup��ry in �vhi4h Itt�tl�it nutrhrt vuluc ul�dtr Pn�pcny immc�iiiurly hctin�e Ihe lakin� I,Ir.,Ih,in �he ro�muul ul'Ih� ,u�n� ( ..-,.
<br />.•;',.��`�-�'..;!1,�", �
<br /> >.;.,. �,ecttrcd �mm��JV{►trly Ikt'urc Ihc �itAln�., tutler� lie►rru�rcr �uid Lrndc�� ulhehci`r �i�r�c in �vri1inH ��r unlc�� applicubl4 I;�w ( • __
<br /> , �Hlirr���f+�pravidcs.d�c prucccd,shall hc��pplird t�>>!ir tionn,�:cutrd h��ihi,Scrinii� In,tiui►��:ut uhc1her c�r iu,t ihr�um,arr � . . _
<br /> -- - U�cn�lu:•. ��.. .
<br /> • li'thc Ni•ot>rn}�is iiban�lun�d h�� llon'u�t•er.ur ii�.+dlcr ni�tir�:Ny l.cnder fu Hu������a�r th:tt thr cu�ukil►nu�'vlli�r4 u�nu�k�: [ . _.. _ . _
<br /> - --_— ' dc1;Iti�•�td ot'tiCl!!�:t rl;dnt fr-t tl:t�ttn��cti,11nnn�vrr I:�tl.In rc��iuud tu Lrnilcr a•ilhin 1U�I:�p�:�Il�l'111�dale Ihc�lutic�' i��:i�•i:n, �
<br /> ° . I.ender i,uuthi�ri�ed Iu c��llrct nnd;q�ply IhC priircrdy,ut ils uptiun,eilha•lu t'c,tur;ui��n�,r ie��air ul �hc Nrv�tc:rq•ur Iu dn:
<br /> `. ' �� ' .runt"ccu�ed t���thi4 Scru�ity Ins�rutnrnl,�vhcthcr ur nut Ihcn duc,
<br /> , Unlcr; LCttdc�tnit) fl��IT����'�r n1lu�nviux u�.rcc in ��•ri�in�;, any appliciUi��n ul'prueccd� tu prin�ipal �h;�ll i�o��'ri�:nd��r
<br /> potitpnnc th�due dat�uf Ihc�n��athly paymcniti n�(crrcd k�in paragroph� I und 2 ur rh;mNc th4:n�iuunl n(.uch paym�:nh.
<br /> r 11. lturra�►rr Not �icle�.4afi I�orhear�:nce 11v I.ender Nut u «'ul�en lixtcntii�,n uf ihr iinu 1'ur payiuent or
<br /> e. nu�dification uf:unailirutlun ni'thc.unts,crtrri;d by�his ticcurily Inru�umcut�r.mtcd hy l.rndc�•i�,anp ru.w.:,,ur in iuu:r�.t �
<br />. ��f liorru��•cr yhull nut uperatc tu r4lca�c thr ti:z[�r'�.ty ��t�thc aritiinal Burrua•cr ar Hurr����•cr1 hurcc„ur. in intcre,t. Lrn�r.r
<br /> , tihidl n��l tk r�quircd�u ei�mnuncc procrc�lint;,::�ain�t uny �ucrc��ur in intrr�,� ur rrfu,4 to vxtcnd timc li,�•pa?•mciu cir
<br /> uihertivisc mudify umuni�ndun uf ihr�um+•ccvR�i hy thi.Srcurity ln,u�uu�cnt hy ira�un of:iny�Icmund n�ndr I,}thc nriatin��l ,�� .
<br /> porc.��vcr or H��rrawcr��uccc,.urs in intrrc��. Any i'artnuruncr hy I.endcr in rrcr.i�ing ain)�righl ur rentcJ)• �hall nut br a ;� . :
<br /> ' wa.icr�c�P n�pl�t�ludc ilir exrrci.c��f uny right ur rcmcdy. � , � �
<br /> 12. Sacressors iuttl A�.yl�Gnv Hmmd;.loiut nnd ticr�cri�!I.tublUt�;l'wsi};nct's. 'I'hr�:u�•rtrmt�;md a�r.cmenh ul�I�iti :.
<br /> � ,�� Socurily Instnmicnt shall hind�md hencfil thc surccti+urs;uid a.,iE:n�uf l.�yt�lcr und Burn���rr. .uhj�i�t tu thc pr�,�•i�luu,uf
<br /> " parugriiph 17. Fiom��vrr?+ruvent�nls :md n�rccmrn�� �h:dl h4 juinl und �s�c�r.�l. A�ly F�urcua•cr �vhu ru•�i�:m Ihi, Sccunta• .
<br /> I�tslYUiUenl hul doCti�lol CXC4ult`l�ic NoIC: (t�)is cu•slglll�l�!Ihi�S�cin�ily 1+��tr_+mCnl onl��tu mon;tiit:c,Erant und cunv�:y d�at .
<br /> �...,,. �� Borrowcr�bttcrc.t in thc Pru�x�t�•undcr thc trmiti��f thi�Sccurlty In,Imm�:�n: 1h1 i.r not�kr,unally utdi�ntcd tu pa}'th�;aum.r � • ':
<br /> ..,:�;: . se�urcd hy thi�Sccuriiy In�trumeng::►nd l::)aprcc.thnt l.endcr imd any oth�:i t�orru�vc�'ns�y al:r�c w�xtcnd,mudily..iushcar �' ..,�
<br /> ar nuikc uny urcummuda�iuin ��iih ��cgurA to thc trnn. at� d�i. Security Io,uYnncnt ��r i h� Nu tc �ci�huu� thcu I.iunu��r.r'r d ; :
<br /> • ;'� " cnn.rcnt. '
<br /> li. L«an ('I�i�r�;cv. If thc lu:in.c�u►r�i hy thi, Scru�ity In,tnmr�nt i. ,uhj�ci ta u la�� ��hi�:h �ct, m,ixin�um luun ��':
<br /> � :++.
<br /> cliarl:es.nnd thtu luw is tinully� inter��n`te�1 tiu Ihat thc intcr�>t�� other lu:m ch;�rgc��'ull�cicd or tu bc rnllci:ted ir��:unn�rliun .:.
<br /> , '� witl�thc lo:�n cxccr�l II►r perinittr.!Iimi1..Ih�n: 1;�1 any•uch!�*.��rhnrgc,t.idl txr r�duc4d by ihc umuuin nc�:u+•:�q� ro r�vl��cr �,'`,s,
<br /> - - ` �itc'cfiargc to thc pvrmiiic�i iititii;�i��t ihf�iny�u::ti.;:l�e:s:t;;��'r�•zles!fr:i:ee tlt�l:�1�:�•��!•��1►icl�exc��dcJ ixnnit��i)limi�,+n ill hc :-•.
<br /> . ' �cfundcd�u H��rro��•cr, Lcndrr may chiw�c to mukr thi,rcfund hy redurin�thc principal w��'d und��r Iha Ni�tr ur liy ur.:I.ir.,,a --- - - ,.
<br /> ' dirccl paymcnt lo fiurruwer. If t�rcf'und I�educe,principal.thr rcducliun�vill`.�tr��atcil a�:i pa�tiul �?rcp:�ymull!1YIlI1C:l1 1111}' ��`
<br /> � - pr�PtiY��lent ChurgC lultlCr Ihr Nul�. .,... - �
<br /> ------ �-- .. 1., .t..l:�a„u il ��r h�• �
<br /> `'1'�..I._ _ �..u �..
<br /> 14� Not1Ff�. Any nulice ta ltorro�vcr(�POV1UeU for in tni, ircwiiy in:.i��uiici�i ��„i�. �� ro.�.. ,;. -......t=..: .. .. �,- _ �
<br /> �;�ti��. maiUng it hy tir,t cl�iti,m;iil unlr�.appN�:ihlr lu�v r�i�ui��r u,c al anulNcr mcthud.'i hc nuii�:��,n:�n F.:�+��������j�,,�n�f�a►n�ny� ;
<br /> :�'�i�' Addross ur ttny ulhrr addr4�s �i�vro�vcr�Ic,i�n:nc, hy nuti�r tu l.rndrr. Any� nuii�:u n,Lrndc��,hall tk Li�:�:�� by fint rla,ti �
<br /> nlail Io Lendcr�addre"tilutcd herrin ar uny��th.r:lllll(l'1\I.l'111IC1�IIC�I!'.11i1I4h Il}"IIOIIC{�tu 1lurraw��r. An1 nntir,u pr��vidcd i�u� ..
<br /> . in Ihis Securily Intilruntent tihull tv� dermr�t tr havr hern �ivcn �u ti��rru��ur ur �.ri�d��r «han sti�•en :�• Pr��vided in Ihi� .
<br /> ' par.�gruph.
<br /> 1S. (i1�YC�nlnti Linr: Se�o'�'�b�IlEs. Thi+ Scuirily {�e�u�t:•nenl �hall Ix Eu�trrn4�1 I�y fcdena! hnc ;uld 1tt� la�v of th�r
<br /> juriydfctiuii in which�hr 1'ra{x�Y) �•{�ti<<i�d. tn thr evrnl►h::t�:���pru��i�ion ur ti�lau����l'th��;Sccw�ity lontruu�ant or Ih� Ni�tc
<br /> �untlicts wiUt tipplicuhlc luw,�u:l�.'��ntlict,hall nut lilli�rt�".I'•�i r 1'��\'I�I�+II���I Illlti tirruril� lm,t�unu:ol�±r thc Nu1c ahich�'an
<br /> bc givrn rl�t'crt ���ilhuut thr cunfii�ting pru��i,iun. 'lii �hi. rn.1 �h� pi.>�i:•iuii� rf Ilu�, �c4uri�} Im,trwurn� ;�n�l �h� ��'te are
<br /> �Irrl�irod tu hc�r�e�ablc.
<br /> • 1G. iiui ro�tiaa•':i'up�•. �:rrr�«��r•,h:�l1 Ne ci�cn i�nc ri�nt'i,rm���l r„�,�„i ihu\uo:�iad�>f Ihi�tireuril}•Imlrumrnt.
<br /> � B7. 'IrunsPcr uf ID�c�*ra+�n�ar ur i�Bc�rSbrial lntcrc�t In liorro�►cr. U�;ill�ir,in} p;r:�eJ ihr 1•ti•uperq•�,r any i�:�rre�i in ,�
<br />`:;`�'�`•;`:"� i�i.,uld or Ir.insfcrred lor iP a be+t�liCial inictrtil in Hunr���r i> >uld�n' Ir:u�at�:rnd anJ 3riru��r� i�nut u naiw•:d �xr.unl
<br />,:,iS..�S„1�:,'' —
<br /> ��+4�'•5,4�7t . ��•i�hau�Lcnticr'+pri��r wriltrn c+�m�nt.Lre�d:r m:�y.ul ilti�,�Uiun, r�quirv intnt�:diulu pa��r.c:;I in tull�,i all .unn tirrur� y .
<br /> � . this Security In�trtunent. Ho��•evcr,thi,��,tivn.r:+ll nu�tk�tcrci,cd hy l.end�:t if e�crritir i�pruhihitcd hy t�rdrral law uti ui'
<br /> � 1he di�t�ol'Ihis Sc.d+rity Intiirumrnl. , .
<br /> ll�LCItdCr ctClCls��IIIIti upllun. I.end�r�ha:t�i�c Hurru�vcr n��ticc ul':tcr�ler.uinn. 'I'hc n�ui�o,Ita�l pr�widc i�periud i�f'
<br /> r. ' not lrss th:in 3ll duy,i'rum Ihc ilatc�hr nutirr i,�lalivercd ur mailcil���i�hin��•hi�h Horru�+er mu,t��ay all.tnn,,crurcJ hv�hi. .
<br /> • Sc�:usity Inslrumcnt. If Hurru��•cr i'ail, a, pay ihe.c .um• priar tu thr rrpiraii�,n ol' thiti periud. I.�ndcr may im•��.Lo uny
<br /> ' remedics permittcd by Ihi,5ccuril) In.trununt��•ithuu�i'unh:r nuiir<<�r dcmand un{1��rio��rr.
<br /> �� •: IH. Ho�ru�ver's Rl�;ht lo Rcln�ttile. li fiun�u��ar �nr�l, rcr�:�in r�,uilili�,n,. H�,rn���cr �h;ill h;�vc Iliv ri��hl I�� havc
<br /> � �� ' cnt'urccnunt uf ihiti ticcurily Im�runun� �Ii,cuminurJ at am•time priur t„thc r;u�li�r ui: I:�15 il.iy,lnr �urh u�lier p�riuJ;n
<br /> ,�:,;�c•, tiin�l.•I.�mil}•�I'nnnicll:,c!•rid��ir�fzrl\IFIIH�11�ti{RI�I4.�1 lmt.�imCo�rnam. 9-vA �r��icra�,�r�p,�;,•�
<br /> ;�i4,�
<br /> l- -
<br /> —___'-'�_�_� . • r
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> f
<br /> r
<br /> • - � .... _ ' _. ,
<br />