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n��s � . y _, i i <br /> �2�� . _ -. . .. . -. . �. �� 831�+7 - .. '. -t ,y�,�'J�/-�t � �r; �� )ttii- . . _____ <br /> ,, - ;5,. : .i. .. -. _' ` . _ �.f . ��U'°�x'7R�rjl�'i '._ 'i�` . . ' __. <br /> --� •�DIw�wStgp�ero1aa11mhoavOnfbap�on�tmuas8rNm4dEpopunoonAlpoa+.��ndfNolk�rqJutitU �A� `�. <br /> •� . �lveQibcok�Wtpae.49t1oA1huix'4n�adoiqsh1)onlha�usrttatd'nl�a�o�tmwtiidiboin,dPfyu1t4ddf�IL'eNeteatmb ;,' -' <br /> - . �rltytv-4'�i�i0i►1tiqo6��xlfl�tEYtLat�H'o.�r,t�t p�yt6eHeteHal�ieousvK�afaoofB,9 <br /> - � YUD.OD i�d UN 1 muu etQn ud iWa�ho No:e HotEee any documenu�e Note Hotdor <br /> --_— tsaWteeweftatlEeaoavenlon. . . •�_ <br /> -" =_,c� . — — <br /> -- Q�)GitAd�dOnOtiDtldWk <br /> � <br /> My aew.Rxea latwatt nte w1116o eqppl�o the E�edenl Natlo�l Morg�ge Neool�don'e raQulced nei ylald u ot e duo . .. . . <br /> �. rpd tlnJpof Q�y rpedfled Ey ILe Nae Hofder fot p)it the oNglnN tarm ot�61�Note le gcater Uun 1!ywe,9U�yar fdted -- <br /> , ri '�?' q�p���gpi���d by�ppllable 60�dty mrndatory deUvery oodunitmente,plua flvo-elg6t6n of one peroenhge point <br /> Y�� ,.' (0.62lS6).roundod to t6e nevest o�welghtd of orw paroent�ge polnt(0.12356),or(U)itt6e odginsl torm otOde Noro Is � -_ <br /> -- .tc�!�. 1!yeats or leaa,11 year flxad wro mortgtgw ooverod by rppllu6le 60�day mudxtory dalivery coaud�meots,ptw °'' _ <br />_��};;>�.-�� ftvaqlg6the of onepetoenuge polnt(0.623%),rouodod ro 16e muat om�etg6W of om peroontngo polnt(0.123f6).If Wle �';,,+'"," ` <br /> { {! requirod at yleld cannot be detemilotd becauso tho appticablo wrowihmnro oro not cva0nb}a.We Nata Holdcrwlll �" -- __ <br /> rr th� detcmduo my intaast nte 6y aslag comptt�ble inform�tlon.My aaw wte talcultted andat tb0 Sxiloa S(B)alll mt be � e::__— <br /> �'^i._ groater tlun the Muimum Rato stated ia 3atlon A(D)ebova -_- <br /> t �i �N�� N! IMT�RaBT A11TD NIGL NMIt Us O1tE11TiR 1�OW IO.S00 PSRCSfiff. ��iU: �-- <br /> y d1 (G�New Pqymmt Amount xnd 6ltecllre Dak �r•� � <br /> A : �-- <br /> �� UI cLooeo to nxerolse tLa Co¢venlon Optloa,0e Note Ho1dw wlll dets�miro t�e amount of the monthly pnyment thtt �'i _ <br /> ,_ wouid 6e wfHdant w roP�Y �6e uap�id pdaeipil 1 am expeqed m owa on the Convmloa D�te In fuU on the m4twity d�te u <br /> ,,;4`y'£�i at my mw Hxed ntte iu wbsttntlallY oqutl peymaiA.+. 7Le msult of thia calcol�llon wlll be tho now wount olmy monthly i�t5:.*."_ _ <br />'. °,';�'��3`• WY��•B08�"8 wltb my iLst mont6lY P➢Ymeot�flu thn Convertlon Data.I wiU py�6e oew�mount a�my moatLly �.- ,,,�. <br /> f^� paymect untll�he Muurlry dn�e. f f3 �.;. -- <br /> j<. At '"°� <br /> �S ��; <br /> ;z t +- C.TRANBFER OF Tt�PROPL+RTY OR A BffiSLg+ ICIAL Q�il'ERP.SI'IN BORROWER ���,r�s�, <br /> ,? ,,,�u 1.UaNI 8otrower exerctuu tde Conv�nion Oplloa undw tha coidlttom�ated iu 8ecttoo B ot thla Aq�wnble ILro ti�1;,��. �x :: <br /> iy,' Rlder,Udform Omenant l7 of t6e 8aurity Imtrmnent ie uoended to read u followa: �j-;�� �- <br /> J +t}�; - <br />- ,.� ��,�'� T(➢6S�K Ot(d!PlO�IY 0�Y BMIPSI{�9�III�lftll IA IIOIiONCR I��II O�{�y plfl OI tI10 PfOj�6fh'OI Ny IOhfOdt III IL id��� tZ <br /> :e �l�: is eold ot hwfe�erd(o�if�6eoodold tntucst in Bortowu b sold or tnasfafted and Bortowsr I�oot e n�Nnl person) �t�;t3�.i:`�ra�'S+ <br /> ::�•";�:x�,y wlWout Leodar's pdocwrttten consent,Len7er may,et tu opHon.require Immedlate pnyment in Poll of dl wm+sxured r��i��t�'�(�+:isi;'= <br /> „y �,' by dti�$ocori"ry Insi�umcm.H�cvcr.t�is optl�a w:Il wi Ca axrt�by Lcn3ar ita:�h-ia pzchbSt�b;k�srJ <br /> t Atl{t:Y <br /> 1 �`, �• taw�s of ihe daro ot t61e Sewrlty iashumant.Loodu dw shell not ezerclw tWe option It:(a)Eotta�veT uuua W be �u ,�il r , - <br /> ' h� aubmitlad to Leader Informntlon rcqulted by Leader to ovadure�he Inteuded haa+fmoe m if�mw lan wero bet mado tt � �!�`� '�' �- <br /> � �i }�rr . <br /> to the�nmferee:�od(b)I.eada rasootbly dUemdtwe tlut Leudar'e saudry wtll mt 6e impdred by We lom ,. �''1}' f,�{�, <br />'=.�:r?'=%� aau tlon and thet We risk ot�bnac6 of an ooveiunt or reomeot In thL Secwlty Iastruroeot le a uble ro Laoder. •�;•.'r-�"-1lt�s�; <br /> a mp Y �8 � �t�;;, + j� �. <br /> � '`� ;�• To tLe extent pwmtttod by�pp8uble law,Londx may elurge a casou�ble feo u a coadlNon ro Lender'e coasent ro i 4 Z yp,, �£s'-�� <br /> t6e lan wump�on.Lenda may also requim t6e trmderoe ro sign�n auumpttoo agreemeat tlut b�ooapubie to Lendar .tti, -��;4���� ,_ <br /> <<��., ' <br /> � md tEat obUgntw the tmnstaroe to keep ell�he proMaw md�groemente pade In tt�e Noro end in thls Sooudty .�_�j, rt 4; <br />..n!' �� Instcuoant(iotrovror wtll con�lnue to bo oblignted undu the Noro end thi�Sxurtty lashumont unlass Leoder rolea� k '++„ �, _ <br /> Dotroxror In writiog. u;; .t4 r�" ;:_ <br /> --";!r'�.4 f� It Lendu exercleae We optfon to requiro Imwedluro p�ymeat in PoII,Lender ehell give Dortower nolice of �:F�', '�k�}h_. <br /> - - �' axelentlon.71w oo�ico s6d1 provide�period of aot las�ttw 30 dnya hom�ho d�ro We aotice le dellvarod or m�iled ��,p�3;,. � . <br /> ;�� .+: within wWch Dorrower must pay dl wmn axurod by tlile Sccudty Irmhuawnt.If Borrower feils to pay these cuw pdor . ,FU2�rt� � .- <br /> � �" ro the expintlon of ILia pedod.Londer may Invoko noy romodla+porMtted by thi�Socudty Imtrvmont without[ucthor `ft�"y'�Ai �;} <br /> + -,E; noHoeordemandonBo[rower. ��'�fi � - <br /> - f� 2.If HoROwa aarciew t4e Convenlon OpUon under Wo candltlom stetcd in Sectian B of Wh AdJustabb R�ro Rtder,t6o ,,�,����� � ' �� <br /> ' --` � ameadmaot of Uniform Coverent 17 of tfie Sxurity Inshument contdned in Satfan C I above ahill Wan oe+se ro Ixi in �` '�!'{S� '�� � <br /> .,.��, *: eHect.and tl�e provi:iom of Uniform Covonant 17 af the Socudty Inshument ehdi inatad 6o in effact,aa followe: "u'��!:1� � '�;z--. <br /> .-i_- ;�A 2 rii >�. . <br />. - - ` �':1T- T�yada ot Ihe Prope+ty or e Baieficlsl Intemt ln[tomower.lf�II or any part af the Property or any interant in it ie �,,�'•,';`,,,-;�-�'._.�. <br /> r����y eold or ma+ferrcd(or if s beoefieial iatereat in Borrower i�sold or tmmferad end Dortowu i�not a netmsl peason)without '-.,��^ • � e-,--� <br /> --`t.i'"•.' Lendu's prior wrinee conunt.Lender mey,at lla apHon.mqulro immediete p�ytnanl in full of dl ww secured by Wa �� ;;}i�ti�� , <br /> i tj Secudty IastmmeaL However,thie option ahall not ba ezercisad by Lender if exercise ii pmhibited by fedual Isw ae of Wa ;,+•`-�' � i .� <br /> as <br /> < .-�' date of thi�Setudry IusWment. i,. � r <br /> t7.� i <br /> � . � =i; if I.eoda uerciFea thl�option,l.eader shnll give Bortower notiee of�aelention.The notice ehall provido a pedod of I <br />-;-.,•y1EE�;' not Iw tLeo 30 dayi trom the dnta the nutice ia ddiverad or meiled wilhio which Borrower must psy all sum+sxwed by r . <br /> - t6fa Secudry InatnuoeN. lf Oottowar felb to pey tAese wm�prior to IAe espiretion of Ihie periad.L.ender may invoke eny i , -� ' _ - <br /> .*.;�1L,� remediea permined by ihla Securiq Imtmment wiWout further notice or demaod on Dormwer. � _ <br /> :� ` j:.;+, <br /> �Sy���- ar BY SJGNMG DfiIAW,Boirower eaepts end agrece ro Uie mmu aod covemnta contained in�hia Adjusuble Riro <br /> Rldu. <br /> .:1��.:1.� . <br /> �1.,.� <br /> ' _-1 /\ <br /> t �StAI� /�T ��0�1 L�� � <br /> � ! . -8o'mwcr DENi R 6 � Borro�ver <br /> _ .;,y�: <br /> _-_*�V.,=,;';j, cseal) � �1")/�/ . �. L i(l_'L tt �cseal) <br /> :.,-�. .�_�y -Bormwer W1AY D ffi9ER0 �'�Bortowcr <br /> - v <br /> •.',i_. <br /> ';t <br /> _j.'�4:a���: <br /> { Yr` <br /> , I . <br /> r <br /> ) .. __ —_—_ _ ._ .. . _ . _ _ .—. _ <br />