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IIPIBRESP RA7�AND MON14lLY PAY11ffi�ti'CBAN(iI:B ' � ' a, °. <br /> .����.'��''� 7fieNoteprovldaforanlnthlintarwtnteol �•600p;,qyeNotepmvldat6ecbaogaaUtLorQ�usttbIolNqNtr�te ' � � s' <br /> _;"''` �nd �emootWYP�Ymeou.wfollovn: ' �:,;i;' <br /> :'.-. — <br /> �,'��r�� 4. AD7U6fABLE fNiBRPSf RA'f'E AND MONI'fILY PAYR�ff CBANtiPB <br /> " fA)WwYeDake� ,' � <br /> �:,z�.v,`;�� �eaq�wnbleiote[estmtelwlUpnY�Y�BeontheMtdeyotJOND ,199a .�adoat5�tdry <br /> -„1<=;S�:' evory 12t6 month t6etalter. B�eL d�te on whicb my�djuatable iatesest ate 000ld oLange is cWled s'ChacgeD�te.o <br /> 2�r�b�t; (B)7Le kQa . __ <br /> _..,,��;sn,; gegtyniqg with tbp 6nt�age D�te.mY utjusuble latercat nte wlil6e bued oa m Index. 7Le'Iade�c bme wedctY - . <br /> TYT%t k�'}� {VCI�OyIDIA00UWI0OSI�IQ7�IT[iRTyOCQ1IIGWY�BFC�IOiCONaLt�CWICr�l�Ifwali),ta�:s.L':�bi•� - <br /> ,, , 1�� I+eGenl Raservo Baad. 'Eae most«ceat Iodax Aguro�vaiLDle u of ine date 4S day+Detora wrfi ChuBo D�k4 caUed tSe ; <br />.;,{kyt;at'•� 'Q�entlndmc.' - <br /> ._ ,_Y<a:.t Itthe Index le m longer avdhble.�ho Note Holdar will chaose�eew index�hat b Macd upon oompuable iofomiWon. <br />'"'�'?!;;+i3i� The Note HolderwN glve me coNce ot tW�cholce. <br /> .:` ,<�;;t:'� (l,7 Glailatlon otChwga <br />' :`�;:),: .cfj?. pofore e+ch CLange Due,tLe Nato Noldar wlll plcu�te a new I¢tereat nro by adding a•780 peroennge polats <br /> 1�..,>�,: <br /> :irk,(- r.�„ <br /> =::Ui�y>l.:tr;� (9.7e0 f�)to the C4rrent Index.7fie Noro Holder wlll theu rouad the cesult of thle addidon W the uarwt — <br /> ',`.�:�f.j�;':;: ouo-elghth of om percenuge point(0.1238). SLbJat ro We Umtta eteted iu cadon 4(D)holow.thls�ouuded�mount _. . <br /> , { �� wlll bo my new I�temat nte unHl�ho uoxt Chaoge Diro. <br /> '� z4`b�. 1Le Note Holda will�6en dao�mina the�mount of tLe monthly paymeot Wat xrould be�ufflcknt to repay me unqid -- <br /> �t. na - <br />„•..,�r�>f�s:ns P��p��t I�m expectod to owo at the(Lnnge Deto in fu11 on the mntudry dete et my aaw inlc[est nto in w y _ , <br /> n�1ir.. eqwl ptyments. 11e�esult of t61e ulwLlion wlll6e the naw�mount of mY moot6lY pnYment. _. <br /> - 5�'f*� (���.�CII�!OO 111�R'G11 RB�Q Cb411$Pd � � <br /> r"'"�E,s"�' '[tie inroreat nro I�oo uirod to at t6e fhct e Daro wN oot Le ter�6m %or leee�h�o �° <br /> �, ._ � roq pey CMng Src+ 6.e0D _ <br /> t+ Y;����� 7.E00%.TLetuftor,my adJmuble in�emst raro will never be increaxd or dacroased ou eny elagle Cvaoge Drte by mora <br /> i'lf�{q� 1h�o a'x0 pereeamge polnta( 9. Ai)from the rate of iolerut I hnve 6een paylog for the Prooeding <br /> 'P=�„ <br />�.<yl:�,,,i;._�, lwetve months.My interest rete will novor he greater then IO.00D fd,vfikh ia cetlad the'Meximum ta --� <br /> + (L�EfhNtva Date of CAengea <br /> �}�>>'� My new interost rate wlll bxomo effxaivo 0o eeeb Chaoge Data I will pay the amount ot my oew moatbly p�yIDent =_ <br /> beglaning on Ifie flrst monLUy payment daro attu the Chmge Da�e unfil�ha umunt of my montfily pnyment eh�eges - .. <br /> -- -,:r�:'i'l;: _ <br /> -( . i 1.� 98VD. `. <br /> (f�Notla of Chengea ■��- <br /> �,-�t,�!{� 1Le Note Holder wlll daliver or mail to me�ndtce of aoy eAangca io my�djustable iotueat nte ead the�mount of F`� <br /> - _ "--�"!^ my monthiy paymeat befom the eftativa date of eny ehenge.7Te notica will inelude infomurion requirzd by I�w to be °�� <br />'�:`:�''�_:?�a glven me and also the Nqa and�elephone number of e person who wfll mswer any questlons 1 mey hsve regudiog the F- <br /> � ' � i �otICO. j ": <br /> -�-.�. 6.FO�D a17'FdtESf RATE OYlfON � <br />'..-�,r==...�`-�' 7Le Note providea fot tho Borrower'a opHon to wnvert from�o edjuttable intetest wte wit6 intereat Iate Iimiv to w �,-. <br /> .- • fixad intorest nro�a+fol)owa: �:-�. <br /> -'�-?"•�-�•'� S.FDCL+DQPI'FAtESI'RATECONVERSIONOPI'ION ���� <br />- _r::,:.:"•-_ <br /> (A)Optloo to Convert ro Elxed Rete - <br /> - -- I havo a Coovusion Option t6at I can exucisa udess I em in deLull or Ihie Sation 5(A)will not permit me lo do w. �': <br /> 'Iha'Conventon Option'is my option m�anven�6e iuter�t nte 1 xm rcquixd to pay by thi�Note 6om m adjuttable �+-,�. <br /> .,����'�?^,•}`,� �ete with iniw�t rete liailb to 16e fixed rcro wlculated undu Safion S(B)6elow. F` <br /> ` '�� � The convefsion ean ody teke pl�w on�date(q cpetifled by the NWe Holder during 16e period begiming on�6e firti ��� <br />:.., �; <.:.� = <br /> CLavgo D�te md eading oo the fiRA Chmge Daro.Eaeh dete on which my adjusteFle interost rero can coovut m�Le raw <br />--- - `� fixed rate la callod�ho'Coovcrslon Date.' ' <br /> ``�' f <br /> rr,.y:.:.:. <br />. ��'r�_i.,f�._ f <br /> .:�;i:jNi���� � <br /> -!:_`i`-.��i-; rM.773�ATECONVFR7I0L6AD1tIS�A6L6M78P1�FR- a4�NF�miIY' IYurTrcawry4d�x- F�mb�L�VaVOrm4un�m E. <br />�.q- -' .-.i. NMPL311lA92 Fam71181/89 - <br /> >>=, <br /> �1.':.v • <br />