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, . <br /> ..� -xl ,�i". � �M.Jd L'.a ♦t-tr,�., •�v_as• : _ ��1. ..l:..c <br /> - � ��� ]l:::3i4' -`'�: _ " ' _ ___ —_ <br /> t f� t.w '. . � .. _ _. <br /> f� � . . —_—____- <br /> �@.Bonor:aYe Atph!to RUnstatv. tl Bortower m¢cu a�eon�tons,Borto�ve�heA hsre ihe rtpM to�ev��torornEnl �� — <br /> " ;,''��'. 8eiontNuetl�t rny time pda to Ne euea oE h)e dryo(a auch oMw pxba u�pWa6le law rray epe�Ay ta rW+taum�n�eHpii dwp. - �� <br />--. .:,_ � :_� , <br /> ----- <br />�i: T,i.. . � . <br /> ,' '-�fr - ' ol th.Roperly W�u�nl ta anr aoww o/W+ aonuYiw N wt &wrlpr Inivummi� m(D) anVY ot.pd�i�nbrdnp IA� Biwtlry ' . <br /> -�'" � IneULm�l.Tha»�a�NNme en IM�Boerew�(a)qy�Lvitlr U tum�wNM Nln wouid E�du1 unda Nq BaaurJy UiWma11 a�d the ,, � <br /> t,�r:� NoU�t Y no�aYx�tlon Md oawrt+G N)aun��ny dNwR ot�nY Whx oovewil a�{;nwentx (0) DW6 U e7�ntei Inwrtd L� ; . ._..- _.. <br />-�;=h:-'=:,. eniorcNy ws a�amry Inawmm4 hcLmn� b,� nm imtad ta ra�anatH attams,r�' fo:a; arid t� irxes we� eaan e� l�dy miY . - . __ . .. <br /> t�, ( ruamHEy raqu4e to�swre tM1 N�len ot We 8wmay Intwmmt UnANe Aqhu In tlw ProWb snd OaranW�obOp�tlai to Ny Ih� . <br /> ° � wma �canad NH 8earlly InaWmmt nAU con�hue unchengc0. Upon rel��ta�anenl b/ Bartowa, Nla BawAy InsUwnant NO tlie <br /> r `r�� obly�ibn�b�our�d �llnDy 6ha9 rMf1Y1 N4y dtwlNe�0 M no�ooMx�tlon htd ooNrted Haxavn,tAl��yAt ro rein��te 6TY not rppy h <br /> � � �� Ne teee ol aOOdLV�tlon undEr pEN�pll 17. __ <br /> f' j�1 4.�7?' 18.6aI�of Noh; C11N��Ot 1.of0 B�rvialr. 11�a Nota a n W� htaoel In tho Nob Oopelha rAlh We Bawr{W - -.. -_°. -.-.. <br /> � � InsWmenp mty be sotd one a maa tlmes wAhout pbr notbe to Barown. A eale mq reauR h e ehenpa N tAe�nitP/paiavn��N� <br /> �=�� �-�?s;,� •Wm BeMOer'�Nal eo0ada monthy Deymanu dua wda 1M Note end NN 8tadry IntWment. Thora�so mry Ee one or moro dunyae _ <br /> y.,':.Y y:t-.':� <br /> _.,,;�ir.;�v�=.- ol ihe Loen BaM.oar unrdated to e We of a�Notn H ihtte b�elunpa ol the Wm 8uvlar. Bofrower x�he gNen v+rinen noUa ol Ne __ <br />-�"'�"t•'^•;"': eMn e N aoaaMnee wflh pengnAh 7I�bovo end eDW�e Inw. Tho notloe wm aWe Iha nem�end adEresf ol Na nmv Loan Bavla► ---- <br />-,q,t..�,;..;�. 9 �.. <br /> , �� �Sa. d tAa nddrosa W wAkh P�ta�hould be made. 'Ilie noYee v�Wo comeN eny oNer WomuLOn reQU4ed 6y appOcoNe Inv. �'�-___ ._ _ ._.-_�-_ <br /> i�7y f'. Z0. HiZYdOUS BubttanCYt. Bortwrar Wf not eeuae w D� Na qnenes, use, dlspoaal, ttorepa. ar rCease ol anY <br /> ir€;� `�-�i w�bLMWCea m or In Ae Ro�e+y. Bortmrer�haG not do,nw eww enyone elfe a da anyNYp etleellnq tha Propmfy tNt la N v�:� __ <br /> + � „�'y ktlon ol enY��me^tel uw. fie preudn9 Nro imtenoea ehsA nol eppy to Ne Dresenee,une,ar etaa90 on tha Prop¢Ay d smf11 i?i� . __ <br /> ,�fa'f.-��� �u�nWee ol Hewdoue 8ubnuneea thet are B��Y�eeo�i[etl to ba epPropleta ro namal rosidontlel uaes enC a mUntmence ol the {.11 ` .. - . <br /> 1 `Aopay. k� �t _ <br /> t ±;� Bortaver anaE prompty pNe leatlw vrtfttm eotlae of erc/hrvostqetlon, Ga�m Gm�endHwaull or mher ac9on b/any poYemmmW or ' F � ���---� <br /> ' �.. �repuktuY e9en�Y a P�1nte DeM NvoNh9�e Ro .. <br /> '� peAy md eny Hezerdoue 8ubslanoe a EnHromimfN taw ot whkh Bortuwer ha��eNd 1 ;w $ _�._:_ <br /> -��-:'' Wlawledy& II Bortower leam4 or b no1111ad bY eiry govMiunenlel a rt9u�elory authotLy. ihat ury temoval a oNer femednllon ot a�ry --'�.� r —T <br /> 4..,�s.��:��i� �1� 4 1t.-T. ,. <br /> - , Hue,doue Bubstenee eXatln9 1he Poopeny q neeesaery, Bonower�ha0 prompYy hke d necessery remedal aetione In eaordanca vrXh t��Eti f� -" <br /> � �''� EnWaunenta�lew. "c�: i!�ra �.--=. <br /> =�.id%:';1�.L`.: �U used N thb peragap� 20. 'Flaurdoue 8u6stenee�' ero Nwe eubstenem 08Med �s twdo or heardous wWtance� by ��',:�n`�.��,;.�5;,�;:�au.::. <br /> a.. �:r:,h..;� �S"'�:r,`'_ <br /> „- .; L �.,;i Env4onmenMf law and ihe foYOwln9 6ubsWeea: yasoGne. kerosena otha Ilamneble a toxla peValwm produUe,todo pestictd�� enA _t��t',�s��4(;;;�- <br /> ¢�;;_"r'r. V� . <br /> - ---1'� ` hOtbIdA07. YONIiB 60HC111l. f110tGfW7 COIIkNt18 �ib05108 Of 10fmddGhyOB. Nd RGqldMO m11C1911 A! V62d YI MI� 09R�Dh z0{ � I�Y ',Nl.-. <br /> •Enwonmenta� te+v meuu tederu� wn ana �am o� tne jur�adkeon whera me Ropeny U wcated tnet reli�e to heMn. adery a -`:tv tq��io�j`�-�.'_- <br /> ��.r -:; _ -r. .. <br /> ,� ' r ��313r.. <br /> �� 'p'- em4onmenfal proleclloa -+: t � y��y,_�. <br /> � !Fj Y�S NON•UNIFORM CAVENANf& Bortmrnend Lmda Nrlher wrmonl end e�ee ea bEOVn: �� f��{`�i��* •_ <br /> -� ,v�>��:�:• 21. Aooaleratlon; iiemediea lender ehall give notloe to Borrowe� prlor to aoaeleratlon following �},," �� }.g._,' <br /> , .,i� , rs 4 i !�'`•�:�'�::'�_" - -- <br /> tf' °`;,.-'t�; Borrower's breaoh of eny covanaat or egreemant in thia Beourity Inalrument (hut not prior to e¢aetontion , la�,,,,,4�iyj:;_�,_. <br /> � , --�:�- undar pmgraph 17 uniase �pptica6fe lav. peuritioe oik'v�.:iae). Tha notlt6 ebtll oYoelSy: (a) ths �Ole:tlt {} - 't °' - <br /> - ,`j S ifr� Y:i:- <br /> '.�s + -:+f (b) the soNon required to oure ths dettulh (o) e dote, not less th9n SO deya irom tho date tha noUee le lf�� � �,�r,�� _ <br /> � t� a,�;,�� plven to Borrower, by whtoh the detnult muat 6e oured; and (� ihat Wlure to oure the deteuR on or t ;��� �,r `�� <br /> betore lAe date epeoifled In the nottco may rosuN tn acceleration of tAS suma seonred hy thie 8aou+ity �-7, e„�.. _� <br /> * ?,`�y InahumoM and aele oi the Property. The notiw ehall turther Intorm BorrowoT o}the Aght to raln&tpte titor `�+-, Y;{�k�{UZ,m ::. <br /> + �-' "� ecoeleration and tha Aght to bring a oourt aotlon to asaert the non-oxiatenca ot e dofeuk or any other --• t 7<f�}�r -� ,_ <br />.y.,:�,�.:;::�;. detenea ot Borrower to accelereNon end eate. If tho default Is no! oured on or hefora the date epaclflad j 3...,:=-.��_ <br /> ��; In the notice, Lendor at tie optlon may require Immedlate payment in fu11 oi ell euma aeaured by thte � a '��;� "-r <br /> '"' 8eou8ly Instrument without turther damand end moy invoke the power of aele and cny othe� remedtea 1,l�t�s� t � <br /> � _f`: <br /> � permlfted by applicabte lew. Lender ahall be antitled to oolleat all expensae Incurred In pureutng the , rS .° <br /> ' ---1��6 remadiea provlded In thia paragrapb 21, Inctuding, but not Ilmited to, reaeonable a@orneys' tees end ooate .� ' '-;5�i <br /> t -< < %�`, ot litle evldsnce. - _�. r . �.: <br /> , I}tha powor of sala te Invoked, Truateo ahell record e notice o} deteuR In eaoh county In which any }�, - 'J�", <br /> ' 1 � ��' paR of tho P�operty la loaetod and shell meil coplea of suob notics In the manner preem�bed by epplicable `; t ��+; ' ' ;, <br /> ,...,; ,��.�it;;C law to Bonower and to the other pereone prescrl6od by tppilcable lew. AHer the Nmo rnqutred by -,: f,,�' �+, '� ` <br /> - '����+'���}�^ eppliceb�e Iaw, Truatea ahall plvo publl¢ notico of sale to fhe porsons and In tho mennor praecri6ed by ��', �-� °E;��_'-'�`••�� <br /> ��'�ft���'f�' e Iloable law. Truetao, without domand on Borrowor, ahall sell the Pro o et uL11c euctlon to tNe "'��i7`."<=� <br /> - `: � y„A5 .� p� A MD P .r �S:,l.•i;.-''': <br /> ° {i,V; hlgheet bidder et iha time and place and undor the torma doslgnated In tho notice of ant¢ In one or more � � � �s � _ <br /> � - ci" paroele and �n any order Trusteo dateTminas. Truatao mey poatpone eale of all or eny percol ef tho � 3;� <br /> -}'�--"'-�<;��?i��` Properry by publlo ennouncamont at the timo and placo of any pravlousy achedulad eele. Londer or ite ,�.• �:_•.�i:�_�.',.��� <br /> i' � <br /> c(:��=:',;.\�;�'%���� dealgneo may pmohesa the Proporty at any ealo. '� `��-!j •� _ <br /> .;;,:�y�;"-�. - Upon receipt of paymont of the price 61d, Truatea ehell doliver to the purchasor Truetoe's deed �` -. � - �� - <br />� •- oonveying the P�operiy. Tho �ocitela In the Truatoo's doed ehall be prima faclo evidenco ot the trulh of _ <br /> � ��� the etetomante mado theroln. T�uetee ahall apply tho proceeda of tha ealo In the tollowing ordor: (e)to all • <br /> �•i�', .�:";.% coste and expenses of axarclaing tha powar of ealo, and tho sele, Including tha payment ot the Truetee'e � <br /> ���- feea actually Incunod, not to oxcood 3 % of the princlpal amount o}the note at tho time oi the � <br /> - ���,`""` doderation o} de}auit, end reasonabte eRO�ne s teos ae ormitted b tew; b to eIl sume eecu�ad thle <br /> ':.'.•t,;^.. Y� P Y ( ) bP <br /> �,,:,::.�,-..: Socurity Inatrument; end (c) any excosa to the pareon or parsone lagally enHtted to It. � - � <br />� _'%-!�"�,'t 22. Raconveyance. Upon peymem oi ee sums sewre0 by thie Seariry tnswment �wer nmu requeat imstea�o recomey the <br /> -' !; Propary end shae surtmder thie Security InsWmmt end ell notee eridrndng GeDI sewutl by INs Security Inslrumml to Trvstee Tfunte¢ _ <br /> ? ;� �' ' shetl noonvey tho 7ropery wllhoul wertanq enE wMON che�ge to the pttson or pereme iepalty mtitled to tl. Such peraon a pertms ehe9 <br /> :i,J�:�p:; Pay�ny�ecorMUOnwnla. <br /> 23. SubBtltut0 Truet00. Lmder, et its op�on. may trom Wne �o llme renwre 7rusta and eppdnt e succeasor bustee�o any <br /> ;"��.'-. -�-" Trutlea eppoNled hereunAer by un InsWmml recmtletl h tha couny in wMM Nia Securiy IncWmenl b recaEed. Withoul canvepnce ol <br /> y__•__ '�___, Ihe Rope+y,tuccessor buntee aMY suceeed�o a7 I�e Wo.D��end Luues wnlerted upon Tms�ee haMn end 6y eppliw6le la+�. • <br /> � . 24. ROqu08!tOf NotiCee. Bortower requesls th�l copies ol�he nouces ol tlHautl en0 nalo be am1 to Bonowers edEr¢is which <br /> :r. � b t�a Properly Addreee. <br /> �+-' '�� `, ���� 26. Rldare to thla Socurity Inatrumont n me or mora �aen are exean¢d by Bo'rown end rec«aea �oqnher nan tnis <br /> 8etutly InsWmmt, t�e corm9nte Nd egreements ol eath such rWer tha� be intqporoled NIO and a�eG ammE and �aOP��� 1ha <br /> - awencntf anE agreements ol this SewMy Ins4vmm�as N Iha rlAer(a)wtt�o pan ol lhq Securiry InalNrtunt. - <br /> _�. <br />_ ir.. =i <br /> �- S��'. .�� P�Qe�al! ipm](Ijp 9fr'r <br /> �`�.J)��•� -�]� FlOAA)AOIK]i <br /> .,e.r : > �o <br /> l' 1 <br /> .._-s?..._ . <br /> �.' . �, ' inerFi-w I <br /> ' •�i ` <br /> �1�-�' . _ . _ _ ___ - <br />