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�l'Ie �� � . � � , iY ,- 1 <br /> _ : '. . : :,.. ,, ._ <br /> __R� ' 7,i+�p{sq$atE�f�efidiYffli�l+bintfiri7opirl�r ^Itearm�vrobsoprioimth�atwKUntf�nsf�+m+loq�i4.Nh� �_.- ---- _ _-- <br /> � 1M�4tax;�/��Werxn4 6r Nr�If��.Wa+'+an01M1 isti�11���I�Net lanEir'r h�tt k ih�RoCrb(tudh u 4 aoa�np ts, n <br /> "' G�k�M�S.P'�4R�e la dontl��ton k 1ahq�N a4o�ntOfa k�ys a n�uYtiani)�SAM ll,ilM1 qµy d0�ndpql fa��4I1tt,ryM b���lIE ' , <br /> - — _..- --;o prouct y._vtlu.ot tA.Prop� 4�i���qnu„tnr vroaMb• tanar'.j1e4en.mtv weWa•v4�4i�nr nep�e�aK�a ; ,'�: <br /> � .= . x76o�M�OK9„N oYw tli!i BFaGpr IiisiNmP11,WD[�NO h S�G PNn7 iiitand#��Hcmij�d tei's-fnd�nur.ip.en�ir i,c�zY iu f.�,+ ..- . <br /> - _ fl�PJd, /1A1191M�1_I 191A..�M11f'/1lk1 lCBdf{181M Nb P�9����LNldf dON f10!MY�t0 E7•i0. . -'� ' • .. _. .. . <br /> ------- anp unount•awunw Eq unaw unair wo o+��t du!bwwra aaa�dnal a:5s a aarawer eeauaa AY Nu Biauly In�GNiryit� - � <br /> � UNns Bortax�t�n6 Uriar�gn to oIDr I�me ot psyman6 U�e�s rnounts aM10nr Int�ril tam tA�dd�of m�bunrrw0 B tiill NaU!+'. . <br /> 3'—` rUO md�AF���P+Y+D�h wlh Inta�L upon naUcs hwn lhEa m Bmowa rtqunUnp prymmt � <br /> �� In�HUnmR 0 wer eMA WY N�D��um��o mWt�N�mMy�p�heurmw H M�e. ,u�lor wqi rKton.�rtotlq hii�� <br /> "' oovaa9�tpW�O Ey tbntlw YP�x a ana to b�In Ml�d.Burrwnr�n�!pq�M premlum�nQUlrcd lo obts5i ooreraW eubit4�� ` -----�.._.. . _. <br /> :..._� i.' �dtWnt to ths mwtp�p�fnartuis�prMousy N M�tl.�l�w�t euE�I�nWy ptM�Nnt to N�oop lo Bottaww ot N�nwtlq�p0 hwmq� <br /> ,�n 3 (YNI01)fIJ{'1�II�Gf.tr0111 YI In1fI1lH N011Q1Q�tlbWll��IOV/4�Y �lIIdOR d 64biWlWjl«M/1AWI[IIIGIQI�NWMC�OOYII�Y��i 1101 ; �. <br /> �Ss�� �vWEU, 8onowx ehU Wy co Landw wch mon�h � aon puU to anstwMM ot N�ywpr mon9�yo Yauneee D�M�m bYnO D��Y <br /> �-� � -Bararx wti�n ihe Neurmu oovereye IWaeO or ceoaM to E�N eAacL Lender w7 aooepi, uae mA reuN t�ase pqmenu�e�b�a- <br />�.,__-r„i� mxw N Iw o1 maty�ye Nsuruwe. Wss iesave pryrnents iny no lonpa De raquYeO,�t N�oD�n ol lmdv, B mwty�p�Yuwrine� <br /> � ' oordepe(h Ne emoimt end la tha p.rb0 fApt knda requ4ea)proNdW by m Wurer�ppmvod by Lender�WN beeomea�rWbb o'nU Ii ,_ .._ ._._.._._ <br /> ,x;�� oDWnb. Bortowr �ha1 pry tho predumf raquYatl W m�NWn moRpi9a Y�auranw N effed, a to praMde � laae ns�rA wU th� <br /> ='"'„+n:j,; requ4nnmt(or mortpape IneuMOe mG N�000rdenee wGh�ny xiftten iQeemmt hetwem Oorroxa and LenE�v or�ppluDle 4w. - . <br /> _��,`�C:F_r:-,i 8.tnsp�otion. LenCa a ile eyent mty meke reasontDN anWa upon md Nspactlma ol the Ropaq�. Lmda OhU pNe Bortowa <br /> .�:,;1;,i;�a`,� notice U TAe tlme ol a qbr to en Ntpedbn apedpMB raaon�hle cew�tor Ne Nspedbn. <br /> �° `���°:;'� � 10.C011d1tnrt�tlon. The poceed� ot �ny �ward ar daYO (or dm�yw, mrect a oonaequmlYl, N oonnectlon wAh ury _ <br />- �`-;j?i'i;�;": 07 oondamn�tlan or olAa WMg ol�ny pvl of tAe Property,or tor eonvey+nee in Iw of oondannNbn,ue herehy aasqnad�nd�NI Oe pW <br /> r�'i_ W LenEe. <br /> '"'� In tAs event ol�totsl 1Wig of the PropeAy,the proaaAa ehe0 6o tpp0ed W Iho �umf soauea�y I�b Secudry InawmmR whelha w -°'--`-� <br /> `��`�'� not lhen Qu0.wMh e'ry exeeaa p�ld to Barower. In 1M ermt ol a parlW L1dn9 01 t�o Propay N whleh tha hY mukel rW e ol Ne Wopay <br /> r`l�'�j?S� hmedletey before Ne WMg b equd to or grealer tTen Ne emount ol Ne eumi tecurad by lh4 8eeudly Insuumenl Ymiadl�tey bMoro Ns �-_..-- <br /> q _��; WOng,uNatn Bovower end lender olhwAao�Qee In winhg,the numf aecured by thA�8ewrity NsWment ehe7 ba retluead by Iha emount - <br /> ?,_, ;' ol Ne proweda multlp9ed by Ne to[orMg hectlm: (e)Ne IoW unount ot Ne eume eecured Ynnsd.��ey 6eW�e Ihe IeWny, cN18nd 6y(b)1he _ <br /> --,'�.t.�..1�r�. te4 meAwt vaNe of Ihe RopMy 4nmed�le7y belore the Lldng.My bebnce etul 6e pelO to Bomwa. In Ihe erent ol e paritN U1dnp of the [+�:.„_,,,.�: <br /> -"%y1,:4< `�V�- . <br /> r j .;- PropMy N whlch tho telr muket vaNe ol the Propray Nmedlatey betoro Ne teitq la lase Ihen the emount ol No eums iec¢ed Ynna�etdy mt ___ <br /> 6etore the teWng,uMOee Borraxor and lender oNervASe agrea h rrrlWy a unleaf appEeabU lew olhenWte proride�,tha proceedf aM7 6a ��e; y <br /> �3{??� �f=�1 ..-. <br /> epp�ed to Ne eum�newreA by this 8eaftty IneWment whether a not Ne eumf ine then dua <br /> �� � J;h# II the Ropaly le abenAOnad 6y Boirwier,a N,aRer notlea by 4mder to Barawor thet Ne eondmuia one�e to meka an avrerd a eeNa x . , �y— <br /> e j�x�. !. s delm la damegea.Bonpwa feAa to res nd lo lenGtt wlthN�0 de eller the Aate�ha nollae b��en,LmOer le euThalted to eaAect end '���+ ` <br /> . � ,. � {� N �•Ln( ,?r '. - <br /> �ppy Me prooeade,et Ile optlon� e11�r ta realoratlon a rePeV W the Roperry a to t�e rvme aetuted by Wf BecuMy NaLUmmt,whethcr ��fi L,`,r5.._-_.. <br /> , �3; �„` or n Udeaa L�ender en0 Bortower othawlae agree N w�INg, em/eppGOatlon of proceetla to prNdpel ahe0 nW mamd a pontpone�he due 1�ay+��' • <br /> � <br /> c__ >� a dele o�Me monihy Peymanit tefertad to In pertWaPha 1 md 2 a ohan0e the amaunt ot weh peymmte. �r}r fS}f�R} <br /> �,��+- 11. Borrowar Not Netenaod: Forbearanae By Lander Not e Watver. extenewn of u�e ume fu paymcnt a f,•H��, ���j� _ <br /> 'i�?}�f1+� mooMOeuon o�emor�euon 011hB 8V1110 6BWfBG by lllb EEp1Aly N6tNlllplf 8R01lA by 1E11dN LO Ny 6UOCOSSOt Ifl IIII¢f03[ 01 BOtlOWN 6h01 ;�,�.•�, P+�„r.< <br /> , :. <br /> ?„�,�_ r nat operata to release the[ebCiry ol the orlq4W Bortavtt or Baroweh �ueeeswra In N�aest. Londer�he!not De requ4M lo ammeneo :',:�1,, . <br /> } r xs j. : <br /> ,.:i�:5, proeeedN9a egaNri eiry sua»aor In Nteroat a refuse to extend Ume lor dy '+'': h�S}�� <br /> paymenl or olhciwlse mod amoNretlon ol t�s aumf eeared by -' <br /> -- 3 " Nb BewAy InaWmm� by«eson ol eny demand mnde hy Ne aAglnel Bortowu or 0ortmrefa suoeoaaore h IntareaL My labearence by -�`t;tf ,}�F�' .• <br /> ��ff-�.� ? Lendcf h exerdsing eny Aght or remedy e�aA nol be e weNer ol a predude t�e ezerdte ol�ny Aght or�em¢Q�. �t�._� �„Er,r <br /> r�r�€; 12. Suooeasore end Aasigne Bound; Joint end Beveral Wabllity; Casignere. rno eovenanro ena e�eemenu m � : �' �j�ks � <br /> , <br /> ' `,.,t. this BawrNy InaWmont ehel bind end benefrt 1he eueoestoro enE asaqns ol lander end Bortorrcr, aubJed b lhe ptarisioro ol�wagisph �y?�r t� �ttkf <br /> ..� , rF, 17. Bortaxer's oovmente end n9reemenb nlul be �Olnt en0 �weral My Bartaver wha eo•dpie thla SeartRy IneWment bul doea not .•z3 , Z -: <br /> � �)_F, exewle the Nole: (e)le eo-tlpnNg ihU BewrXy NsWmenl onN b rtwnqaye. ymL and wmey 1Mt BovowK�6ntereal h the Prapeny unOer 'sj� i ,k,f_. <br /> � - - -. Ne tmne ol thla 8awrlry InnWmenh(b)�a not pereonaCy obliqalad to pay the wn�s eewred by Nb 8eadly InsWmenC end(o)agreoa ih�t aai�'�� >;ty� , <br /> 3 ,�- � lender end erry oNer Borrarer may agree to mnmtl. matlly,tabeer a make eiry a000mmodalbne wilh reqvd to terme ot thie BeaAry -�Sj � > 4;� {� • <br /> �+�J�°s',`� N�Wment or the No�e wlthout fhat Bmrowere eonaont '.,`t�,S6rr�3�a ' <br /> � r�' � 19. Loan Chargae. x me ian aea�ed hy fhb BeaiM/Inawment u sWJM to e law whloh aeta mnWn�m loen clwgea,entl thel �x,s,�i <br /> -.-- t..ri kw la 6naCy NleryreleA ao thet tha Ntereat a olh¢r ben ehuqee a0ttted or to be eoLeded in eonnedbn wllh the ban m�eeed Ne �+F`��;� i ;- <br /> :s -,� pertnillM WrAe,then; (a)airy�ueh loen eherge�ehau ba reduud by the emouM neaaaary to reduea t�e Gwge to the petmllted WM end -',�s r � <br /> �-•�'..'-�:i; (b) any wme e4eetly coAedM hom Borrower whieh exceeAeO O�IIIM NnNe wi be relun0etl to Bortower. Lendtt may choose to meka :`:.t,.,:;>�''_,_-. <br /> =���"'`.} tnU retund by redudng ihe qNdpel oweA under Ne Nole or by meldng e dvea peymmt 10 Bonaxer. 11 a relund reduees pNdpel, Ihe <i" .,� �- <br /> -� .t ..- redudlon wm be Vealed se e pulial prepeyment wilM1OUI r ���k' � <br /> ." ury p epeymenl Wrge undar ihn Nole. � ;.-. <br /> :".r"=,'.��:'� 74. NOtIQ68. MY notlee to Bortower proNded lor In 1Nf 3uaAly InsWment�haG be ghen bY tleirMn9 0 or by m�Sn9 it M'Nst '-�>.::�%i�,�,.:. <br /> •"'"-•`� tlees me0 unle6e epp�C961e lew r8quY8!u6e ol enolhet melhotl. Tho noUCa eheA be Gueded to NB Propeny Addrena u eny oNer nddrcss <br /> -- !� Borrower deaipnat¢a Dy notlw to lmEa. My notiee lo Lender s�e0 M gFrm Ey first da�s met to Lentler�eCd�oaa nteted�erein or e�ry <br /> ° olher aEOrese Lendtt Ecslgntlae by no0ee to Bonower. My noYee povided lor In IMS SeatlN Inawmmt nM0 be OeemeU to have Deen ��� -i-� <br /> � qrm to Bortower or Lendtt when 9Nmpe6 proritletl In IhU perapePh. ` . <br /> 16. Uovorning Lew; SOVO�eblllty. Thla 8ewdry InsWment e�all 6e govemed by IeEeral law en0 ihe law of Ihe JurisOlttlon N t _ • - <br /> � which Ihe Property b lowted �n the evml Ih�t eiry proMSion or deuse ol thie Securty Incwmmt or the Nole wnllGS with eppEeeble law. _ ' - <br /> %��!fi��: eueh con111e1 shel nol aXect olher p'orisione ol thls Sew�iy Inetrumenl or iha Nole whlch wn be qNm elleci wllhoN Ne eonNcWy ` <br /> = - prorialon. To ihia md ihe p�oriabne ol lhia Securiy InSWm¢nl entl Ihe Nole u�dedued Io be sernu6le. <br />�"��,.:,`y�iG•�.° 18. BOrrowePe Copy. Bortaxer sh�0 be ghen one conlormeC wpy ol lhe Nola entl W thb 3ecurdy InaLUment. - <br /> .���-?`���� �;: 17. Tranafor of tho Property or e Bonoflelel Intorest In eorrowor. n en«e�y Pan d me RoPmy or vy m�erese h • <br /> - '�'"°�"''i' 11 le soltl or trensfertotl (ar X e 6ene6del intttest In Bortaver la sold w venslerted end Barower b nol e reN21 pereon) w11hoW Lmdere � <br /> !���+��:��� pdor wAllm Wnaent. Lentler mey, el II! oplbn,requ4e YnmeOl�le peymenl In NG o/eA sumf seareC by ihn Secu�ily inshumenl. Horrartt. � <br /> -���^!r-•'.� Nh opLOn thaA not be exerdsed by lentler M exertlsa b pmhl011ed Cy IeAe�el 4w ea ol the Eele o11hi�3edMry InnWmmt. . <br /> �%�';��"- ^- II LmEM exMdsee Ihie oplion. lmtler nMl 9Ne Bartower noelce ol eocele'ellon.The noUce�heU provWO a Deilod of not ksa tnan JO <br /> ��' ��� �;�,--� Oey� trom the dete 1h8 notice la deRreretl q meled wXhM whkh lhe BOrtowtt munt pay eil 6ume 6eare0 by lhis Seeu�fly InfWment. II <br /> � r Bortow¢r fe�a to pry thesa mmf ptlw to the a�treUOn cf thls pMod.Lmdar may inroke eiry ramedfee pttmRetl by thb SeaiXy InsWment <br /> � -'�:*�z� wXhoul N�htt noll�e or tlem+nd on Bortower. <br /> = c :C <br />- ,1f ;E <br /> '•��{�r j Pepe]015 Gorm AX 9/90 <br /> �...P..,._�'..: FICAUA�lq&1) <br /> - :.)('iy.-..t <br /> ,�.d+,`�:. <br /> :s ''' <br /> �iK:l;'+" <br /> �uBI6bt9 <br /> .. ,:.`F — � _ _. <br />