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<br /> � �j��•����f�pq1�1}bEfGl!Si�Q Of ibC�Y Q�7MwK p�1y��'flfi���(----
<br /> � �, Se�vity Imuun�ea�ar N)�'Y�sl������°"�' 'i1n�e caatbtions-�+e
<br /> . . pays IRader sif 4�s w��.�auW be Oue unda this Security I��waeat aad the I�I�te aa►.if;no.�ocekta�i6�hW
<br /> � :�aatined;(b)cu�es�oy defauit of aay afLer caverw�ts or a�rert�eMa;(c)P�Ys alt�xPenses incurnd in anforcL�d�is Sacurihr
<br /> , , .� ins�timeat.�c1u�n6.but mt limieod w,nasadbte�orneYs'faes:aad(d}tt�es auch actiou.aa��aY�+�l�_
<br /> �o s�e tWt tbe 1ia�orwis S�r�tY�°0��aa8 ri�ia tl�e Ptape�lr ana e«sowncb owi�w ptr�e <
<br /> s .� _--------
<br /> sum�s �S—j�► ��ry_fi� aiwi[cunwaie �� �P�.�����"�"'��a...«.,- - - - �
<br /> �w�mt aod d�e obli�Ricns��Y siwii tem�nt Potf�r ct�ativa sa i�oQ acrxtaadna:6�d��nccusn�d Hn�erenEG 11tI� ". . .
<br /> — ��mie;mwesi�H�ue�tlr�:�oE�ter�aadcr�2?= _ _-- . .--- ----- ' - - - --
<br /> � - �l:'S�ir�f 1Wit;����Servi�. 'I'1�Note ar a�pasia�uka�est in the Note f�v�ritb thi�Saurits! - -
<br /> �eet)m�y be soid coe a Lmct tima wid�aut prior notice�a Boeower. A sila may result�ia,achange in tfie entitg' .
<br /> (�IIO�YR f�tbQ"Lqlt SE[YILZi")f�C0�fAOf�Y�}���IYIdCt t11C NQfC�tlft4 SCCYifrj,'�tLSflUO1Clif. �/�110[C a150
<br /> msy 6e aaa�r more cT�a�es of tl�L+o�n Servica uiuela�cd ta a s�k of t6a Nute. If the�e i�a cbange af t6e Lo�n Sesvicer>
<br /> Bacm+i�a iril!be giveo wntkn notice of tbe c6�ge ir1 ae:co�dAnce with par�graph 14 above and applipEae ltw. TDe notioo ,
<br /> ` w�t sp�te the mar wd add�ess af tbe t�ew Lwn Se�vic�er aad t6e address to which paymmts shauld:bc m�dt.The nociee M►�!i
<br /> -- • _ -
<br /> .
<br /> �1so��nY 6tber irif ' - - ----- ._. -
<br /> �;;,�aniors S�i�ee� Barrower shaU not cause or pem�it the Qresence.use.disposall:stara8e,or rekase of uiy •--
<br /> - ' }��ooes an os in thc P�Sty: Ba�uwt:shWt aat do nos altox�anYaae eise to,dtt.aaything.affecting-tbe ,
<br /> ptope�t�.d�is.in vioWian of aay Favi�o�l Law. The pEecediu6 two sertta�ces sh�ll not appI�m the preseacc.use.o�
<br /> � tiic. of sm�lt des of Asrudous Snbstances that aze genmltY�ognize�:t�.be apprnpriate to nam�l -
<br /> . staxge ai�.. PmpectY 8wa�� ou , .
<br /> ' nsi .. n�s ud ta maiota�nce of the P►opercy.
<br /> �1�a sbaii promptty 8nrc Lenda�a aotice of any imreaagu�ort,.claim.dernud,.lawauit or oth�.r actiort by any
<br /> - — Sot►s�li���S�'�B�Y�Pn�P�Y u►vvlving die Property and"�ny Nazallous Su6st�nce a Eavironmeot�l ,
<br /> .-;-':=:=::�.-' af i�hicd Botmw�s has actual imawkdge. lf Bamwer.leatng,or.is_t�ed bY.au�.SavemmenW ot regulatay -
<br /> �:=�:,� a�thoritY.�that.any:f�iukal a olt�er���Y H��Substar�oe:affectin8 the R�e��r.is necessary.Hamwer,
<br /> --_ • shall p�omptly taiaeaiLt�ceas�tY t�d�al actians in�cc�nce with Fnvit+aiafensal Law.
<br /> ;As.t�ed in ttu�p�apb 20."Hazacdous Substances".are thase subst�noesdefined as toxiv aoharsrtfws substanoes by .
<br /> P�
<br />:Er�� Fi�vitartfiieatal L.aw�the following substances: gasaline,kacosene,other flunmable ar toaia petroleum products.toxic '
<br /> =`=' �Ei betbicides,'volatile sotvents.materials conutining asbestus or formaldehydc.:'an�l�r,tdioactiYe matcn�is. As
<br />:::,, P��
<br /> -;'<. used in ct"ts paragrrpb 2U"Envimnmental Law"tneatts fedeia�.[aws�and taws oithe jurisdirfluttvVIte�r the P'r�erty is Mcat�d
<br /> = :. tbat nlate to dealtb,s�fety or environmentat p[�utcctioo. as faiIh�rs: ,
<br /> ';•; � , NON-1J1V1Ft)RMeOVENANTS. Bo�rowerandt�idecfcsthevcovcirantandagree
<br /> .�'���_�.` . Z2. Aeceleest�o�:lteaiedi� Leader shaltg�vr.aa�et�ta Barrower prior to�+�r�lt�falMrwiaa 8an+o�rer's -
<br /> ����. .� breac�d asy ooves�st a��t ia tMi�Securit�I�tre�e�t(6ot qot prior[o aa�tioa�urder par+t�rspti 17
<br />-_?` �;�` �leae spplkabl�.law provides atlierwtge> Tpe aotier sLaY spxiEy: (al the detaWt;(b3 t8e sctio�r�wi�d w w�e the
<br />=-�':. ��,;�1<�;`.�� dtfaMt:(c)�dstG�ot le�s t�3�dsss iran t�e�:t1�.s�efce is�ive�ta Bomower,b�,�.vLtcL tie defa�tt rwt be
<br /> �,__,:� . cpr+ed;a.d(d)ti�t t�Waz a crre ue detsolt os oc be[ore t�eaate speeitica�a tl�ootioe may nsWC i■saekratio�ot
<br /> -. � . a�e�aee�r�ea bf.aYis sa.rity I�traakec a.a s�le nr�c�lrape�t7• rl�e.otioe sMan�aetrer i.ror�u aarrm►er or
<br />:�'`�� tMe ri�tE As nidshte aRer secekratton and tbe rtght to bci�qsa coart 9cti"wr rii a�ert tll��ron•existe�ee of a defsrlt ar
<br /> - � asy di�sr�efi�e d Borrower to aceek isitbn�nd snle. If tbedet�tt� sumg st+�aaLbg ht is 5ec�rtt�I�j t
<br />" t6e ed�iae,Leader at its optioe msy reqa e immediate PaYn�
<br /> ` vritport farther deea�d 9'd nwy iuvdce tUe po�rer ot sak Aed asy otl�er nnkdies ltermittM by�pplicabk IAVr.
<br />. I,eader sUsI16e eatflkd to colkct alt expe�iacue�ed ia pursuieg tbe renKdies provkfed io tWis p�ar.�Sropb 21,
<br /> i�clodiaa,bat nollindted t0.�tasoeaDle attorneys'fecs aed casts ottitle evidence.
<br /> � It tie pa�ver ot sak is darolced+'llrustee sha��record a notice ot detantt ia eac6 couet�in WhicA Aay paA ot tUe
<br /> - Pr�operty is located asd s6ali mail copies o/such notice ia tbe mauer prescribed by�bk IAw to Borravver�ad to
<br /> tie dtier petxo�s PrescriDcd by ppplicable lawi ARer t6e lin�e nqulred by applic�ble lit�7bustee shaY Rtve pnMic
<br /> , _ , aoNee o�aak to t�e persoos and ie tbe nwnne�prescribed by�pplkAbk law 71r��e�,v�Sthont demAnd an Barra�rer.
<br /> � st�selt the Property at Qabuc auction to eAe b�hest n�aaec a�tee time aaa pt�ac�ana�r the tevn�s eesi�u�ced rs
<br /> .�'s� . t6e eotice af a�ie in u�e�e more pArcets sed iw aay order Tivstce deterroi�s: T�t�+e�ay�PostPone s�k ot all or siny
<br /> � pat�d�!6e Psoperty 6q publk aneauecemeok at tbe time and place ot a�g�r€��4;gchednled sak. l.eade�ar its
<br /> - de.si�ee?msY Parchaqe tbe Property�!�ny ss�e.'
<br /> - •;F;:p�as recdpt of psyment of t�e pcice�,Trastce spaQ deltvee to the pure�r'i'a�ustce's deed conveying the
<br /> - p�y ��ecit�b is ihe 7Yus�ee•s dee�k s6a�be peim�Pxie evldeece ot tde fncth aC�tbe stntements made therein.
<br /> - . � ��- 'firtt�tee sball appty the pracceds ot the s9ie ia t6e�[oUowing ader. ta)to al)ca6ts a���eeses o�exercisin�the powes .
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