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<br /> candemo�tion a'a�her takiog a'f any p�rt oi t6e PrupenY•a f�conreyance in lieu of ca�dtmnatiaa,are t�ercbY+�siSn�d;nndl
<br /> shall ba paid w Lend�r,• ` • � �ds shalt be apptied to thc sumy secured by this-Security� '
<br /> • ln tf�r eve�t:of a tda!taicing of the PropertY• P�i partial & �°P��� ,
<br /> lnsuument.w1�etHer"or nut then due..witG any exccss paid tb Bnrrowe� ln she eveclt of� �takin of she m .
<br /> which the!a'sr madcet value of the Propecty immediatety 6efare the toicing is equal to ur gre:+ter than the anxxmt of the sums
<br /> - � scct�red bY iS�is Securi tnstsument immedi�tely befare the t:dcing.unkss Bocrower�d l.ender�tt�i�i'��h��fWlnuS�11�_. .
<br /> _ - , the sums recured by[fi�s S�s�i�Y�i�tir�cniue�!b��tiic amouat of tte�praeeed P. . lt-� - . _ : . __
<br /> _ -- = -•-- -fr,�c�iiwiz !ai[he�t amaant of tfre sums aecund immediatclY�eCore.the taking.div_ided Bg(b1 tt�e fa�r raarke!vatile of the , -
<br /> Immedi�tety befare tHe:lakii�g:t�i�i �ai iakin�af the �,:- _ _
<br /> -- _. �#opefty _ isa�:uw�r-sfu�F i�-p:�id to$t�rsvu�-Ea the evene oi a p:ut —
<br /> pr�erty m which the fair ma[ket vatut�4f the Froperty immediateiy before the tstcing is less thau the amount�of:the sums
<br /> secuced immediatety t+efon the talcing.unless Borruwer and Lender otherwise agree in.writtng or unless applicaBle�line:
<br /> ��i��vi�s.the proceeds stull be applieQ to the yums secured 6y this Security Instrument,whether or not d�e yums ure
<br /> then due.
<br /> • lf tho Ptaperty is ab�u�doned bY Borrower,os if.ai't�v notice by l.ender ta BoROwer that the candemnnr affers[a,m�ilce
<br /> - = �n award a settk a cla�m far d�ges.Aarowee fails ta respond ta Lxnder witkin 30 days after the date the naticc i�given..
<br /> - ai f�cxt:cithcr ta tesios'stion cx c�pair_of tdc_P�1ettY'�r�t�the _ �— -
<br /> - -- --��is a-ut�wnze�to�attecr•an���•� ` t -
<br /> - _- sums sec�ueed by this Security Instnrment�whethec or nc�t then due. a tieaiion of eeds to principai sha11�aut;extend oe.
<br /> _---` Un k ss L.e n d e r a n d B a ro w e r a t h e r w i s e a g r e e i n w r i t i n S��Y P P� P�'OC
<br /> agre
<br />-;�^; Po,tP��he due date of the mapthlY PaYments neierred to in para�rapt�s�and 2 or change the anwunt of such papmants. ----
<br /> P'Xn!
<br /> U. Aarrowtr Kot Rekased: Fo'Les�'ance g9 �der Not a Wa�ve�: Factension of the fime nr a ent ar:
<br /> �-'��'',- , modiGcariau of amaRization ot,the sums secured by[his Security tnstrument panted by Exnder to any su:ccs�ar innntc�t —
<br />- - of Barower sh�lt not ciperrte to mlea�e the liability of the origin:d Bortow�r ar Sor�ower's successon in iatt+r�+t:l:ender =___
<br />','`'=:?-� � shall aat be cequired to cammence praceeding.s agauaci any succes.soc in interest or reft�se to estend[ime fan paymer►t ar - --_
<br /> `---_�- .
<br /> adieswise madify amoaizatioa�f the sums secured by this Secuoty lasuument by reason of any demand m�dg BY.the originai _____
<br /> :�`::� gp�w�a�wer"s successocs in iaterest. Any for6earance by Lender in exercising any ngb4ar.remedy•+�inlllnat 6e a --�-
<br /> . waiver af or pcectude ttie exercise of aay right oc remedY• L �.s, �cove�ants apd�u�ementb af.tttis =-�v--�
<br /> � 12. Successors and Assi�ns Ruund;Jdnt and Severa!Li�bility; a-s�8� . �`.t��„-,;.--
<br /> � � �:s�'�;,�;��::-
<br /> �ecurity lnstrument shall bind and benefit the tiuccessors and a.signs af l.ender and Borrower,subject ta ttte pmvisions of ' y� eQ2_ v.
<br /> p a r a g r r p h IT.Bocrawet's caveaants and agreements shall be joint and severai. Any Borrower wha cersigns�his Securiry +c,r�
<br /> to mattga u t a�x t:w me y,that, �`,�
<br /> . . Instrum�nt but does not execu[e the Note:�tal is co-signing this Security lacttumertt a n t y � •;�` �p��.,__
<br /> Borrower's interesl in[he Propeay undcr the tertns oC this Security Ins[rumen� {b)is not personaily.ot►I�gatcd to pay.the sums
<br /> �'.�`�:• secured by this Sec�mty lnstrumea�and tc)a�tfiat i.ender and any a�►er Bomawer may a�ee ta ezccqd�madify.forbea� ,F��_F;:
<br /> �� ,or make any accommodation� with regard to the terms of this Securit�c fn.�trument or tlte Note widtaut�th:�t�Batmwer's .;�;±�,._
<br /> ', , r� F.��i?..-
<br /> ` - consettt. . -
<br /> ' '`" - 13. I.v�o Chae&es. If the toan secured by this Security la+trument is subp:�i.to a taw �vhich setti tnsucimum laan ::._.`,. r;�w�J
<br /> �;`�:l't;, charges,and that�aw is'finally interpreted so t6at the intere�t or ather loan ch�rges cailxted or to 6e cotlected'in connectian �.�:___.
<br /> „�;. with the toan exceed the permitted lim�t�.thrn: la►artY such toan chaige tihall be reduced by the amaum ner.essary.ta reduce -
<br /> ' ` the ch:�tge to the pem�itted limit;and(b!any's�m-�alceady callected from Borrowec�which exceed�A�permitt�d�limits will he � "-'
<br /> y mfunded to Borrower. Lender may cha»e ca malce this mfund by redacing the principal awed under•the Nata ar by mai:in�a :
<br /> � '� diiect payment to Boaower. If a refund reduces principat,the reduction wiU be t�eatni as a paniuU�rep;ryment«•i�hout any ���:`�
<br /> r ,,. ':� ti
<br /> �; prepayment charge under the IVut�. a ;�.a;,;,Y..
<br /> !q, Niatices. Any natice ta Borruu�er provided far in thi�Security Instrument+hall be gi�on•by deliverir�:�E�r by .;�f� r��';:�� .;
<br /> ,t r � 1_.....,_:
<br /> � ;:'t%t;',°., r<• m�iling it by first class mail untess apgliuzhte law requires ure��i'an�ither methad.The notice shall he dicected tn the Pmperty , E r��__,.• �•
<br /> r.�'•:,�' .
<br /> ' %�`':'� '��{ Address or any ather address Barra�ver decignates hy notice ta Lender. Any notice to Lender shall�t�c givon by fint cluss , ,. �:
<br /> :��;;;�'}`. ��i • mail to Lcnder�addreys stated herein or any ather addresti I.ender designateti by noticc to Iiorrawer. Any nuiice pcu�•ided fur : ;: -_ :
<br /> •j�; in this a"ecurity ln+trument.hall be deemed ta have beesr given en Borrowcr or Lcri;tPr when gi�•ert�a� provideif in this ��';�{FS'� ` ,�
<br />. .�.,,�;�;;;.:� h},� paragraph. .
<br /> ..;•�„•,_.,,;. ;:;r 15. Govtrning•I.saw;Setierabflitv Thix Security is�strument sha0 be gor���crs�..;_°'�y Fedemlilttw and the tt�w�af ttte L 'i 1 '.t�•
<br /> ,;,..��..,. � �:. -
<br /> ���r:,.,_•r: ";�j4 .. juriuliction in which the Property is located.. in the evenl that any pmvi.�ian ar clau"�of this Seeurity�instrument nr the Nate
<br /> �,.�,:,r,.
<br /> , ;�{, ••f�+,� j. conflicts with applicable law,�uch canfii��Jr.:.{{nnt aftect��thcr pn�vi�iac�i of this S�ari�y lmtruntent or,the Piutc which can
<br /> -. '•`` he,given effect withoue the canilicting gr.�t�x�;�n. To thi�c�d thc:prov��iuns of th.�� Serurity In�tmmrnt:md the Nate are
<br /> . ��,, � ri�:;ared to be severuble. � ', .,� ,•�'�
<br /> � .16. Borrower's Capc 8�cscrniver�hall he given nr.�:��oformed wpy��f ihe Ivu�c;:and nf thi+Srrupty In�trumrn�. :.,,.
<br /> .��,:�' :: .:'•'�`�
<br /> � ,�:�, , �
<br /> , , S, r q , ' 17. '�r.ii�fev ot the Ptio�arty�a Bemficivl loteresi in Bar�oaer..It'a11 or any p�n o(the PrnpcAy nr•any intcre�t in . �
<br /> ;�:;,;;;:, � , .
<br /> "fi:?�1;;;: f•� it iw sold n-:,�s�eaec!Inr if a i�enefic�t:;ntere.t in Bnrcower iti.atd�c�r tr.�nrferred and Hartcnv��•i. nat�a nutuml perwn) �
<br /> �}:,::;;�., ,;,, ;' withaut 4e�tf�r"s•prior writte�t cunsent:i���er muy.at itr aptiun.r��+.1;:�ir:�:`t�mediato payment in ftdl�af�nli��tun�.ccured by ;�;;
<br /> ��, r � ..
<br /> , fi?•. •' thic Secunty C_nw:`sament. 1#c��tver.thi�vptian�hafl not ht exeniceu>4 J.nder ii excrrise i�pruhihited,Ny lcderul lu�v:����f . _
<br /> :�, the date of th�.�ecurity tr�tcu.'r�:�t. �.,ljr, .,
<br /> • ' fi'l.ender�xeccise��1;,:4;<•�:?on.l.���st.hall Eive Bnrrower nntice uf accelera:���n: The ntuiCe yhnU�proviQd x pericxi ai �`�f,ES���, ; ,•:''
<br /> � ":��; . no�less than 30 day.from the date t he::�ry�.`.�:r i�dc live re d�+r m a i l e d�v i t h i n«h i c h f iuni�a•et mu�t�p��•:�fl��un»s�:a.�d Ny thi� p�.?��.;;,.;: '.-:
<br /> 'F `•'•;� .. 5ecurity Instrument. If Borrawer fait�n:�pay thc�c �um.priut t��the cxpir.Uion of Ifii. perin..t �cnder•mtt4�.invake any C
<br /> �.,��t ;:��.�., .:
<br /> remedicw pertnittcd by thiti 5ecurity Imtn�inent withuut funhcr nuticc ur demand an R��rr���+•cr. • �.
<br /> . F ' 18. Borrowpe's NiRMI tu Iteiastate. !f Horr���ti•rr mrctc cenain c��nditiun�. Harmu•er .ir.{:± !�acc� thr�igh�ta have ,
<br /> � entnrcemerit nf thiti Sccuri�y ln�trument di+r�mtinucd a[any timr priur to thc earlicr ui: 1��S�lay�tur�uctt•��Ilter periixt ati �, .
<br /> ''J' timglcta�mfy-•i'nnnie�l�c-Frrddir�t�l'�IFUIt111\til'lif�tt:�"1'..l'nif�+ru►t'utirtxqu� 4"10'�l�+.ca�,lhlx�trc� ?
<br /> _ � :;i� .� . . ' 4 . _• ' .
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