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�_ _ <br /> .. . <br /> . . . . . . . ' .... ,� .. � ._ , , :,, :. <br /> �"` �a�a��!'� �° <br /> nj,�" . . 9�. --. <br /> G perfod�Wll.cnEerrequ1rc9• 71ro1muroncocwrinprovldingthsinsumnceetWlbochosenEyBartnwerau�y toLcndcr►. <br /> • v�l a'�kh e1N11 nQ!t�o-unrc4Mnahly wRAhetd: It Bottow�/NU�o m�lntaln rnvcr�e daetl6ed ihnvo.7.endet may.�t ' . . :_ . <br /> tAqp�on.oMalnoprer, tbp[otoclLendsr�rlgfluin�oPropcnyin�aoMancowithpuagcnph7, <br /> �ii lasuranw pollCtae�tC�wvipta ehall bo neceptaDle tu l.ender end�hali incluAo a itanEatd mcngago elauu,'Leir�e� <br /> tpUt hnv0�hO�igA1 tohot4 Q�opoficlW ond nnnwat�. llkn�cr rcqulrca,Rortowcr�hnR promptty glvo to 1.endetalf teaip <br /> ot pAld pamt�nn wd renowol notlae. In No avcnt oi Ios�,Borto�et e�ell glve prompt notico ro�ho Insurunco oarlN� <br /> Lender. Lendor mekaproototlwaifnotmadoprompUyb9 Borrowee . <br /> Unles�Lend�end Bortouxr o�Aerwiu ogrce In wrtting,lnsurenca proaed��hell be epplied�o reatmhtion or rcpW of <br /> the PmpGty dameged,lt tho roato�etlon or rcWIr I�economlcally kaslblo end Lenderb cecu�i�y b not Icuencd. !t the , <br /> resroreHon a eepair U_noi econoMcally teasibio or I.enderb secudry would bo leaxned.Uw insurana proaed+�haU W <br /> nppIled ro tho sum�cecutcd by�hl�Secudry Inswment,whc��er or not ihen duo,wtth any extta pilJ ro Bortower. If <br /> Bortower abandoN the PropMy.or das noe muwer wlthin 30 day�a notico from Lcnder Nat No Inswance wrtler ha� <br /> oUercd to attte a cleim,thc�Lenda m coileet Ne Iniwmce proaeds Lender may uso tM prooeeds to rc�atr or mtoro <br /> tiw➢mpeny or ea pay coms�ecurcd by th�i 3ecudty tnstnunent,whe�her w na ihm due. 71�a pedod will begin wAen <br /> thenPdceb gtven <br /> Untes�Lender end Bonowor dhetwke ug[a in�rritieg,nny appIiceiion ot proceods ro principal ehall not extsnd m .-,- <br /> paatpona�Ae due date of Na monWy paymenu rehrted ro in puegnphs 1 a�2 or chango tho emount of thepaymentx If <br /> undu peflgrepn 21 the Property I�ecqulred Ay Lender,BortowerY right to eny insurance polkles end prooceds reauldng <br /> Rom damege to the Property prim to�he ucqulsiUon itull pu.s to Leadzr w the extent of the smns sceumA by thle 3ecut(ry <br /> �nshumcnt�mmedietely�rior to theecquhtdon. <br /> 6. Oaupqncy, i�reserration, Maintenenn end Protadon o! the Property� BorrowerY Losn Applicetlont _. <br /> Leaseholde. Bortower sNail acupy.eawblish.ond u+e�he PropertY as Bortowerl prineipal raldence wiihin dx�y daya e4er <br /> �he aecutim of�dta Sceurity InstNment snd�hell muinue to accupy the Propeny m Bortower6 pdncipal rosldence for at <br /> Isast oao year efier the dero ol occupaney, unlea.+ Lender otherwise agreea in writlng, whlch conaem shell not bo -- - <br /> uruwonably withheld,or unlw oxtenunting cireuoisrancea exist�vhich a�e beyond Bonowerh mNrol. Bortower�hall not <br /> deatroy,damago or impair the Property,allow tAe Property ta deteriorete,or commit�resie on�he Property. 6ortower ahall — <br /> be In delault If eny fwfeinue rcdon or proeesding,xfiether civil or criminal,ia begun that in Lendut good fdth judgmrnt —.- <br /> rnuld rcsuh In fa&itum ot�he Pmpeny or oihenvice mnurially impair�he Iten crcated by thia Securiry Insuument or <br /> Lender6 saufiry intercst. Borrower may curc sucL a defmit end rcinsrete,es pmvided in peragreph I6,by causing Ihe ectlon _ _ <br /> or proaeding to be dismissed wiN a ruling t�a6 in Lenderl goad faith detcrminaHan,prccluda fodeituro of the Borto�vub -- - <br /> intereat in the Properry or other matedal impafrtnem ot the lien creat«I by[his Sceurity Insuument or Lender!secudty __ <br /> fntercst. Bortower chall elao be in dePouli if Borrower, dudng the Ioan applicxllon pmceae, gave matedally felso or =-: <br /> inaccumte in[ortmtion or amtemenu ro Lender(or failed ro provide Lender whh any meted¢I intofmatian)in conneetion with :r��' <br /> tha loan evidenad by the No1e, Including, but �ot Iimiied to, reprcseme�ion: conaming Bortowerk occupancy ot�ho - <br /> Propeny Q+a pdncipal rcsidence. If�hia Sauri�y Inxtrument ia on e lenuhold.Bortower shall comply wiih ell�he provialoro _ <br /> ot�he leasc. If Bartower ecquircs ta title ro�hc Propeny,ihe leazehold and the fa titte ahall nol mcrge unicas Lender ugrcea _— - <br /> to the morger in wriUng. - <br /> 9. Protecllon of Lender'e Righ4v In Ihe Property. if Bortower fails ro pedom� ihe covenents and egrcemenm --- <br /> wnmined in thi�Security In�wmen�, or ihem i� n Icgal praceeding �hei may significantly nffat Lenderh dgh�a in the --_- <br /> Propeny(such az o proceeding in Wnkmptcy,pmba�c,for mndemnation or fodeitum or to rnfo�ce lawa or reguladau).then -.- <br /> Lender mey do and pay for whatever ia nececsery ro pmtect the vnlue of the Propeny ond Lenderk dghta in the Property. <br /> Lenderk aciions m¢y include paying eny sums securcd by a Ilen�rhich has priority over�his Security Imtn�men4 appeedng �7 ; <br /> in wurt,paying rcawnn6le enomeys'tecs md enuring on the Propeny to mnkc ropairs.Al�hough Lender may mkc anion } _ <br /> under thl�parag�eph 7,Lenderdoes not havc�o do xo. � ' <br /> Any emounts disbursed by Lender under ihis paragraph 7 shall become ndditional deM ot Bortower r�ecured by this =-= <br /> Secuflty InsW ment. Uniess Bortoxxr nnd Lendcr ngrce ro o�her terma of pnymem,thesc amounu ehell bear Intetat(rom tha _ <br /> dete ot diebursemem ot�he Nae rate and shnll bc payeblc.�vith imcrcs�,upon nmia from Lendcr ro Borcower requeating ��;>-...__ <br /> puyment. . <br /> 8. Mortgade Insurantt. It Lcndcr rcyuircd mongogc insunnm us o condition ot mnking thc loan secured by�his � {. �:, <br /> Seturiey Insuumem.Bortower Fhall pay ihe prcmium�reyuimd to meintain the mongxge insurnnce in efket. If,for nny <br /> teawn, �he mongage insurance cuvewge rcquircd by Lender lapxs ar ceases to be in efkc4 Dorzower ahall pay the u,.�"• <br /> premium+requlrcd w obtain mvenge suM�antiolly cyuivolem �o ihe mongoge insumnce prcviously in eHce4 et n cost �<j;:-•. <br /> aubstentinlly equivnlent�o the cost io Borro�ver nf�he monguge ia+umnce pmviausly in effect,from en altemate mortgnge -� - <br /> imu¢r eppmved by Lender. If suMtantinlly cyuivnient mongnge insumnce cuvemge is not ¢vailable.Bomoo'er shull pey to �`���" <br /> Lender tach month a sum eyu�t w one-ixrlfth of the yeariy mongage inmrance premium being paid by Bortower�vhen�he ti%i'�'- <br /> insurance mvemge lapsed or ceaxed�o Ae in ettect. Lend.r u�ill aacpi.use anJ rc�ain paymems m a loss rcaerve in lieu f'�"%'_- <br /> of mort a e insurenm. Loss rcscrve � ments ma no lan cr be uircd,a�the o tion of Le�cr,if mort a e insurence '"' - <br /> 8 B P•Y Y F m4 P S 8 3t1;;-:: <br /> coverege(in the emount anJ(or�he periad�ha�Lendcr reyuirc.)pmvidcd by an insurcr appmvcd by Lendcr ngein bemmca :'�"._: <br /> available and is okoined.Dortower.hall pay�he prcmiums nyuircd en mainmin mortgage inwrance in efkc�.ono provide n ��;f�-_ <br /> los reurve,until�he rcyuircmem for mongage in+urance aecordanm wi�h any�em�en agrcement t+eto•cen Uorto�cer ��r-�-��- <br /> and LcnAer or applicoAle laa. ±�`! <br /> 9. Inspectlon. Lcndcr nr ik agem may nnkc ramaiwbic anvia upnn nnd<�ion.of�he Property. Lendcr shali �;;�!� <br /> give Bortower n�Nice at Ihe�ime of or prior In an im�c�inn.�rifying reawnahle cana fnr Ihe in.peclinn. k='-'-+ <br /> 10. Condemnetion. "Il�c prorecds a(any an�ard nr claim for dama}a.dirttt or ranu� m�nec�ion�rith any . <br /> �(,�. : <br /> SmRkFmnlr-Finnk\1aehYrddk\1acCV1/'lIN\16\TRI'\U:\i--1'm6xmCmrmnn 9A0 rN<eJ.,JM1p�ea1 "' <br /> �naWnGewuFwalc.� iyll--. <br /> io�N'r�Y 1l93]Uib'1 C fA 616ff11D1 .:_p:-.. <br /> 1 �: <br /> j��,._: <br /> . -_ F r:� � -- v? �...- r• __+�'�•7:: ""4.I .�•l'T""""5�""T"'.F-T�^T'i1� _-'-{T"'� ' <br /> , � � - . - ��:A�( �� 1 . !. - 1.1 1 <br /> 'I .J . �-y , ..--4 . _ 1 A-- :•�)��Z � J� - : {l F <br /> "i. ��� �•' 1 ) <br /> {/j ._. + -�• . -_ .. .�_ �s- ] !"` .. _ _ "t . <br /> i} . ' .l- -_ ' - . _ - � ' <br /> � .Syt(.. . � f <br /> .f:, t � � ' r _ " . <br /> '. r� . L _ _ ,� + ti . .r i � , . <br /> ( Qf N V ' �t � )�I� ' - . <br /> 'l: .� . ��t. . � �1,J t_ <br /> ._/� -1 . �.: l l 1 . - - - . . <br /> 1 i r i i�r � : � �' -�� t i . 1� - . <br /> .y i � - t ti. � t� { r _ � - - ' <br /> +- r7/ � l ..r� ..'al' i, ' .-- y . . . . <br /> �. s - t, <br /> _ � r��- _ � � .r � - -.'� Y . � <br /> i: . . <br /> l . � t �'�� -S:� � �� ! r ��.g:�� - 4 ,�, t - '.:� _ <br /> .�F ' -t . � __; � - i..! � f- � t , - k .� ,.(� ' _ � -/.. <br /> U� - t. t 1 J Sy .. � _� � : � , � � > � 4 }'` + p . � : <br /> �" ts-•'� � n.i �� ' Y., f ° > .!( �l t I � �l. rr J i � ��. <br /> i� v � - - - _�', t � _ ' � s - y;a4 � y- � " <br /> til .. i�'. .5 �i . , ..� j . . . 7 . . � �. , i - v��.:. , t t .. . , tl-, 1 .. -F -'� � ,. <br />