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�,�._... � ;—,. ' ' .. . t' � , <br /> a . � ., ' . . . _ �.' f <br /> , � � ' 93�'�4►�l� ' , <br /> .. .. <br /> ,. ..� T001YIft[iR 1VITF1 ell�hb irnprovtmeoie now or�ieaRer erected on t�a propc11y,on4 all ease�nenl!�fppYrtan" , e, _; <br /> 0hA nitqlli!�OW OilIGtWRCf 0 D�(!01 thQ nt N4 All flDIOMtlICifit ItlO CQCItl0A71hill 0130 DO CCylRd Dy WI$Qf��Y <br /> initnimcnt AUofchatongoinglanferrWtoiR�waeceu�t�ytn�trumamuitro'Prope�qa" , <br /> BOAROWIiR����Ihal Dorrowcr ie Iawl'uily K(acA of Ilw cstato hcreby convoyad an Aw 1ho�igGi iw g�t <br /> q�p qanvoy�ho Ptonetly�n0 Qinl dw�ropettY It unenwmb�nA,oxapt Por pnNmbrana�ottttw[0, �ortower wuFenu enQ . <br /> wl�IdcfcnOgcncral(ylhotl�IoroNOPropcnyognlnatdlctaimsand0emanQ�,auEJentoonyencumDmnoo�olrocoN. , <br /> 7y{18�L'Ci1RPPY IN971tbMBN1'cambinea unifam eovanenu fa na�tonoi ua NA non•uniform covewite.with <br /> ,._; IImltMvatledon�6y)udWlGlonroeonstlWronunitomiscaufryinsWmcntcovering[caiproperty. <br /> �-_° II+ppMCOVBNANf'8. Qot�owerand4enderoovenqntadagrce e�[ollowr. <br /> �p�ment otPrtedpal�na Iahraq Prep�pmcnt an8�,�t CEVgta Boirowu iAatl prompNypay wMa 0ua the , <br /> princlpol of�anA Intercst on tha debtevidenad Dy tho Noto end eny prepaymem enA lato charge�duo under tlie Note. <br /> b 6bnd�fw 7Yxa�00[avunaea SubJect w appticaDte Inw or�o a wdaen walvuby I.ender,Bortower�haU pay to <br /> -- Lcnder on�ho day monWy paymcnro are due unQu tho Nae,anHl�ho Note i�petd in tull,a sum("iWd�')for.(e)yearly <br /> taxa eqd nucamrnte wLlch may opnln prlodty ovcr�hh Seadry Inawmem a e Uen on Ne Pmpeny;N1yonqy Icaschotd <br /> - � aymenu a ground renu on tho Propc�ty, it ony: (c) Ycady hazerd or prapetty immeaco p�cmfumq; (cq ywiy flood <br /> Pnautqnoe premluma, It eny:(a)ycariy mongego insunnca prcmlums,It any; end(q any�ume payabia by Barowcr to <br /> `� Lender,in eccoMenoo wIN Uro�rovislona of paragraph B,In liou ot thepayment ot mortgago(nsurence pmmtum�. 7T�ew <br /> — iteme aro ealled"Bscrow t�em�. Lendu may,at any Hmo.collec��nd hotd F�nele in an emount not�o oxcad the maximum <br /> -- amount a londu for a feAuaily rclatcd mongego loan may requiro foi Bortoweh eserow acaunt under Iho kderal Real <br />_�- =— Becuo Saufemait Praadurcs Aac of 1974 aa unended from tlmo to dmc.12 U.9.C.4 z60�n sep.("R08PA9.unlas ano�cr � <br /> � law thet npplfo�ro�he IWnd+aets a lasser emoun� Itw,Lenda mny,at my 8me.collect end hold E1�nda In m amaunt na to <br /> ,,;�m, oxcad tho lascor amounc Lendu may aitlmata the amount ot[Lnde due on �he 6asi�of curtent dau ead rcasonabte <br /> �-;J osUmetcs of axpendiwms of�fumm Psarow Irertu or otherwise in accordanw wi�h nppIlcabte qw. <br /> The Pmda shalt bo held ia an inrtiw[lon whose deposiu arc insurcd Dy e fedoral agency,InsaumeMality,or cmity <br /> ,��; pneluding Lender,if Lenda is such w instiat[on)or In my Fedc�al Home Loen Bank. Lender chell epply�he Mnds to pay <br /> ��yur.� the Hscro�v[tems. l.ender mny not cAarge Bortower Por holding end apply(ng�e Wnda,mnually enalyiing thn escrow _ <br />� :.�- eocount,or vedfying �ho Eurow Rem+, unleu Lender pay�Bortower finerat an �Ae Wnda�and epplicablo law permiu <br />-�[-�iii1.�' l.endu ro meko iuch a ehuge. Howevec.Lender may rcyuire Bortower w pay a one-8me charga Por en Independent real <br />::'.�,!�� eatete tax repotting eervice used 6y Lender in connation w�th thia loan,unleas appIicable law proMdoa othe�wisa. Unlea�en <br /> li`�'�a� egrament ii mado or appIiceblo la�v rcqutra inreresuo be paid,Lender aAill not 6e rcqulred to p�y Bortower any Intcrcst or = <br />�"'?:`;1" eamin e on th¢FLnd+. Bortower end Lender ma tn mitln how¢va,�hu imercst ahall bo ald on the Wnd+. [.endcr - <br /> > , 8 Y� 8� P - <br /> .6,; nhell givo to Barto�ver,without charge,an annual accow+ring of the Fwxls,showing crtdita and debfu lo�ho FLndf and Ihe -�. <br /> 's . puryose for which each debR to Ihe Rmds was made. T�e Funda ve pledged es eddidonal�ecuriry tor all mma ucured by _ <br /> +<'�:: this Secu�ity[nsrumcnt. _ <br /> i(Na Amds held bv Lendcr exaod�he amounu pamilted lo be held by eppifcable law, Lender�hall ucouN ro = <br /> � Bortowor for ehe excen f'unds in acoordance with B�z rtt�ui�emenu of epplicable law. If tla amount of�e f§md�h¢Id by <br /> 114'� Lendar at eny tlme Is not mffiolurc lo pay the Eacrow ttrnu when due.Lender mey w notity Bortower in writing,and,in _ <br /> ��i such cau Bortowu ihall pay to Lenda Um nmount neceasuy ro make u� Ne deficiency. Bormwor shdl mde up the <br /> �����-" daficiency in no mom then twelve rtanthly ryrymonu,at Lendery sole discrc[on. <br /> �` "' Upon payment In NII of nS1 aums securcd by�his Secudty Instrument,Lcnda sAnll promp�ly rctund io flortower my <br /> - �� PunN hcid by Lender. [L unAer pareg�aph 21,Lender ahxll uquirc or ttll thc Property.Lender,pdor ro Ihe acquistUon or <br /> - '�� sale ot Ihe Property,shell epply nny Iimd�held by Lendu at the time of acquisi8on or cele ee a crcAit egeinst Ihe sums - <br />��'-'!??� secuRd by�his Seatdty Inswment. - <br /> ��`"�' 3. Applicatlon o/Peymenb. Unless npplicablc I¢w provides othuwise,ell paymmts received by Lender under <br />�� ��`;;�� pangrephi l end 2 shall be�pplied:lirst,to�ny�Rp�yment charges due undu thc Nofe:saond,to amounu payabte under = <br />-+:.::,��:': paragrnph 2;third,�o Interest dur,foun6,to princ pal due;end lest,io any late charges due under�he Note. <br /> 4. CAargeat Lieru. Bortower shall pay all taxes, assessmcnu,chnrga,fines end impositlons ettdbWeble to the , <br />--=��;;;*� Propeny wh(ch may ettein priority orer this Secudty Inatmmen4 and Icaiehold paymeNa or ground rcnn,If any. Bortower ;�;. <br /> "i�"'� ahall pay these obligations in�he menner provided in paragmph 2,or if no�pnid in ihai mnnner,Bortpwer chall pay�hem on - <br />'...i:_��S :. <br /> � time directly ro the person oxed yayment. Bonower shal l pmmptly fumnh to Lender all notices of amounts to be pild under t�, <br />'%c,r". [hia paregroph. If Bortower makea theu paymems direc�ly.Uortowcr sMtl promptly Pomish to Lender rettip�a erideneing <br /> "<:G", thepayments. - <br />��'.ij•,yi Bortower ahell promptly dischuge any lien which has priority over this Sewrity Inswment unlas Uortower.(e)agrces <br /> ,`-s�i� in wdtlng to the payment ot the obligation saurcd by ihe lien in a manner accepmble to Lender.(b)wntesta in goad faith�he ' � <br /> ;�;->•�- Ifen by,a de(enda agains�enfmcement of ihe licn in,legal proceMings�vhich in�he LenderS opinion opem�e ro prevrnt�he , <br /> '""!' enPorcement of�he lien:or(c)securca from the holder of t6e lien en agreement setisfaaory to Lender subordinating the lien --- <br />-:��.i:';a <br /> 5���.c ro�hia Sauriry Instrumene If Lender de�erminea that any pan of the Propeny is subjat ro a lien which mry auun priority � <br /> '���t�%• over Ihis Saudty Inswmmt,Lender may givt Bortower a nolice identifying the lien. Bortower shnll selisfy the lim or uke ` <br />�ts3'";+��: ane or more of the ac�ions set fonh ebove wl�hin 10 days of the giving ot no�ice. <br />�.�..;;,` 5. Hazard or Property Inaurana. Bonower shall kmp�he improvemcnta now existing or hercafier ercned on the _ <br /> Propeny insurcd ageins�loss by�re,hvnrds ineluded wi�hin the�e�m'exitnded coverage"and eny ather huards,including <br /> floods or flooding,tor which l.ender requires insurance. This in+urance xhall be maimained in the amounts and for Ne - <br /> �,i, <br /> :,.�`'1 Form30A 990 rMxr:nJn�axa� <br /> l;;:Y'.,. �t <br /> S's i <br /> 5 �fr .•---`.�, ..,.-"_�_-�� '.. . . ' : — . , -,-- <br /> _ <br /> .x �S;S°-.`_-_-.r..-•!-i:, ��.. � .:,., . ..r ..V.. :` . ._ ... . . .,.. . 1 �•: r. ,. . . 3�"T �. <br /> ._ „ .. .. -.17:. <br /> --�i . rl . . , i - . , <br /> y- _ � _ . . . . . . . . . . - . _ . <br /> Y -', i v ' - _. _ � " <br /> -1ti ct.' �••. _ . - . .. - ,-' . '.. � . <br /> . _. . __ .__. '" _ " _" ' " " '-- ' '— — _ "_ _ - <br /> _ ' _ "_.-- . .__ __ ,- .v— -�— _ _ _ — <br /> J .r.,A � . — . . . . <br /> 1 T,m�, ,' . - - ' � . . - . .. <br /> y �`, �_: t� . - ' . � � .. . - `t-- - � � - ' . .. <br /> � <br /> � .1 � . `- ��' � � _ �. .�. _ ' . - � � . . . . <br /> � 1 . ' r - .. .._ . . � . - <br /> I�'�,�(,- � ._h �rt 1_� . r �` ' • . <br /> t y � <br /> ti "� � L-. - . • ( .- - p. � i:- , <br /> � �J.l t s . <br /> ` � �� �e� tii 5� . . + -, s � rl� 1.. . <br /> s \ - i � . { . . t _ . � ' . � . _ <br /> t� 1 � v .I <br /> � � l -. � -�+ t ���v r _ -l.. ♦ s/ f' , ta <br /> � � � r s _ u� !. .. .. <br /> . ! 1 . � t ' ,� f _; r _ _ t7 � <br /> ,pj.- t i � y`rr .l� c _ J7 j 1 ' <br /> . J .- � . -. . . _ . � { ... .�.. .,. .. .Y .. . . ...�.a.. ..• �..Fn jf ._ , <br /> _ r.. . .h. . " n a . '� . _ _ ¢ <br />