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� . r1�JtJ83'A►����dR►'�E 1�1D�R g . � : �'.; <br /> �.�i)�f�� (IYcu'huN+YtaGu.ReteC�M) �0+1�Q�1� ':.. . '; <br /> • 7iU8AD1U8PADL8M71iA1DIiRUm�0atL4��_deYut MAY t9�a�.,.; - �.- - <br /> s�d b kca'�',uII Utto md t611 b�xmM to amced e.c�!tuDP�^�l�e Rfon[Ra OeM o!Twt�a BsNAty Ua!Nw"BatiHtY - <br /> �iit�eif IEeNmOdtte�Wlby Ib m0enlp�a0(IB!"Bortoxa"►to taaw OortoFZ+Y Ad1w¢bto i4te Nao Me"Note'q to�,§ <br /> VINGA A LO11N IIR�^^�A�ION Oi OR�ND idL�N0.NFeRABNA Qhe"I.taEer'�of the wne date�ea oovalN 1L0 <br /> p�oyerty aacr@ea a�ne seadty wtn�mm�wa�«uea u� <br /> 818 WEBT Al1ENllE. GRAND ISLIIND NE BB803 <br /> (PtopertyAAdreu) -.. <br /> iW wu m�Wn vro�Wou�YwAy ta en�eja�e�utnrt nu ue m�maub <br /> yywb.11L�op�bo 0db W uout s7lenra�np auWD a�q on�tl��W <br /> W o 1N�rlam uA de�utru nN I�nt pU. <br /> ADD1740NAL u'd��lon to 1M eoreomu avd+,tmmenu m�M In Ne&wdry In�wmeay Oonoxe�nd Leod'a - - <br /> 1luther aovemnt�ed e�av u&i�sax - <br /> A. {NA�TRA7�Ah'DUtD�71flIYPAYL7£liT NG£S <br /> 7fie Nota{cankla ts�n initld Interect n1�ot 5• K.Seaioa 4 0!lhe Nou Drorida for eTvgq In tAe tnlaeri rate W the <br /> monthly qymmu,u followr. <br /> I, lA78RB9T R178 AND MOMYILYPAYMBNT ONANOES _ -� <br /> (� Qatj�Dila <br /> 7lwintuatratelwWpeYmaycLWeonthaMtdeYOf 7UNE ,19 9A,andonllutdyraery .. <br /> �2 monWthereaflu.8achdateonwNehmyln�erestnmooWdche�yeBalkda"CAengcDate." <br /> @) 'MIW�s <br /> BebnNn`witM1 the flrtChanga Intuat rntewl0 be bascd on�n Inda.7lw"Index"b tha wakyarera`eylddoo Udted8laW <br /> 7twury�multln�wted w a wronnt mttuAiy of 1 yar,m mede weilebb by the Pederal Raerve Boud.Irie mon ramt Indae(IEU[e <br /> �rd4bleu ot�Ae dut4S dap beforo ach Chu�BeDate i�ealled the"Nnent Inda." <br /> It the Index b no loneu awlVbN,tM Na�Holdtr xill ehoose a Mw Nda whieh b bascd upon�ompu�ble Infofwliou.7Le Note <br /> Hdder wlli yve me noda ot thb ehola. <br />- (G9 plwlttlo�otG7ula 7�K7 �n pNF-HALF <br /> Bdorornd�Q�iniol3Rta,tka::r,t.HcWa�O.�t.�l:tcmyr-a;intcr.stnteb;aE'Jr.e -- �'.�- <br /> polnu( Z•5 p)lo�ha(.lurrnt Inda�nd rounding lo the neerat 1/6th of IN,tubJea to the Ilmiu iteted In 3edion 4(D)below. <br /> 'ILI�romded amounl xill bemy new Intual nte un�ll the nat Clunge Uate. - <br />- The Nou Holder aN�Aen detmoine�he emount of�e monthy p�yment thet r�mJd be euflfdent to repay In fuil�h�prfodpd 1 am -. <br /> especlMlooweontAatChtnaeDarolnwbnant1e11YOqudWymrnubythemuurirydeurtmyntwlotuatrotaTheraultoflM1Oealal�llon - <br /> wlil be 1he nen wount of my momNy p�roent. <br />.. (0) UmluoehluatWUQula �. <br />' 'lfie Intuat nte 1 am requlred w Day �t the 11nt Chmge Ua�e wN not 6a gruur tlun ��� 9 or� �an - <br /> 2.�3 4M1.Thuafru,myimuatrctexillnererbelnttwsedordotteasMOnmydnaleCh�n6eDatebymorethan <br /> m the nte of Intera[1 h�m ban peyin6 for ihe D���6��1re monthf.The Mnimum Inkrat ra[e on tNilwn will narer be <br /> IewtA¢n 3.00 p�nd[hemuimuminlaatntewillnevubasra�erlhm 10.� rly, . <br /> (� 6(fedlnDnwf(�anyes !� <br /> MynewintuatntawNbaomeeffcniveonwchChengeData.Ixillp�YtheemountofmynmrmontAlyD�ymentbeglnNngonthelirt ° <br />- monlAlyp�ymmtdnte�RertheChenteD�teuntlliheamonmofmrmonthlyp�ymentehWaetdn. <br /> (F1 NollaotCLn�a .� <br /> TheNOIe Holderwill mall or dellvu lo mc�notia befae each ChanE�Date.The no�ia will�dMse me oR �" <br />_ I <br />- p) th�newiauraereteonmyloanuoftheChanESDale; <br />- (iq �hswountofmymomhl7PaYmuufdlowinyiheChen6eDne; --- <br />�- (Iip anyeddillondmattenwhlchtheNOieHolderu«Qulredrodiselox;nnd <br />� (iv) theeddrwoftheassai�fionyoucouldconuctreprdiniNyquu�iomaboutthe�dJmtmenlnala. � <br />:i B. CFIARCFBt L[PlYB - <br /> UNform Covenm[4 of 1heSttvdty Instmmmt ia unrnded w rad n follws: � <br />. {.Ch���a(tJem.Dorcowu dull pay di uxa,exussmsnu,nnd aher chu6u.Ma,�nd imposiflom�ndbuuble to the Proputy whkh mey �-- <br />= nt�n aP�odtY ortt IN�Savtlq Irotnunen6 and ieauhold D�Ymmu otgound rcnu.if enY.In Ihe m�nntt P���mMer pu�eDh 3 hertof --- <br /> oh i!not paid In wch manner.bY� makfn{WYm<nt,when dut.direnlY�o�he payee th<reoL➢orrowtt tlull promptlr NMSh I.�nAtr _ <br />-- dl notku of unounu due under thb pue�nDA•md In the erm�Borrorsr shall make WYm�m direnly,�ortowa dWl ptomWly fumish[o � <br />. Lmdet tectlpu Mdencin;tuch Oaymmu.Borrawet tAall pramD�lY diuhar6e mY lien whkh Mf prioritY orer[hh Smidty Instnwent: <br />-- Mw�au,Botroxer ihell na be rtquire0 to diu�uge eny mch iien w long u Burtox�r.(a)�hell eyra In wdW;to[he WYment of Me <br />° oblitallon uautd b7r�uch Oen in the mmntr utteO�+bl<�o Lendar,(b)shall in{ood fN�h romen�uch II<n by,or deftnd,yaimt mforxmmt of - <br /> tuch Oen in,kpi 0����W�hicA in�he opiNOn of Lender operam to D«���hc anfo�nment of i�e lien or forfNtwe of�Ae Propen7 w�ny <br />- pvt�Aereoh or(c)eh�ll tava from�he holder of auch Ilen an agreemem in a form unifaaory�o Lend�r mbordLutiny�uch Iien m thu <br /> 5m'ricr�mwmm�. <br /> If Lender dticrmint��htl tll or�nY N��of�Le Propeuy is wbjett w e Ilm whicM1 m�y enntn a D�odry ova thb Smrti�y Instrummt, <br />.. ...�A 11� Y�..w�..A.11..�:�M1r..�n4 I:r w��L��r�w�n n1�lu velnw�u fn�IF�M�� - <br /> �i�wi iirii V��w�e����� �W L�l.N�� w� ' <br /> �n�.��.��.....i...e��....�... .. �.�..�.�.i��....�..�. .� ..� . . � ' . . <br />--= wl�hiofcnd�ysofthe6lWnyof�henotln. <br /> 4 HO7SC6 <br />-- UNfo�m Corenent It of the Security Inqfumeni i�amended�o rud es follwi: <br /> 11.Notla.Bxapt(or�nr notia«qWrW under aOD��ublt Iaw to be yren fn nnoihet manneL(e)my no�la to Borrowcr O��dcd for in�hb <br />-' SmidqWUUmentthe116eynnbrde0rednyitorbymei0na1tbyliraclu�mailiolforrower�nhePropertyAddra�oretcuchmher�ddra� <br />- ef Borto�ru may daisna�e by mtla�o Lrnder u vroHdM herHn,�nd @)anr m�la m Lmdtr thall be Rirm by Iint clau mall�o Lmderl <br />- addrat t�ued hutin or to wch other edd�af u Lender mq daipute br notict to Oorrorer u D�oWdtd hercin.Any notice prodded for in�h0 <br />; St.vtitylnttnwentthellbedamedroharebcenprenroHOrrowerorLenderwhmg(venin��emann�rdaigns�Mherdn. <br />