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1.;�� • .r. ' . . ..�. . . � i _ . tti . .—.— <br /> t -. " — - ..-` � .. . - - :' - .:. .._ . ,. _ - .'. } �i <br /> . f�. . _ . . r � . .. - 1 _ . � . _ !��+S � �..y, �. . <br /> i �} <br /> �� , � � � ..g.9BOJ�M�ENrO�+RfiNY8f110HR �Y.����,!R. 's i --. _�—,. <br /> z THl$A681aNMBNTbPp�NTBflIDBRIemlEemOeXpouteq(�le.�?Ib.,..deyol�,1D�� e�Ofe ' <br /> -•— tncol�oMtlo�ntapnaahonbAdeemealoamenoandaupa�emeMt�oMOrtpaOaor�aeCOfTrus�,herennfte�rqfortddtqaethe _ <br /> ^Seqyrity InatnimuAt''�ot tAe 6ama dAto plveA�Y tAQ'underelpneu,noreinattor roforrad to ae Ino��aorro�tiq.r�io epaure ° � -- <br /> • • • 88rtqwePginAebte9eeae,harelnafterrol8rredtoaatlro°NOtO",toNOM8FED8RAL8AVINQB'ANp60ANA880Cik1'�ONOP _ — . <br /> . - GRAryD18LAYD,hetelnittorroterreAtosetno°Lender',of�heeeme0atoendooverinqt�a�ropoAydeaotlDedlntti086ourily . . - - - <br /> __= Inetmmonfendlaoateaat: <br /> ,��; -- <br /> 618 WEBT IIVENUE, GflAND IBIAND NE 88803 , <br />.;s.-iei lP�oporlYAAOroae) _ •------ , .. .-. <br />°""'" WITNE886TH: . <br />-��„��?� WHfiRFAB, Borrowe�and LenAer heve apreatl that eny rante enA proflte attrlbutablo to tha Droperty ehould oonafitute -. - <br />-.:;�� aAGltlonal sooudry ro t�a Lendor fo�tho payment ot the Note; ___ <br /> �-f� tdOW.THEHEFOPB,It18�0�eBdihetlhB80ouA�ylnelrurtientehallbeer�BndEdhe�ebyanCO9emotlto1�01uA9thOt0110WI0g <br /> — `,i ReuvEaW+�e: � _. .- <br />��";±t,✓� 1. �¢,slnnmantolHente6�milanAarRentelColleotlonRlaMe.6otrowerherebyehsolutelyflndunoondlU0n31ry0g31Qn,9.i�t1 <br /> �t,�� rente, 188u9s and protH� oT the�Property to Beneflolary. Lender ehall here the rlght, power and autAatty Curl�ltra - I = <br /> y� oontlnuance o1 t1�a Secwiry inahumenl to colloot tne renta,ieauos entl protl�e of the propeAy anA of any RQrsonal praD�H <br /> Ioo9tsd thareon WI@ or wilhoul t8kiny poaseaslon o1 ths proDariy attaoted hereby.LenCer,hcwarer, herehy Coneonte to : '- <br />-;-�;;;! BWtowePecolloctionendretenttonofsuohrenta,IasueaendprotitaustAayeoorueendbaoomepeyable,solonpeaBOttoWBr � ._ <br />�-?'�."•� la aW,ot euch IIm0.�n defau8 wlih reapocc to payment ol eny indobtetlneae sacuretl hereby,or In t�a peAOrmanco of eny � �i��"- ____ <br /> �{��� pg�oemam�areuntlar. - w - <br /> _ t; <br /> ,,t�.� 2, AopqlntmoM of Heoelver. If eny event ot default in reaPect to tho 8eourlty Innirument ehall hsve cecurcetl and 6e . <br /> -- oonGnuing, lander,ae a mettor of rlpht end wit�out notica to Borrower or anyone clalming under Barowor,und wlt�out <br /> ��� repard to the value ol lhe truat eatate or the Imeraet ot tha Borrower t�ereln,ehall have lha dpht to apply to any owA having � <br /> -;�� Jwladiotlon to eppolnt e reoelver of the property. _- <br /> c _ �_ 3. H�aht to Poasaselon.In oaee ol default In the peyment of tho eeid Drinoipal Note or Intereet,or any paA lhBreof,ee It <br /> t��� ehBtlmaWra,orinlheoaseotfalWretokeeporDerformanyoflhecovanenteoragreementacontalnedintheSeourllylnstru• _: <br /> x�� mont, than tfle Lender,Ite eucceseoro or aeelgne, ehall ba and le hareby aulhorized end empoweretl lo take Immetllete -.M <br /> ,,, poeaeaelonoftheeaidpremleeatharelndesodDedandtocolleotthereNathoralrom,endtoepplyihep�oceedathareoftothe ` . <br /> �� DeYment ot tha Nme. F',�m�.-. <br />"�'{:�� 4. Aonlloatlon ol Hents.Ineuea end Profite.All reMS colleCleO by Lentlar or ihe recelver ehall be epplietl Hret to p8yment _ <br /> �+�``� of t�e eoete of inenaqemant of tne propeny end coliection oi ranie,ineluding,bui noi limited io,receirera ieea,pramiarimd on ��__° <br /> +�+t� recalver's bonda anE roaaoneble attornay'e taoa,antl then to the eume sacured by ihe 8ecudty Inafrument Lentlar enO t�9 �� ,�`,,,>_ <br /> r'�' �ecelvB�8�011 De IleblO t0 aca0unt Only for thoea reMS aotualty�bcolv6d. ��1�r;��.�-- <br /> �'-� �A 6. C9net�uotlonofProvlsiona.EeOhoft�eprov181oneaontelneGlnthlsABalBnmaMOfRenteRlEeranOtheBooutltylnstru• o�,r . <br /> -' � ment ehell,unlees olhenv188 apeolfloalty requiretl, bo oonelruetl In accordance with NeDreeke law, and In tha event eny *yyt�;. � <br />:�"��. Drovlelon�oreln or Iharaln contelnetl e�all ba Oeterminad by e oourt of comDetent jurietlictlon to ba unenforoea6le,the eame ��`��P/Y"'.�-- <br /> �' "`; ehall ba a0ne1rue0 ae thoug�euch unenforoeable D�orlelon were not e pflA hereof or tharaot :L%<<F�"�r;�;h�„� <br /> �c"(!t � . �. <br /> �� 8. Effeot of Rider.ExCept ae eDaCificelly motlllletl by or Inconaistent with ihla Aeaignment ot Rente Hldaror by eny other i `��j;s;, .°: <br /> ' applloeble rlder,all of t�e torma an0 provleion6 contelneC in the 8ecurity Inalrumont ahall Wntinu0ln tull force and efteot. + ��,,t . <br /> ut//f9 1Z,�,�A,_�:. <br /> yp`l� IN WITNE88 WHEREOF,Bortower hea ezecuteC thls Asalgnmunl of qoqte Rldor on the dete fire[notad above. ���S't�ry' � <br /> A �1� � 7>. . <br /> _ • `,, 11)74 <br /> is'��,�,{ ''�+� P Bo�rower �1 r{ .��... <br /> i'?y /y� 11t"; � <br /> -�i �L/ 1 � ��)iZ11/!i !ff'� „�t�(�Ti� : <br /> :��� h1ARGlIPET 7. NRM eorrower �'�if�r�tY!_` „� <br /> J.,_��.:r; <br /> 4e.y.q STATE OF NEBRASKA) 1 + -+ <br /> .r.] (se: ` ' ` <br /> r' COUNTY OF HALL ) iyll•r.'.•t"'; <br /> -i; On thle �ZTH tlay of mQY 18 93 ,belore me,the untleraignad,a Notary Publle tluly commieslonetl entl } -+r't�i t�� <br /> -- ' quaiBiatl for ealC county,Deraonally ceme fNIRTIN J., PARTRIDGE. ll SINGLE PERSON RND MRRGIIRET 7. r- 4 ,1:� ��" <br /> .�5�.,=: ,�:��}�'�::.�, . <br /> - P1emRNAh111N, R SINGLE PERSON _,to bo IDe IdeMice�peraon(e)whose name(s)Islem subscribod 't�'��"'• �'` - <br /> j..;S to t�e torep0ing Inaltument,end�e/anenney aeknowleCge the execution thereof to be hlelnnrltheir voluntary aet enA dbed. �+�;j�i�;"_��'•,-.--. <br /> `` 'e f i- � <br /> -.�. N7tnese my�ene enA Notana�Seai at—__—_ �RaN�ISLfldQ��lE8RQ5Ka �� _ f �- , . <br /> _" in �eowh .ar�oate et esat6: � �'J> ( - <br /> ��'; (,G ,//�� <br /> _ ..._ (--:� �w�"—in �/� .�''--tlT L.i <br />- �'i„+ Notery PuDLC �--_ ! <br /> :- t <br /> My CAmmleelo�a' .������ � <br />��;i::'.. w�wonan ,q <br /> �-� .JI/ ""`:��ur� ----'-- <br />-.-:-�;:n Ifj�Af�do/ <br />-�-'•rt::= � M � <br />_ °a,�e� . <br /> �.;;�:' <br /> , ;�: ,a <br />.;_��•�. <br /> `sl:::; <br /> ,:r:; ` r <br />'J....: <br /> .;:-. <br /> . : _, <br /> .•.r_ <br />, e.:.n�� - .._ <br />