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;;�, ��r- T - . _ <br /> . :.,,' :;: <br /> ------ +. _ � t717r1i�'i��,��' - ._ ::i�-- <br /> � pedod�that Lsnder requ(roA ilie Irouranoe wrter provlding Aie Insorence nAdl ba chosen Dy Bormvm�uDlccDtol.t+aderb . ' " �', <br /> apPrnvol whlcTshall no�6o wiree:auDty viliEAsIA. UBOnowor tWt��o melnleln ooven�e Eeso��eLove.l.endse may.hl: ' . :�_. " <br /> LenderYopUoa,obtalncovengatopro`ectl.enEOttitlgTiWNNep�pp�nylnaaordencewt6 ' <br /> - All Insur�nco pollela ec�d rineweii�h:l!�aapubto to LenderanQ eAell include P uandud mcngo$o cl�:um. Lq� - <br /> — ehail�avo tho rlgAt to hold No pollela md rcna�vd�. tf I.onOu Rqulrea,Horrower�Aalt promptty gire�o�naer dl tooe!pt� <br /> -- ot pNd prcm�um+md ttnewal notfaa. tn�Ae event oT lo�f,Barower�hatl givo prompt notico ta IAo 6uurence catrler dfip• <br /> Lendec LenOermeymakaprootolloultno�madeprompUyDp Bortower. <br /> Unleu Lender enA Rortower otMervitse agrw In writlng,inwrence prooeod��hail Do epplied to rcsWlaUon or i!p¢iiql• ' <br /> -- Uw Ropury damuged,it the rcswradon orrepa!r is economlcaUy fw�ibk aad Lcnderb secuclry u not kssened if ttra <br /> `— mnoraGon or rcpelr 1�no�economleeily featii6lo or Lender!securiry would�o lecuaed,�he inswancn proatds��MU bq - <br /> appi(cd ro�ho�um�eaurcd by�hii Securiry Inanumem, wheU�a or not iheo du0.vr(tT�my excaa pald to Bocrowu. if <br /> Uorrower abandoro the Propeny,or don not mswa wiNln 30 day�a aodce fran LeMe�thm tAa in�uruue carhi Ra� <br /> of[ered eo ceuie s etaim,�hen Lendor may collect�ha 6uurenco procads. Lender may ux�Frpnppe�w a resaoi�e <br /> -_- tAo Pmpeny or�o pay cum�eecureA by Nis Secudty InawmenA whedwrw not then due. 7Tc 36 ptT[ad�0.gti attrn <br /> No notice b given. <br /> __= Unlecs Lender and Ooaower oihonvise egree in writing,enyappIlceUon of proceeds lo principal sh�ll twt oxtend or = <br /> = postpono tho due dato of the monthty paym¢nn K&rnd to in pareplaptu i md 2 or change�he emount ot Ne pnymente� U <br /> - undcr paiagraph 21 U�e Propetty le ncquired by Lender,Bortower6 dBht ro ury insurance pollcie�end proaWa rcaulHng <br />_,��� from demaga�o�he Property prtor ro�M10 ecquislHon shdi paaf ro Lendu to�Ae oxtent of�he�ums�awnd 6y thle 8ecurlty <br /> `�,�y Inam�memfmmcdietcly pdorrotheacqui�atdoa <br /> q,.� G Occupancy, PruervaUon, Me�ntennnce end Protce�lon ot tAe Propertyyy� Oorrower'e I.oan Appiicatloa� <br /> �� I.easehoids. Hortowcr shetl accupy,ateblish,end um the Propeny a�BonowerL pdnc�rcsidence within dxry daye etler <br /> �`"�� the executton of thfa Secur(ry[nsdument and shall rnnanue�o acupy the Propeny u omowerb pdnelpal reddenea for at <br />�:-;�f�t:aj least one yeer nRer �Ae date of occupancy, unleaa Lender ahenvise agrca in wd�ing, whlch conunt thall not 6e <br /> �=���'tf unrcasmably witMeld,or unla+eaunuating circumsronces ex{s[whieh are beyond Bortowery control. Bortower sdWl not <br />�;",-�,"�SL� deatroy,damage or imqir tha Propeny,etlow the pmpetty ro daerio�ate,ar commh waste on�ha Propeny. ➢orrower chdl <br /> -���y:'��` be in defeult if eny fode(turc eulon or proceeding,whe�her civil or criminel,la beaun�hot in Lender6 good faith Judgment <br /> "--a~i' eould rcault tn todelmre of tAe Propuey or othttwiu matuially tmpatr �he Ilen created by thia Saudty Inswmmt or <br />�,'°;-a 4. <br /> .":�; Lenderti acudty intercst Bortower may curo:uch e defeult end rc(nauto,a+provided tn paregreph I6,by causing the ectlon <br /> s 5_j Y or praceeding ro be dlsmiued with s�uling thn4 In Lenderh good fatih detertninedon,precluda fodeiturc of�he Bomowerb <br /> �};�„ intercst in Ihe Propeny or other matedal Impalrment of the Iien creatcd by�hi� Serndry Insuumcnt or LenderY acudry <br /> f y,f� Intercat. Bortower shell elao be in defauh if Borrower, dudng the loan �pplitttion procesa, gave matedelly felw or <br /> _._,.;�g;!� ineccurero infomiation or:tatementa�o Lender(or tailed to provide Lender wilh eny me[edol infortnetlon)in connxtlon�vith <br /> tlx loan evidenxd 6y �he Note, including, but not Ifmited �o, �eprcsenteiions conaming Bortower§ occupancy of�ha <br /> � �i• Pro�rry as a principel re8denco. If�hU Secudty Insuument is on a leauhold,Borrower nhall comply with ell the provisiona <br /> �_ of e Ieau. If Bortowerac[�uirct fee dile m Ihe Pmreny.Ihe Inpqhnl!�?nr��he fe���tle chall!!n!1tP on npjwaa 1�nA{r�ofr�i __ <br /> s�.�" ro�he merger(n writing. . <br /> __: 7. Protecdon ot Lender's Righta tn Ihe Property. if Bofrower feila a pedorm�he covenants end agrcemema -- <br /> , _q�� mntained in �his Savrity Ins:mmrnt, or therc Is a legal proceeding lhet may ai6niticamly eHecl Lenderk righu in �e � ' <br /> - * � Prapeny(such ea n proceeding in bankmp[cy,probme,for condemna�ion or faReimrc or eo enforce laws or rcgulaqons),�hen "` <br /> m�yI � I,ender mey do end pay Por whalever is neaaaery�o protca the value of the Property and Lenderk righu in the Propcny. �:�� <br /> is;--=+ Lenderk ections may include paying any suma secund by a lien which hes prioriry over this Sauritp Inswment,eppeering �^` <br /> '�``= in couh,paying rcasonable a�tomeys'kes and entcring on �he Propcny ro make rcpairs.Allhough Lender may�eke eMion �� <br /> �f i�} undct this peregreph 7,Lender das not heve to do w. L.:'� <br />`'�,f(�F?y Any amouma diabursed by Lcnder under�hie pangmph 7 aheli bccome eddi�ional deb�of Borto�vcr securcA by ihla °� <br />".;;'f,{;i Sceuriry Instrumem. Unlw Bofrower end Lender egra io othcr terms of pnymen4 ihece nmounta aholl bear intercs[from the ��- <br />.�_.`;�i;?{" datc ot disburscmem m�he Nott rnu end shall be payabl0.�vith intera4 upon no�icc from Lendcr to Bortower requutlng f"%�. <br /> `�s� PaYmem. c�. <br /> - •% 8. Mortgege insurence. 1t Lender rcquircd mangnRe insurance es e condi�ion of ineking�he loan secured by thi+ !"� <br /> --"�'- " Securit Instmmen6 Bofrower shxll a �hc rcmiums re uved ro msintnin thc mort n e insumnce in eikct. If.for an L'� <br />_j�:�:�i,; Y P Y P q � 8 8 Y .,-• <br /> . renson, ihe mongage insumnce covenge required 6y Lender lapxs or ceaze: ta be in efkct, Bortower ahall pny �he ' <br />'_:>.yi�:�r premiums requircd m obtain covemge subs�an�ially equivnlem to the mongage insumnce prevlomly In ef(mt, et e emt ��`' <br />, Jw_y:�' <br /> , suhsmmially equivalent to�he cat to Borrower otthe mongage insurence prcviously in efkc6 from en eLemate mottgage L:":`. <br /> �"'�"' pp y y tyuivalent mongxge insunnce mverage is not available,Borto�ver shall pay m ir- <br />;-.,��„�. insurcr n roved b Lcnder. I(su0.s�entiall <br /> '';_,��� Lender each month e sum equal ro one•twdf�h of the ye�dy mongage insumnm prcmium 6eing paid by Bortower when�he 1..�-. <br /> � ��;; insurana�nreragc lapsed or cea.ud m be in etfat. Lender wiii accept,use nnd rctain the.0 qymenu as a loss«serve in Iieu - <br /> of mongage inaurence. Lou reserve payments may no longer be myuircd,ei�he option o(I.ender,if mongnge insurance <br /> -' `z� coveroge(in�he amount and for ihe period�hat Lender rcyuircs}pfovided by un inwrcr nppmvcd by Lendet again 6emmcs '>- <br /> y; :. F <br />,,;,:,��,��-- evuilable and is ob�ained.Oorro�ver xhall pny ihe prcmiumc rcyuircd to maimain mongage insurance in effect,or to provide a k�'^ <br /> -' ''` locc roserve,umil�he rc mrcment for mort a e insur�nm ends in accordance mith an wriuen a reement betxsen Borrower � <br />_�-'�`'}`.� and Lcndcrorapplicnblylxw. S � )' R �',!. <br /> - ,.�=-,: <br />- -� 9. Insptttlon. Lender ar iu agem ma��makc rcuunable cn�rie�upun and impiaion.o(�he Ropeny. I.endcr sh�ll `" <br /> _7"..e:::� givr.Bormwer nmice a��he iime o(or prior�o:m insprc�inn speci(ying¢a.onable came fonht inspec�ion. �'.�' <br /> �'�,_tY�l 10. Cortdemnetlon. The proceeds af uny award nr claim(ar damage..dirccl m mmequtmi; m�neclion�vi�h any ��- <br /> � °�' SmflaF�mdp..F'mnieM�r4Yeddk\1utLMFON\IIKti77iUiF.ST--Umfo�mCrnenani� 990 �ry��J./nrysn� <br /> \' <br /> y Orw un Ecwv iami�r Q <br /> �: re�w.fin�aro.uosn�o ru euiu�.�n� <br /> :.�.f�;:-' � <br /> .� - ...' '._ �r <br /> ,� =�,x--;�—�—•—..r.—rT�+ ,-<<,.• r . . '.5"'�,"e '. :.a��.iF•.. ;._�..�,�..,r <br /> � <br /> - = rl F. _ - . - - . f _ '-�- - - <br /> Lt(-. t f T ' . . � ' . - . <br /> R .�f� i.�- r+.-". �_ . . . . "� _ . . .. . . <br /> , ' a <br /> T '1 .i r..' _. ______. . .�. _ • . <br /> �-�(r� � -T:d� "__._ " _ _ . . . 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