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. . _,. ._.-.. <br /> . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. .. �; --- <br /> ° -��:"•.:; <br /> _ 93��t►�4�19 : - ` - <br /> Tp06ifI6[t Wf791 all Ne imyrovemente rrow w hereaRu ercaed on tho propcny,mA all caumenu,anputtcnanesb �_, <br /> en0 Oxture+now or heraRer e Dart ot the propeny. All replaamcnla anA odOiNona ahall atao bo wvcred Dy thb Bccurlty <br /> [newmenr. All ohhe toregoing U rotertcd ro In Nb Scarliy Inawmsnt ai the'Propeny: <br /> BORROWEN COVQNANTS�hul Bortower i�tawi�liy selsed ot�he eststa herehy wnveyed and has tha rlght to gmnt <br /> - and convey�ho PropeM1y mO tAat�ho Propeny la unenwm0ored.exapt for encumbranu�of rccord. Bortower wartanu and - — <br /> .__. wtll defend generalty tde dtlo to Ne Propeny�gainsl a11 cbim�nnd demand�,wbJM to any encumbrances of reconl. <br /> 7Ht9 9ECUW7'Y INS7TlUM8Nf combinu unttam covenanp tor natlonal uso and non•unitortn eovcname wph <br />- Ilmited variallon�by Jw4dictlon ro constlmro a uNtortn kcudry Imuument wvering rcal propcny. <br /> .- UAIIBORMCOVBNANf3. BortowerendLcndercovenamuMagree a�followa: :,�:.-_'-_._" <br /> — 1. Peyment of Princfpol end IntercMi Prepaymtni and LaM Chargef. BoROwer chell pmmptlypay whui due�he <br />._- pdncipal of and intcrcat on tho dcb[evidcnad by Ihe Nac ond eny prcpaymont and latc chuges duc under Uw Note. __ <br /> = 3. 6Wnde Por 7L�eas ead imurancw SUbJect[o aooltcable taw or ro e wituen walvu by LeMer,Bortower ehill pay to <br /> = Lender on tho day monthly paymenta ero due u�er the Na0.umtl�Ao Note b p�id in full,e sum('Wnd�ry tor.(a)ywly <br /> - Iaxei nnd esscumenu which mey enetn pdodry ovcr�ht�Securiry Instrumen�u e lien on ehe Propeny;(b)yaviy leaselwld <br />��- �uymenta or ground rcnu on the Propeny.If eny; (c)yeariy hazud or property insumnce prcmiumr, (d) yearly flood _, <br /> - nsurnnce premium+, if my; (e)yearly mongage insuruice premium+, If any; and (fl ony sums payabk by Bortnwu to <br />-._-�,,j- I.ender,in accordanrn wi�h tiw provisiom of parvyaph 8,tn Iku of thc�yment of mortgage inswwKe p�anl�vru. 7hese _ <br /> '1 itertu are ealled"Escrow Itertu.' Lmdcr may,nt any tlmo,colla�end ho d iLnd�in an artaunt not ro ezaed tht m�ximum <br />�-'--� emount s lender tor a fedeally ttlated mongnge laan may requi2 for Bortowerh escrow aacount under tlq fodtml Real <br />-.;j�,� 8stero SettlemencProceduren Act ot 1974 aa uroMed from�ime to�imc. 12 U.S.C.4 260�n seq.('RFSPAry,unita�aza�hcr <br />�-�:s.7- lew Naz eppliee ro the Wnds uts a lumr amount [f w.Lender may,et any t(mc,mllect and hold FLnds In m smount not ro <br />-- exceed the Iesscr emounG Lendcr may ca�imate the emount of Wnda duc on the basl� of cumnt det�and rcasonnblo <br /> -"' estlmates of expendtturo of Po�urc Escmw(um�m othewlse In accnrdanee wi�h eppIkabk law. —_--_. <br /> " The Wnds shall be held in an InrtiNtion whose depcuin are insured by e fWerol agcncy. instrumenteltry,or enNry R --- <br /> ;�� (including Lender,if Lender is such en insti�ution)or tn eny Federel Home Lwn Bnnk. l.ender shall epply the Ponds to pay �`' -` � <br /> the Exrow Items. Lendcr may not charge Bortower fw holding and applying Ihe FLn&,annually anatyzing �he esttow —_ <br />�= account, or verifying �he Escrow Rems, unleae Lender paya Bortower intercst on Ihe Ponds enA appliceblc law pertnia —�- <br /> _�;,`.� l.ender ro mnke iueh e charga However.Lender mey rcquirc Bortower to p�y e onrtlme chvge for an independmt real c_ <br /> esleu tax reponing urvia used by Lender in wnnecrion wi[h this loen,unless applica6le Inw provides othenvise. Unless an --' - <br /> ��:� agreemem is made or eppliceblc lew requircs in[crcat to be paid.Lender shell not be rcquircd to pay Bortower any inrercst or �,—a,,.�-. <br /> .. eamings on�he W nds. Borro�ver and Lender may ngrec in wri�ing,howcrer,�hat interest shell bcpeid on�he FLnde. [.cnder '� _ , <br />�:�i:-�'� shall give ro Bortower,without charga an ennual acrnuming of the Pund�.xhowing credits nnd debita ro�he Aunds end the R?=�-� <br />-•._�',� purpose tor which each debit�o�he Punds waa m�de. "(he Wnd�are pledged es additionel seeuriry Por all sums saured by e-`-__.�__ <br />� j. thia Secudry/nstmmem. �...-;___ <br />.;..;�,,� If Ihe Punde held by Lender ezaed �he amouNS permined m be held by epplica6le law, Lender ahall accouN to = __ <br /> � tlorrower tor�he exceas Fund+in accarda�e wim ihe ayuimmcnu uf nppticabie la�r. 1(ihc aniuura ot itK Fun�YeW ty � - <br /> ?;� l.ender at my�ime is not s��mciem�o pay the Fscrow llems when duc,Lender may so notlry 6orrower in writing,and,in �p f�`y -; <br /> ;_ such cese Dortower shall pay�o l.ender the emount necessory ro meke up the deBcicncy. Rortower shall meke up the �' :: <br /> �:-� deficimcy in no morc�hen twelve monthly paymenis,at LenderY mle diacrction. �'°-.����`-'� <br />' :? U n a nt in full of elI sume ucurcd b this Securit lnswmen4 Lender shall mm tl rcfund�o Bortower an �S`��`-'� <br /> _. .j po P Y� Y Y P P Y Y �!�.3 �. <br /> Ponds hcld by Lendcr. If,under qregraph 21. Lender shall ecQuirc or sell thc Propeny,Lendcr,pdor lo�he acyulsition or ,�kt��y.y,. � <br /> sele of the Property,shall eppty eny I'vnds held by Lender m�he time of ecqulsition or sele as a credit egeinst the sums S• aj�,. � <br />!.;:� secured by[hfa Seeuriry huwmcm. ; ��7���;�°_ <br /> -.^� J, Applicatlon of Paymen�a. Unlcu applicable lew provides othcrwisc,all pnyments rcceived by Lender under �_ �� �. <br /> �kf pam6raphs I and 2 ihall be appliW:�n6 m any prcpaynxnt charges due under the No�e:second,ro emoums paynble under ,� ,�� �: <br /> ` pameraph 2;third,ro imcrest due:founh,to principal duc:and Imi,to any lare charges due undcr�hc Noto. ��r i�, - <br /> ��i� 4. C�ergca; Llena. Dorrowcr shall pay ell tnxes, osscssmems, chmgcs, fines and impositions enribute6lc ro the �' 1 t :. <br /> c.;;t5•"-';.. <br />,,,�� Property which mry aRein priority over�his Security Insirument,end Ienuhold payments or ground rcnu,if any. Dorrower :���':r,a: <br /> shall pay Weu obiigations in the mnnner providM in paragrnph 2,or if not paid in ihut munncr,60vower shdl pay them on �r r�i� ' <br /> ,;1 timo directly�o lhe person owed paymrnt. Dolrower shall promp�ly Pomish ro Lender all notices of amounis�o be paid under -Y� i : <br />-,.:�; �his paregreph. If Bortower makes these paymems directiy,Bortower ahall pmmp�iy (umish ro Lender rcceip�a evidencing ,?�-�4l;,; '� <br /> �he paymcnu. `'���'=i='';� <br />����,':} Uortower ahali promptly diuharge any lien which has priamy over this Security Insuument unless�a'mwer.(q agttes �c-:�%.'-��s•'' <br /> - in wriling ro the payment of Ihe obligation secured by the licn in a manner aceeptable�o Lender,(b)contests in gaad tahh the -�`�v+t�-'•':�� <br /> ' lien by,or defends ageinst enforcement of�he licn in.Iegal praceedings which in�he Lendert opinion operete to prcvem�he i�k'n ".i <br /> "� rnforcemem of ihc lien:or(c)ucutts fram�he holder of�he lien an agrcemem satisfnctory to Lender sulwMina�ing the lien :{�' '� - <br /> i-.:� to this Securi�y Insvumcnt. If Lender detemiines�hr�any part o(�he Propeny i+mbjca to a lien which m�y atmin priori�y �?<_,::=�."-;;; <br /> �� „_ <br /> ;;_„ over this Sccunty Inxwment,Lender may gire 8ortowcr a no�im idemi(ying�hc lien. Borroaror shxll m�isfy�hc licn or tekc �,y�.��,.,°;;;- <br /> -;}� onc or more of Ihc aniona scl funh alwvc�ri�hin 10 days ohhc giving o(noticc. '. <br /> S. Hevard or Aoperty lnsurence. 6mm�vcr shall kcep�he improvemems now existing or hercafur crcc�M on�hc ,��': <br /> Rnperty insurcd against loss by fire,ha�nrds included�vi�hin the temi"extended mverage"and any o�her lurardx,including <br /> ";��� (loods or ilooding. for whieh Lender reyuima insurunm. Thia imumnce xhall M1e maimained in Ihe amounix and for the ;.';�j:';`;; <br />��'�t� _.:..i�� . <br /> � Form301a 990 �l�.tr_/np.x�v ,�� , <br /> r� • � t <br /> _.;i�i � � <br /> � -� - - -- - - f. <br /> -�Jc�2?',T a....�r:_•�,)'t—.. ->�c_-. :"Ti.. . . .. _ _ , . . . .. c•J.:i!'iv�-:..� d" i.._ . , . . rt <br /> _ y-.i�.�. � _ <br /> y :r. _ <br /> ...T'f ' "�`�/�. _ . ' ' ' . <br /> _ _ .:'•�,._. _ _ .. ' . . . . . <br /> Jit ry S-:��,t'( ' <br /> _ {3A`; "�' _ - . . <br /> " '_.'j)li=.' '"_" . . . <br />� �-{;t�. ., . . - . <br /> > �z``�:'.r.e':"-� ' ' ' _ ' ' • ' <br /> 'F.Y.- . • . . . . . . . . _ <br /> - ��" - . r. . . <br /> 1 .i':� . . . _ <br /> � _ !o <br /> a � �.. <br /> J � r • . . . �; . <br /> � � . _ ' . . . ' . � . . <br /> � `` .. - . . . � - . <br /> ] o .�. . . . . . ... . . . .� � . . . . � .. . . .. . ., . . . . . ... � �� . <br />