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.,.,,,__,..r �_____ <br /> ;�i 9�- ��9:� � ., - <br /> 6. Hqurd or Roperty fnsurnnte. Bnrrowcr eheli keey tdo Impmvemem� now w�lsting or 6e(eattet erocttd on tLe <br /> � Properi�+inturcd egaln�t loa�by firo, herarda 1ncludeA wlthin Ne torm 'ext¢nded covaage'end my ogu heurda,Includin� ' <br />- fl0ode ar flooding.for x'btch Lenier raquiree lnsurenoe.Thie Insamnce ahell 6e mefnWnad In�s emounta end for duf pedod� -- � <br /> � rt�at I.ender roqulret.71�e insuranco cariier provlding t!m insuranee ehnll Do cliosen by Bortower subJta to Lendee'e nDprovd <br /> . �.-1 which sha11 not bo unrcasonably airhhcld. If Bortowu lzits w malntein ooverege described a6oro, Lender may, at LtndaP'6 -`_ <br /> ' opNon,obtein wverege to protxt I.enderY dghte in[he Proparty in ecaordence wieh pmagmph 7. <br /> All insuranoe pollcia uid renewal�cMll ba eoceplebio[o Lcnder and ahafl Includo a etendard mongege ctauw. I.ender <br /> ehall tuve the dght to hotd tlw policla end rcnewah.It Lendtr requirca.[torrower shall promptly gtvo ro Lender all rcalpte ot <br />.-- pald prcmluma and tw�eweJ natioa.In tha event ot los+,Bortower chall give prompt mtice to the Imurence cetrter end LendGr. ,__ _ <br /> l.endu may mnke praot ot los.+itnot made prompqy by Bortower. <br /> �_= Unlese Lender end Borrower otheiwise egra in writing,Inwrenea prooecds�hall be applied ro ratoretlon or repafr of the <br /> Property damaged,lf�he restoradon or rq�eir ta ernnomlcaliy kaeible md I.ender'e secudty ts not tessened.If tha reatorellon ot <br />��;;j rcpalr h not xonomlcilly kasible or Lendu'�seatrlry would be lsssened,the Insurance prooade shell be nppUed to�he eurtu <br /> - -- uared by �hio Secudty Inswmen�, whuAu or not then due, wirh my excw pdd ro Barrower. If Borrower ebandoro tLe <br /> -�--- Propercy,or doea na enswcr wtrhin 30 daya e mrice ficm Lrndu rha[[he insurenoe carrfer ha+offercd to settlo n elaim,thcn : - <br /> _=_- Londer may cotlea the insuronca prooeads. lendu may use Ne Qrooeeds ro repair or rcstore the Property or to pay turtu <br />=-= sowred by tht�Security Instcument,whe�hu or not then due.7T.e 30-day pedod witl be$n when the notice is given. _ _. <br /> �� Unleas 4ndu and Hortawu othuwise egra in wdNng, eny appllcallon of proeeeds �o pdncipal ehell not extend or _. <br /> � poa�pone the due dete of the monthly paymenu rekrrcd to in peiagraphs 1 and 2 or change�h¢emount of�he paymcnts. I[ <br />�' ``. urMer pueg�aph 21 the Propeny b acqulrcd by Lender.Borrower'e right to any in.wrana polkfes and procudt rcsuldng from - <br />`.'�� demage ro the Propeny prior m the ecqulsftion shell pas�to Lender ta the extent of the wms auurcd by�hia Scadry Instmment ____ <br /> - ImmWixely pdor ro tiw auryisiUon. ------ <br /> fS� 6.Occupancy,Preservatlon,Mat�tenence end Protectlon ot the Property;Borroaer's Loan Appllwtlon�Leasehold+. -_ <br /> 9 Borrower nhall occupy,esta6lish,end use the Property e�Dorrower'a pdnoipal raidence withln iixry daye eRer Ihe execution of <br /> �$ �hia Saur(ry Insuument and ahall conUnuc ro occupy the Property e�Borrower s principal rcaidenx for at leaat one ywr eftu R "_ <br /> r � tha d�te of oaupancy,unleas Lender otAerwise egrees In writing, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, or uniese <br /> �.��� extenuatlng circums�ances rsiat which erc beyond Bonower's control. Bortower shall not destroy. damege or Imp�ir the .s ". <br />-,-:�j�� Propeny, allow �he Pmpeny to duerlorete,or comndt wesrc on�he Property. Borto�rer�hall be in detnuit If eny Podcituro �__-!___ <br /> --�a ec�ion or proceeding, whetha civil or criminal, ia begun thai in Lender's good feith Judgment muld result in fodai[ure of�he <br /> ��� Propeny or otherwise materisliy impair�he Ilen crcaeed by�his Securiry Instrument or l.ender'a cauAry intereat.Bortower mey „� ' <br /> �;�Y;a curo such a defeult end roinstaie,ss provided in parvgreph I8,by ceusing the ee�ion or proceeding to be diamissed wifh e mling �,_�___ <br /> ••s.a Ihet, {n Lendcr'a good taith duefminaNan, procluda forfeituro of thc Borrowcr'a intereat in �he Propeny or other maledel � - <br /> -_' im{�{mxnt o/thc Iten-rest� �;ahis �dt; Sn::ru�nt er!:r.�er's:.ceurlty inicr^t. P�rmWer shal!nlxn be in defauli if -- - <br /> ,_�; Bortower,during�Ae loan epplication proa.n,gave matedally felse or inaccumte information ar uetements ro Lender(or failed _ <br /> 'a ro provide Lender with eny matedal infom�etion)im m�necUon with the lonn evidenced 6y the Noto,Ineluding,but not Iimlced �"�' � <br /> "y ro,rcpresenta�io�u eoacem{ng[iortower's occupancy ot�he Propeny as a principal rosidena. li�his Securiry Imwment is on a f�{ <br /> _�{� Ieauhold, Bortowe� sfall comply with ell the provisions o( the lease. if Oortower ecquira fee title [o �he Propeny, the k �a _.. <br /> t; leeachold and the fce title ahail not mergc unlue Lcnder agrces to the mergcr in writing. �'; "' <br /> � �' 7.Protectton ot laader'e Rightn In lhe Property.ltltortower fails ro pcdom�the mvcnants and agrcemems rnnteined in ��� � <br /> �n�� IhB SavAty Instrument, or�herc is e legal procecding that may signilicantly e(8ct Lender's righ�a in�he Property(auch aa a i i <br />=:�f� ' proxeding in bankmpicy, probata for mndemnation or forkiturc or m enforce laws or rcsulatfons), then Lcnder may do and �-`j<_.•-�� <br /> ^-�+.'�� pey for whntever ie narssary�o protect ihc vnlue of the Propeny end Lendcr'x rights in the Propeny. Lender's nnion�may �;��+ � <br /> s-{�.'�' Include paying any sums xcured by a lien whith hns prioriry over this Security Instmment, appearing in murt, paying ���� <br />;;'i�:� rcasonable nttomcya'hea and emering on�hc Propeny ro make rcpairs.Ahhough Lcnder ma}•teke nctlon undcr thls parngmph + . --` <br /> ` 7.Lcnder doea not hnve ta do sa. �'�`�4 '� <br /> --� i Any emounta disbursed by Lender under this parngmph 7 shnll bemnu additinnul debt nt Uortower secured by this i , <br /> � ��" � Security Insl�ument. Unlcss Qortmrer unJ Lender agrcc to othcr�emn o(puymcnt. t6ae omounts shell bear inarest Gom the v F??::-.� <br />"%%�•:i dete of disbursement nt the No�c mtc und siwll be payoble, wi�6 intercsi, upnn notitt from Lender tu fiono�ver rcquatine 1,�,�;is;:=. <br /> ."f. � :;i_:?F,-_ <br /> - ,:� paymcnL , . <br /> 8.Marlgage(nsurence. If Lcnder rcyuired nronguge i�uuranm m a a�ndi�ian of making�he I�n secured by this Savrity �-- <br />�-:'�ti` Insttument, Bortower shatl pay the premimiu rcquired ro maimain �he mortgage insumnce in ef(ect. IL (or any reawn, the 'i;::�:);�f- <br />��_;',2 mortgage inwranu mverege rcquired by Le�xler lapxs or ccaus�u hc in effect. Bnrrowcr xhall pay�he prcmiums requircd ro 4�;r;�+: <br /> �'�=�'- obtein mveragc substantially equiralent�o thc mnngage insunncc prcviousty in eRec�,at a rnst substantially cquivatent m the •�v,:;.. <br /> -r�r cost ro BorroWCr of the mortgage in.unuxe previuucly in effect, fmm:m alternate mnngnge insurcr appmved by Lender. If q ;. <br />:.;'�;`. subslantially equivalent mnrtgxge in.u'ana arrcrage ia not uvailahlc.&mmvcr>hall pay�n Lcnder wch monih a wm equal to �.��:..-._' <br />"-����• one-IwdRh o(the earl mnrt a c insurance remium hein �d M• Bnrmaer+ehen the inxurnnce awem e In ecd or aazed to �.-r-,''` <br /> ,�.,-�, )' Y 8 & P F P+ 8 P� <br /> - be in cffcc[. LcnJer will aarpt.u�c:uid a�ain the.c parments a. a lenc rescrvc in licu nf mnngage insuruncc. Loss rcscrve � - <br /> M1�.�E Fwm3028 0/90 ' '- <br /> y' .`k': <br /> `,_ �.xxo�� .. <br />;.�i:'f . ��. .. <br />�`-`r.' �':, ,. <br /> -i� ,_.._. ,. . . - - : - <br /> ? : ,a '� —c-" f'_ rt'7 7i:a�n...:..�a:•.. •.,...�., . -•':: _ ..-.z.='l.,a,-, -, _::6.:.{t'�`T�:l:'(•::"a✓.Y _ . . . . . <br /> .av^,. <br /> ,. h�:•i,., e -r"? '^fi'�. �.5., . . . . <br /> - -c..- . .�:� - ' . - <br /> :__�:1,' . .. . . _ <br />. -.t�':-: . . . <br /> F �- , '.- _ . . , ____ _ . _ . <br /> i� ; � <br /> ti:., � <br /> �_,`i .,i-., _ , - ._:1,' . <br /> si., + <br /> ';3;��'�?:it .�i, � . <br /> � :�.- �. . . . . . - . . <br /> ,�._yt.i,:... `✓_. . � . . <br /> Fr� i. �: - 5 . _ .- . . <br /> r�. _- n.7' <:•. . . . . _ . . <br /> { -v: v r - � ' - . <br /> ��£ ' ' � ' . _ . . _ : . <br /> 5 <br /> �t - ��t t .. �"_ � . , <br /> y � 4' i - - - . r <br /> S � ' 4. <br /> r��r{t .� � r - . - , ' : .. <br /> � <br /> ; ' i -k � ' _i -- - t - �' ' {•.t� - _ <br /> . .I�' . . . ..I... . < _-}: .1.. t... . . _ . . . . . _ ' " . , :_r� .i� ... . . . .... .. : . <br />