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-� :::� (.�. <br /> . <br /> `�` ' 93p ����. _ <br /> _.,�. . <br /> . " - 'K)Q87'I�SR WITH dl the Imyrovemente now or hucaRu eroctcd on�ho ProputY�md all easunenu,aypune+iaiww,eod <br /> Qxlurc� oaw pr Aereafter e pen ot rhe propeny. All replaocmem� nnA eddltion� ehdl uteo bo oovued by this $eeqdty <br /> __ __ _ UuWmsnt.All of tAe forcgoing fa rokrted to in thl�&arlty InNmmem a��he'Propeny.' <br /> - '' DURR8N8H COVENANTB tAat Horrowar U Iew�ully uited of tho estata 6ereby conveyed u�d hw tho right w gran[end <br /> � tonvey itw Property end that the Property la unenwmbcrM,exapt Por onamDnnoes ot roaord.�onower warranu and wtU <br /> — °°- daftnd geimrally�he tltlo to tho Property against ell oletm�end denund�,�uDJect to any encumbmnora of r000N. <br /> THI9 BECIJRITY iN8'fNUMBNT combinp unlPorm covennnu tor natlonal use and nomun�farm covenanu w(th Ilmitod <br /> - varlotlon�by JuNadittlon to mnttituro n uniform ceadty Instnimcni covcring reel proputy. <br /> UNIFOAM COV[iNAN1'9.Bortower and I.eMer covcnont end egrw m fol lowi: <br /> . ._ .-:� 6 Papnent ot Ptindpel and interext� Prepaymmt end I.ate CherQes, Aorm�vei shnll pmmptly pny when dne Ihe <br /> pdnclppl of md intuesl on�he debt oWdenacd by�ho Noto end any prepayment and late chugea due under tho Note. <br /> -'° 3� Fund+fo�7loxea end[nsurena.SubJaY ro eppllcable law or�a e written watver by Lendor, Qorrower chall pay to <br />'�'`r":-�'� Londer on�ho day monthly paymenu�ro due under�ho Note,untll lh¢Noto ii pafd in fuil,a snm('Pund�')for:(e)yeady taxes <br /> 'a end mseasmmh which mny a�taln priority over thla Security Inswment es e Ilen on�he Prop¢rty:@)yceAy laaschold paymente <br />�"`� or round renta on�hc Pro <br />..`n%�.�;i*:� 8 pertY.If nny;(c)Ycarly hvard or property inaumncc prcmiumr,(d)Yudy floud Insurena promiuma. _. <br /> - ' ����-�? If any:(e)yeedy nwngage imurantt prtmium�, itany;and(�eny s��ms poyabla by Aorrower to Lander, in eaordanco w(th <br />����!z�?•',h�l Iho provl�lon�o(paragreph Ileu ot��p�yment ot mortgege Inwmnca prcmlume.7fiue items ar¢called'Hacrow items.' <br />-�:?3;�.�t Lendor may,et eny tlmo, co:Fece ar.d la!d FbnAe in en emount not ro exceed the mexfmum ennunt a Iender for a kderally <br /> `,�;�;:R�: rcle�ed mongego loan may reqviro for Borto�.�er'e exrow eaount unda�ho fodcrel Rcai Cstete 3e�dement Praedurea Act of - <br />,�-�;�,�y�..; . 1994 m amendcd from time ro tfine, 12 U.S.C. Smion 2b01 e�.req.('RESPA"). unlcae onother Inw thet appliu ro�ha Funda -. <br /> -,;;gY:;- uta e icuer amount U so. Leoder may, et any time, collat and hold Punds in an onwunt not a czceed the leaser amount. <br />�-:-+�'�'d��"� Lendcr n�ey es�imate ae amount of HLnds duc on�h:baci:oi curnnt datrt�nd reasone6l¢astimoms of expenditure+of Pomro <br /> ',,,�.-ry,:= 8scm�v flenu or o�herwise in ettvrdnntt�d�h oppticebk le�v. -- <br /> -"!:'(y�i Tho Funda �htll Iw held in an Innitution whose Aepuits are Insured by a fedeml agenry, inauumentality, or enNry - <br /> ``•�"' �"� (Including Lendcr,if LcMcr is such en InsHtuqoN or in any Fcdewl Hamc Lonn Bank.[.ender chall epply the Punds to pay thc = <br />;,.:�r.s:.:•• - <br />�-��^i =:;�•,� [i+cro�v Items. Lender�nay not cherge Borrower for holding end applying the Punds,enm�elly enoiy�ing�ho escrow account,or = <br />�-;,'s��t?'.yT:"I vedl�ing the 6scro�A(fems,unles�Lcndcr peys Barrower intcrcst on�he Funds end epplicablc law permip tsnder to make such = <br /> !�;'e`'_. , o chnrga Hmvevcr,Lendcr nwy rcqulrc Borrower ro pay e onrtimc charge for en indepcndent ral utetc tax reporting ttrvice ` <br /> �"'t''� ' uccd by Lcndcr im m�nonion with lhia loan, unlw upplicablc law provides othcrwise. Unless en egreement I� made or ' <br />'�•�°•�{:'(���� � Ilcabla la�v uirc�intcmt to be id,Lender shall not be uired ro '- <br /> ;, �� pp rcq pa req p�y �orrowcr eny interat or eemtnga on tAe Punds. <br /> �;:-��� fiono�vcr wid Lcrder muy ngroe in wri�ing, howcvcr, ihet Imercst shell be paid on�he Funda. I.aider ahall give[o Borrower, <br />','.�.`�;�� withoul charge, an enmiul eccauniing ot Ihe Funds,ahowing credia end debin to�he Funda end che purpose for which eaeh = <br />�:;; �_,;-„ debi�lo tho Funde wu hinde.Tho Funds arc pledged as additional axudty for xll sums secured by ihis Secudty In:trument. -- <br /> -_- I!IhR Pui61e h:ld Ey L:;tFivt ex.iii ihM1 attv::unis�ri::a:ia Fw:Yeid Lr n�iy�iuiL�2 tuw. Ididii alidi e�iiiu�ii W BuriuweT =. <br />�����r�'-.,;,i.� fnr Ihe exceu Funde 6�acmrdana�vith�hc requircmems of appilcablc la�v.If�hc emnunt of�hc Funds held by Lender at ony :: <br /> �;.�,;��� qme h nm w(Iiciem ro pny the Escrow]�enu�vhen due,Lender mey xo notify Barrower in writing,and,in such cxu Borrower :. <br /> - ` � �hall �y io I.cndcr�hc nmount ncccvary�o makc up�he deficicncy. 13onower ahall makr up the deficlency in no more Ihan :. <br /> :i�;��"� Iwclvc nxmlhly paymemR,et Lcndcr s snlc dis.retion. <br /> " '�'�" Upon paymcnt in PoII af all sunu sccurcJ hy thix S�tvrily Insuument. LenJcr shail prompdy rcfund to Borrorvcr any �� <br />�:-�'�:,1,i.� Pund�held by l.ender.If, undcr pamgmph 21, I.c�dcr shall acquirc or xcll�he Pmpcny,Lender.prior�a ihe aryuisition or sele <br />--"'�� oP lhc Property, ehall opply any Punds hclJ hy Lendcr at�6e�ime of acquicition or salc at n crcdi�against thc sums ucured by -- <br />`^E��'r"•`. �hh SccurOy In�uunkm. _. <br />�-';;��;::� J.Appllrntlan of PoymrnG. Unlc�.�appliraAle law pmvidc.ntherwisc.all paynums rcccivcd by Lender under parxgrapha =-� <br /> �.:� I and 2�holl M1e npplltJ: Ifni. �o nny prepaymcnt charges due undcr�hc Nntc: uconl,tn umomns payable undcr par�greph 2; - <br />":`�.,,F.; : <br />- �..b:-:, IhIN,to Imcrc�l duc fnunh.�n priixipal Juc:unJ ImL�o uny la�c chu�cs duc undcr�hc Notc. ;; <br />'��'�r��y �.Charµeat I.len+. fM�rm�ver�halt �:ry all mxe..a�mti.mcros.chargc�.fine+anJ impnsiiimis attribmnble�n�he Pmpeny g�, <br />--'•7%:' �rhich nwy mmin pdori�y nrcr�hi.Saurity liuuunxm. anJ Icu.cholJ paymcrns nr grounJ rems.i(uny. [fovowcr s1�all pay <br /> t <br />��"t!��'!',- Ihehc nbllgu�inm In ihe munncr pmriJCd in pungmph 2,nr i!nm paid in�hat manner.Iinrcmrcr�hall puy�hem un timc dirmly - <br /> -.;=,#,t'�� m�hc pcnxm mvcJ p�ymcnt @�rrmvcr�hnll prompUy furni.h tn I.enJcr all mnnum.�u 6c paiJ undcr ihix parngraph. • <br />._:.�a..:, If FM�mn��cr mukc.ihiv pa}nMm+dim�ly.Dortoxcr.hall pnnnp�ly furni+h to IAnJcr mcipu criJencing ihc paymcros. <br /> - ••�'! Nnrnn�R�hnll pmmplly Jiultarge an��lien+vhich h;i.prinril)�nrcr thi�Stturi�p In.wmcnt uniecs Borcower.(n)agreex in - <br />.-,iF�y�ri,- wdiing ta�hr puymem nf ihe nAligminn xivreJ Ay�he lien in a nunner accepmi6le to LenJcr. �hl anmeti�s in gond faith the lien i5� <br /> - ' :,-� hy. ar Jckid+ npmna enfnramcm nf�hc licn in. Icgal pnkttvling. ��hid� in Ihc l.cnJcr'. npininn nper�tc m prcvent the �_- <br />� ,'�,,�"i:' enfnnenkm nf U�c li.n:ur m.«nrc.trom�hc h��W.r nf thc licn un agnrnunt.a�i.(xtoq�lu Isidcr tiulx�rJinaling�he licn ro <br /> _ Ihh Stt7uily h�+lnmum If I.cixler dctcrmine� Ih:n any pan nf Ihe Prnp.ny i. .ubjp��In a ticn wM1ich may auain prinriq•orer - <br /> �`':.;� �hh Sccuriy Imuunrm. Iwinlcr may pir.IM+rruucr a mnirc idcnul�mE thr licn. Borrm�cr.h:dl cm.(� Ihc licn ar lalc nnc nr <br /> .;��_'_ nu�tc nf�he aa�ou.vy fnrtl�aMrcc��nhm In day.�d ihc Fn inr nl nu��cc �.. <br /> � Fam 30Y8 9190 <br /> oM).'h . <br /> . , <br /> s �L � . . .. ' . .. .� . . . , . . , . ..r. .- .,-.t�fl%(��': i" .. _f 'fr,w�.}�_� ).;Y'J-?•_ _ <br />. ':]T:'�" __.. " ; . . . . - ._ . ._. - - � <br /> .4.�. . .. . . . <br /> �'f'r.i.y'�� ' :.. � , , ' <br /> �:{'_ +'`/� .• <br /> '',,' ` ..�... � . ' � - . . <br /> 'A . 'k- u1 �t - � . . 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