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fL���U �� „ . . "� " '. . . J . . . _ - �L . .�'. :i <br /> - � .•v�h �6t E. Of. 1nGitti84CWAfY B�4lroxarfallaWppApr�th6 nenlbend�e qtlooMtiMdlryt1�h8�owtry <br /> — ��ar�9 �fiaep1aoaaGn4 . �' �lkhmxaRaaYattac�aR�eiM�,Mtrt+"`"�a-ioGU,y,tM�1�s1,�«+Q;Ye ,� , . <br /> .• �uptli1�to99rtoxEr PYM�a rpp�uuwa�el�but�I#audA_ �uln���r��tt�n�'�eq and wsh <br /> ♦cllOnp116�!eaesNry toDmt�nds A Mxe01:nnyemount IIMUlAeODYI.�nd� nu�,n►t9� D�#9'�Dit1�.tiNh1f�f+rioeb11�ffM > � <br /> — tt�aruGA:BtIpQ,tgtb"pt�vl4;pin QIN�IUAgreertNnt,�nuleeacme}adltlonel Wn6pN8amxwMC�u�dby lAli_ � <br /> � Inet�m�nt.uqtytisbrrov�or �idNifV.�todtwrtair'r�W�msi�6auoAtu�pupt5firi:Utiad�•DTSUyGttwtuyfrDmL� <br /> &ortawN�6quN�tn9p�y�npmNereoT.NONInpaontelnetlNNlapern4reAh7shetlrequkblenOeitalncurMYe?@4�s4. tpksqnyact _ _.T <br /> MrouMEr.MYnollMlekf+ibYEen4erun09rlhUpuagnpp�haUaotc�nee�ryDreechqortawa►�n�yh�veaommlit��ury� <br /> ?� ��� o�egree�hentun�ertTdeHBWxlrytnbWmencDOnoweregroeelTat{,endorlaaubropateGtoe110iNerlg�telnQrerA001aa1Wryp�IG <br /> Ilena,lothplMehtoflny0eymentUylOnABrlqeuchllB�IW. . - <br /> 2� �. Intp�eUOn.Leadermaym�ICSaoeuaeloDSmndenuonaDtasntrleapponanAlnpypctIonaoftMPrpp�y�p(oN4edlh�t <br /> Lenaer�hellch�sBOrtowe�nouooprb�toenysud�InspedlonepadM�BreasonaDboauw�herelorrefal tol,on09relMireetwNeDrop9iry. <br /> 9. CondemnNldn�Theproo�edaolanyawaroaGalmtartlame�ea,tlircCOraonseguant�udnoonmdbrtximenY"o�orktam• <br /> nallonorotherteklnpolthaProperty�aperlthxaoLwtoraonwymoeN�euofaonAemnnuon,ero sreEyassi9nad�nd�hiu�beDe�d <br /> u' WLenAOr,tothaexlontofanylndeGtedneasunAarNeCradltAgreemam,eubJecllothetermeoferrymoA8a9e,de0dotlmatorothEr — <br /> v:.��'�'"?�t searlry egroemantwlfhallenwblo�ha0pIorlryoverth188earIry fnaVUmant. <br /> ''.':��'s'?':;�� t0. Borrowu Not RoteueQ�Forbarance 8y lanGe�Itot s Wdvn.6nonaton ot t�a tlme ror payment or madiNCetion ol <br /> ,'��-f,•"j:4.`� emalkotbnofthesumasecurotlDy tAisBecud1yInsWmonlgrentedbylenAe�toeny8uooessorinlnlereatofBOrtower6halinOtDpar8te <br /> "� , �: �o raleass,ln any menner,We IlaLillry of t�e alglnel Bortowar end Bortovrer'e suooaesora In Iniereat.Lendor eheli not be raqulred to <br /> ,,; �: oommenoepraoeedlnpsegwnstsuoheuocessaorraNSeaeweMUmetapaymemamhamisemodihamororatknWtheeumaseauod ---. - - <br /> �ji7'!,;;_ bythb8ecurllylnsWmentbyreasonofenyd9mantlmedebytheodaNalBorrowerenaBOrrower'esuocessareNlnlereat.Myfoiboarenoa <br /> .nr.� Dy Lender In ezerdaing any dghl or�eme0y horaunCer,or olhorvdee elladaA Dy epplicebl9lew,ehell aot ba a wahrer o1 or preduda <br /> �q�'i-�'� Na exeralso of eny auch righl or romady. _ <br /> ` �`�3 �`'� 11. BuoeaiwreandASflynsBound;JolntuWBevenlllWllity�COMpnao.11iepovenenleende8r,eomentahetelnoorttpined -- <br /> P��a`}_,�• BAeIIbind,endthedgAlehoreuntlershe111nuroto.thareepeetiveeuoeas5aeanAeeslgnaofLanderenABOrrower.aublgr,ttolhaprovl• <br /> .,;�.�:2jj;.�. slone ol psregrep�Qt haraol.All oovonanle anG�roemente of Borrower shall De�ant end sevarel.My Bonowor who aaelgne thle <br /> � � y_: 8ecurlrylnswment.butGaeanotaxecutethoCredtAgreemen6(e)lscoaigningthlaBecutlrylnslrumemonlyloprantendoomeythet _ <br /> ° Bortower'e imareaun the Propany ta Troatee underme terme ot�nls 8aadry uretrumont,(b)Is not pereoneAy Iiebia under the Gredil <br /> re <br /> ;�yr, ',�� AgreememaunUe�ihis8eanrylnswmen6and(o)egroeethetLanda�endenyol�arBortowerhareundermaya8reotoextentlmoOHy, � <br /> f�,�..�.3", torheer,a mako eny olhe�a000mmodaNOna m emendmente vrith regard to the tarma ol thle 8ecurtty Inatrument or the Cretlll Agree� <br /> t +1� <br /> �'�. mOnt,x7lhoutlhetBOVOwer'econsantendvrllhoutreleasingthetBOVOwetormodilyingthls8ecurttylnalrumenteatothatBortower'a �,,. �;_ . <br /> M�7 d��� Imereat In tho Property � '�` � <br /> ��(y PI 14. NoUce.Ezcepttorenynotloerequlra0untlareppllceDlelawtoDaBN'en�oeno�narmenner,(a)enynotbetoBorrowerprovltle0 <br /> _ , , for In thls 8ecudry Inalrumont ehan be glvanby CelNedng It orby mamng auch nwice ny oenifletl mali edAresaed to Borrower et the �L�_ <br /> Properry Addresn or et such othar eddreas as Barrower may Aealgnate b/nolico to Landor ea provided hereln,end(b)eny nollo9 to - <br /> „�� ; r � LenAer she�l Do glven by ceNfied ma010 Lander'a eddroa�sta�ad hereln or to euoh other flddroea ee LenAe�mey deslgnala Dy notice B?�"-1.��';:- <br /> ` �_�,f� �_i O> lo Borraver ea DrovlOed hareln.My notioo provlded tor in ihie Becudty InaWment shell be tloomad to have been gNen to Borrower _�__ <br /> N„ w Lendar whan ghren In the menner Eesignated harein. <br /> �; .�_1�: 19. (iovamfcyI.ew;BEVeroblllly.TheeteteBndlOCellew9BipplkebletoNb8BWr1lylnEWmen18he11b0tholeweotNeJurl6Eidbtl ���v4:.— <br /> },)s�,. � In rmkh the Properly ta loce�ed.The toregoing sentence sheil nol Iimit the eDP��blliry ot fetlerel lew lo thia Seourity Instrument In +,y�� .-.. <br /> ��-+` �ne vy�mw o�y Fr!�e�or c�ause ot thie 8ecurRy Inswmant or the Cretlit Apreemani confllcte x11h epp1108b1e law,BuOh COnflkt � _ _ _ <br /> t `��- ; i�all not ptlect olhor prOViabne of thls SeCUriry Inatrumenl or t�e Cretlit Agro6mBnt vNlch o0n be gWen elfo0t wilhout the oonflloling � — <br /> '� _ �,1;� provlslon,anG to ihle ond tho O���one ot Ihia Secvr�ry Inetrument pnd Iha CreGlt Agreamant are doUaretl to ba sewreble.As uaed G � — <br /> ` >> hereln,"coste;"'expenseY'enA"altornays'teae"Includa all euma to Ne extent nol prohibilod by appliceble lew or Ilmiled horaln. �l�� —�� <br /> •`,L:^�5:�,;:; 14. Prlo�MOrt a o or DeOd of Tru6t;ModiNcetlon;Future Advance.Bonower ehall not enter Into an reoment wllh tho ,,� F?:�--:_—_ <br /> ., `c.:� Y 89 'f;LL:a_.�..._. <br /> (�l ;-t r,}� holCerotBnymartgago deedottruatorothereecuAtyegroementwhichM1eapriodryoverthls8ecuritylnelrumontbywhichlhel6eoutlry 'L�.,� � _- <br /> . ,�,y.-f.{;., agreomenUamotlllled,amentled,exlended,orrenav�ed.withoutNepdwwr111enconsentolthelenAOr.BOrtowershellneilherrequoet �,�`S,'�'(�)�_�-� <br /> ,�. nareooeptanylulureedvanoeunderapriormMgage.daedolwel.aot�eruuurNyegroemontwilharttheprlavrtillenWnsentoflonda. � i,�y _ <br /> ,� .-��•.5�� i8. BorroweYeCopy.BOrrowershellbelumieheEacoDYollheCreduAgreementandoflNaBecudtylnsWmontatihotima ti-�ri,��1i,���-.. - <br /> ;,.. - _��,,,: ot execution or niter recordetlon hereol. ��r�r� r �.- <br /> ii43� ,.� 18. Hoho6111telionLOanAgreamant.8orrowershalltulfille11o1Borrower'sob11ge11oneunCOranyhomorohebllttetlon.lmpove� + �it���'t�t1 �� <br /> � . tl'}s�: <br /> �� ment,rapetr,or olher loan agreemenl which 8orrower mey enler into wllh Lendor.Lendor,el Londor'a option,may require Borrower .� ,i <br /> � �._<<_ '-•' toexecuteenddelNertoLender.inelormeocaptebtetolender.enesaiBnmomolanyrlghle.claimeordofonseewhloh8orrmvarmay r, � ��� : <br /> ��� ; , heve egainal peMiea w�o suppty labor,matoriele w serWeoa in eonnecllon wlth improvemonle medo to the Proporty. �� ;y�,. -' <br /> ,fj I „.- 17. Walvar o}Homoetoad EKemptlon.To Ihe extent parminetl by law.Borrower noreby waivea the Donofil ot Ihe twmoetoed ti f,;r j � . <br /> . �; ; � Bzemptlon aa to etl sume securod by Ihle Secuflty InatmmBnL .��,v'; »at -= <br /> � , ,.� /0. WelverotStntuteeofLlmHetlan.TOtheex�enlpermllledbylew,BorrowerherebywaiveaslalutaeotllmiletloneeeCefonao - !ff t <br /> � --�,; .; to eny tlemantl or obligation cecured by�his Securiry InsVUmen6 �°r :'�'��� <br /> -� - �� 14. Meryet.Theres�e!�bencmergerMtnninu.a�tnrnein�nr.reetaaeytmaSeeurirylnsuumentwn�enyaheriNereatwesteta _`+1 5'- <br /> �;r ..,�°`4 j.�zYJ,v;,__. <br /> ' , in lhe P�oDOfly et any Iime held Dy w lor Ihe 6enefil of LenAer in any capacily,wllhoul lho wrillen conaent ol Lender. .,, <br /> �,�'� I"'•: 40. NoticoolTransloroithoProporty;Ativaneeaafte�Tronefer.BOrrovrerahallgivenMlcetoLenAer,eaprovlAOdlnperegrnph �;:u �e.;�,��;y'.� <br /> -� - -`�?t• 12 hereof,prior to eny nele or IrenBfer ol all w pnrt ollho Prppetly or eny Nghla in t�e Proporty MY Pe�eon 10 whom all or pBrt oi ihe r t��; + � <br /> ` - Propefty or eny tlght in Ihe Proporty ia colA or iranebuetl elso ahall Ce obifgatoA to give nolice to Lentler,as provitlatl in paragreph 72 �- �' 1 Fs��} � <br /> } -� � hereol,promplty afler sueh Venalet. � � <br /> � �!'' EveNFBOrrowertrenalare�haProperty.8orraverrrillcantinuetobeobnpetutlun0erlheCreAltAgroemonlandthie6ecurity � -rY i�s `t�_ <br /> � Inatmmonl unleas Lentler releasea Barower in wdling.As a contltlion to LenEer a conseut to eny proposeE Iranslor or ee e conOltlon ��i 1 aS�.;Fp'.�•_��' <br /> "' lo t�e releese ol Barower.LenOer may requira Ihnt ihe parson to whom tha Property ie IraneleueO eign en essumplion agreement l� �f;�•n?:���'�' <br /> - eallafeClory to LenOer an0 LenAar mey impose an eesumpllon lee.The assumplion ugreament will not ontitlo tho parson eigninq It to �,'�' ���+''���'�"' - <br /> recehre eCvancea unEer t�e Cretlit Agwemont. '�:•/�:"'� <br /> � <br /> 21. TranefarofthoProporty.Subjeeltoapp��caDlolaw,LenAershell�avolhunghttoaccolo�ale.thelis,lotlemenAimmed�elo - <br /> peymen11n1ullofallsume6ecuredDylhisMOtlgngeorDeoCOlTmsl.BElorrower.w7lhoutlhowriUenconsentolLen0er,6oilsOrlranelore � _ - <br /> - all or parl ol iho Property or eny nghle in I�e P�oDerry. � <br /> If LenOer exereises Ihe o0��on fo eccelerele.Lendar shen qrve Borrower nouce ol accnleralion in aecordance wilh Daragrflpn C <br /> 12horeol.Thenolleeshallprovltleapenotlolnotleeslhen300ays1romlhodalaol�honohcewilhinxhiehBOrrewermeypayl�osume ' . <br /> tlecleretl Cue.ll BOrrowet lads lo pey Ihose 6ums prior lo Ihe expirehon ol auch penod.Londer mny.wditoul lurthor nOUCO or ComenO . <br /> on Borrower.invoke any remo0ms Deimittetl by De�agraph 22 hereo� <br /> t <br /> , .� <br /> i _ _ _ _ � _ � __ <br />