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} � :,,.�,..�. .. , <br /> �� f . � -- — <br /> _ ' /�eS�.Ft.•'i.'iv>.}':•f'��:/xw�:J� ei - >> . .... ri.;..m"'�—ea� <br /> t- j • i <br /> { � <br /> „tf_V.r� <br /> ..5-"'„�a QOmp IDlO@Q�IIC8bl9: 0�0 . . <br />-__— —= TIVa PropertY b D�of e oondominlum P��lea known ea —.. ____._... <br />.-:;_.-.--._--g,_� i111ePtOpBrtyindUdB880rtOWar0un110BdB1180ffOw8r'of'�pht I�IhB00mIiMfI0lBrIi8n19011h900ntl01111MUI11D�0JlCt. <br /> ;:.,..,, TNS Proporry la In o Planne0 Unit Devalopment knovm ae .nps . __ <br /> a �`� BorrowcropvanantelhWBarrowerb�&whPlysels5dofthaoste�oheroDyeomayedand�aetherl�hltapranlenoaomeymaProp8rtY _ <br /> '''��� 9nA 1�81 Mo PropBrry Is unancumDered,exoept lor ancumbr6neea of racord.Bortow9r wSrrGnte and rAl�d8tan0 pararelty tfie t tl 10 to - —�� - <br /> c G;�,�t"��1 theProportyagelnetMNalmsendtlemanda,eubJecllooncumDrenoeaolreoora `-�'- - -���� <br /> � T' � Bonovier and lender eovenent endegroe ea lollowa: _— <br /> �� �3� 1. P�ym�ntofVAnclG I,FlnuroaChupe��ndOtMrC�vW�,BOrrowerehallprompuypeYwhenduennartwuntabarowa0 <br /> a.� underNeCreCl�Agroemem.eilMenoeaher0eaentlepplMabloolharchargeaendoWlec��oncoa�seaDrovldedln�heCrodltApreement. _ <br /> < �' 4. iun�f�torT�xauWtnwmioe.8uWeoltoepplkeble�aw,LOndar,etlendar'eoptbn mayrequko8aroworWWYtolond3t -�� � �� �- � <br /> { th,�� . onlh0dey moMhtypaymenteolprinclpelenAManoachar8oearepeyebleunderthaCredttAgreamen6uMllellsuminoouredbythla <br /> �r, A,��� 8ecudly Inawmanl are pald In full,e svm maroln"Funde'�e uel to onatwelM ot tho yearty tezes an0 aesesament8 Mdudln9 _ <br /> Y - -- oondoMnlum anA piannad unll0evelopment easasemente,if an�which mey ettaN piorlry ovar thb Sacurlry InstrumanL ena round � °.- <br /> � : <br /> ir�� .,t, renteant�ePrOpBfly,Itany,0�uaonO�M'e111hofyBarlypremluminffi011mentetorhlierElneuref�ce,a1109raeSOnBbtyBMimeted INalty �� r- . <br />- �}3 ��T enOGantlmorotlmabyLenOeronthebaslsotasseanmenteendbllleantlreaeonableeetlmn�eathereotBOrtowerehallnotbeabllgate0 ra,,-: --- <br /> iiyd�%� tomakasuchpaymenleolFunCatoLendorrothaextontthat8orrowe�mekeasucnpaymenfetolheholdarofeprlormongegaadaed x,,�_ <br /> y, � ]s-- oI We1116uCA IIOIGer 18 en InatltuNO�181 Lend6r. �''.-.�.�-----� � <br /> �, r�s,;: II Bortow�er Daya Funde to Lontle�,Na Funda a�ell be held In en inslilutbn the deposlle a ecaounle ol which ere insutod t �_ <br /> t_ k orguaranteeObyeFederalorstatee8ancypncludingLenAerilLenderlesucheninslttutlon).Lendetsha0eppylheFUndetoDay eaid F ��x ,�_,�.,,u,_ <br /> .:-5,:r ti texea.esseasmante,insvrance premiuma anA ground rents.LenEer may not cherge for eo holtling end aDP�Y��01ha FunOa,anayting ��r .�r.r���',,� �b,,;,; <br /> y �.� � eeldaaaountorvodfytngenticompllingtaldasseasmenteandbille,unle59LenAerpaya6orrowerinterastontheFUndaendappllcable "�{�� _. <br /> �n��:- � � IawpermitaLeMertomekesuchec�arge.BOrtaarorendLendermayagreelnwritlngalthetlmeofoxecullonolihis8ocurltylnsWmant rr_"r � - ~ <br /> t f, lhat inlerest on t�e FunW shall bo peid fo B000�n�er,end unlesa euch flgreemenl is meda or epplicable law requlreo auch Interest to ����!-.; � � �=— <br /> �< bepdd,Landere�aundberaquiredropayBOrtowerairylmerestorearningsonuieFuMS.LandereAall roBOrtovror,withoulcharge. � <br /> �,�r.,� anannualauouMingotthoFu�MSShowingaeddsa�CabitslothaFUntleendthepwposelawhicheed�iAebltroNeFunAawaemaCe. °�_xi .�, <br /> , iq-�; Tha Funda ero pladged ea aAtli�lonal seadty 1w the suma seeured 6y this 8ecutlry Inatrument. � ' ' +i , � � <br /> y_� �.yj; ItihearnountolNaFunAahaldbyLender,togethe�rAlhthefuturemonlhyinslallmenteofFuMapayeblepdatothedueUetas +3? _.,_ <br /> - 9, �.{ oltaxes.aseessmenta.inaurencepremlumsendgrountlrenta,ahallaxceetlUOemounlr uire0topaY�texes.assessmente,lnsurance -� F: r� <br /> ,-_y�, h�. premiumaendgroundrameasNeytalldue,auehexeeesahallbe,atBOrrower'eoplWrqottherpromptlyrepaidtoBorrowaroraetlitad � s'Iy`„'1„ � w"!' <br /> _;,�.;�,_µ,H� tpBaroweronmonlhyinelellmenWOfFUnOS.IllheemountoflheFunOShetdbyLenderehellnotbaeulficienttopeytezee,asseasmentA :F�`r�.:;,__,;��,q,�R- _ <br /> � InsurencopremiumsanAgroundrenleeatheyfandue,BorrowershallpayloLenderanyemountneoaesarycomekeupthede8cienry i,;; 7,�x, Z'5�;:.: <br /> x, t�ti% in one w mwe paymante es Lender may require. G��%;� s'� .���� <br /> .t�.�i Uponpaymentintullotellsumssecuredby�hie8ewdrylnsWman6Lendarshe�IpromptryralundtoBorraverenyFundaheW �*.,ty4 ,� � ,—_ <br /> - ,y"��; by Lender.II under paregreph E2�ereot Ihe Property le aolC or ihe Property ia olhercASe aequlred by LenOer,Lendor eha11 aDPb�^a {`� j 7��� - <br /> , � • IaterNflnimmetll8tetyptlortoMeealeoltheProperryoNtsecquleltionbyLender.anyFUndehelA6yLendaretlhetimooteppllcaFlOn �`' i� r ' ` ��_� <br /> �`3,�-,y ea e aedH egainst the aums sewred by lhia Security Instrumant. > ��'7 �� y __ � <br /> 8. AppIioallon qt Paymente.Unleae applicable law prwiCea olheiwlse,ell paymente reoelveE by LenOer unCar the CreOit r,�rrF ' ;�� �'"� <br /> -� - �;r AarnementendDereflroDhalond2hereofahall6eepplledbyLenAerOrstinpaymenmlamountepeyablemLenOerbyBorrorrerunder � fgJ���r�r�r}�-.t. y� <br /> 5- 1 �-F Daregrep�2he�eot,eeeonC,(Inihe0�d9rLenAereh008Be)toeiryMenCBC�argee,d�erchergoeanOCOiiaciionoosleorrine�WaiFitid, ,}}�.fr�lsfi „�-r:-,- <br /> d.�v y.{� � ad to the principeI balanee undor tha Cratlil Agreemenl. � <br /> �.p, 4. Pdor Morlgagoe end Uaeda of Trust;Cherpos;Llene.Bortaver nhell peAOrm ell of Borrower'e ob11ge0ons untler any ��j t�� ���xfi.:`-- <br /> r+} - � moegege,dead of trust or other eecvrl egreemenl wilh a Ilen which he�priodty over thia Security Insimmenl,including Bonower's „.y„ , y "i:� <br /> � -�Z �� (•: 2 B�ower ehull PaY or ceuse to beup�z�Paxoe,esaesa enle antl olher ch gee,flnes unA meposbto�na alt 6u eble to the P ope�y � -t:�'`" il�{�;,T` <br /> �r � ' whkhmeyaReinaprbnryover�h�e8ocur�rylmWmenRanCleaseholdpeymentewgrounareme,ifeny.WlNinflvetlayselterenydementl -1i�, � ry ,,. <br /> ,o - ;, • by Lendo6 BOrrower shell exhibil to LBnAer reeoiDle s�owing Ihet all amounle Cue unAe�Ihis paraqreph have been paltl when Aue. i s` 1 �^ •-- <br /> " '• 6. HaxnrElneuranea.BOrtovrer6he11keeptheimprovementenowexiatlngorhereaflererecle0onihaProperrylnsure0against ' r '.: r �f ��-fk�:.. <br /> S-+��-; losa byllre,hazerAa IncludeA wilhin�he lerm"etlendoA wverage:'IlooOS end aueh olher hezarda ea Lender may require end In eueh �� ' . ift' <br />.. ir' -'� .. a:n�:_-. <br /> :�_ emounle flntl for BuCh petlOtle Be Lendor may reqWre.Unieas LenOer in writlng requlrba olherwise,lhe pollcy ehell provide Inaurenee _ �}_ � �a.:.:: <br /> ?.,.,�.,,:�, on e reD�aoemenl eoat baeie ln an emounl not leas Ihen Ihat noceesery to eomply wilh any wineurenee percenlege etipulaled in the � •�-.'F.�•,:�j�;,;`��. <br /> �ezar0 insurenC9 poliq,end tho emount ol Coverage ehall Do no leas Nan lhe Meximum Pdncipai Belanee plua the full emount of any j;t r,,;���ir";+::=�`• <br /> ,�.,y,. _�. Ilen whieh hee Ptloriry over ihla Sbeurtty InBtmmene '� x{� .i(1�,c. <br /> Tlie insurence carrier providing I�e Insmance shell be ehosen Dy Bortower eubject lo epprwal by Lender:provided.Ihet � �::., <br /> , ��p ; euch epp�ovel sholl nOt be unreaEOnabiy withheld.NI Ineurenee polleles a�A renBwaU Ihereot ahall be ln e fotm eCteO�ebl0lo Londor -.,__ <br /> 7 and ahell InduEe a elentlard mortgage clause in tevor ol and In e torm eccepteble to LenAer.lender ahall hero ihe r18h1 to holtl the �'f� � -: <br /> ' pollcieaanAr9neweletherool.eubJecttolhetermsolanymortgege,Aeedoflrustorothorsecurityagreemenlwllhelienwhlchhaeprioflry � i �{�;;;-; <br /> i - ;; ovet Ihb S6CUdty Inslrument. � � .-- <br /> - . In the evant ot losa,Borrower shell gWe pwmpt nolice to Ihe inauranee cartler antl LenEer.LenCOr may meke pr0o10l louv ,}rZ y �! • <br />_.--�-:- �_ 8 frol made qomptly by Borrowec All insurence prxeeda are hereby eseigned m Lentler antl shell De paid to Lender to Ihe exlent ol __'�,�,:„4��. <br /> � 1 - ellsumeseCVrodbyth198ecudtylnetrument,aub�etltolhetermsolenymotlgage.deedollmatoraecuriryegreemeniwllhallenwhich - } ' <br /> �Y h9eprbrltyoverlhisSocuritylnslmmenLUnleatLentleranABorrowerolhenvlseegreeinwriling,insurancepraeeEaehallbeapplled � - - -!� , <br /> to reelore or rep8lr the Properry•U it ie eeonomically leasible to do so. � e � <br /> - Il lhe Propeny ia a0andoned by Borrower,or if Borrower feils lo respon0 ro LenAer within 30 Aaya from tne date notice is _ _ . . <br />-,�•�'�' meiled by Lender to Bonaver Ihel tho�nsurence eauier oHe�s io setlle a cteim lor msurance benehta.Lentler la eulhorized fo collect + � . <br /> �. . entleppiytheinavrencoproceeA5alLenEer'9o0��oneithertoresiorat�onorrepa�roltheProperlyorlothe9umsseeuredDylhiaSecvtlty ` <br />` . Inalrumenl. - 1 <br /> . 8. Proaervatlon and Melntenence ol Property;Leaseholde:Contlominiuma;Plannod Unit Devolopmenle.Borrowar sha11 , <br /> keepNOPropertyingo0drep9irandshellnolcommrtwesteorpermn�mpartmenlortleleriorat�onofthePwpOrlyandshallcompiywiln . <br />- - � tho p�ovialone ol eny lease il this Secunty Ins�mment is o�a IeeseholA.II Ihis SecurM Inalmment s on a unn in e rnndominium or a � <br /> ` • pIennoOVnitAevelopmenl.BOrrowersnalipedormellol8orrowersobligauonsuntlenneCeclarationorcweneilacreaungagoveminfl <br /> fhe N�tlominium or planneA umt development.lho bydaws antl regulalfons ol the conAOmmium or plenneG unil tlevelopmenL end iho . <br /> , • copsltluent Oaumenl9. - <br /> : . :.. .. . . . _ <br /> ' <br /> V.i.(: " <br /> �'I)2ii't+,. <br /> r�.I-i. <br /> 9�\ . <br /> -••,a.._�� � <br /> �i j <br /> - �i-' . . . _ . .:... _ .. . . . . _ . ._....__ ..:l. __ . . . .. . i <br />