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s r x' /r� w�q <br /> ' t ��� M1 _; ;1�rs - <br /> 41i�1���.e.- t . � 5 " .. .� i - .: 4i�Y '.. � _. " , ... �gY• �MM�,rM�i� -- . � �-- <br /> � tl� tld�afd or�7oDUtf idsvmnfe. Eorcswu.�hait ksep uia�mpcpvc��cnu now exteunp or AstcaRer ecuvd o��.` ` �' <br /> Piopqrty tdsuie0�ti�at loss Dy tJro,Aarard+included wltAln the km�•ex�cddcd edverogb•anQ ury ahec MurG�,tdsipg� : a y <br />- - _ ![poda or tluoding,for ahich IRndor rc.�dra in�umnoa Thi�insu'ona ahatt ba mdeialnnf in die ennuctt wd forllsa�rce�.r _ <br /> thet Tkrdei reguires:7ha in3urence caMU'provlding�ho Insuronca shall bo chosert Ay 8orrowc►subJea ro Lendtt'�eppror¢: { , _ <br /> -"------- whtcl�d�a11 not be unreamnebly wl�hheld. It IIortowm felli ta aWnteln coveroge dcacribed obove, Lendor may.o[lendE�i = <br /> optloo,o6taln eoverago to protat Lender'�rlghte in O�o Propaty ip aoobrdanco wltb parograph 7, , ���^- <br /> All lnsu�anco policiea end rcnowaia�hdl be aocepmbla to LenAcr nnd shel!Instudo a qen0atd ntortgoge cieuso. Leiider =° <br /> shall haro tho rlght to hold the pollcia and cenewal�.If Lender nqulrca,Horcowcr�Aell promptly give ro landet ell rcatpti ot <br /> .� •-�- . p3ld piemtum�end re�wal notkes.In tha errnt of bse,Borrower thell glva prompt no�loo�o�ho Insureneo canicr end Lender. ;=�_, ; :- <br /> Lendu may make proof ot los�If not made promptiy 6y Bortowet� =__—,__- <br /> Uniw Lender end Borrower otAenWae agree In wrlNng.iniuiance proaeda chell bo eppllcG ro rcatoraHon or reytatr otOro '--_- - <br /> Propeny damaged,if tha restoretton or repafr Is eoonomically fcatlbie end LcnderY taudry U not Icssened.IJ Iho resroretlon or -_ - <br />-- repalr u no[eeonnmiaJly tcasiblo or[.enderY savrity�vould bo lasened,tho Inwnn¢o proccrE�ehdl bo applitd ta tAe sumt _- <br /> ��� taured by Ihl�Sauriry Inatrumont. �vhe�her or not�hen due, with any exoeaa peid ro Oorrower. If Bortawer obandonn�ho =__ <br /> .�� <br /> -.-- -.-=-.. Property,or daee not ermwer�vithin 30 day�e naioo from I.ender�hat tlw insunnco carticr hes oftersd to eenlo a clatm, thta � �°- <br /> --- LenAU may collect tho Insurenoe prooeede. lander may use tho procroda to repdr or rcNoro tho Property or ro pay sum+ -__-- <br /> -_— aocurcd by tNe Security Iratrumcnt,xfie�her or not�hen duo.7fie 30.Aay pedod will begin whcn�ho notico la given. _-._--- <br /> - - Udw Lendcr end Horrowcr o�herwiu egreo in writing, eny epplicatlon of proceeda to princip�i eAdl nat cx�end or _ <br /> -�-°— postpone Nc due date of the monthly paymema rckrrcd to in paragraph� 1 and 2 or chengo tho amount of Iho paymente.It <br />