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� _._ -. <br /> "'S= 93s ���► _ _-- - <br /> 7'OCi87YlBR WITH ell the improvanenro now or herrnRu ucaed on�he properry,end eU easementa,eppunew:cei,aiid <br /> fixturcs now on c�reaRu a pan ot Ne properry. All replecememe and eddldona ehall etao be coverod by thi� Beaulty <br /> :_.----- <br /> Instmmen6 AO ot tha foregotng ta refxrted to In thf�Sceuriry Lstmment aa Wo'Pro�rry.' ---- --- <br /> BOAROW6R COVBNAN7'8 dtat Bortowu U IawNlly salsed ol tha atero hueby conveyed and Aas the dght ro gmnt end <br /> _____,_ _, convey the Property end lhat�ho Pmpecty b unencumbucd,axocpt for encurobranoas nt r�rwrord. Borrower warrann and w1U <br /> defend generelly tho Ntla m t�e Propeny agelnst dl clalmti ead dcmenda,�uDJca ro eny enambronoe�of rcoord. ` ` ' <br /> —�°� THIS SECURI7'Y IN319tUMBNT oombinea unitorm covenanu for national um and non-uniform covenanta with Iimitod <br /> varlatiom by Juricdialon ro consUtute a udfortn cecuflty inswment covering rcal property. <br /> — UNIAORM COVBNAN7'9.Bortower end Lender covenant and egrce s+followa: . ,,_, _ , _ _ <br /> - ---- 1. Aayment of Rlndpsl end Inferesq Ptepeyment and i.ete Charga. Hoirower shall promptly pay when dua the — <br /> _=�,� pdnclpal of and Intercat on the debt evldcnced by Ihe Nota and any prcpayment end late chatgea due under the Note. <br /> '-�=A�� 2. I+unda tor Tauea nnd Insurnnce.51rbJect ro applieable law or ro n wAUen waivcr by I.ender.Borro�ver ehell pay ro <br /> °�`.�,'^,° Lender on Ihe day monttdy paymoN�ero due under iho Note,unUl�he Nate B patd in PoII,e eum('Fundary for.(a)yearly texw — <br /> -;:;,� and essessmenta which miy nttein priority ovcr�hl�Security inat�ument u e lien on the Property;@)yeerly leaaehold paymcnb <br /> : <br />���'r arii� or und rcntc on the Pra n ,if an •(c) cad hmnrd or ro n tmunncc rcmluma;(d)yead flood Insuranca rcmlumt. <br />-- - ' 8ro P� Y Y. Y Y P P� Y P Y P �..- �.----r----.. <br /> '��''�'a�:u�� If eny; (o)y�riy mortgege Inwrena prcmiume, if eny;and(�eny sums pnyable by Bovower ro Lendcr, in acoordanoe wlth <br /> �;.;�=��i'�� �he provistons ot paragreph 8,in fleu of tlu paynxnt of mortgage insurence pttmiums.lfie.0 i�ema are cnlled'Escrow Items.' <br />��'"v'�:i;'`-t Lcnder mny,et eny �imc, eollxt and hold Fundi In en�mount not m exaed Ihe meximum emounc a Iender Por a fedcrelly <br />.�r.;;_�4�r;;', related mongage loan may rcquUe Por Horrower'e uttow eccount under the federel Real Patate Se�tlemem Proadurw Aa of __�_ — <br /> :�'����1�;{ 1974 e�emended from Ame ro time, I2 U.S.C.Section 2601 et se ('RPSPA'),unlas anolher lew Ihet Iiee to the Funda <br />-. '9;.s.:,.� ?• ePP —_-. <br /> .,;;{:��_; aete a leascr unount. [f w, Lender may, ot any time, rnllett and hold Punda in an amount no� to eirced the lesser emount. -°--- <br /> `"- I.e�er mny aeimate tho amwm of Funds due on lhc brais of rnrrcnt dam and rcasom�6le utimatu of ezpenditura of Poturc - ----- <br /> � S 3. <br /> �Slµ3�. Hscrow items or o�huwise in accordence wi�h eppliceble law. - <br /> 7Trc Funds ihell be held in an institution �vhose dc us arc inmred h a tcdefal e en inrtr�mmt¢Iit or cnHt ! <br /> l� r- i y P� Y 8 �Y. Y. Y �. - <br /> _�j Y�t�.�� pncluding Lender,if Lender is such an InstiWtion)or in any PWenl Name Loan Oank.Lender shall epply the Funds lo pay Ihe ���_��,;"..' <br /> ,, �i <br /> F.91F'gF^�` Pscrow Itertu.Lender may no1 cherge Borrower tor holding and npplying�he Funds,ennually enelyzing�he escrow aocount,or .;.s� '. <br /> .��� +� veri(ying�he Rscrow Itenu,unless Lender paya Ilorrower intercst on�he�unda and epplfuble lew permita Lender ro make auch � '�, <br /> ��<• e charga However. Lender may requirc Dorto�ver to pay a one-tinx cherge for en independent reel aixte tex repaning service '?. . �. <br /> '3}?C'��#P�h used by Lender im m�nenion with this lonn, unless eppliceblc lew provides otherniac. Unless an egreement ia mad¢ or N��1 --._ <br /> � 5 �� epplicxble Inw rcquirc.+intcrat m be paid,Lender xhall not be required to pny Oormwcr eny intcres�or eeminga an�hc Fund�. � <br />.;r{;��rip.�`�;`SI ;:f_;:r{f`..,.v.:. <br />,�L�x.;�:jJ�s:y; Oorrower end Lendcr:nny agrcc in wri6ng, however, that intercst shall be paid on the Funds. Ixnder ahall give ro Bonower. '1:-�z..,is:� <br />:_ �n,$/ p`?��.,� wi�hout cherge, m nnnpnl�ccouming of the Funds, showing crcdib and debits to the Funds end Ihe purpose for which each ;*�:`�J%i;.,---=- <br /> 1�v� :: ��n�M . wna n 1 s.Y ' 1 u A Av hi_ v _ m �::�tS-s '----. <br /> M�bi"-'_'FlM` ---m=k.The Punds arc pledg�s.eddi�i_ns.__unty for sl._�ms�x!*^__, t._�4cu�lt, Imtrn�._nt. <br /> rC(�1�� ���, If Ihe Funds hcld hy I.ender excced�he amaums permitted m M held by npplirnblc lew,Lendershall account m Borrower rroi,.} „�i�. <br /> ��C����r for the Fundx in nconNance with thc rcqniremeNx of appliwble low. If�he emoum ut Ihe Funds held by Lender et uny .�:, � € <br /> ' t..>;� time is not suflicient�o p�y�he Escro�v Ilem+when dne,Lender moy so no�ify Bormwer in wdting,and,in such case Bomnver -f-H �t d�+ -a��; <br /> afc::P, <br />"`�l:_;;��;i'"s; ahall pay to Lender�he omnum necexsory m mxke up the deficicnry. Qorcower ahall riake up the deficiency in no morc then �.:yr;�;i�;t���.r;;.�,:.- <br /> n �1M1\h= pYtIYG Ol(IOIIIIY�18YRICpit.01 IAIIdCf 5 SOIC dI5CfG1Of1. � {? }+ e ,r w;�.- <br /> n�4��', �- Upon payment in full of ull sunu xcured by�his Security Imtrumen�, Lender shall promptly rcfund to Borro�ver eny s��ii�n s �T}�r ,;' <br /> ;. .� � Funds hcld by Lcndcr. If,m�dcr puragmph 21, Lcndcr shell ucqulrc or scll thc Propeny.Lendcr,pdor ta tlic ecquixition or salc _t�:� � }�t���,��; <br /> ,.._,_j,•_,^,_}.�v'g: ot the Property,xhnll upply nny�und+held hy l.ender u�ihe�ime af ncquisition ar sule na u credit ugainst the sums secured by �T"'+�}.'�. �r <br /> s.� , <br /> this Sccurily ImuunMm. ��n`s � r 2 ��-. <br /> jr�y - ; 3.A Ikaflon of Pe me�ix. Unleu a licxhle Imv mvide.othenvix,all menu reccival b Lender under ra re hs - �'� P "5�yi�`.- <br /> PP 7 PP P N>' Y W 6 P .. y„s L�t 4 ,i. <br /> } 2�f,�;� I ¢nd 2 sM1all hc upplicd: firs�,to nny prcpaymcnt churges duc undcr ihc Nntc: .ccunJ. �n amounts paya6lc unJcr pamgraph 2; � .:.. �� r:�t�i,_- <br /> � s'ri ti" third.�o intercst principnl due:nnd Irtct,m uny hrte charges due ur.der�he Notc. �.�+,^ .� r���y'-� <br /> � r ��r,. 4. Chnry;es: I.lens.13onower a6n11 pay nll �axes. actissmenti.chargc}. fine.nnJ intpniiion.anrihmahic m�he Praperiy r' J; f 1 0 ���u��� <br /> n•;�C_ �vhich n�ay almin priorily ovcr t6is Stturity O�atrumcnt. and Ica�ehnlJ paymcnh ar grnund rem.. if any. Rnrmwrr shall P�Y ) _:�� �� yfr��z - <br /> ,��{1;{; theu nbligatinns in the n�anner pmvided in pan�gmph 2,nr i!no�paid in�hu�munner. Bnrrmver.hnll pay�hem nn iime direcUy -i��-'-' }�if���_-;r- <br /> +i �o ihc pcnnn aa�cJ paymcnt. Bnrrowcr ahail pmmpUy Nmi�h io Lcndcr all nntim+n(amamu+�n hc paid unJcr thi.paraFnph. +' . h�'t t:>�'.: <br /> � .�' If Rnrroaer mnke��hese�ynMnt.Jirectly.Ikxrm�xr shall pramp�ly fun�i.h m l.�xler n�..ip�.evideming th.prynrnu. �`. � ; ����+.-:.'_ <br /> yt f. &�rmx�cr}hall promplly dixharge:my licn which ha�prinrity nrcr�hi.Scwnq In.�mmmnt unl.�..Borroa�cr. �a� : �s �4�v i��.�_��� <br /> 7t - wri�ing ta the paymcnt of�hc nM1ligation x.vrcrl hr ihc licn in a manncr ac..p�aM.Io Lcnd.r.1h7 g�nc1 Gilh Ihe licn - y: r c�r(�� -; <br /> ' ' by. nr defc�d� uFaimt cn(orcemcni of thc lien in. Icgal pnkatlmg. whidi in Ihc I.cnJer'.apuunn n�knlc In prcvcnl Ihe -� r 'A,il - ' <br /> ��'yr,_,�' cnforccmcM nf Ihe licn: nr(B+ttnrc.Gam Ihe hnldtt af Ihe Icen an:�gnrmcnl rnufaunn lu Lrnd.r.uMxdinminF�hc lien to ...1. .,;.F,,.;�; -.���- <br /> t�Sr - I his S ccurily In.InwkuL I f I.n Jcr Jclrrmine.I hal:mp r+n u f I h.Pro�xrt� �.w�hJc.� tn a h.0 �rhic h m:rc:main prioriq�nvcr ++�' ° .��-i.,-- .. <br /> k 1_` .- IIIi�SfC0f11}'IIINflll�klll. IAl1Jft pl.l\ EI\'p IA.rrnxer a nuua¢idcnohin�tl�c Ifcn.IA�rr.���.r.h�ll .alnh Ihc lirn nr�aAr nnc or ' � <br /> +i -, morc nf Itic aciinn.+r1 fnnh ulw+rc anhin 10 Ja)��n�Ihc gnm�nl mqfai. <br /> :;�'��,�y�'�', Form 302D 8�90 � �. <br /> �'-. PN']d 6 (F :'/ <br /> i:i {`F� <br /> ..'`_��,) . F� ' <br /> ,��r . � f <br /> �� {��� �. m�'�^�•^m.;n�"�.F....�.. .... �.. .. ..� . .�-,•._ "'""' ' _ " ' ' ":r:"'"' �-..� .. ' ' <br /> I <br /> `HyrJ�it� :. _. . . . - . . . '. . ' _ _': . Sii... r,' .. . � .. .-.'.�.,. , . . . <br /> q <br /> _ I�i�(S�_ . . <br /> _:u .}}.-..-.�.;.`._._...._ . . . . <br /> ,-}:�: £...___ "_ <br /> � <br /> �i �.:(.�-s ! - . <br /> Y:. <br /> -:�'`' :(+�_ . . <br /> :'1�t'�.. . . <br /> _.a.. <br /> "_ -�i�.' .',Q. _ <br /> ' t. <br /> ' `-ty.i`.��j� ''r'' . . <br /> 1 }41 ' � � _ . ' _ _ <br /> � 2t.._U � - . ' . <br /> ff y . + <br /> t �y 7 . -. .. . . . <br /> � �> > . . - - - { � <br /> � � .-z�,. .7 ,� �. . .. .'._� _.�. . , : -� . . . . . . ... . . ,. ...�::!- . . -. _ .� <br />