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�t(� .��u�.�..l�l�.,. ... . .. . _. . �� �. . .._ .. _ . .- . . . _ <br /> t(�.j <br /> _- ._ . _ . _ . 8�- �C�,�S2; � ; -- <br /> Na@ropaty.(aco�YaforCamtp;d,LCntk+ehall�eveMeopUOn,InlUeoteenAe4wNbdleontloroa�DONWf�+Pror�, �._, <br /> �RerdlQUR�rt9JM��ttomUloo�l�m0�xpfnN�IncurrYObyrttlncpnmcLbnwith�uohProcNd�uponmY�nd�bl�d�M�NWt%f• <br /> - �- -- IqR4ye001rtpu�pAOrQan�6enQUmeyd�NrminhortoaDprynfl�uchProceb�alUr�ucAdhuctlonbtotMraNanli0nOltl» _ __ .. <br /> — Prop:tryupaneudfeonEidonoetlendormsY��m�ne.M eppl1oe11ono1DroeNd�WiiW�GMdn�x�Mllnbl�xMndapoNpoM <br /> ______ �aed�,lsolanyptymerrteunAVNSNOtaorcureany�iteuUmvaunQarornereunda.Myun�DD���d1un0��1u11W0udM <br /> &/Momqna0yt,xWe.UOOn�haocourtencaolenEv�nlofaliullher�unde,orlf�ny�ptlptekonw1q�7��d�� <br /> -- eommenceAeAdohmnlarinly Efla01ElMdNSIpWe111nNOProperry,UnAermsy InitsowndlwreUm6WwIUNxQdIiYp�lb nCOdO _ „_, _ <br /> � a,�nawimoutnoUostoordemenduponTruarorendwiNOUlret�flnplFutWrtromerryoDllaa11oM1q0anypClWiVM�T4I���Me ' ' <br /> epraodCutMlletodo�nAmayalaodoenyoNeraotltQaeman�eaeearytoproteotNeeeouAryheaoLTruftaltwl�a¢r�»O�MN . <br />�M�s_�"�� upondemenatneretwoylendar,ptY Wlendara�ICOeleanAoapOnsealnourteCendeumea�pendBdDYUnkHlncMU�siCdonrAfh <br /> ���' Meexemlaapy LenCerofNelorepoln r19h18,I0p9NOrwIllNnkteOlihRt00n611hOdet�uR�lte rovldadlniMNnOA��Mk������ <br /> � � odCeo w Na le6abtaweae eeoured�iareby.�ander enall not Incur eiy Ilebmty eecauae o�enyWnO tt m�r oo nr omn to eo <br /> 1, --t�� Iw�aunaer. <br /> - ' B. HaserEOU�MaGr1U�.Trwtor e�ell keeD Na Property I^comC�eeco wM nll eppllGble lewe,orMn�noaf and repulatlon0 <br /> -�"'-;z�.-���� rHaunp w mauamai nypiane or emironmental Draaauon(uuaowory�arorro0 to heraln as°EnvlronmenLSl►awe"!•Trusta ohall <br />��-�'�:u��+;, kaaDNSPropertyhaelromallavWlenceadeamadtobehazudouaorw�InuMaonyEnvlronmentalLSVraleollecWaryrOfertedto <br /> �r+X,< huatn ee"Hazardow Materlale'1.Truator hereby worrenta eM reproaenW w ta�der Nal Nero ere na NaierAOU�M�teA�s on a <br /> h��2y � undBrN9Propt8y.Truitor�erobyaprapaWlnCemNyenGhWd�armlaiaLCndW,ItsdiraqorA011lawa,omD�oyeaiende0anta�n0 <br /> r4��t�i�,� � eny eucco9sore W lentlara Interest trom enA epalnet airy end ell clelme,dnrt�fAa7,loasos end IIabOXfaa edalnB in conneotlon wIN <br /> ��y�,{ , N9 p(998�C0.YIIli,d�bpOLel Of t10110pOrt 0�A�y Ha28�dOW MOlf(IAI6 oM1 uflde�,lrom Or ab0ut Iha PropartY.TIIE FOREOOINO <br /> rt li�d f WARRANTi&SANDRBPRESENTATION&ANDTfl48TOR'500410ATION8PUP8UIWTTOTH@FOREOOINOINDEMNITV,BHALL <br /> . r��u� SURVNB RECONVEYANQE OF THI8 DEEO OF TRUBT. <br /> , �.;� 10.AWpnmtnt ol RwfU.TruBOr�areby asnlgnf a Lcndar tha ranb,isauea and prollta ol Ne Properly,praAdad Net huator __.. --- <br /> ;- ��; ehell,untlltReqocurrenceofenEvantofDofauilharaunder,�nvatherlghttoc011actendrotelnauohren1a16eueaenAproNentNay <br />._.,Yx.-si 1a�`� bewme Gue entl payabla Upon Na ocewr9nce of an Event o�OelauK Lende�may,atlhar in pereon or Dy agent with or wlNOUt <br /> bringing eny ecUon or proceoAing,m Dy a�oceher appoimeO by e can end wBhout regarA to�ho edoquacy ol Ite sacudry,antar n..__-. <br /> „ ���; uponandfekaposeatalonoftheP�oparty,oranyQarltheraof,initeownnemeorinthenamoolNeTruatee,enddoanyacl8whlohit -- <br /> ,��r�++� d9emenecoaaaryor0eairebletopreaerveNevaluqmarkatebiliryorrenlnbiliHoflhoProperty.orenyperllhereofulntereatNerein, � <br />�•-�-�"� -"�• inueaea Ihe Income I�sretrom or proleol Ne sacuriry horeof an0.wIN or wlthout takln9 poesaaelon ol Ma Proparty,eua lor or �__, <br /> `%=f';''-1'5�"0'�'�� olherwiea colloot tlie ranis,laavos and prollb Nereot,inolutling thoee peat Aue anA unpald,an0 apply No Bemo,leaa aoEte anC � <br /> ��{p�-�-w, axpenaea of operatlon end eollectlon InGuEing atbrcreya'taes,upon eirylnAebladn8sa aeeure0 heraby,ell In wch orderes lsnder �_,-- <br /> �_ �r ; may detarmine.T�e amaring upon end takinp posaeaalon o11he Properry,No wlteolion of euch renta,leauea and proNe en0 the ` -., <br /> - t appllCetl00 08�6019t OfO�oseld,ahtll not ou�e 0�wBNe eny dBteult Ot notic9 0l def9ult hetOUndOr or InvelWalB eny e0t Aq19 In � ` <br /> 2 kY`r waponaatosvohAefaultorpureuenttoauchnoUeeoldolaultenO.nolwiNStanAingNacontlnu¢ncainposneaelonofthaPwpBrtyor �" <br /> ���4 v. <br /> , r��_ ,� Ne collecllon,recelpt and epplloetlon ol rente,ieaues or prolite,end Trueteo end Londer ehall ba eMiped to ezercka avery d9ht $�., — <br /> �yr{r,ir- "r�p'���crirtsnyotNa:aan=^:Wmenucb;lew�;^c^ceeurren!�?ManyEvemotDetaultindudinawiihoulllmiutlonthodght i,Y-�� _ <br /> )� ,,�.ta toozerolfelhopowerofaalaFuMOr,LentleredghlsenAremBdlBaundorthleperegraphehellbeCUmulaUr9w11h,enCinnoweya �._ _ <br /> St °] IImIlatWnon.LenEer'etlghUendremeAleeunderanyeeeignmantolteaenandrenUraeordeAa9alnatlhoPropenyLender,Truatoa �r�,� . <br /> F� �� end the reCelver ehall be Ilebl9 to eeeount only lor Noee renb actualiy receiveA. .�"s�+�� <br /> ` � C� 11. 6wnU ot D�huiL The folbwinfl ehell conatltute en Event o��elaNt untler Nb Deetl ol Truat �-, ifS c�t�. <br /> ,,r��{j!,'; (9) Fellur9 to pey any frolellment ol princlpel or intere6t ol eny oth9t aum eecvreC he�oby when du� 7[;{ n;=_ <br /> ✓ i.�.�+ (b) A breach of or deleult under any prmision contained In�ho No�a,tnie DeaO ol True4 eny of Ne Loen Inavumente,or nny ;��.� �4 : <br /> � '7;�q F other Ilan or encumbrenee upon the Properry: ����E T� <br /> --,y�� r: (oJ Awdtofexewtl0nore1lflohmentorenyeimllerprxeseehNlbaonteretlegainetTrustorwhlehshallbeeomeolienon �.�•-� ��' <br /> �.��'F.'�� Ne PropBrty ot efry potll0n Nereof or inloreit Narein: �f'''�' � �- <br /> __t?_ '�f,�.:__ (A) There ahall be iiteA Dy or egeinet Truator or Borrower an ectlon under eny present or tuNre fedorel,aiate er other ,�. ��� r �;�;- <br /> �,�� 618Wte,l8w or regulellon relatlng to benkruptey.inaolvency or oNer reliel tor deblora:or thero 6ha11 be BpDOInieU any huelBB, f-�T'74 <br /> ' - �' recolvoroAlquidetot ol Tmsbror Borroweroro�ell or eny parl ol Ne Properry.or the rente,isauea or proiNa N6teM,orTruetor 3�`'° �i�..,'- <br /> t� '�F R <br />.:-;:j�r;��;?;�� or BOttOwe�s�all mnke any Beneral ea7lgnmenllor fhe beneltl ol uedilme: f;f .�.,,, . <br />-���.,:,.;�;�. . (e) The eale.�renefer,leaso,esalgnmen4 convoyanee or tuAher encumbrenee ol ail or any PeN ol or any imereat In tha • � .-2�r- <br /> �-�� �: Propery,eil�er trolunletlly or Imoiunlerlly,wlNOUt Ihe expresn wr111en eoneent ol Lender,provided thel T�valor ahell b9 _�4,�'. ��,_ <br /> ,, ,�, pormitledtoexeeNealaaeeof�hePraperty�ha�doeano�conteinenopllontopurehasoenCtOeiermotwhichAOesnotezcoe�f - ��� +"', �, � <br /> � Z� oneyeer, ` <br /> � tr�r.�;.nRan:�:thc':a:s:"�or ' t <br /> � t •fr3 <br /> , (g) IlTmalorlanotanintlNitlual,Neisauenee.selo.Vaneler,asaignmentconveyaneeorencumbraneeMmorelhanetolal ;y : � .' <br /> , ,�--� �"'�� • <br /> Av,f��- ot percent ol pl a wrpore0on)itn lesued end oulalenAlnp etock or(il a Oerinerahip)a tolel oi perceN ol ..! %' <br /> 'J JSa��, parinemhip Inlere6l!Eutlne No petlotl IMe Deed ol Trust remain�a Ilen on Ne Pmperly. 'r.'� � 8 �-- <br /> .�.•k.<. ' 72. HOmldllRAeesleretionUponDdeult.Intheevento�anyEventolDeleultLendermay,wi�noutno��eeezee0�earequiretlby st ,ra;; <br /> `���`;�� law,tleeler0 ell mAeDtednese secured hereby lo be Aue antl payable end Ihe aame aha11 Ihereapon Oeeome Eae and payeblo ,.'�S����>�ir�_� <br /> - wlNOU1 any preaentment Aemend.protest or nouee ol any kind.ThereEXer LenAer mey. `25 ' ��'� <br />' - (e) UemenE Ihet Trustee exerclae ihe POWEfl OF SALE granleC hereln,end huatee s�ell NereaXe�cauae Truatola 't '� i <r., <br /> �1� s � •' Intereet In tha Properry to be aol0 antl the proceede to be Cistnbuled.all in tl�e menner DroviCetl in t�e Nobraeke huet DeeAa � " �� <br /> - ...�:..; AcC . t <br /> -���>'�`;pt' (b) Exoreiae any en0 9II riphts proviAeC lor In eny oi tne LGen In6truments or Oy�aw upOn Otcurrence of eny EvBnl ol � <br /> ' Delnvlk enA ��' � <br />� -�'?�^r;. i (C) CommonteBnaCllOnlO�orBtlosethilDe¢tlo1TNS1a9Bmqigepe.appomlBrOtervBr,orepeci�iCellyenlOrte9nyOlihO E�:;i'„ <br />:"-d�"<tr}:; `{ GOVen9nb h0r901. - <br /> .iT Fi NO f01110Ay 118fB1p COIIIOflOC UPOt10<<OSBrv00 IO TIU818B O�LBOOe��6 mIBn48A 10 bU BxLIUBrvO O�8tly OIhO�fBrtiBdy IIB�8I0.101110 �• �, - . <br />- - '�>"='".��1 Loen InelrumBntB or by law 0��'�tled or pBtmiHeO.Dut eech shnll De cumulelive.ehell be in aAdilion 10 every oNe�remedy piven 1- ' <br />� :;!•��.'r�=�i hereun0er,in Ne Loen Inatmmenla o�nowor hemal�er existmg at tew o�in epuiry or Dy e�elute.e�d may be exoreisuA eoncurroMly, i ; - <br /> ��:� �+`{f}i- intlepentlently or eueeosaWeiy. ; ' ' <br /> � -� 7��% 13.Tm6loa.The Trualee may ro91gn ei eny hme wilhoul cause.an0 Le�tler may el any Umo anA wltifoul cauae appo�nt a - <br /> aueceasororau634tul8Tmsloe.Tmsleeahellnotbe6abletoanypam/.mUuO�ngwnhoutlim�latlonLenCe�.BO«ower.Tmelororeny � <br /> ���i}.,,';,,;`� Durc�e50roH�8Property.brenylossordamageunless0ueloreck1e55orwilllulm�SCOnOUCtantla0ailnol�ereQUbeOblekeeny ' <br /> - - " aclion In connection wflh Ihe enlorcemenl o11�i9 DeeG o�Tmet unleae wtlfing.lor ell cosq.tompen9eiton or � <br /> ��'�i�_'_ exnOn6ne wMCh mav De aesocialetl thorewilR In a00�fion.TmBtee mer Cecome e purchaser et any 6ele 01 Ih6 Pro08rty UuGlc�ei Or ' <br /> - ;_'.f= undor the power ol ee�e 9ran1e0 hereinl:DoslDOne Iha sale ol ell or any ponian ol t0e prw�de6 uy 7u�.,o+ >ati aka <br /> _ - Property ee e whole.or in seDerele pertele or lol!et TNatee'S C�acrenon. <br /> 7 a. Faoa end Expona9�.In Ine event Tru6te9 selle the PropBrty by exercBe o�power ol8eie.7ru61ee ahell be antiuOE to apply <br /> ��� ��;;,���-.; any eale proeeed611r6t to paymem oi ail costs anA espenses ol exercisn8 power ol ea�e.mNuGinB a��Tmatoe��eee.an0 Lentler'e <br />,. �;��;:�_•'-�-�� enA Troatee'e eltomey e leea,acWei�y�ncurreE to estent permiltetl Gy app�icsble iaw.ln Iha event Bonowe�or Tmslor exercls9e eny <br />��?;-"y,_,1,;�.` tlght proviAeC Dy Iaw to cure en Eren[of Deleult,LenEer aheli be emilied ro recore���om Truetor ell cosls a�d expensee ecluelly <br />' � ��' ineurretl ne a reaull ol Tmator'e AeleWl�nelu0ing withoul�imitation all Tmtteeb enC atlorney'�leea�o tne exle�i permlttOA by <br /> •;:�",�.-�-� aPPiiteWO law. <br />_ .� ;�..� . <br /> "�i� �'•� 15. FWUro AEventab Upon requesl ol Borrower.len0er ds option,make aAtlitionei an0 lulure eAventoa entl re- <br /> �••!t'�<�:f.`..l' aEvancee ro Borrower.Such edve�eea enE reedvencea,wit�inleres!Inereon.Mell He secureE Dy�hn OeoA ot husl At no time ehe�l <br /> '��+"�,y%' U1B0�����08�8m0un101lhBInCeElOAneel6BCUrBaCy�hilOBedolTruBlnOtincluG��geVmleCvenCUE�ODr018 �OiUCUtliy,0llhie <br /> ''-..1'.i..�,.,c . <br /> •.�i�!'�y:.;f DBBA 0�TNlL BxCBBd 1110 Od81n81 ptlOCipll Bmounl blel0d herem.or S wh�chever is g�eat r. <br /> � �). <br /> ,.i�'•`��,r`'�• tit7 � �. <br />._. 1J.' . . . . . . _—_ . _ . ___ __ .—. . -_ _ _._. <br />