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: ; . <br /> � `� � - - <br /> -� AC�OYlLEDOEMEH'0'OP D@��Afl 4RU8T - <br /> TFWDT4i1REkDTW88�QF1�8tONIN(Y 18e1� �4�� - <br /> � TFUitwuMtulWbblMlNedooummtthtlTnqlwU�0oul�o�xacuMl��C�otTruN�nAnol�morypp�end�lutltNpowp : <br /> � oiNNpmApiOtonn�toDNIp9olTmttDrov�daawW-twtlmryeifaremrlplaaaedoD��:uonem�tuator�emor�ei��a��m�C -- <br /> �_� bY�e Trua�ces w�lihouf�a Y lud�clal p Nr�ceWlnpTrutmWr�ieP�eenb end wa�nenb Inet�ihleiok�novAada rrrent wue exeouN Oy <br /> tty��or Wtu�th0 aecutlon ot N�Daa ol fYuat �,/ s, <br /> _ �� ,_���./�.�.�eien.r� .i - - _- ,,.. . <br /> _—_ = nnta - <br />'_,T.x'y =_... <br /> .�7?/'� �`'C <br /> TnItW� rz�. s <br /> �t;"h�, Ftw' -t�'"-� - <br /> OEED OF TflUBT WfTH FUT RE ADVANCE8 e,s. �._rt__:.____. <br /> - i*�y t � ' V= <br /> - r THIB DEED OF TRUBT,b made a�ol Ne 11II!_Cay o� A�pV ,1983_,6y and emonp �� <br /> .fr.:�-:: <br /> �4; ineTruaroa DIXIE HU68Afl0 BOESEN ANO LMBY 0. BOE3EN. HUSOAND ANO WIFE , �`���' : <br /> `'�}��`': 3804 S BLAINE. ORAND ISLAND NE 88801 fr �'`''" <br />- �l,-- w�o30 melWip 0ddte�s I� (heraln�Trustor;whefha�one a moro� � �ia�;:-___. <br /> �`v'i LEIAND B JONES , �'�� � <br /> ..c„. �he 7Fuatee� <br /> 5+,+�``,_ .__ ....__ <br /> y{i„ whose nMiling addroaa 10 P 0 ROl( 167 AUROBA NE 88818-0187 (hare�n'Truatee"�,and (�";�� -: <br /> �t; cmer uerrnuei gpNK OF MAp�UETTE 1 (�Xfi`� — <br /> �i�n. NaBanOfide�', � � oS, .,, . <br /> 7V � <br /> N ,� vmosa mamna eaarasa ie P 0 BOX 39. IIAf1UllETTE NE 88854-OD39 (nereln^LenEar'). '��` "` ' <br /> � ., � t' �. .. <br /> ':=�:+,� DIXIE HUBBARO BOESEN 'Y�i�;�'.`�.; <br /> FOR VALVABIE CONSIDEFNTION,InGudlnp LenAer'e exlenslon oi eretlit Idenlifletl hereln w ,:�:',. . <br />�'-_..a,:�,�r kFA: ;ei�:��- <br /> �f' �� ANfI IA11pV Q_ H/1FSEN (118rMn"BotfoWer",WhelhefOnBOrmOte)dndlh06u8IhBrBiOCrOetOd, �J��rt<+�i�'����__. <br /> �.�- r Na recalp�ol which ia horeDy acknowbtlgeG.Trusror hareby Irrevoeaby grenb,tranalera comeys enC eesigns W Trua�ae.IN �., ��y�,*'- _ <br /> -� "'• TRVBT.WITFIPOWEHOFBALE,brthoGeneOtendsecudlyofLenAer,unOerendeub�ocltoNerormsandcontlNionaheroina11er8et t-S.,ra�"._ - <br /> _ .'_:r-;�� tonh No real proPenY.tlescA6etl ae tol�ows: ^`�`ic'• r:l;,�'_—. <br /> .�.�.. ;ee.A;: - <br /> ��`�;; REPLpT OF LOT ELEVEN (11), HEADOWLABK ESTATE SUBDIVISION TO CITY OF GHAf�O ISLAND, ,�r�`�?� <br /> ' HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA '�r��`r+�' _ <br /> .� ;( <br /> ..��i�.. ;�,,;<<qry�f t�A" °- <br /> --� .- - TogaNOr w8�all bWlGing0.lmprovamenta fluture�,sueek,elleye,pesaagevrnya oaaomenb,dgMf,prhileges enA eppurla• ,� ;1`+f`'1;:J� ��; <br />� ' �'.' nen0oe bealed IhBreOn a in flnywieo porteinin9 tl�oret0.end Ne ients,iasuw and D�a�m.reverelons and mmelnAwa lhoroot,untl ,4.`jr,x-}�_f�i.•„x..-.- <br /> ,'��< suehpBraonalproporryl�atlaetlaohedtoNOimprovomenueoeetounsUMeelixluro.inUuding,butnotllmiteCto,nofBnDanC fr4�,,:`4;r'��„�=,"�- <br /> t.0:y�•. ..�:°SS'ti,�;3,_ <br /> ,� `�% coollnpoquipmententltopelherwllhNehomealeadmmarftallnterenla.ileny,wMU�intereateero�erabyreleaaodantlrmimd�nll , i � <br /> - �� otwhlo�,includingreplacementaentleddWOnaNareto,leherebyAeoleredtobeepartolU�ereaiaatateeeovreAbyNelienoflhis i 5'` y?i�i � <br /> � z'� Doetl ot Tmel entl all of Ne Iorepoing being relenetl to hereln ee Ihe'Proppry'. i.n:! ';�{SrS�p�: <br /> ; ��: Thls Ooad ot hust ehe116etuw(e)No DoYmenl of Ne prineipel eum entl imerni[ovidenced Dy a DtomUSOry note or craAlt � � -���� �'� - <br /> r > � i "S� z <br /> � -' egroamem tleteO �tAY li. 1993 ,nevmg e me�uriry aaio oi MAY 11. 1998 � � t;Z1 y` ��t; . <br /> }Y:,• 99.350.00 r'��"' 1'S.r. : <br />:._r,,.Eg in Ne originel prinelpel emount ol S .antl am en0 ell mod{fiu0ona extenelone BM renowela i: - .„� �t_;,S r,f_ <br /> ihoreof or Nereto end any end ell luturo edveneos antl reedrencea to Borro�rer(or eny of ihOm If mor9 then one)�ereunCer g;:; r� <br />- - purovent to one or more pfoml8E0ry not99 or crB011 agrogm9nte(narein C6118C"NOte"F W)Ii�e paymBnt ol oiilar eume eoranceC 4y �����;-^-s�v..•�-,,:;;,:.>, ' <br /> - londettopol9CtNeeocvrltyolNeNOte;(c)lhepoAOrmenceolelleovenaMaendegreomenWOl7matoroetlonh�erein;anC(�911 `,."�i�< 1 -;' <br /> � -- pre6ent 9nd fulure InOeblBdnesa end obllgaliona oi 8orrower(or any of Nem il more then one)to Lender wheNer tllrocL IntllreCt � , . ;?i � :.. <br /> ebaolut0 Or eontingont 9nd whether aHaing by note.yuarenry.orerCrell or ot�e�wise.T�e Note.Nis Deetl ol Truet enC any end all -' M1� � !; <br />_ olFiortlxuenUthateecuroNONOtoorolherwieeexeculeOinconnedlonlherewilnJnelutllnqwiNOUttimitalionguarant0e0.eewdty �_ .; j: y. <br /> egr08menb anA e531gnmenla ol lea6ea and renle.ehall be rete«etl to horein ee the"LOan InsVUmente". � - 4- <br /> Tfubtor covenanle ontl egroes wnh LenAer en tollowa: f: " '-' �� . <br /> _ 1. Paymsnt ol Indablsdnot�.All inOeDletlneae eecuretl heroby bhNll be paid when due. , - <br /> 2. TIII�.Truetor 18 the owner of tho Properry.hee Ihe rlgM end eulhoriry to co�vey the Property,entl werrente Ihet tho Iien <br />-���'��'.`?� erBBled haeby 18 B Ilret entl pNOr lien on Ihe Pwperty.e:tepl bt 1i8�6 end oncumbrencue ael lorth by Truetor In wtlting antl ' - � <br /> !e��k,�� tlOflv8fBd10L811tlOfb010t08X0WI1000�th1EDBld01TN6C9�d1110B%BCUIIOOLI1GtlOGVEfyO1�h18088tl01TN61000l�O[Y10�eIB8lly <br /> • eonlroel or other oCllgatlon lo which Tm6tor fe cub)et[ <br /> •- � 3. Taxe�,Asseitmonb.To pey belore doiinquoncy ail taies,spoclal asaessmoMS ana all otho�cho�goc eguinat tho Properry <br /> no�r or harealte�lerled. <br /> 4. Intu�onCO.To keeD�hu P�aporty msuro0 egom6tdnmoyo by liro.�otarde InciuOOO wilh�n tho IB�m"extantloA tovera0o".entl <br /> euM othur�a20/0f ae Lender muy rBqWre,in amounlb ontl wnh tompanloe BCCapIHDle to lAntloL naming Lender ea an edtll4onel ' <br /> 081116C In6Uf0A,WIN 108!PByBD10 tOIhB LOIItlOf.ln fAb0011085 uf1U0!BuCh DOIICiBD.IhO LUf1GBf 4 BNhOtl28E 108E�u6C��IBGtBntl <br /> eompromise,ell elaime thorounCer end aheli hore thu opl�on ol epplyin8 all or pon ol U�o mswenco O�aceeES(i)to any inAebledne6s <br /> "' - eewr0tl heteby 0ntl in buCh ord0�ee LB�OB�mey dolotmmo.(fl)fo tho Tr�ebr 10 Do unetl�or t�o repeir or reetOru110n 01 th9 PrOpOrty <br />`'-'+j'�•-� or(III)lorenyothorpurpo6eo�obJacltaL5�eclorytoLOnOOrwtlhoWaNOtlinglho0enotlni�DeetldTNallorinofullamountaeture0 <br /> -.'y.�` y holeby DBbfB euCh puymenl over look plat�.Any apD���bon u�p�nco8G8�o mOnblfWnoe9 6hn��not enle�tl or poa�pone tho du� . <br /> ._:r�!�? tloie 01 Ony pnymenl9 undB�No N0�8.or Cure eny dolau111h0�auntlof or�oreuntlor. <br /> [ry��_._ b. EaGO�v.Upon wniton AemL�E by Lenaec Tmator eholl pny b Lentlor.m 6uch menne�aa Lentler mny des�gnole.sufliclent <br /> �..�...wi��n.u�n.�n nnv i��hnv hwrmm�Ann nnw nr mnra M tFn fellnwmn�l�t�li f&xat aesaavnnnte antl o��nr ehnmossoamat <br /> � __�-.,� tt�e PtopoM.(Ip t�e premiume on Iho O�oporry�nnumnco repunetl horeuntlur.entl Ui�)tne premmms on ony mongUBO maurante <br /> roqWred by LenOer. <br /> B. Molnl�naneo, flopaira and Complianoe wNh Law�. 7mstor shan keep mo Properry in qood canaiuon end repeir.shall <br /> promplly repelr, or replece eny ImD�ovemOM which mey be tlemegCtl Or destroy9C:tnall not commit or pennll eny wasle or <br /> OolerloretlOn of Ne Properly.eneli not remove.tlemolish or 8uE5tentiaily allo�eny ol ihe improvements on ihe Properiy,aheil no1 <br /> � �� COmmit,6u11erorpBrmOflnyecttoDe0onelnor�pOnlnePropertyinvioletlonolenylaw.orOlnann,orrBguiOtlon:entlshallDayenA <br /> prOmptly Oischarga at Tru6lor'e eost enC expe�ae eil lione.encumbrences anE chargoe leried imposo0 or a6aeaaed ageins!t�e <br /> - ' ProDerty a any pen�herool. <br /> '•'}` ' 7. EMnOnt DO(IIOIn.LBnCBt le hofeDy ea9ipnBtl 911 cOmDenBBlinn,BwB�tlB.ABmegB!Bntl ONBr p8ymen19 or t011B1(118relneftet <br /> _,,�j°:'.. "Praceede�inconnoc�onwllhconnomnnllonorolher�sWngollnePwpertyorpertIDereol,oHoroonveyanceinl�euolconOemne- <br />.'._.�.;�., tioa LenOe�ehe�i Da ent111otl et i�e vp��o��o eomme�ee.eppear in enO prosew�e�n ns own neme an�(acuon or proceeOm9a.entl <br />'���.. �- lh611 B�6o UB BntWetl t0 meke eny compromlBB or setllement in tonnection wiih 6uch 19king Or dlme�e.In 1�0 6vBnt eny pONOn ol <br /> -..:1.. <br /> ...�..--'� � xxunaens�«aw�m�n�aea 1 <br /> � O1N�HNNW1��NplCxunws�iMlYq6�wp�41aY1wrilRWnMW�W -- -� � <br /> � <br />