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� -, . . : _ <br /> , .. j4 � ,- - :�f= r <br /> 9 t 'w �f � - <br /> , _�. . ::� .. .�. �' • . . ;� „ : �. -- <br /> ..�`� .-.... tl . ..... ".. . .. . _ �_ _ __ . . .- <br /> ... . . - - i. . <br /> . . .� . . �'�. .. � ' <br /> _—_a _ — _ . . _. — ._—_ <br />. ---: .�—-�— . . .. . . ._ .' .- " _.. ' _.-_.___ . . . -_ � <br /> _ u..n..._'... � <br /> -u�. . ,'" "� _ _ . ,.:__4.: � _ ' � ' . _. .. _ , � �. .. ; <br /> . . .. - . . . . - . 9�-1035p� <br /> `,� � • • oondptu�tiun atothdr taking of aaY�P�o�t of the Ptupetty.a fdr eanveyanoe ie lie�c of��.sue heeeby assiBneQ ard .' <br /> - • shaitbepaidtaLender. . � shalt be�applied w the sums's�cured by this Secucity , <br /> In thc e�ait of a tat�ta�kin8 of`tbe P►'operty. P�� ' of the P�upenY in � <br /> . ��������,witb any exas.c�aid to Bortowe� In the eveat of a pattia�t3kiag <br /> �;�tich the fW muket value of the Propetty immediazeiy 6e�ore tAe taking is equat tn uR bmater tiu�n tAe amovs�f of the sums <br /> secuted this Security In.mununt immeaiatety 6efone tl�taicing.unksg I3orrowe�and Lender ott�en��ise agnee in writing. <br /> - - - - - - �— �his Se�ity'3�tiwt�3cstsat�tr:-�sd�h�-lh�am�x4nt-!►��Ir�Qmceedgmul�pii€d-by tfle foliowing__. - <br /> _ . .. <br /> _ [i�suins serui�i�y <br /> . . . <br /> ,.. <br /> _ � _• fta�un: t��tbe tot�l amoant at il�snms secured immedis[eiy befcx+t th�t�tng.dtrisled t►y��)tt�fair m3rket araiue at - - � - <br /> • �as�ska! id to BQCrgwe_r.._ In the,event of a iaf taicin of t�r � <br /> - --- =_ - ' lsrfac�ti�e. An <br /> - p�,p��Yi�n iskm�- y , k�� : - -- -- �� -�---. . • . .�_ � <br /> ptoperty in vvhich the fau nisri�e��aiue oC dx F��k�Y befare the t�nc is 1�tf�ti tht,amount of ffic����i� --- <br /> secwed im�aodiuety befine the ta�cing.�mtess B�ower and l.endzr othenvise a�ee in w�itmg os unfeat appticabte fsw <br /> etl�erixise povuies.the pcncetds shall be applied to[he sums secured bg thi.�Securit�c Ibs�uument whether or noi the+ums ate <br /> t1�en doe. . <br /> If the RopettY is aDando�ed by Baro�xer,ar if.after natice by Ler�der to Borroc�er that the oondemna offers m make . <br /> an award or settk a cltim for damages.Barowa f�ils m respond ta Lender within 3Q da�rs after the date the natice is gnren, <br /> - - - - - Lender is authaiud to eoilect and apply th�,pt�oceeds;a�-its option.either to restor.�tiaa a repau'of tl�e P�opecty or to the _ _ _ — <br /> -- sams secuced hY this Security instnunen�wlxth�r or not tt�en dae. . jCaruni.of ,. .m rinci ', sh.:lt not extend or <br /> Untess l.end�r aad Bo�owerot�i�sc�agcee in writing,�ly appl , pcnE�ed� Q �•; ' . <br />--- postpone tbeilue date of the manthl�P�Ym�rCfemd to ia par,d�-r�hs�i c,nct�nrch�rge the:uuounc ofistirh paymenu.,. .. . <br /> -. l l. Bu�awer IVat IIek�>��:�' �dn' l�f �•'waiver�: Eictrnsiva of the:"t'sme for paymeat.:ar <br /> mndif'c�tion of aararti�atia�s;of tiie sums secumd tiy fkRS Securitg Instiutnent grrnted by�errder w a�sy successor�n�1: -_-- <br />_:.- - ----- <br /> oF Etanowee sfiali nc�t o�.to m�tt�e liabilitr:��the uriginal Bortower ar Sorrowe�'s�suocessors in interes�Lettd�c . - <br /> !e <br /> -- � sUalI smt bc erquined ur;�,�?iCnce.P��Ss aS�any successor in iatercsi or refuse�eatend time'for payme�it�'ar -�.-- <br /> `_— - - �r�mc�ify 3uioi�iir�;�`�'tff tlfe s�s serarce!by this Sscurity•Inst�umens by reason of ang detnand made by the orittinal. ___- <br /> - II g ,or remed shall not tie a <br /> --= � �'� Borrowa�Samvire��:sfi�ssors in"�oe�st. Any fo�b�a�e by L�ender in exercisin a��n�::. Y' ., . _-_ <br /> �`,,r waever of or pseclude c�:`�r.e�ise af any right or remedy.. . :;� �_ <br /> � •. ::4= . ,1Z. Suoccsots n�� cov j� and a ments of this� _ _ <br /> � Round,Joiae sn�Several Liabtlity:CasiBaers. The �r3�` 8� <br />_ � .� ,.�:`;�.��:5,i c u r ity I n s fi i m e n t s h a i l b i n d a n d b e n e f i t the successors and assi g n s of Lender and Borrourei;:�5pject to the provisions of ��_ <br /> -; ' r-:psragiaph 17. Borrower�s'wvenauis�; , ts shall be joint and several.Any Borrarue�;`��o co-signs i his Security �1 - <br /> ragi <br /> ` Instrument but dces not eaecvte the Kr,;i�:...a�e no�i�ing this Secusity Insuument onty t.�m�h�e.Sram and sonvey th� ,� , <br /> ; �<� <br /> .. '� ' BorroHret's interest in the Property unC�u�+t;:terms of this Securiry Instmmenr. (b1 is not persoin�'�bligated[o pay the sums �'_ r� , <br /> 'a:,; sec�ted by this Securitg iasuument;t�3ir;,sl�b'�s that Lender and any athes Borrowe�maX:#�:.�.ti�eatend.madify,forbeaf.,;:' .1•-``_ <br /> _�_ <br /> ��_ .-' ar make any accammo�.+��s with r+�gaM to the terms of this Sec�riry Instrumecit or the,';�?:r:without that Borrower's• ����-__ <br /> ;,;�,:;' consenf. ' �.;•',;;..,`::.w � '..✓.... r _-__ <br /> � � °` 13.�1�+k".,, �f��z�.to2yt a-��sc�ed by this Security Instrument is xci:6�c.�t to a 4.f,�efiicb se�s ma�cimum taan _ <br /> ;;���Y F charges.a��i�e.�,�+.���'r�'��''"?a thAt the interest or otfa�lnar�chafges collecce�nxi3a�,:�e collected in connectiqcs.: -- -- <br /> ��.'��' with ttre iaa�i,zs� � .� r�uux.,�.n•,(a)any such laui'�.��shatl be reduced 6y�.:�ciunt n�ecessary to red�i:i � <br /> i�.��. au <br /> �� ' -.::ihe ct�at$e ta�e'per�,�r����C�i?'�Y•'�!�����Ilecte8�nm Borrower which ex¢�a3r3 permitted limiu w%q,'� , - <br /> ..�efunded to,Barrower.��a?�,%�."j�.�.^��.�matc=�'''��fund by reducing the prinCipal owed utiurc"the Nta�e vr-�mak�ri��: ^--__ <br /> ��lirect payment to Bo�ar�`ff a r��uces priREipal.the r�eductian wi116e�eated a�a pa��}p��p�}�,�w:izfrouf:uty' <br /> . prepayment charge under it�e Nate. . =. .-•. ��'� �1��`- <br /> 14. Notk�es. Any notice to Bi,-�^a�er provided for in lhic Security Insuument ahall 6e��+���1�Y deltvenng rt or��� . i���m <br /> . .. mailing it by fint ctass mail unless appiicable law requires use of anather method..The aottce�a�bc.directed to[he Propet�:;.. , r��_: <br /> M���i._-..,. <br /> Address or any other address Borrowet detiignates by notice ta L.ender. Any noti��e to Lender xhall be�iven by first class " {;•`.;.,t <br /> °. � mail to l.ender's addmss stated her�in or any other addresx l..ender de�ignateti by natice to Borrower. Any notice provided far •t.,�;i - <br /> in this Security Instrument tinall be dcxmc�!to have been �ivcn to F3arrower ar Lender when given ati provided in this �':;;.:.. <br /> '�= <br /> " ��IS�ddverninR 1.Aw; SeveraDility. Thiv Sccurity Imtrument .rhall be govemed by fedeml law and the law af the ::_-.:�_°_ <br /> jurisdZcNon ia which lhe Propert}is located. In the event tha!Any pruvi�ian ar clau�+e af this Securiry tnstrument ar the Note ., <br /> 'w conllIcu wlth Appltcable law.ruch conllict�httll not affect othcr pravisiuns oP thi.ti Socurity In.trument or the Note whicb can Y• <br /> . :� be given effect without the conflicting provirion. .'�'a thic end the provi.ion�of�hi�Security Instrument anJ�he Naee are , rt, <br /> � declared to be severabte. ' . �.: : <br /> • f;:,.:.... <br /> ' � 16. Borrower's Copy. Barrower sha11 he given one ronfamned capy of�he Nate and of this Security Inctrument. ' �= ._; <br /> � 1 7. 'I Y a�es of the Pr o p ert y or A Benelirial laterest in Hurrower. If ull or any pa»ai the Property or uny intercwt,ia.. � ' <br /> it is sold or transferred Ior if a benefcial ioterest in Borrawcr iti ud d or trans ferrc d a n d$o r ro w e r i s n o t A n a t u r n l p e r s a n�,' ,,';rr <br /> � witlrout l.ender's prior written consent.Lender its uption.rcyuire immediatc paymen�in full of all tiums tecured hy �__�::� <br /> � this Securiry Instrumem. However.this optian shall nc�t be exercitied hy Lender ef exerci�tie iti prohibited by federal law ac at .6 t• : <br /> • the datq oF this Security lnstnimen� ;� �sf� ' <br /> � . i�£.�.+��er eiercisex t his op t i o n.L e n d e r s t�a l l g i v c B u n a w e r n o t i c e o f.�c e c l e�c io n. Thc nutice.rhall providc a periad af �. ����. �. <br />';.�'�,'. '` t �'t';7r?U da s f'rom the date the rcotice iz de l ivere d ar mai le d w i t h i n w h i c h R o r w w e r m u ti�p a y a l l w m s s e c u r e d b y t h is '��. <br /> .,,f . not es !? Y <br /> .: �_. <br />::-;;,�;.;,.., ,,5ec4ritY;tn*iramcnt. If Hortower pay these +unn pnor t��the e!cpirutian��i'thi�perfod. Lcndcr may invake anv, ; <br /> �� : •�'" ' ,�t�'j7�rnitted by thiy 5ecurity Instnimcro withnut funhcr nnticc��r dcmand an Rorrowcr. . +��, <br /> ' :�.{�l,,,.i�'r�rowerx�tJ�t to Relnat�te. If Borrawer mecG�ccrluiu canJitiuns, &�rrowcr �hall have the.rigM to ha�;+:.� j��y��.. <br />;,jjyl�, S'. . ''4q7�Q'Cf;i;iTi'�i�i���tIll:�5:�»>t.y Instrumcnt disconcinw:fi at any dmc priar to�hc carlicr nf: Ia1 i duyr+I�r�uc�i:c•rh��r perial`aL. ' . �`'}�;, <br /> �� , � , . J'F' <br /> }t {4s} :�; ' , . . :SinglePam�ty-ineeietlae�FeeiSddk�tact��kt)�3�tl�ti'Iflt��1i:r"i••I�ni1amit'orcnan(. 9r99.rj��iirJ��(h�wcrs7 �� <br /> !y�y' '•• 1.� , • ' ,`. ' d , �, <br /> •�: Y,��� '-; ' . � ,�%., . � . � . <br /> . .. • , �. � <br /> ,. .. . . <br /> " . • , .',, ,. <br />:. . .. .. .� ,{ •,, , ",:�. ':: <br /> ! .� ' . . , . . . , t ��A�S . � ' , .--- • -- - -•--,- ; • • -� .. . <br /> �.� t c ��=t�,fl�rzr. •— .- . . . ` „ ' ' , , : <br /> � ���'i; . �v:`� . ��,'�.t�:,� , .� ,:' . . <br /> , � , . . , • �� • ., `;, <br /> , . .r. ' y;: `•r .. ... . , , . , . . . i. . . . , .0 <br /> ' . .w. � .., . ',. <br /> _� .,t . . , . <br /> : . . .:r . . . <br /> .._. .._ • s.. ' _ .'.�n.� . * '.. . . ... . . _.. .. . . _._ _ _ . _ ... _ , .. . . . . _ . . <br /> ,�'�Si�_ . .. . ..: -- , . • • . •- <br /> • ' .�--%��� . ' ' ' . - . � , ' . <br /> '��� , ,t ' - ' ' ' ' . . . ... ' ' <br /> . � . <br /> -, .. . � . � . � . . , . . <br /> � . . • <br /> . . sw. - • ' . . ' <br /> . a.� . ' • .. -+ . . <br /> . . , . . . .�� .. t. : <br /> — __ _.�_.— __'_'_'_.__._....__—......_...__. ..._._... ........ . . _ _ ' _ __ _' _ _�_ __— <br /> ,; � � ,;7v`* , . � ' . ' • � , ' _ • . <br /> ,t"_ .- _ . . . . . . . . . , • . <br /> . =��'�'� ' : � .. _ . . ' . <br /> `' '?.,`uy .. • : . - .� . " .. . <br /> ,��' . , . ,. . . ! :�.. <br /> , __.1 <br /> - � . � <br /> , <br /> . ,. <br /> � - - — - <br /> - - - :.. _—�,: . ,,, ----- - <br />