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-• -_ _-_ _-': , . - _ - � - � -�- ' - .- . - _ .. --_ 'ri.`_.':-- <br /> =���. .< f'`'-1,e' - . . 'rfQ.. - -- _ <br /> _ . _� ' _ '_^'YI .'� ' ' . .. - . ... —:. - ..-..' ,. ""�_-_ <br /> � <br /> .—_ —�— _--_.. <br /> __f E . ,. _ — -�,----- — _- — <br /> rF – 1 �.�.. . . — - . --- . <br /> j4 <br /> �� \_L � .� ` . . . . ' � . . . . . . ._ . . � _ � . .� � . __ <br /> -- � ,� . . . . , -. _ ;, ., . �g�r"ifl350Q� � . �= <br /> „ , � � .��,��� - � �:,�� � - _ __ <br /> . . ���,1..eedei-,e�;nes. . . ,,,e,us�e. �`8o�co�ef su�cct�o s - - <br /> xhicb sha�l aot ix unce�on�blY withbcW. If Boaowa f�els to maiMain coveragc tkscribed abov�:l.ender ar,t�t:�t; <br /> s a m�p�,��y in accocd�cc with PusS�aP1s 7.. <br /> � ' t.eadet�s`opqo�tr,obtaint cotirerage to protocK Lende:�s tights' <br /> Alt fasp�Po�cies and�awwals shall 6e�oceptsibk ta lsader and s6�1!inriude a standard mort&aSe cfaate. Len�ler <br /> • sti�li h�ve thc rigbt mhoid the�policies and rrnewais. if l�nder requitcs.Botmwe��Aal!pmmPtlY giYe ta Leader ali nceipts <br /> __� <br /> --��niama.and nea�ralmtira�..�the las.c.6amwer shaU give panpt aotice m the insusw�ce carier and <br /> —— - -.. . <br /> Ler�de:_l.endccmaymakepmnf -- •- .�--- ._ = _ --_ � =-- <br /> o ss not maae 1?c�ft, � diali bc a l�ed[o restotatiort+�repair of . <br /> - U�Lende��nd Burrvwer dherwise agcc�in wriess�.ins�aace pt�cc�eds• P9 — <br /> -� i�tue�A+npeKY d�na8�if the�restoratt�u�u�r�p�r��s cc�t�;fessibte�-�ictder��ecz�n�y:���atJc.ccened_- tfihe -. . ��__ <br /> �uon oc iepairTs�wt cconosnical�Y fe�ibte o�t:e�r�secus+��r woald 1�tessened.the insuca�e-Eiroceeds-s6a116c_ � <br /> appiiod to the stmts secuced by ti�is Sccuricy In�n�wlxtl�er os not then due.with any excess p�id to Rorrower. If <br /> Ba�rowa ab�dans�he P�apecty,or does not aacwer wit�in 30 days a notice fram�c°the insuraix�carriec I� <br /> offend m satle a cW�n.tlxn Ltnder may oolkrt the.insiusnce p�+noxds- txnder m�y use the pmceeds to oepRir or�estae . . <br /> tLe pc�pqty oc w gay sums secuted by this Security Inst�unet�.wdether ot not thcn dne. Tt�30daY Periad wi{I 6egin when <br /> __�_ - ::: : t4�en�iccisgis�e�i:_,::. . _ � <br /> � " Unks�Lra�dcrand_B�ower o�erwise a�x in�vriting:wsy appSiration of��xeds to_�xincipat sh311 not extend or .— '- - <br /> • ' if <br /> pns�i�e:dt�date:af'ti#$�im1hLY.-Fa3!meats rcferred w in paragiaphs 1 and 2 ar change the amau�t of thc paryments. <br /> 'Z!.U�: is acquu�l by Lender.Bor[ower�right to any insu�ance poticies an3 procec�resuitin8 <br /> ,. ��' �l m l�nder to the eatent of the sums secumd by this Socurity <br /> ;;:,. '�'fitiva;�.::�����_• to tIu R�ope��osli�atquist� p� <br /> - "` ,sl.: .. iiunodiace[y prior td tba acqulBiUan. Bormwer's Lu�n Appliwtion: <br /> --- - ,;�:•�: Pe+e+esv�t� � � P�te�ion ot the Pe�opn't5�� <br /> .. �I,�s. Bo�mwer sh�1!accupp,establisli.ariH t�e ti�e Ptope�ty as�ormwex's pnnc�pat residertce within sixty days after <br /> as Boc�awer's i residetue for at <br /> __=- ` ti�e��on of this Security Iasuu�nent a�d sl�ll�n����upY�'�°P�`. �� —- <br /> __= k�,ac� year afte� the �ate of occupancy:,unless I.endcr ot6erwi'se a8rc�s`fn:;virriting, wbieh coasent sba11 not be <br /> unn�a�biY'witl�Geld,or unless eatenuating c��umsta�es exist wtucli`are lieyapd�a�nwec�s cc�nw�. �we wer�shaU <br />�_ � <br />'...�- ' desiroy,damaSt i���n?!P�ir dte Prope�ty,allow the NoPertY to deteriorsite.occc�h'twa5-uron the Prapercy. Baro . . _--- <br />:�;�:� .��;'•, - <br /> .:_ . . � be in dtfauit if�y.faifeiture aotion or�oc�din�whe�t civ�l or ctiminel��s�S�that in Le�r�'�t�d faith�udgmsnt —�_-- <br /> ���:` ,< . couid:c�;ult in fpr�aiture of the Pmperey or ahecwise materially impafr�die lirn created by this Securtty Inctrumer�ar - <br /> ` . Lefc��:securiry i�rte�sst. 9orroi±�may cure sqch a defa�It aad'pr�vided in paraSraPh l E�..b�!causirr�g d�e action: ;. �.= <br /> . ,. 0C � <br /> ., ar graeeeding to be d'�smissed w�te a(uling d� Exnder�g6od�faitl�determination.preclades forFctiturr.a�thie Bairower�-•" <br /> -•, � ;;;,unere�id�he PropeRy or oehet'�n�,'�:rt'd�,:�'�nt of the lien created by this Security iamument'oe Le�ci�r.'4.�y, ��"�'� <br /> �•'', � . • inC�'resi. Bocrower sbaU also b�•�t;ct��:'z:i€�.�rrower, during the toan:application pcocess, �av�:�rtaceriatty��_��; _ __ <br /> .• �..� <br /> :ti►a�curate information or statements ta�=Y(��ailed to provide Lender w•ith pny matenal informuti�sir�t!scanne�9��� ; =- ---- <br /> •�'.�a�,�evidenced by the Nae..iiletuding;,`�dqF�not limited w representations conceming$orrdwec c.�e,c�.pat�3:uf.i�t;:�: �. <br /> y,«•` '':��.:;:: �a princ,-Ipal residence: If�his Secnrity Instrument is on a tea5chotd,Borrower sha11 compty i�ti.�r��.�prov�siai�: . <br /> :;.:F. ih <br /> '.`.' ' ; '.,�ea4e. If Borrower acquae.s.fee`title to the Prapeny.the leasehold and the fee title stia�ma mergef�niis�L.ende[;agi'�e� , . <br />-- ;' ' • -•to i�e itxrSer in�vriting. , . <br /> -';,':;�, - T. PrMa��ori�:�o!l.ender'�s�Rights in,the Properly. If Bomnwer fa�.4 to perfarm.the cove�n�s.aad ageemen�v . . <br /> %;, ; consair�t in thi4 Secu�ity Insttumen� or ti�ore u a legal proceeding tha�i�.ay;,�ignificanQy affecr:Q:��i�r5 rights in the -- <br /> r� � propeity(sucb as si pi�oe`eeding in bankruptcy..prubate.far condemnatian�rf�►i�'e►sure or to en�arce taws��laaons).then -- - <br /> ` �:.,.I.ender qtay do for whutcver is ne�es-ies�'�to protect thc vaJue of t�e PYOpercy and Lendert ri�t�s in the Pto}�etty. �� __ <br /> „ '. ;t .:`�.'�'I:�ndei'§action4 ina�include paying any su�Srcured by a lien which ha:�ariority ovct:thic Security Instrument.appeartng �-� <br /> `':` ',,�', ' . in cou�.payin�r'Was�nable�+ttomey.s'fees artd:entering an the Prape�ty t�make repairs._altthough Lender may taka:actlan �'��'=w'" <br /> , �.� . . � ��_ � <br /> under this paragc�ph�.�nder dces nat have ti+do so. ' �x:'�• <br /> �:•�"�, Any amoums.;dos6ursed by Lender under`this paragr.tph 7 shaU t�sr�,additional debt of Horrow�r secured by�hi� �,_�_i': <br /> . ,f ��: "`"-== <br /> ��• . � Security Instrumenl. Untess Boaawer artd l.ender agree to�ther term�af payr,�ent.these Amoanxs shail b�a'intece�t from the �N.�v_ <br /> date of di�bursement at the Note.tate and shall be payabfe,witb intemxt.uyan notice�At l-endcr td Bonower requi�sting :��.�-:=- <br /> . , �.:.z - <br /> ' ,.. PaYmenG �.:�a_�-- <br /> . S. Mortg,�ge Insaranee. If l.endcr reyuimd mortsuge insurance as.�sonditian o3 inaking the loan.ecure�by this ,�.�. <br /> �:.'li;.�;--. <br /> ' .Jt Security lnstrumeal:.�i►rrow�er�l1 paY U:e,RtGmiums rcqmred to maintaae th�mong�ge in�urance in effect. If.f�r any s:._'.,�,x: <br /> •:� ; neason.the mortfince insurance ro�emge r..c�iciTed by l.ender fapses �r c�a�::•to he in effeet, Bnriower �hall pay the -� . <br /> .�. ��' ,�; premiums requiCVU tv:obtain�acerage s�ubSSaatially cquivalent ta thc rr�osag::�e inyun,incc prcviously.i�n cffect. af a cart s:;Y w �; <br /> �.' • subsR:antially equivatent to the cnct to Bartawcr nf the martgage insurancr��viautily in effect,from pn,bltemate mnr�gsge �.,�";g?�?= <br /> in�r�t l.ender. !r�bstantially cquivalent martgage in�urancc coverage is nat availabtz<Bvrower�ha(1 pay�� �.v <br /> - � i.�itdrs each mQnth a�um equal to ane-twelfth of the ye�rly mongage insurance premium being paid.b;'$oROweF ti+h•z,n Ihe ��_�__ <br /> �� - insosan�e cover�e IHgsed ar cca.�ed ti�he in eifec� Lcndcr will acccpt.usc and ret,un thesc paymenw::4i�to�s rcyerve in lieu _ <br /> . ' of mortgage in:urance. Lass reticrve p�ymcn�r may nc�langcn c�rcyuir��i::;3z she option nf Lcnck,r,�;�F�sortgagc inwrance ,,`. �-: <br /> . cavernge(in thc amoum and fcsrthe per�al�hat Lender reKuires�provide�l;lJ���:��x.�fi�uKe!�PP��ved b;Y Hr.�der ugain becames �';{., :,; �;; _�s;;. <br /> � ' availa6le and is,abtained.Berrarier shafl pay�he pmmium4 mquired tn m���suu:riii�ny�a��:�in�uft�nce ia effecb or to prnvide a Ta,.s.��,��=. <br /> • ' t' ` loss reserve.until the rcquimment for mvngagc inyur�nce rnd�in aCCUrd:��i.��fir��t��n)'!���l�n agrcemen�bctwccn BL•nower 41,yf�,.�;,��t�, <br /> .l;r, : . � , . ti:_!5,.h�..�;.:.. <br /> '��,�c' and Lender or applicahle law. ' �,� ' �:•; � <br /> �hti�• 9. IespecNon. Lcnder nr its agent may makr rea�anablc cntrie.uj�nih:md im�xclii�m of th�:•Prnperty. Lender,hall ` `` � ;;•' ; <br /> ' give Borrower nntice at�he time af or priar w an inrpection ti{xcifying re;�w.�i;,ble cau,e for�he iny{x.�:tfun-, ' ;� <br /> � . 10. Condemnation. '['he pracerd�nf:my:�wsud��r cluiui fur dam:��i+:� ur cun.reyucnti:�l;•}�i.c�mnection with any , <br /> , � 5ingli:95muty--F'annir�fae%FredAk�tyc t HFOR1t ItitiTpl'�1�:Nf�•t'mfunn Co�crt�+�,4!!J! lp�x��+.y.h�vi¢e�� �. ,"-'ti�;�'),�j'. <br /> ��: i:� t.;� i <br /> c�-rt 1 Aas�:i�u�o tuvu:Ir+�:� • ''�' E� t . <br /> �� �r ,. . , . . . <br /> ...�:��;f ' '. .. ., TufkAKl,db4NrJ7.�J�J370'11'ICU11�74fd1:11 � /�:.��i��1.._� <br /> ;'��:f�', T f. , . . �il�. <br /> �'�.:�4 �I�y - . <br /> �I..i�r7 �_ � , . . � y�(i�."itr, <br />. ' l.!, •y:__'� _ ..��.... r. <br /> ;�'`j'� wr�.r,R1�.i:i}�-�}e;F,,.�-�—`�-"�,- .,• .-•-_ _ __—_ . ,�, ° - r r � "dr,_„` i .--.-- -• - - . ,_ _ � {. <br /> '�j '� , , tl�•j, , , , r;t . <br /> , . . . ... .. ' . _ . � r,� • .. .. ,c; .. :�i.. <br /> ' it. ,,�', , . ' . , � . . . ' � . ' �u . . . <br />. .,. � . a:�-.- .-c -. . . ' . .. _ . , . . .. . ....._ . <br /> _ :y�' ' . . . .. . • • . ' . <br /> � .Sr�''�.-f-. . ' <br />._' " '_'�}, " :. ._ . . _. . . . . . . . .. ... _' ' . ' ' . . ._. . . . .'_ ' .. . ._..._ .. . . . <br /> � .��. . . • , ' .. . . • <br /> ?.'p�"•'. ' . • � . ' �. ' � . � � •. <br /> - '_V: . • . .. �. . . . . . . � . <br /> ��� . . . . .. . . . <br /> q.: . �. - . - . - . . . . . � , - <br /> S:_YI . . s' .. ' . � <br /> .: -.. '. <br /> , <br /> .._ ...__'��.� .'. . � � . � - � � <br /> _ . __ . . __._.. --- -= .... - - - - - - - - - --- - <br /> --._-- - -- ,--`-- ------- - - -� - -- - .. . .__.__. -- � -- ---. . _--_. __.._ . _ --- - - <br /> __..� . .. .. ... ., .. _�.._�_��-'�'— , �—, . <br /> ,� tti,.r - , � . .--- ---- ' .--"----� . . <br />. . . � '' . � - - ' _. . . .. . . � . ' . . <br /> . . . .. .. _ . . .. . . . .'. . . . . . . . - . � � . ' . � . <br /> _ _._, � . _ � : _ - -� ' - -• . - ,.. .. . � - , <br /> . �. .. � <br />