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T , . . <br /> ]4� <br /> _ 8�-�v�� " � <br /> -___., 17.'Prenst:r of Ihe RropeRy or a BsoeRclel interat In Bortowcv.If e11 orany pan of tho Properiy or any Intens�Iq+t _ _ <br /> 1�eold or aansferted(or If a Denoticlal taterest In tlortowa If sol0 or tromkrtod and Cortower b not a natural penon)wtiho6t <br /> Lendcr'� pdor writtem m�scn6 I.endcr may, ot lu opUon. Iro immedlaro payment in full of all wnu taurtd by thfe <br /> BecurllY InstNment.However,ihle optlon�hali not bo wccrcls�y Lcndcr If oxcrclm I�proAlbitcd Dy hdcrel law et ot 1ho d�te <br /> otthic Scsudty lnsnument. _ _ <br /> I!l.cnder excrcicea Ihh opllon,Lendcr nhdl gIvo Bomovrcr ndioo ot aaxlcreqon.'Iho notice chnll rovide e pedoA of not <br /> leu thnn 30 day�kom tho dnte tlw notice la deilvercd or maqed wl�hin whlch Qorro�rer musi pay dPwm�sowrcd by tAla <br />-,r,e�a� Secudry Insuument.If Bortowcr tafl:apay�Acse wm�pdor to�he oxpiretlon of Ihi�perind,Lcnder mey invoko my rcnxdia - <br /> perm�tted by�hb Baadtg InatNmcnt without Porthcr noti�e or demend on Oorro+ver. <br />__.-..__ t8� Borrower'� Rtght to Rdnstete. If Rortowu mate cer�aln condidom. [tortower ehall heva tho dght ro havo <br /> `'`""' entorccment of thl�Saudty Itisttumept dlaaondnued et eny tlme pdor to �ho cadier oR (o)! dnya (or ach nthcr pedod a+ <br /> , __ - <br /> --- applicablo law may cpealty for rclnstntunenq be[oro eale of the Propeny punuant �o any power of ulo comeincd In �his <br /> - Saurlty InuNmen4 or(b)eatry ot a Jodgment entorcing�hla Secudty InstNment.7Loso condi�lom erc that Bortower.(n)puy� <br /> :+��ti t.endcr nU eum�wfiich thcn would bo due undcr Ihis Seadty InstNment anA tho Note a+if no aoccicmtlon Aad occurtcd:(b) <br />,:';�.g cvree any defeuh of my other wvenanta or agrcemcnta;(c) e�II oxpensea tncurtcd In enforc{ng this Saud�y Instrvmcnt, <br /> includlng but not Ilmtud ro,rtawnable attomo7e' fas:end(�taka mch aaion as I.ender may rcasonably requlro eo nuuro <br /> •�-�":'� that Ihe Ifen of�hie Socudty Insuument, Lender�dghu In�he Property end OortowerY obllga�lon ro pay the anu sxurcd by =__ <br />�--�°`�� this 3xudty Instmment shell mminuc uachengcd. Upon rcinsietcment by Rortowcr, this Savd�y Instmnwnt end �ho -- <br />-�-_„.a=� obliga�lom seared M1ereby ahall rcmain Polly efkctive es if no acceleration hed uccurted. However,thla dght ro rNnatero shall = <br /> _ -_ not apply In ehe case of accekreeao c�der parqgmp6 17. <br /> `� 19. Salc o[Nate{Change aR I.oan Sen7xr. 7Tc Note or a panial intcrest in thc Note (�oge�her wi�h lhia Secudty <br /> �i Insuumenp rroy be wld one cr rsre t�nes wi�:aa pdor rotim to Dorroow.A eele may result in a change in the entity(known <br /> �,�z� es dx'Loen Scrvicer')�Aat coiSxti swnthly paymenta due under the Note and thi�Secvrity Insaument.71�erc elso may be one lv = <br /> ''`^.TA or morc chengu af Ne I.oan 3crricer unreleted to e mle of U�e Nata If therc is e chenge of ihe Loan Serviar,Borrower wlll be g�� ._ <br /> � ;j given wrirten mtiee of tlie cAanee in eccordonce w6fi paragreph 14 ebovic end epplicabie law.Thc notice will ateM�he namc end �j �1 � <br /> ':i tddrcse of ihe ncw I.oan Servicer and ihe eddrcss ta which paymcnls ahould be nwde.71rc notice will dso rnntein eny aher -:-: <br /> ��`��_ Intormeqonroquircd6YapPlica6lalnw. { :- <br /> 43f;�h 20. Hamrdom Substencee. Ilortower chall not cause or permit the prcsence, um, disposal, stornge, or rclease of ony ���"- <br />„�,��,�y; Heza`dous Substanas on or in �hc Propcny. Bortower shall noi do, nor ellow unyonc clsc ro do, any�hing a(tecting �he °;�-„'� <br /> Propeny that is in violation o(eny Environmemel Law."[7ic prmding nvo sentences shall nol epply to the presence, use, or .,�_-_.-.. <br /> :--,G srorege on�he Propeny of amell quantities of Hazardous Substonca tha�are genefally rccognized�o be epproprietc to nomial �- �:o�„ <br /> rcsidential u:ca and ta nmintcnance of thc Pmperty. yr 1 kh�_`, <br />�:;j=,����'� Borro�ver shall promptly give Lender written noUce of any ireestigation,claim,demand, lexsuit or other action by any �,�.,;;A;; <br /> -a �jFt govemm,ental or rcgulatory agency or privute pany involving ihe Prapeny nnd ony Humrdous Su6s�nnce or Environmenlal Law t ��y�: <br /> �c�%+ of which[tortowcr has ac�uel kno�vlcdga If Borto�vcr Icanu, or is no�ificd by nny¢ovemnxntxl or rcgula�ory omhod�y. �hat �4. ,. <br /> y eny rcmovnl or o�hcr rcmediaeion of any Hnmrdoa+Substence uffec�ing tM1c Propcny is ncecssery. Oorrower shall promp�ly toke �'i >� - <br /> J M14rt.i ell ncccssnry rcmedial��tlions in acwrdancc with Envirommcntal �t �%� <br /> :-�}'.,} As used in �his pafugreph 20, 'Hmerdous SuAx�antts'urc thnsc subs�ances defined os roxic or ha�ardom:ubsie�cs by <br /> �-��F EOYINNpVllltll L.uw a�u 'u`�c iviion�i�� SG`v+:uinis: $ti�i�x. a:h.:r l:aosr.ubl� c: tc.i� �::a!:um p!^..�_'t!_. [^!�C ��' -�•• <br /> u <br /> r r.. pe.uicides and hxibicides,rolmile solvents,malerials mmeining us6eatos nr(ommldehyde,and mdinac�ive mxterials.As uxd in �t,r%s^- ,;:: <br />.;;,r?�js; �M1is paragrsph 20. 'Enviromncmul Lew' means (cdcr¢i Im�s und Imvs uf thc�urisdieion wherc the Pmpeny is Inca�� that .�:��-�,_,i,;. <br /> ') rclaze to hcalth,wfety or cnvironma�al pmtec�ion. F %� `'t - <br /> f'_u' NON-UNIFORM COVENA4T5.Barrou•cr and Lcndcr furiher covcnnn�und agra as follo�vs: "t�y, ::• <br /> ot en�covenent�or�e rceme�tsln IhQeSCeun't�lnslrun ut rsAut�not Prlor tn atce'Ieral,lonrunder�F�a w`h�17 unl ss 5���;"��':�:: <br /> "'�r�,i,i Y R Y P � 6 P i rro nr•-,:. <br /> _: - epplirnble le+r pmvides��h.rnk.�.Thr nntire choll specifp: (el the defnult:fb)the aclion rcqulr to cure the defeulh ,� <br /> ' (c)a dnte,not Ics+thun 30 du�.from thc dntc the nmice li glre�tn Iturmwer,b}��rhleh the defauil must be cured;and ; r,l�r+- <br /> 1:'?1��,�,'� (d) thot feliure ta curc the defeult an nn c�forc the dote x ecltled In the nntice me reault In eeceiernflon of the cuma t'�-,'==�' <br /> - Af;� accured by lhls Saudq� In�trument unJ udc o(thc Properi�.Thc nnticc shell Nrthcr Intomi Rorro�rer af the right to '��_�' ��� <br /> ,_ .>� refnsfete uRer acccleration and the righ� �n hrin� n court nNlon to ataert the non•exLatence of n defnWt or miy other _ , -•'.`--� <br /> `_'?�'�-;- defense of Rormo�cr fn nccelerntian and sele. If Ihe drtaull ts not wrcA on nr hefnrc Ihe date specitled In Ihe notice, �"%��:�;-�-� <br /> °c;��' I.cndcr, et fu opqon, mn�� ufre immediotc pnr�iucnt In Itdl nf ull sum.seeurcd M��Ai.s Sccurit��la�irwnrnt xilhout N_�-is'ir;< <br /> r:•� .. <br /> ,y. Nrther demnnd and mxy�Ima e Ihr pn�er of adc and nm�ather remniin permittecl�h?�appliceblr Imr. I.ender shall bc f„- .:��'� <br /> .'.", entiticd to wllect xll expenseh incurred In parsuinF thr rcmedic�pm�ld.d In thiv parapmph 21.IndudinF.hat not Ilmlled :i�:`�:-.+��._�� <br /> ss it <br /> A� to,rensmreAle attar��s'firs ond mst�nf tlllc cridenm. � �' f��� -� <br /> - If the �uer of wle Is Inroked, Tnutm shnll ranrd n nnike nt detaulf In n�ch cmmlv In �rhich nny p�vt nf ihe i� __� ? <br /> 'f,,; Proprrty 4s nrnted nnd shnll mnil mples nf xuch nnlice In the munner prmcrlbeJ b} npplin�hle In��m Rnrco��er nnd ta � -;1.: <br /> r ' ihe ut6er penonr-pracdhed b}���pplirnble loa.Afler�6c Ihne rryuirM b� npplirnhle Ima zhnll gire pnhlle nnilee i. <br /> _ -�;SS of+nle tn�hc pers�m.und in�hc menncr pn�criAcd A� nppllcuhlc Ino."1'nntir. �dlhnu�dcmnnd nn Bormocr,shell scll .=; <br /> � _�� Ihc Pmperty at puhlic nuctinn In Ihe hi�hc.t 6fddcr nt the Ihnc und ph�cc mtd andcr�hr Icnn.da�l�nnted In�hc notice of - :l �' . <br /> . mlr In ane ar mnre pxnela und in en��arder Trusta dc�ennh�n. l'ru.t�r mn} p��tpnne vdc nf ull nr mic pnrccl n�tlic < _ <br /> + �.�� Ropert}� by publle nmmtmcerocnt ul Ihe �hne nnd pince nf nn� pre�InuQ� .chidaled wle. Isnder nr ik de.i�nce ma� ; <br /> : y. purchese thc Propert�u�un�.xlr. -,-_.('�� <br /> � <br /> ;i.:, <br />�:%��::�� �:�'�- - <br /> ��.-. �y Po�m3028 8180 {( .'�;, _ <br /> ! .� r.�s..•e � �4 p�' <br /> . '"(F'_ <br />:;'}�!i'�5� . <br />,�-.t:..' �.•. _ <br /> . <br />-., . . -_ <br />,__1�.:. .: <br /> . " . r.r•..r+xv:m�•.a.-�. _. <br />.-rrJ,... y .mqs^JC�C'M , ..-. . -... . �.:..n ._ _ _ . ' ._': . .Prl'.- . _. . . . . ' <br /> .. � .� ..�-c •� . . - . <br /> 0 ' . <br /> � /� <br /> _ -7'q 2 . /:, �_'.. <br /> �.Y .-[ ... . <br /> -" - •` . _.i;"r�::..- . . <br /> '�1� 4' ... � <br /> . �lr� :��� _ � . <br /> :�,`��'/•�� . ' <br /> •���� ��'�'� � . . . <br /> 'f <br /> � ! t ! • <br /> -w,�� '�c,) �sf.• _S' `. ' _ " . <br /> � <br /> \ � � <br /> I <br /> � `--` '. " _ - , <br /> ' <br /> � . . -... .. -� <br /> s- _ -..:i . : - �1 ' .' ' - _. _ . . . _ .. _ . � _ . .... _ .. <br />