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.. ` } �.' _ _.� . � . _ :� t� ' �. .-I ;. .ith�� ` . . .r. A +jSL'� 1'}Y -_ _ <br /> _ � . 1 ., _ w�Y-..7����f ft 1 — <br /> psymenG1 may n8longu be reQuired,a�OroopUonof L,cnper,itnwngogb insurannotf ioveroye pa 1he ddwunt�[qsN4�e►tad __ <br /> afi tetWer (�(ufrce)proviQed_bY��!SWU a�proYed Dy 6enQCr uqA►n bcapmw nvellab�0 iy�01s o6te1n9Q 8otrower�O�It yry : .� . <br /> ' �b p'rci�iiurt�l reqairtd Co malhl�lnmditg�a fnsuroncoln etJea,oe to pruvlQo a los�reseryo,andl:lhp�eQyfrcm�h�furmonga�a.� <br /> �-� iILa�RIl4DEild}�f{I�OOOfdR�.wiifiuryWdliple$tMU1tBtEiAWBE6&lYOWdiY➢GIE�Ef018��Wb�O�flW. '. ._ . _ .. - :_ _____ <br /> �' 0.�In+pKS�on:Lender ar Ip egcnt mqy mako rcawnebte eNrllb upun and inspatlom ot�ho Propcny.LenAer�Aalt give <br /> Dorcuwar notice et�ho tlmeo►nr pdor toen inspoctlort�peelfylnp rcasonable causo fot tho Ir�syatton. � -- <br /> !0.Condtmnstion.7fio proceede oi any a�vard or clalm for damagu,drtact or mnuqucntlel, In cannatlon with eny. r <br /> condemnetlon o►olher takin8 of a�q part ot tho Aroperty,or tor conveynnco In Ilw ot wndcau�atlon,aro hueby assigned anyt <br /> 6hLll 60 p81d lO 1.CndCT, r <br /> m�ne o��,�ore�o���+,�onna�o�,�.tho procoeds shall ba applled�o tho eum+scarcd by�hl�8eadry InuMm4��� ` " <br /> whc+he►or not then duo,with onY excae patd to Rorrowu. In tho evcm oi a panial taking of tha Propeny In whlch the falr <br /> mazka valuo of the Propucp Immediatdy beforo tho roktng 1�equal to or greaur tUan tM enwunt of�Iw euma sowrcd Dy U�le <br />: &curtW Insuumen�Invnodiatdy boPoro 1he�eking,untess Oorto�ver end Londer otheiwlso agreo In writing,tha wrtu�oaired by <br /> thl� Saudry Instmment shell bo roduoed hy the amount ot�he prooceAa mulilplicd by the fpllowing (realnm (e)�ho rotal <br /> amount of tho sum+sxurod Immcdietely 6eforo�AO taking,dlvidcd by(b)�he fnir markct valuo of the Propeny Immcdlatdy <br /> beforo the�eking. Any bnlmco shall 6a pild to Borrower. In tho event ot s partlel taidng ot the Propcny In�vhlch tho falr - <br /> marlcu vaiue of A�e Propcny Immediatoly 6eforo the taking Ia lesa then the emount ot the eunu securcd immedlately beforo qie <br /> uktng,unlus Hortower and I.enda othe�wlao egree in wdting or unlecs eppllablo law othrnvlao provida,tlw proceMv ehall <br /> he appNed ro[i�wme sewrcd by�is 3eariry Irot�ument whcther or not�he sum�nre then due. --- <br /> If tAa Properry i�abendoned by Borrowor,or it,aRar notice by Lender to 6orro�ver tMt�he condemnor oftero lo mako an <br /> awerd or satle e dalm for demaga, Bortower tails a arpond ro I.endcr wiihin 30 daye atter ehe date the notke u given, <br /> Lender is nutlarized to oollat and apply tAe prooerds,nt lu op�on,dther ro rarorodon or rcnalr of the Properry or lo Ihe eumf __.__ . . . .. <br /> saurcd by�hls Securiry Ina�ument,whetAer or mt than due. - <br /> Unless Lender end Borrower othernise a;reo in writing, any appllcatian of procecds ro principal shell not utend or <br /> postpone the due date of the nwmhly paymcma ttferted to in paregrephs 1 e�W 2 or change�M1e emoum ot such paymenu. �='^-^r-�-'_ - <br /> 11.Dorcower Nat Rdensed�Forbwrence By I.ender Not e Walven Extension ot the time for paymem or modiflcatlon _� <br /> of emortiza�lon of Ihe sums securod by this Security Inatmment granted by 4nder to any sucassm In Inierext of Borrower sAall ��"°=-- <br /> nnt operate ta releau the Iia6lliry ot the odginal Bortowcr or Borrower s suooessora in InMral. Lada�hall not be rcqulred 10 t��'`:�--- <br /> mmmenco proceedings ag�inst any suceeasor In interest or roPom to extend Nme fur payment or otherwi�modify anwnirauon �-���;;-_�- <br /> of the sum+ secmed 6 Ihia 3ccurit Ina�ument b rcawn of an demand madc b thc ori inal Dorro�vcr or Oortowcr'a �'"' ��-� . <br /> Y Y Y Y Y 8 �n?rt�.;-_-_— <br /> mcaswra in intercst. Any fo�bearence by[.ender in exerdsing any dght or remedy:hall na 6e a wniver of or prcclude the i�i;,:st��:�_. <br /> uercim of my rlght or remedy. ��,•',•';_ <br /> �2. Rumesson arid Aaians Bound;Joint and Seraal Liubilityt Co-signen. Thc mvereme end agramenu of thi� �'�:';s;l:;,;,_ _____ <br /> Security Instrumen[ shell bind and bencfit�he suttesson ond assigns of Lender and [inrtower, sufiJea to thc pmvi:lons ot �'Ff?:.'s�?i�.��,- <br /> :t•i.7.'�•:;..-__. <br /> pawgreph 17. BorrowePa covenems and ngreemrnta chell 6e Jolm and aeveml. Any Borroacr who co•signs thla Secudty t•«.t;���.;,�_ <br /> Insuument but does not exaute�he Note.(a) is m•sigfing thta Securiry Instmmeat only ro mongape,grant and convey that �.�g�F�,s, u-__ <br /> Dnrrowcr's imerest in�he Propeny undcr�he temxs of�hix Secudty Instrumenr,(b) is not personally obligeted ro pay�hc sums ���5� t,+y =. <br /> securad by�hia Security Instrumem;nnd(c)egras lhnt Lender end eny other tiorrower may egree to extend,modify,forbear or �".Rr! -r�s�s,,;,7;��_' <br /> F+..�F;,l'..,�:.—;. <br /> m�ke any eccommodueiona�vhh rcgord ta�he terms nt�his Securiry Insuumem or ii�e Note wi�Aoul that 13onower'x eonune. :s;r.::;ti;}p::_;�.�:,:. <br /> 13. Loen Chergee. If the loan securcd by�his Securily Instrument is subjM Io n law whic6 mt+maximum loen chqrgex, Yj,�':, �Sr 1 i�,�_f,_ <br /> ond IMt latv la Rmlly in�eryrctcd sn�hm ihc imercx� or o�hcr loan chnrges mllccted or to Ae mllattd in rnnncc�ion with�he a',)1y��'q `t �tii <br /> loan exceod the pemifned Iimiis, ihen: ia)any such lonn cAerge shnll be rcduced by ihc nmuunt necessury to rcduce the ehnrge );+�'e•}��a'�"`%-��~ <br /> a�n•�:P,._:- <br /> �o thc permipcd Ilmit:and(M uny wms drcndy cullected from [inrro���er�vhich cxcceJcJ pcmeiucd limi�s will bc rePondcd ro ;dr,::qa�' '�"�:r,,; <br /> Bonowcr. Lendcr ma choosc �o m¢kc ihix rcfund b rcducin ihc rinci I owcJ midcr thc Notc or b makin a dircn `s-='��>'������"j"`- <br /> y Y 8 P W Y B °;�.:\.'j4`•NMi`';_r_,.�,. <br /> p�ymem to (k�rmwer. If a rcfunA rcdutts prinri{ud, thc reduciinn wdl M1e tremcJ m a punial prcpaymcm wiihnm any "i�;�`����j��w,;;,_;-;_ <br /> prepayment chorge under ihe Nnte. ,j�^r�� ��v a . <br /> 14. NaNccv.Any no�icc�o Onrrnwer providcd for in ihis Security In.uunxnt shall hc giren Ay delivcring i�or by nwiling ���fY �f`�`'';�a� .-� <br /> i�Ay firx�clu�c nmii unle+s npplirnbte Imv rcyuire.u,e nf a�x��her metlnd. The nmice�hall he JimyeJ m ihe Propeny Address ��Y�.�1���s2d^':�-� <br /> ar nny other nddrc�s [iorrower Je�ignates Ay mtim to l.endee Any notice tn 1_enJer +lull be giren by fint clms mnil lo �iV�i� �� iD+`.�5:' <br /> Lendcr'.addrctc s�atcd hcrein or on oiher:�ddnsc l.cnd¢r Je+i na�c.b nmice �0 13orron•cr. An noti�e rovidcd fnr in thix `.jd;-�" s;�,��?�.j.: <br /> Y F Y Y P . .__�.,s�..,�•..........:.. <br /> &cnrity Iaammem shuil he decmcJ to harc becn given tn Ik�rro�ev or lxnJcr whcn given a+proviJid in this par�sreph. .'� J41!� �`_�.;'. <br /> I5. Coverning la�+: Severablllty�. Thi. Security In.lnunem .h:dl Iw ¢ovcmcd hy (edcral le�r and �hc lav o(�he �Y�;h'I`y�r4t --" ,. <br /> jurisdiction in which ihe Pmpeny is I.xa�al. In�he crent�6at uny provi.inn nr clau.e of�hi+Sewrity In.uument or�he Nn�e • ..j '.. <br /> mMicts�vith applicablc Imr..uch mn0ia+hcdl nm affa�rnhcr�hi.S�<uri�r Imtruuum nr�hc Nn�c whirh rrn hc ���:����:�%;:��F;����:_- <br /> given effM withnm�he cnnllicling pro.�isinn. Ta�hi.cnJ�he pn��hi.Srcuriq� In.�mmenl aid the Nnte arc declnred '.�:? � 1:-�_.�. <br /> v..�,: . . �y:i:- <br /> In 6c uvCfahla � ' - "r'.�o•:: <br /> 16. Bo�rov-er s Cop}�.1lnrrm�cr+hall I+c giacn onc rnuli�nn.d anp��of�hr\n�r and of Ihie Srandy In+tmmem. '��'� �� �+��-� <br /> �ris4`',`�.';��;.,.-�;: <br /> Fo�m3038 9�80 ����y((-:y�� -- <br /> .r�..�c [p.;�r, r <br /> 1;��<�. <br /> f <br /> 1.� , ' . <br /> �-�SiJ�`tit� .slI�fi_��}) 'Tl�a}�. :,��',:c-i.�.rrll�•e:�, .�...'i+V:.;•._ �KYiey{7ii3i /�i�e�1` �.'�('C:?.,'1Si;�.ZPY- . Y ' . <br /> ��i i;- 5 1 / ` ":t( �� l. � . . I � - ' - � . <br /> � nl {le r_�/r:n�/J, . . 1 I . . . . . . . <br /> � �:ii� � 4 - . r_ " _ _. _". _ " _ _' <br /> �� [ __v t��r_i�� � l . - .. .. . . . . _ <br /> F Tf.v <br /> �ir•:'J:. � �St. ��- . . . ' " . <br /> :�:� .�li. '(CY]^ �'t - <br /> .�`.r_ -�l�a .l.-.a. . . . _ ' <br /> 1 Y 1 <br /> �_`[� .•i! . a ' . . - . . <br /> _ r --.;�. r - .. . . _ _ . . . <br /> t- . ' .i. ._ ) ' ' . _ <br /> �� � �, t_. -. . . . <br /> v i n �•t - i}. _ <br /> 4 I _. . . . � • . <br /> l : . <br /> c,l�/���`.�� . t� � � `t _.i ., t�� . . - <br /> . t � . ;. . -, ' _ _, <br /> •:J. ♦ .1,.� , ..i_-•. . . . _.�i_. <br /> . r,.. � . . .. -. , l ...._ . -,.. .. <br /> . . ..�,-.. .,... . ... _ c . .. . . ...__. <br />