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'. • ._ ( .. . _�a l �� +. � i Yi-.; �` i i�- , � 3 � 3y��.iy�y ` ��14 ri . <br /> � 3 G.�.' - -. , .._: 1 --' � - . _ : '�Y7.w+l4qr 1 S � <br /> ° 'rc ._ -.. ;n -.; _ �.: � � ' °- � , <br /> ` 19.�1YAUtLeto�t4etMoBeA ar 8�n{eti�tdl�l�t ttd6ot►row��Itoliarar ��ha tt ranl'� t�altn$ _ ' `- <br /> u � � '� ���• �� , <br /> , ta�oldortnuuflrtrea(orlf�cltJ�nte�z�IlnHotlp crt�w)dbrupnakrted+u�d�oma eSlam� 1w �� � y ��� _ <br /> ;,. 1,��1de►'e pr a wdurn cp t.i.ender m►y a11ts opllon . ira toimeQlat6 paynxr�tJn��n)dt a�,F�sum���Ur^.�y�� ` . , <br /> �&��(qqqrrr I��.. . �.Nawevet,WsnptfbnshnjtnotMiexetZlad�yttnd':tUexeJCls9leQMh�b�t�dbY r � . <br /> i , a�N������N��ti1:optlob,.�Hds��1ui1 giva Borrowpr notlooqf eaxlqredom 711q nu4too�hcll proyido�. a4of�qt E .� <br /> `�° � leaf ih 3P dqy�from�ho date tha nof oe fd del�vered M'mellcd wf�in whtd�8orroµ�auAtWt eii cwre�rcdqy�� ; t1 <br /> Saur��y,instmmont.If Aortowee fail�lp�ay.tikse tum�pdor,�c tho sxplraqon qttdla palod;4enQ�moy Invoke nny t�Yhe01�f '� <br /> pemdttalpy thia Spa�iyt instnlment wlt out Autry�eWttp or Qtinied on 1lorrowee. �, <br /> 18: Oorroecr'e'RtsAt to Qtltuiat4. I�UD►rowcr mat4 �n coMitloN. BOrtowcr ��ll havo No �ant[o Mva' <br /> ° ' ' ' enforamrnt ot�hli Saudiy m `�ai � u �a. y,�tmo Qdor to tM earllu ot: (al J dqye(or auch.o�du�ad m- , , <br /> o�pplicsble Iewm�y specify �or te�tht ��10 d!Q�o pt6De+tY punuenl [o eny yoP'u ot eat6 conWadd in.Ws " � <br /> Savrity Instrvmenl:or(D)entry°}o14d������riqdiutiumen►.71row coMitbro acb lhas Bortbwoe:(a)p�y ' ,;. <br /> — I.enOer oll wms whidi Wen woutd 6b Cue.0 Ylii► diy In+triment a�d tho NPto a�If,no aooelennion hed,oxurtoA:@� "•:,:,,":�- <br /> - curw any detautt of nny othsr covcaann or agramentr,(o)p�ya ell axpense�Inarrod'tn cnforctng•ihle Bc�rlty'[nsw(�xnt, <br /> indudinS,bm no��Imttod to rcasomble auomdpi•Ccw;and(a)�alca wcU naiOn n�I.eMa mq roasonably tequtro ro assuro. <br /> �hat the Iicn ot fhb 3xuriry�mwmen4 l.a�du e dBhu In tho Property end H�tto�vcr'e o611aatlon ta pay the eums sowrCd by . • <br /> - thB Security Insuument ehali oontlnue•unchengod Upon rcinsutenunt by Oortower thi� SaudtY Iniwnsnt qn4 the , <br /> obiigatlon�saurad hercby cM1ill rcmefn fally offtdivo a�It no aooelentlon tud aawrtod.�io��evu,lhla dght ro rcins4{n stull <br /> na npp1y In tM caso of eacleta�Ion undm puegmyh 17. <br /> 19. Balo nf Notw CAange ot Iasn 8ervloer. 11�e Note or�qnlal imorat in the Note(togeNer with Wa 6ocUtl�y <br /> - Insuumenq m�y be sold ono or moro times nithout prlor notice to Hortower. A selo may rcauh in a chenge In ehe enNry(W�own <br /> as�he'Lom 3¢rvieQr')thet collxu monthly paymema due under the Naa anA Ihie SccurUy Instmment.71uro elao mey 6a ono <br /> or moro chenges of tM Loan Servlar unrcieted to a ealo of�M Noto.If thero Is a chxngo ot�ha Laan Servlccr,Bortowu wpl bo <br /> ; given wdtton nodco ot the change In naordance wieh pamg�aph lA above end eppllablo law.Tho notico wiU etare�he rome and <br /> •-�"`�� eddreas ot iAe no�v Loan Serviar md�he eddre.v to which paymeme should bo made.'ILe notico wili elso comaln eny other <br />,-::-:�;",'.i:.�i„� ��tlon requlred by applicabla lew. <br />':':�Eai�,��"•Y 20. Hazardous Substunces. Dorrower�hnll not enuce or permi�the praena. uw.dlaposel, etorege.or releaze of eny <br /> � ;e., : <br />�r'��y�,��E�� Ham�doua Substances on or In tAe Property. Iiorrowor shell not do, nor ellow myone else ro do, enything nffecting �Iw <br /> �.p� Roperty thet ia ln vinlation of eny Hnvironmcn�al Lew. 7fie prcoeding two sencentt�shall not epply to eha prcunce,use,or <br /> �+d�,�F`S-;� stolqv,s on ihc Propcny nt�mell quanHtie�of Hamrdoua Substenas ihet are generelly raognlzod ro bc approprlate ro normnl <br /> residemial uses and to maintenanoe of the Propcny. <br /> �,t�� �t,i.y Borrower nhnll rompUy give Lcndcr wdttcn noHa of eny Inves�igation.cleim, dcmand,Iawwft or othcr�aton by eny <br /> '��-�;??'"�Y}] ovemmemd or u eto ene or dvate n involvin �ho P end an Havardoua SLbstence or 4'nvimnmentd I��v <br /> � ���,;• @ rc8 �Y� Y � � Y 8 �� Y <br />�:�-:_��;�ti��� of which Ibrtower hav eau knowl ge. tf rto�vcr Icam�,or la noti ed by any�ovemmemel or rcguletory amhodty. �hat <br /> � ���., any rcmoval or o�hcr rcmcdletion of eny Hezardous Su6stnna affec�ing Iho Property s ncxssary.Rorrowcr shell pron�ptly t�ke <br />� ;��;_i,�;•�:} all naessary rcmedial nc�iom in eaoM+nco with Qnvironmemnl Law. <br /> As used In�his wuoq�aoh 20, 'Hazardous Substnnora' ere thou su6nances defined es toxie or harardou��ubsunces by <br /> �+�'��^�5^�� Environnunrel Lnw And the�Pollowin subs�antts: esoline, teroxne, other ti¢mmeblo or toxic purolwm p�aduw, io■ic <br />-::.��:.y,,: 8 B <br /> '�'t ' �.s� pesticides end herbicida.volatlle wlvenls,maurixlx mnteining acbes�m or formaldel�ydo,end mdioac�ivo metedels. As uxed In <br /> ;;`7�:'<?�?'; thlc pamgrvph 20, 'Environmcntal I.nw' mean. 4Aera1 Iaws ond la+vs ot the judsdiction whcm�he Propeny ia loa�ed �he� <br />�-�++«-���1�� rclaieroheellh,wfcty orenvironmenlal rotec�ion. <br /> ;�;..._,k;t�. <br /> r-t,J ,. NON-UNIFORM COVENANT'S. nrto�rcr and l.ender funhs mvenune nnd xgrcc nt follo�va: <br /> ., f �;. 21. Aceeleratlont Remedip�.I.ender shall give nattce ro tiorro�rer pdor ro euelemtion tolio�ring Borro�rer4 breach <br /> f�}!.e of any corenent or egrcement in thfs Security Insirument (but not prior to eeceleretlon under purogmph 17 unim <br /> %="�'3(i�= dpplicable lew providp othenv�sH.The notice shell apceify: (a)thc deTimfl; (bl the nctlon reyutred W fUfC U!C IICTUOII{ <br />-�:';�=�•%��Y��'�� (c)u date,not les+Ih¢n 30 deys fmm the d¢te the notice fy given to Borro�rer,by which the deteult must 6e curcd� ond <br />.-. .:n.. ., <br />-�--�:i;��y!�.�� (d) lhat feilurc ta cure fhe deteull on ar beforc thc date apeclil�d fn thc nntice roay m.adl in eeceleretion of the eums <br />-�� "-;�,�s; seeured 6y�hia Secudty InRrument nnd n�de of the Property. The notice sholl NMher intarm Oorm�rer of the dght to <br /> ''?;±:."�� ;� reinxtnte nfter accelemtim� end tM1e rlght m bring o murt ectlon to nnerl lhe non•ezl.�tence of n defeult or eny uther <br /> -'-'�`�""��r�'� detence oi 6orro�rer to aceelewllan and aale. ►f the detuult Is not cured on or hetore �he dote speelited In the notltt, <br /> ��%"��������� I.ender, et Its aption, mny require Immediete payment In NII of all xums sceurcd by�hU Sceudty Instrument�dthout <br /> .,:;{�...�',..�. <br /> i <br />,µ_;;_,S������ further demund and mwy invoke Ihe pn�rer of aalr und nny other remedleic permllted by appIlenhle luw. lsnder chall be <br />..�-'.ija�,��;r,;� enlltletl to mllat ell expensex Incurrcd In pursninp ihe rcmedles pmrlded In Ihti pamRrnph SI.Intluding.but nol limlttd <br /> � f�a+-"s�-� to,rensoneble aftamcy�hes and casfx nf tftle evldence. <br /> d .. <br /> � � . i�` If ibe u�rer of snlr Ix Inroked, Tru+tce ehall recnrd n nolice n4 defnult in rnch cnm�t• In �rAle6 any pnrt of Ihe _ <br /> � � Rnprrlv Is Pknled end shnll mnil mp�ee af xuch nntice In the mxnner pre.url6ed by uppllrn�le le�r ta 6orrower xnd to _ <br /> �-=�x'.,�,�:-,:_: t6e other pe�xmu pmerihed by applirnblr lux�.Aiter Ihe tlnx reyuirnl b�npplicuble la��.Tnu1ce shall give puUlie notice :. <br /> -.'-'.�.'{j��,:`= af wlc to thc person.und In Ihe menncr prcurtbed 6r nppllcnblr Ino�.Tn�stm, nithnut drmund un Borroxer,ihall ttll <br /> •=4f�;Y i.=-, the Pmperly nt puAlic uuctlnn M lhe hl�he.s1 bldder nt ihr time nnd plxm nnd undcr t6e tenns dalqnoted In Ihe naflct of - <br /> -,,.:�x,:r._,, xale In onc ur ntore pxrcrls m�d in en��nrdrr Trn+im detrrnilnes.Tru.tce unn� pnqpnnc snlc nf nll nr uny paml of Ihc _ <br /> "`;%�-'� Ptoperl�� by puhlic nnnouncemem nt the time und pince nf mq�prevlonal� .cheduled sule. I.ender or Ik dezigner me,r <br /> - -'�'•�: purchasetheRnpcn���lun}�+ulc. <br /> 1`y};i;; <br /> ''f,: � <br /> -;�:.-�;��, Fonn 3018 8�90 <br /> �;`�r- : v.s.s��e <br />- 'G�1.`:�`>t . <br />. ''t!'>}e� ". <br /> �!✓4� � °� ?Ai:i���r.� . .. .. ' .'.OP:- , . ., . . .. .. . . � . •. . ..� — . _. � :'i,r,r _ .', . .- ... <br /> .fj 1��s' ,'v= 1 . <br /> A -�.--, . , . - - • <br /> � .,.� -.�.; <br />..n..�,..�r,�l:F!....-- . . . . _ <br />�-:t`.,1 �ti:"14 i} ��-'•—,_"_ . - _ "- :_ <br /> �i'���..,.:tU�::. � <br /> r,yriC:v�-:'� S.� <br /> j : <br /> �:s�:.u��(a j�,.��:. . .. . <br /> i � � ,4 f '..'.i: _ - . . . <br /> ;.�ir7.i�L.h��':. • . . <br /> , - .�i . <br /> C, _ , <br /> �2�). =� -''' - _ <br /> � -��r� �� . . _ . , - <br />- :_.f�:��;:X,-�'�..;_...: � . - � <br /> �J�i�+1�: <br /> ta a4 i' - � . . - • . . '. _ -_ - <br /> °���� :� . . . . . - . - . <br /> i � r... . <br /> i t � . .. _:Y'.. <br /> !, 'i � . . -! . <br /> � �`�? +� . . �.� - . <br /> u ,! i � . . � . , _ .. <br /> . .i . '� ,. n _- � r. . __ ' . . . _. . _ . . _ . .. _ .. . . , . ___ <br />