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-_i•�. " i .. - i":�`.`fJlti -" ��r +' i�_ tj,- � <br /> . . . . . ' _ _ . . <br /> _. . . _ . .-+ .` . _ ' ; _ _ , _ 4 t?js'..4/; <br /> pAvp1�ntP��longtt��li�4,+tt�oop�tonofl�d�r�lt�wr►gagulnstusncacvret�i�Qdme����t��J�hapr�lQ�� t �-. <br /> , I�I�C+ �t9!���)P�4v d ,Oy en inturcr ePPmrod 4Y tt{�dsr�gdn 6a'Dmw avell�Eto uid!e cliWin�dt poa6qer r�i�4A! . <br /> �l��h5pztt�_requt�edtpmein nindn�a�elnwranrolnbttect,orroproviAeetbsrreaeN6:untilthbte4utRmititlotDlRIt�E4: •: <br /> Ip:ul6nWend�.iq eccotCa�foeal�eiawiittepqgioemeni►xietisnHqrrdwera�t.e+�deioi7pyt(p�biatew� - <br /> _ ' �.I�4pedion,_[�ndu nt Ite egent may makb rwsonabte enfifa i�on aad IHppp19�ot tho,Propeny te��e eJuli�ve' <br /> Rortowet notie0 at tho tlme ot or prior to en inspodion speeli�fdg rcasonable teutp�or�Ae Inspcctlan. ` `. <br /> ' L0,tbnCtmuation. 7fie pmoee4s of any awatd or clalm tor deliiega,d(tcct pr ooa�equendd,in aonn�cpoq W1�M1 pry1 �,s�'. '. <br /> eod0cmnntlon or other taking of any part ot t�a Propcny,or Tor conveyanee in Ilai ot ooi�demna�lon,aro 64�eby pssigiKd:p�. ',� ::°. <br /> ehall be paW to l.cndu. ' �' <br /> in tho event of s rotel tnking ot�he Property.thc pr000eda eM116o epplied to�a wma wwrod by thi�6ecYn�Y Uttmirtknt�' ' <br /> whW�er or not lhen due, wlth eny exoesa pnld to Oplronar. [n the ovent ot e partial teking of tho Propeny in�ahleh ihe talr ,I:` <br /> markq vrtluo bf�A¢properry Immediately betoro tAe taYing la cqual ta or gnater thon the emount of�ho eum�aauseA Dy tNe • � <br /> &arity instrument iuuncAintely batoro�he tatcing,un�ea�Bortower and LeMcr olhornico ngren In wriNng,tho suma cecurcd by � <br /> �hle &arlty lnawnent rhall bo rcdncod by tdo unounl of tho prooeedi multfplicd hy tho follo�ving fmalo�: (e)tll0 roW <br /> amount ot tho wma caurcd Immediatcly betoro Uw teking,divided by @)tl»felr merktl value ot the Propeny Immodietdy _ <br /> beforo the taking. Any balance shell be pald to Borrower. in tho ovent of e panlet taking of tho Propeny to which �Ae fdt _ <br /> metkU vWuo ot�ho Property lmmedia�cly before the�eking le lase Uwn 4�o unount of the wma�ocurcd�mmeClazd�'before�6e <br /> tektng. unlcsi Borrowcr and Lender oCosiwism agtte In wri�ing or unles�appliwblo In�v oNuwise providca,t�a pcooaada s��Jl <br /> bo applied ro the eurtu suurod Dy tNs Socuripr[astnuorra ahet�rr or na tlia wm�aro�hen due. <br /> Tf iho Rapeny�b ebandocad by Bono���er,or if,attu noNce by I.eaAu ro Bomower ihe[tho condemnor offws to m�ke en <br /> award or senle a clalm for damngp,Borro��xr teils tn rcapor.d to Leed:r�riNin 30 dayt afte�the dete tM notloa ts given. <br /> I.erder li authodzed ro mtitct end appfy the pr000edv,m its option,eitt�er to ratoretton or rcpalr of�ha Proptrty or to thx wtro - <br /> xwred by�his Secudry insuumem,�vAether or nat thea due. <br /> Unless t.rnder ud Bortower other�vix agrcc in aritlng, eny npplication of procads to prfncipal shall not extend or <br /> postpone the due date of tha mon[hly pqymenu rofured to In paragrephs 1 nnd 2 or change�he amoun[of�uch paymems. _ <br /> 11.Borrontr Not Re1a«edi Fotbearence By Lendu Not o Waiver.Extendon of tAe dma for payment or modiflcation = <br /> of emoNzation of ttic aums seeured 6y thie Sccuri�y lnstrument gnnted by Lendcr to any wcccssor In Interest of 8ortower ehell e_-_ <br /> not operete ta rclease ihe Ilebiliry of the odginal Ifortower or BortowerY euoowon in intercst. Lender shall not bc rcquircd to <br /> mmmenco proeooding�egeinst eny successor fn Interest or rcNse ro extend tlme far psyment or otherwiw modity err,onimtion <br /> of the sume eaured by thi� Secudry Inctrvment by rcawn of eny demand medo by the odginal I3orrowcr or fiortoxror'� <br /> wcocawn in intereat. Any tofheerenco by Lender in exercising ony dght or rcmaly slwll not be e waivu of or preclude�he -- <br /> caercl�e of any right or�emedy. <br /> 12. Sumsots arid Asigm Baundi Join[uii� Sevrini UeG�6tyi Co->Ig�a-s.��a �rranL• an3 ag.-��te of thL• --- <br /> Se�vdty Instrument slull bind pnd brne6t �he successon and assigns ol'I.ender and Borrower, subJec� ro tho proviatone of _ <br /> pnragraph 17. Ilortower's mvenanu und egrccments shall be joint nnd uvcrel. Any Bortowcr who co-sign+ thff Sceurity <br /> Instmment but doea not execute thc Note: (n) is eo-signing thia Savrity Inswment only to mortgegc,grent and anvoy that =-� <br /> Borrowcr's intercst in�he Propcny under�he tcrma of�his Socuriry Inswmenr,(b)is not persomlly obligetcd to pay Iho eums = <br /> saurod by Ihin Secudty InswmenC end lU agras�hm Lender end nny o�her Burrower may egrce ro extend,modify.forbear or -- <br /> uwV.e any a.wum�uJatium xitl�reg�cd lo the�anns of Ihfs Suudty(nstrumcnt ar the Nore�cithout th¢t Borrower'e eonsent. _.__ <br /> I3.Loan Charge+. If�he loan ucurcd Ay this Security Ins�mnsm is subject lo o luw�vhich seta maalmum loan charga, r.. <br /> end that I¢w is finully intcryrcced so ihat thc intemt or othcr Iwn clwrgcs rnllected or to bc collaud im m�nec�fan wiih �he r-�..� <br /> Iwn exeeed the pemdued limiis, there (a)uny wch Inun churge xhall Ue reduceJ by�he amaum neceswry�a reduce ihe charge - <br /> ro�he permiUCd IimiC und(b)uny sums alrcady rnllttted fmm Oorra�ver which ezcecded pemiined limits�vill 6e rcfunded to = <br /> Bonower. Lender may choou m mnke �his rcfmd by reducing �he princi�al aw�d under �I�e Note or hy making e diral �_ <br /> paymcnl to [brmwec If u rcfund mdnca principuL �hc mluction will It trcotcJ as u panl¢I prcpaymcnt �vithout any e-.•_: <br /> prcpaymcnt chugc undcr thc Natc. -- <br /> 14.NoNed. Any noticc tn Buvowcr praviJeJ fnr in�hia Securi�y Inxtrvmcm ahall t�c given by ddivcring it or by nulling = <br /> it by first clnei nwil unlc...applicnhlc lua rcyuircs nf anmhcr mc�h�d.The na�icc+hull hc Jircctcd to�hc Pmpeny AJJress = <br /> or any othcr addrcss [kxro�ver Jcsigmm� hy nrnicc to LcnJcr. Anr no�icc ro 4nJcr .hall I+c givcn by first cless nwil to =_, <br />- Lender's udJrcv,�n�nl lierein or any mher aJJreu l.ender deslgna�n by mititt ta Buvou�cr. Any nniice provided Por in this °"' <br /> Sccurily In.uument shall I+c JecmcJ lo hacc bern gircn�o Dorrnuer ur IAnJcr�nc�n giren m prrn•idcJ in this pungmph. [''": <br /> IS.Gorem6ig; Sererablllq•. Thi. S.turily In:irwnml �hall tk gnvcrncJ hq feJenl Inw and thc law of the F�� <br />�- jurisdictiun in ivhich tl�e Pmpeny i.4xmed. In �Iw c�em �hal nny provi.inn nr claux nY thi�Securi�y 6uwmenl ar the No�e ��'.�. <br />- mnilicls wilh applicaM1le law.wch nmflia.hall na�:dlcd o�hcr prnri+in�n a!�hi.Sceurny In.trum.m ar ihc Notc which can tic h-�.-. <br /> givCn ef(ecl�eilhnut Ihe cnn0iclin¢pmvi,inn.To�hi.cnd Ihe pn+�i.ia�n o(Ihit k�aurit�� Inamm.m anJ Ihe Nnle arc dalured �����- <br />- �o lx xcverahic. ��•- <br />� 16.Bormxcr's Cnp�-.tiorruxcr.hall l+c�i�cn�,nc.,mf.,nmtl rop� of�I�r Nmc and a(ihi.&rurily Oi�WnunL �,;C <br /> Farm 3028 O190 K:'•� <br />- >.,....�. k'� <br />_ ��.. <br /> e: : <br /> �"', <br /> -} ii�� ��{})7� �u.:-:.�� . . .. .�.-�dC7��,r:.-.�i•ir' vNV4:.":. ._ - r 'r' rnFNY�`'p� Ci. �r.;:v f. :r" �i '`. <br /> . � v� r�r � :. <br /> r � . obps , ', <br /> L...�_.:.(�k�S_1.�i S F(_�. ' " ;'!i_" ' �i - (` a <br /> , �__ ,�, _ — , . . "' '__ � - : {i <br /> � i:6 - . / ' . I <br /> j}t. t 't� t . � . _. . . - . �G� . .' � .';L �.'... <br /> y I<� . <br /> /t �! !}lf 1.5.) �rL _ _ . ` - , . <br /> _.S.'i ..t..4-�i. � . . . !f, . . <br /> f . <br /> i ': .. � <br /> ��� ':7.. .i.�' . ' . . - - � - . . <br /> l F • • <br /> � t �. • <br /> � / . /- �.11' /� . . ' • 1 . <br /> �'t �`�_[�'. ((` .', • " Il� I -'ln• � <br /> f ! � ! . �� •� ,. <br /> {f4 ',.( 2 d / _ _ - -', . <br /> <._..� . . � '�-_ -. . _ _-. � . ' .�,'.f _�. .�� .._._�'. <br /> .. _ . v. . < <.. � . .. . .. . ' . <br />